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编纂辞书,既是对已往学科知识的集大成和总结,又是对未来学科发展的奠基和促进,具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。改革开放以来,随着民族宗教研究事业的发展和繁荣,一些民族宗教方面的大型辞书编纂工作也相继展开。  相似文献   

方志编纂青海历史上高尚气力,人文不竞,虽设官建制较早,而地方志书的编纂则较晚。明代以前,青海无地方志。到明嘉靖时邑人张芝始纂修《西宁卫志》,惜早已亡佚。万历时刘敏宽、龙膺编纂有《西宁卫志》,杨应据编纂《西宁府新志》时曾睹残卷,参酌借录。该志原书亡快,...  相似文献   

毛泽东一生中与文书档案工作结下了不解之缘.他在参与领导中国革命和建设的过程中,在文书档案工作实践方面作出了突出的贡献.毛泽东在文书处理工作、档案保管工作及档案文献编纂工作等方面身体力行,为中国档案事业史上谱写了光辉的一页.  相似文献   

本文以民族历史纪年表为实例分析了过去年表编纂中的利弊,指出应打破以“年号”为标准的框框,克服长期以来影响我们的“正统”观念,解决如何看待历史上的“政权”与“民族政权”的问题,并对一些编纂体例上的细节问题提出了处理意见,同时指出应加强民族历史年代学的研究,以编出全面反映我国历史的新年表。  相似文献   

由新疆维吾尔自治区地方志编纂委员会和《新疆通志语言文字志》编纂委员会编纂的《新疆通志·语言文字志》,已由新疆人民出版社出版。 新疆维吾尔自治区是多民族的地区,也是多语种、多文种的地区,自古以来就是东、西方语言文字的交汇之地,至是新疆多民族语言文字的荟萃之处,世界六大语系中有三有语系的语言在这里汇集。《新疆通志·语言文字志》记述了新疆数千年来各民族语言文字的发展历程,特别是新中国成立以来,在中国共产党的领导下,自治区各级党委和人民政府认真员彻执行党和国家的民族政府和语言文字政策,奠重各民族使用本民…  相似文献   

《广西百科全书》即将出版、发行由中国共产党广西壮族自治区委员会和广西壮族自治区人民政府决定编纂的《广西百科全书》,经过两年多的努力,将于今年12月由中国大百科全书出版社出版发行。《广西百科全书》是广西有史以来第一部汇总广西各方面从古至今的基本知识、基...  相似文献   

本文以《西宁府新志》为视角,从编纂的时代背景、纲目结构的构思设计以及在西宁的政绩等三个方面,探讨杨应琚“大一统”的民族关系思想与实践,为构建新时期社会主义民族关系提供理论依据和历史借鉴,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

2006年12月27日,江苏省召开少数民族古籍编纂(回族卷)工作总结会议。中国伊斯兰教协会副会长、江苏省伊协会长伍贻业主持会议。截至2006年4月,全省共提供书籍、铭刻、文书档案、讲唱四类233个条目,经专家组评审,在完整性、可采用性、合格程度三个方面都获得好评,取得了阶段性成果,完成编辑江苏《回族卷》十卷。会议对下一步工作提出明确要求,  相似文献   

清王朝建立初期,文化方面面临着矛盾与融会接纳的发展趋势。结果是满族文化与汉民族文化融合,而对以天主教为载体的西方文化接纳是有限的。在认同中华传统文化的同时,其矛盾之处在于文字狱的迭兴和大型古代典籍集成式编纂等,而对天主教、外来文化则因统治需要和皇帝个人兴趣,迥然有别。  相似文献   

西夏岩画及西夏文题记的发现,为我们提供了一批珍贵的西夏时期的手迹和文物资料,借助于古今所编纂的西夏文辞书和历史、民族学、文学、艺术等方面的文献可以帮助我们更好地了解西夏人活动范围以及在宗教、经济、文化、军事等方面发展的脉络.  相似文献   

晋西北山曲、陕北信天游、内蒙古原绥远地区的爬山歌 ,体例相同 ,词曲相近 ,共同构成我国北方单独的一个民歌圈 ,其生成与清代民国时期的“走西口”移民运动密切相关。在“走西口”过程中 ,晋西北、陕北人口大批向河套及大青山前后地区移居 ,形成以山西河曲、保德人和陕西府谷、神木、榆林人为核心的“河府移民圈” ,人口同源支持了民歌共性。长盛不衰的雁行式“走西口”生活 ,不断刺激着民歌的创造与发达 ,使三地民歌的交汇共生走向高潮 ,在发展中推动了三地民歌的同质化过程。  相似文献   

Mass displacement in the Middle East is a major political challenge for contemporary Middle Eastern and Western states. As a consequence, statelessness has emerged as one of the central political issues in relation to the collapse and weakening of the states in the Middle East. Through deploying a qualitative inquiry and interviews with 50 Kurdish immigrants, this article investigates how members of Kurdish diasporas in Sweden and the UK conceive and experience statelessness in a world of unequal nation-states and hierarchical citizenship. Since diasporas are important non-state actors in nation-building processes, it is important to analyse their diasporic visions and the ways they challenge or reinforce the power of the nation-state in the context of migration. While from a legal or a right-based approach, the solution to statelessness is found in acquisition of a nationality/citizenship, I posit that in a world structured by the political normativity of the nation-state, nations without states will continue to be in search of national self-determination, political autonomy and sovereignty in the international comity of sovereign nations.  相似文献   

本调查通过对中国新疆喀什的一位乐器制作工匠的采访发现,维吾尔族的技能手工业是以维吾尔家庭为单位的,维吾尔族家庭的文化支持着维吾尔人的产业,并允许它在大规模生产和大量广告投放的今天继续生存下去,具体来说,维吾尔族家庭文化是制作工艺的强大后盾,所有权世代继承,同时客户也具有连续性。  相似文献   

论唐代前期"河曲"地域各民族人口的数量与分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
艾冲 《民族研究》2003,(2):51-60
唐代前期"河曲"地域人口的民族构成包括汉、稽胡、突厥、铁勒九姓、昭武九姓、党项羌、吐谷浑等七个民族,其数量与分布呈动态变化.贞观二十年前,"河曲"人口数量可达180,000余人,其中汉族、稽胡族人口约有50,000人,分布在"河曲"边缘地带,突厥族游牧于"河曲"东半部的夏、胜二州之间以及西北隅,昭武九姓居留在"河曲"西部的灵、盐、夏之间.此后,由于吐谷浑族、党项羌族、铁勒族的迁入,居民数量与空间分布发生新的变化.迄天宝元年,"河曲"地域的人口总数已达750,137人.安史之乱后,铁勒九姓、突厥、昭武九姓、吐谷浑诸族人口相继迁出"河曲",惟有汉、稽胡、党项羌诸族人口仍留居原地,尤其以党项羌人口增长显著,分布范围不断扩大,遍及"河曲"地域,成为当地人口的主体.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study the feminisation and masculinisation of migration and the insertion of the migrant population into the labour market in Spain and Portugal from the perspective of gender. Rather than focusing on the appearance of the demand for migrant labour in social reproduction work, we analyse the situation of both men and women in highly feminised and masculinised activities by studying the impact each exerts on the other, and the way in which this conditions the gender breakdown of the migrant population. We provide a historical view of the work of migrants in the care and cleaning sectors, comparing it with male migrant employment—mostly in construction—and analysing the gendered breakdown of migrant communities. We argue that, in contrast to the generally accepted discourse on the international scene, there has not been a steady evolution in the feminisation of migrant labour in Spain and Portugal. Instead, the presence of migrant women on the labour market fluctuates in accordance with a specific set of variables: welfare state and care regimes, immigration policies, historical links influencing the national origin of migrants, the housing situation, labour markets and the respective economic situations in the construction industry and in domestic and care work.  相似文献   

民族地区教师队伍建设的现状、问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在提高民族地区教育质量,促进我国教育均衡发展的背景下,加强教师队伍建设是提高民族地区教育质量的前提条件和决定性因素。基于我国发展民族地区教育事业的历史经验,针对当前民族地区教师队伍建设中存在的突出问题,在科学发展观的指导下,本文提出如下加强民族地区教师队伍建设的政策建议:充分认识在新时期加强民族地区教师队伍建设的重大战略意义,提高民族地区教师待遇,创新民族地区教师资源配置机制,加大对口支援与城乡交流工作力度,大力开展双语教师的培养与培训,提高民族地区教师队伍管理水平,加强民族地区教师队伍建设的研究。  相似文献   

Muslims constitute about 14% population of India and are the largest religious minority community spread over the length and breadth of the country. The minority community in question has been relegated to the lowest socio-economic stratum in Indian society especially after the partition and independence of the country. However, in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, Muslims are in majority constituting about 67% population of the state. In the current study, the Concentration Index of Muslim population, variation in literacy rate and work participation, occupational structure across region and religion, as well as the interrelationship between concentration of Muslim population, literacy rate and work participation in Jammu and Kashmir has been explored and explained. The present study is based upon secondary information obtained from Census 2001 and is also supplemented with government reports, published work wherever necessary. As far as share of Muslims in the sphere of education and employment in the state of Jammu and Kashmir is concerned, they have reported lower share among the population of literates, category of other workers and higher share in the occupational category of cultivators, agricultural labourers, household industry workers and non-workers in comparison to all religious groups. This means that despite being in majority, their situation is similar to their co-religionists at the all India level.  相似文献   

探讨史前拔牙个体的年龄和次数,对了解史前社会生活和社会意识、宗教信仰具有重要意义。认为中国和日本新石器时代的原生拔牙应该是青春期或成年期拔牙。中国新石器时代只存在一次拔牙现象,而日本新石器时代存在多次拔牙现象。这说明虽然同处新石器时代,但社会结构和社会意识有所不同。  相似文献   

张淑芳 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):76-82,123-124
The New Rural Cooperative Medi-cal System ( hereafter NRCMS) in Tibetan areas of Sichuan was started in Wenchuan in 2005 , and by 2008 covered all of the province’s Tibetan areas. This paper studies the effects of the NRCMS on im-proving the health of and alleviating poverty for farmers and herdsmen in Tibetan area of Sichuan. Most parts of the Tibetan areas of Sichuan are located in high altitude districts. Thirty two coun-ties of these areas are classified as “National Pov-erty Counties”. Poverty and disease go hand in hand in these regions. Kashin-Beck disease and hydatid disease are the major endemics in the pas-toral and agro-pastoral areas of Sichuan. Endemic, infectious and chronic diseases are widespread in Sichuan’s Tibetan areas. More than 70% of pa-tients are workers from 20 to 60 years old. Disea-ses are more prevalent in women than in men. Kashin-Beck disease and hydatid disease are cur-rently incurable. Patients suffer from health prob-lems, which leads to a decrease in their income and the heavy burden of medical expenses. The new rural cooperative medical system alleviates the negative effects of farmers’ falling into, or back in-to poverty due to disease. However, the existing medical compensation mechanism is not sufficient to solve the problem. The greatest impact of NRCMS on the farmers and herdsmen in Sichuan’s Tibetan areas is that the system has gradually changed local people’s medi-cal behavior, as well as their underlying ideas a-bout medicine: they begin to believe in hospitals. In particular, more pregnant women are choosing to give birth in hospitals, which reduces the rate of infant mortality and postpartum diseases, and im-proves the health of women. Since the full coverage of the NRCMS in 2008 , the number of people participating in the system has reached the overall average level of Si-chuan province. By analyzing the data before and after the implementation of this system, and meas-uring the impact of the system on people’s health, it can be found that the NRCMS’s role in serving the vulnerable population, such as the elderly and infant children, is more marked. Since the implementation of the NRCMS, all administrative villages in Sichuan Tibetan areas have established village clinics, which solved the problem of a shortage of medicines and doctors in those areas. Farmers and herdsmen have conven-ient access to medical treatment, enhancing the ac-cessibility of medical service. After the implemen-tation of the NRCMS, the health of the elderly population in rural areas has improved. Infant mor-tality rates have dramatically fallen. The implementation of the NRCMS improved the medical service capacity of township hospitals and village clinics. And the NRCMS has brought the township hospitals and village clinics into its scope of compensation, which greatly promotes the utilization of primary medical services in Tibetan areas. The poverty reduction effect of the NRCMS can be analyzed from two aspects:Firstly, the im-
provement in health leads to increased income, be-cause good health can promote labor productivity. Meanwhile, the increase in income will in turn im-prove the overall level of health. Secondly, the in-patient and outpatient compensation rate is raised year by year, which reduces the medical fees of farmers, and prevents them from falling back into poverty.  相似文献   

云南回族马帮的组织与分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马帮是一个集货物运输与商业贸易为一体的商旅组织 ,肇始于古代云南边疆地区 ,流行于云南三迤各族群及毗邻的东南亚泰、缅、老、越各山地民族社会 ,以及中国西南的川、黔、桂、藏和印度、尼泊尔等的广阔区域里。云南有回、汉、白、彝、藏等 5个族群从事马帮营运活动 ,但以回族马帮规模最大、历史最久。本文依据田野调查资料 ,对云南回族马帮的组织结构、地区分布、通商道路、营运货物等 ,作了系统论述  相似文献   

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