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The problem of simultaneous robust estimation of regression and scale parameters in the linear regression model is studied in the context of experimental design. Optimal M-estimates are given for a modified optimization problem of minimizing the asymptotic variances under bounded influence functions. This is done by reducing the multidimensional regression problem to the problem of estimating one-dimensional location and scale. For the location-scale case two subfamilies of optimal score functions are described in detail along with comparisons of the asymptotic variances and gross-error-sensitivities of the corresponding M-estimators. It turns out that, even for small gross-error-sensitivities, one of the subfamilies provides variances which are close to those of the nonrobust maximum likelihood estimators.  相似文献   

The properties of robust M-estimators with type II censored failure time data are considered. The optimal members within two classes of ψ-functions are characterized. The first optimality result is the censored data analogue of the optimality result described in Hampel et al. (1986); the estimators corresponding to the optimal members within this class are referred to as the optimal robust estimators. The second result pertains to a restricted class of ψ-functions which is the analogue of the class of ψ-functions considered in James (1986) for randomly censored data; the estimators corresponding to the optimal members within this restricted class are referred to as the optimal James-type estimators. We examine the usefulness of the two classes of ψ-functions and find that the breakdown point and efficiency of the optimal James-type estimators compare favourably with those of the corresponding optimal robust estimators. From the computational point of view, the optimal James-type ψ-functions are readily obtainable from the optimal ψ-functions in the uncensored case. The ψ-functions for the optimal robust estimators require a separate algorithm which is provided. A data set illustrates the optimal robust estimators for the parameters of the extreme value distribution.  相似文献   

We study robustness properties of two types of M-estimators of scale when both location and scale parameters are unknown: (i) the scale estimator arising from simultaneous M-estimation of location and scale; and (ii) its symmetrization about the sample median. The robustness criteria considered are maximal asymptotic bias and maximal asymptotic variance when the known symmetric unimodal error distribution is subject to unknown, possibly asymmetric, £-con-tamination. Influence functions and asymptotic variance functionals are derived, and computations of asymptotic biases and variances, under the normal distribution with ε-contamination at oo, are presented for the special subclass arising from Huber's Proposal 2 and its symmetrized version. Symmetrization is seen to reduce both asymptotic bias and variance. Some complementary theoretical results are obtained, and the tradeoff between asymptotic bias and variance is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the asymptotic theory of M-estimates and their associated tests for a one-factor experiment in a randomized block design. In this case one natural asymptotic theory corresponds to leaving the number of treatments fixed and letting the number of blocks tend to infinity. The classic asymptotic theory of M-estimates does not apply here, because the number of parameters and the number of observations are of the same order. In this paper we prove the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators of the treatment effects. It turns out that the asymptotic covariance matrix of the treatment effects estimators differs from the one derived from the classic theory of M-estimates for the linear model with a fixed number of parameters. We also study a test for treatment effects derived from M-estimates and we compare by Monte Carlo simulation the efficiency of this test with respect to the F-test, the Friedman test and the test based on aligned ranks.  相似文献   

Response surfaces express the behavior of responses and can be used for both single and multi-response problems. A common approach to estimate a response surface using experimental results is the ordinary least squares (OLS) method. Since OLS is very sensitive to outliers, some robust approaches have been discussed in the literature. Although there are many methods available in the literature for multiple response optimizations, there are a few studies in model building especially robust models. Assuming correlated responses, in this paper, a robust coefficient estimation method is proposed for multi response problem based on M-estimators. In order to illustrate the performance of the proposed procedure, a contaminated experimental design using a numerical example available in the literature with some modifications is used. Both the classical multivariate least squares method and the proposed robust multivariate approach are used to estimate regression coefficients of multi-response surfaces based on this example. Moreover, a comparison of the proposed robust multi response surface (RMRS) approach with separate robust estimation of single response show that the proposed approach is more efficient.  相似文献   

Robust estimation of location vectors and scatter matrices is studied under the assumption that the unknown error distribution is spherically symmetric in a central region and completely unknown in the tail region. A precise formulation of the model is given, an analysis of the identifiable parameters in the model is presented, and consistent initial estimators of the identifiable parameters are constructed. Consistent and asymptotically normal M-estimators are constructed (solved iteratively beginning with the initial estimates) based on “influence functions” which vanish outside specified compact sets. Finally M-estimators which are asymptotically minimax (in the sense of Huber) are derived.  相似文献   

This paper describes a simulation experiment that compares the performance, in terms of the size and a function of the power, of four two-sample test statistics based on M-estimators for location. M-esti-mates are chosen to ensure similar levels of breakdown point, gross error sensitivity and as far as possible, similar rejection point. Two pairs of sample size and six different distributions are involved. Matching 97.5% critical values for the statistics are determined.  相似文献   

We consider first the class of M-estimators of scale that are location-scale equivariant and Fisher consistent at the error distribution of the shrinking contamination neighborhood and derive an expression for the maximal asymptotic mean-squared-error, for a suitably regular score function, followed by a lower bound on it. We next show that the minimax asymptotic mean-squzred-error is attained at an M-estimator of scale with the truncated MLE score function which, when specialized to the Standard Normal error distribution has the form of Huber's Proposal 2. The latter minimax property is also shown to hold for α-trimmed variance as an L-estimator of scale.  相似文献   

文章从过度置信度视角考察了广义最小二乘估计量在四分之一轮换面板下产生的偏误问题,并提出了一种稳健估计方法来修正过高的过度置信度,进而提高估计精度。在一定的设计条件下,证明了修正后的估计量具有一致性和渐近正态分布特征等优良性质。模拟研究结果显示,与四分之一轮换面板下广义最小二乘估计量相比,提出的估计方法在保持相对偏差和均方误差基本不变的情况下,有效降低了过度置信度。  相似文献   

Statistical problems in modelling personal-income distributions include estimation procedures, testing, and model choice. Typically, the parameters of a given model are estimated by classical procedures such as maximum-likelihood and least-squares estimators. Unfortunately, the classical methods are very sensitive to model deviations such as gross errors in the data, grouping effects, or model misspecifications. These deviations can ruin the values of the estimators and inequality measures and can produce false information about the distribution of the personal income in a country. In this paper we discuss the use of robust techniques for the estimation of income distributions. These methods behave like the classical procedures at the model but are less influenced by model deviations and can be applied to general estimation problems.  相似文献   

The traditional mixture model assumes that a dataset is composed of several populations of Gaussian distributions. In real life, however, data often do not fit the restrictions of normality very well. It is likely that data from a single population exhibiting either asymmetrical or heavy-tail behavior could be erroneously modeled as two populations, resulting in suboptimal decisions. To avoid these pitfalls, we generalize the mixture model using adaptive kernel density estimators. Because kernel density estimators enforce no functional form, we can adapt to non-normal asymmetric, kurtotic, and tail characteristics in each population independently. This, in effect, robustifies mixture modeling. We adapt two computational algorithms, genetic algorithm with regularized Mahalanobis distance and genetic expectation maximization algorithm, to optimize the kernel mixture model (KMM) and use results from robust estimation theory in order to data-adaptively regularize both. Finally, we likewise extend the information criterion ICOMP to score the KMM. We use these tools to simultaneously select the best mixture model and classify all observations without making any subjective decisions. The performance of the KMM is demonstrated on two medical datasets; in both cases, we recover the clinically determined group structure and substantially improve patient classification rates over the Gaussian mixture model.  相似文献   

Additive models provide an attractive setup to estimate regression functions in a nonparametric context. They provide a flexible and interpretable model, where each regression function depends only on a single explanatory variable and can be estimated at an optimal univariate rate. Most estimation procedures for these models are highly sensitive to the presence of even a small proportion of outliers in the data. In this paper, we show that a relatively simple robust version of the backfitting algorithm (consisting of using robust local polynomial smoothers) corresponds to the solution of a well-defined optimisation problem. This formulation allows us to find mild conditions to show Fisher consistency and to study the convergence of the algorithm. Our numerical experiments show that the resulting estimators have good robustness and efficiency properties. We illustrate the use of these estimators on a real data set where the robust fit reveals the presence of influential outliers.  相似文献   

For a general class of continuous ( and marginally symmetric ) inultivariate distributions, based on suitable M-statistics ( involving bounded but possibly discontinuous score generating functions), shrinkage estimators of location are considered. These estimators are based on the James-Stein type rule and incorporates the idea of preliminary test estimation too. The main emphasis is laid on the study of asymptotic tdistributional ) risk properties of these est-innators, and asymptotic tin-) adraissibility results are also studied under fairly general regularity conditions.  相似文献   

The growth curve model introduced by potthoff and Roy 1964 is a general statistical model which includes as special cases regression models and both univariate and multivariate analysis of variance models. The methods currently available for estimating the parameters of this model assume an underlying multivariate normal distribution of errors. In this paper, we discuss tw robst estimators of the growth curve loction and scatter parameters based upon M-estimation techniques and the work done by maronna 1976. The asymptotic distribution of these robust estimators are discussed and a numerical example given.  相似文献   

A method of examining the uniqueness of estimates is reviewed, which we show to be flawed in that it neglects a continuity problem that can arise when simultaneously estimating the scale and regression parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper focuses on the problem of testing the null hypothesis that the regression parameter equals a fixed value under a semiparametric partly linear regression model by using a three-step robust estimate for the regression parameter and the regression function. Two families of tests statistics are considered and their asymptotic distributions are studied under the null hypothesis and under contiguous alternatives. A Monte Carlo study is performed to compare the finite sample behaviour of the proposed tests with the classical one.  相似文献   

We compare the performance of seven robust estimators for the parameter of an exponential distribution. These include the debiased median and two optimally-weighted one-sided trimmed means. We also introduce four new estimators: the Transform, Bayes, Scaled and Bicube estimators. We make the Monte Carlo comparisons for three sample sizes and six situations. We evaluate the comparisons in terms of a new performance measure, Mean Absolute Differential Error (MADE), and a premium/protection interpretation of MADE. We organize the comparisons to enhance statistical power by making maximal use of common random deviates. The Transform estimator provides the best performance as judged by MADE. The singly-trimmed mean and Transform method define the efficient frontier of premium/protection.  相似文献   

The paper considers the problem of finding accurate small sample confidence intervals for regression parameters. Its approach is to construct conditional intervals with good robustness characteristics. This robustness is obtained by the choice of the density under which the conditional interval is computed. Both bounded influence and S-estimate style intervals are given. The required tail area computations are carried out using the results of DiCiccio, Field & Fraser (1990).  相似文献   

小域估计是抽样调查的热点问题之一,其主流发展方向是基于模型的小域估计方法。但是这种方法依赖于模型的假定,若假定的模型错误,则估计效果很差。因此,利用对数变换和抽样设计权数得到小域的目标变量的稳健估计量,并通过模拟案例说明基于对数变换的方法是一种稳健有效的小域估计方法。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the Capital Asset Pricing Model under Elliptical (symmetric) Distributions. This class of distributions, which contains the normal distribution, t, contaminated normal and power exponential, among others, offers a more flexible framework for modelling asset prices or returns. In order to analyze the sensibility to possible outliers and/or atypical returns of the maximum likelihood estimators, the local influence method was implemented. The results are illustrated by using a set of shares from companies who trade in the Chilean Stock Market. Our main conclusion is that symmetric distributions having heavier tails than those of the normal distribution, especially the t distribution with small degrees of freedom, show a better fit and allow the reduction of the influence of atypical returns in the maximum likelihood estimators.  相似文献   

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