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Students with disabilities at 2 midwestern universities were surveyed as to their use of campus career-related services, their behavior regarding disability disclosure and accommodations, and their knowledge of ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act, 1990) employment-related guidelines. The results indicate that most students with disabilities do not use existing career development and employment services on campus. Students frequently disclose their disability to a prospective employer; however, students are less likely to request accommodations on the job. These trends may be explained in part by the student's limited knowledge of their employment rights under the ADA.  相似文献   

Many transition plans for students with learning disabilities suffer because (a) they often focus on the employment needs of students with more severe cognitive and physical disabilities and (b) they are not required until as late as 14 years old, sometimes too late for many students with learning disabilities. Lack of effective transition planning may result in inadequate postsecondary adjustment problems (e.g., under‐ or unemployment, restricted participation in community and leisure activities). The authors describe specific problems in transition planning for students with learning disabilities and offer suggestions for designing K‐12 transition plans that are uniquely suited for these students.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the career maturity and career decision-making attributional style of high school students in an ethnically diverse, southeastern urban school system. Participants provided information about sex, age, current class standing, ethnic background, type of diploma sought, career goal, and grade point average and completed the Assessment of Attributions for Career Decision Making (Luzzo & Jenkins-Smith, 1998) and the revised Career Maturity Inventory (Crites & Savickas, 1995). Results indicated a significant, positive relationship between career maturity and an optimistic attributional style. Young men perceived more control over their career decision making than did young women. Suggestions for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors assessed the career maturity of students in accelerated versus traditional academic programs. Students in traditional programs were hypothesized to be more advanced regarding their career decision making and development when compared with students in accelerated programs. The Medical Career Development Inventory (see M. L. Savickas, 1984) was administered to 441 medical students. Results showed that students in traditional programs had significantly greater career crystallization and career specification. Interventions are needed to further the career maturity and developmental tasks of students in accelerated programs.  相似文献   

Persons with developmental disabilities are not usually given the opportunity to make meaningful choices concerning career options. There are, however, five types of partial involvement in career decision making they may experience. Counselors have considered client expressions of occupational preferences prior to deciding on appropriate vocational goals, have merely asked workers to sign a prepared rehabilitation plan, or—at the highest level of client participation—have involved workers and their families in team planning meetings. Several recommendations for both systemic and personal interventions to facilitate career decision-making by workers with developmental disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of the Career Navigator program on college student self-rated knowledge and skill in the job search process as compared to a professional development business administration course and a no-treatment control group.  相似文献   

职业成熟度研究对大学生生涯辅导的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Super最先提出了职业成熟度的概念.作为描述不同年龄学生的生涯发展阶段以及他们作出职业选择的准备状况。本文以此作为重要的切入点,介绍职业成熟度的内涵和研究成果,并论述了其对大学生生涯辅导的三点启示:生涯辅导应多种形式并存、生涯辅导课程要有针对性、加强生涯评估工作。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of perceived career barriers on career decidedness among first-generation college (FGC) students (n = 149) and non-FGC students (n = 182) at a 4-year university (mean age = 19.3 years). Participants responded online to measures of perceived career barriers and career decidedness. Results indicated that FGC students scored higher on lack of support and lack of time and financial resources than non-FGC students. For both groups, higher levels of perceived lack of skills were related to lower levels of career decidedness, whereas greater levels of family-related responsibilities predicted higher levels of career decidedness. FGC student status moderated the association between perceived lack of time/financial resources and career decidedness. Further research is needed to investigate the differential effects of various domains of career barriers. Career counselors are advised to consider FGC students' perceived career barriers in guiding students' career exploration and decision-making.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of DISCOVER (American College Testing [ACT], 1991), a computer-assisted career guidance system, on the career maturity of 38 students (22 girls and 16 boys) enrolled in a rural middle school. Students randomly assigned to the treatment group worked with DISCOVER for approximately 1 hour a day over a 2-week period, whereas students in the control group did not have access to the DISCOVER program. Results indicated significant gains in career maturity among students in the treatment group (p <.05).  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is twofold: (a) to explore the career development needs and issues that are unique to Black sub‐Saharan African immigrants, with an emphasis on college students, and (b) to discuss how career development professionals can implement strategies to better serve these students. The number of Black immigrants from sub‐Saharan African countries has increased recently. Many immigrants are confronted with complex life decisions. Career counselors are in a unique position to assist. Theoretical approaches, with a focus on contextual factors, are discussed. Six strategies for career counseling practice, suggestions for their application, and implications for practice are highlighted.  相似文献   


Weiner (1999) has suggested that the process of accepting a disability and its associated limitations is often protracted for students with psychiatric disabilities, thus leaving many students unable to fully participate in services or in the design of academic accommodations. This research examines the relationship between psychiatric disability identity and use of academic accommodation services for 57 undergraduates with psychiatric impairments who are experiencing problems in their academic functioning. Willingness to utilize services was related to students' identification as having a psychiatric disability. Social work interventions are needed to support students in accepting psychiatric disabilities while concurrently crafting necessary accommodations.  相似文献   

Preparing students with learning disabilities (LDs) to make the transition into the world of work is considered an essential preparation that high schools can provide. However, existing services are limited for career development preparation, and available programs rely on assessments normed for samples of students without LDs. This study examined the predictability of critical career‐related constructs of dysfunctional career thoughts, career maturity, and vocational identity in high school students with LDs, using a sample of 139 such students. Data analyses were performed using multiple regression and t tests. Results indicate that it is possible to predict important career constructs for students with LDs using standardized instruments, which can inform subsequent interventions.  相似文献   

There is considerable diversity in the literature regarding age and gender differences on career maturity and career decision status. There is also a dearth of data on high school samples. The present study reports cross‐sectional data from 1,971 Australian adolescents, ages 12.51‐17.99 years, who completed the Career Decision Scale (S. H. Osipow, C. G. Carney, J. Winer, B. Yanico, & M. Koschier, 1976) and the Career Development Inventory (Australian; J. Lokan, 1984). Results illustrated a developmental progression in career maturity, although a less uniform pattern emerged with gender differences. Findings regarding career indecision also presented a complex picture and highlight the need to focus on other demographic and contextual factors.  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯规划对于大学生认识自我、确定人生奋斗目标、提高就业竞争力、提升就业质量具有重要意义,同时能督促高校提高办学水平,促进高校科学发展。但我国当前还存在部分高校对生涯教育认识不足、生涯教育脱离实践、缺乏个性指导等现状;大学生在设计个人职业生涯规划时,也存在对生涯设计概念、功效上的模糊认识,未能结合自身、结合社会需求进行生涯设计,导致生涯规划缺乏个性特征和指导意义。建议高校健全职业生涯教育的工作机制和服务体系,建立职业生涯规划体验基地,并希望社会各界给予高校生涯规划教育以必要支持。  相似文献   

The movement to promote improved levels of participation from groups under-represented in higher education which occurred between 1980 and 1990 neglected disabled people. The position has been addressed by the national higher education funding councils since 1992 and progress has been made. Therefore, it was surprising to find that, whilst certain social groups were highlighted, nothing was said about disabled people in the terms of reference of Sir Ron Dearing's National Committee of Inquiry. This paper describes attempts made to inform and influence the Committee. Next, it considers the Report itself. First, the recommendations for future policy which are directed specifically towards disabled people are discussed; secondly, the potential implications for disabled people of the general recommendations are explored; and thirdly, the supplementary report on students with disabilities is reviewed. The conclusion provides a brief overview of developments since the Report's publication.  相似文献   

This exploratory, qualitative study examined the opinions of social work faculty/instructors on teaching multicultural content with the inclusion of individuals with learning disabilities. It seeks to create a framework for understanding learning disabilities within the definition of a multicultural population and diversity in order to create a more inclusive educational atmosphere that relinquishes the focus on individual deficits that has long been the standard of education policy. This phenomenological research supports the groundbreaking work of Gilson and DePoy, who define individuals with disabilities as being inclusive in the definition of multicultural diverse groups, often termed unique cultures; these individuals, possessing shared life experiences peculiar to that group, possess unique social status, rules, and languages. Three hundred and twenty-six surveys were returned as completed from a state stratified selection method used to ensure accurate representation of social work educators nationally. The phenomenological format, which focuses on the individual's experiences, gives voice to individuals who might not otherwise have a voice. Adult Learning Theory is utilized as the framework to understand educational contexts that illuminate learning culture in higher education and support LD as a genuine population for inclusion in the diversity schema. Historical oversight of including individuals with LD in the definition of multicultural diverse groups is discussed and reasons for the oversight are explained. National social work faculty/instructors were surveyed and an exploratory survey was constructed to compare teaching of multicultural content. Ten multicultural diverse groups were defined, with the inclusion of individuals with LD, and qualitative questions were created and responses were coded into themes. Findings, implications, and limitations of the study are discussed along with supporting suggestions for more social work research concerning individuals with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Students who are homeless constitute a unique subset within today's school population; those who also have disabilities face even greater challenges. This article highlights the uniaue needs of students with disabilities who are homeless, legislative mandates for serving these students (the McKinney Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), and promising practices for overcoming educational and institutional obstacles to service delivery. Suggestions will focus on developing collaborative relationships at multiple levels, creating responsive systems through staff development and procedural revisions, and providing students with the social and instructional support they need to be successful.  相似文献   

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