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In an age of ‘permanent austerity’, growing economic insecurity may increase the demand for protection against labour market risks. At the same time, economic pressures may push governments to scale down on the provision of social protection. In this article, this contradiction is examined by focusing on reforms of two labour market institutions: unemployment benefits and employment protection legislation. It is argued that the incidence of reforms of both institutions follows a different set of logics, depending on the type of economic pressures as well as the political and institutional settings. The article makes use of a new data set on labour market reforms in 14 European countries over the period of 1980–2007. Results from discrete‐time logit‐regression analysis support the main hypotheses that (1) reforming unemployment benefits (UBs) does not follow the same logic as reforming employment protection legislation (EPL), and (2) factors that contribute to expansion/regulation are not the reverse of those that lead to retrenchment/deregulation.  相似文献   

Chile has adopted a package of free-market, neo-liberal social policies. This follows a pattern established by the country's largely successful economic policies. Neo-liberal social policy consists of a series of two-tier systems, which are not in contradiction with the economic model. On the contrary, a key function of the social policies is to supplement a dynamic style of capitalist economic development through a number of mechanisms. These include: improving the skills, education and health standards of the labour force; increasing savings in a privately-run pension system; reducing labour costs to firms; and providing a safety net to those whom the "trickle down" does not reach. The paper examines social policy in three sectors: pensions, health and education. It explores historical roots, present characteristics, and the degree of success or othewise of policy in these sectors. The discussion refers to the role played by the legacy of the Pinochet military dictatorship (1973–90), the interface between public and private spheres, the whole question of social policy in the context of fast economic growth under free-market conditions (and the possible presence of causality links), the changing balance of power between suppliers and users of social sector services in favour of the latter, the threat of market failure, and questions such as whether these policies have been successful and whether (or why) Chileans are prepared to accept this unequal two-tier system.  相似文献   

The lack of skilled labour pushes mature knowledge economies towards importing skills. Previous studies have shown that migrants' economic and social integration in their host societies depend on the recognition of their skills. Yet, the degree to which the certificates of migrants and their practical experience are recognised and additional training is offered, is contested. Interests conflict not only between unions and employers, but also among employers and unions themselves. We argue that social partners' preferences on foreign qualification recognition (FQR), recognition of experience and industry-wide training (in the following: FQR and related measures) are mainly determined by the existence of occupational labour markets. An occupational labour market segments the labour market and subsequently restricts access to these segments. FQR and related measures constitute a regulated avenue into these occupational labour markets, protecting these labour markets from an uncontrolled influx of workers. Empirically, this contribution compares whether and how hospitality and construction industries—two sectors that depend heavily on migrants and difficult to organise due to seasonal activity—recognise and remunerate foreign skills. The construction sector recognises and remunerates foreign skills to a much larger extent than the hospitality industry. Adopting the method of difference and based on expert interviews, the paper shows that the more social partners protect their domestic occupational labour market, the more they also support FQR and related measures. The article discusses the implications for migrants' wages and social inclusion, contributing to the analysis of socio-economic tensions in mature knowledge economies.  相似文献   

This article on the Italian case is based on recent trends in labour market reform. We critically review the reform approach adopted in recent years, mainly centred on marginal legislative reforms in employment contracts. The diffusion of flexible labour contracts, especially among the younger generations and women, together with a welfare system still based on employment seniority and job characteristics, have reinforced the segmentation of the Italian labour market and social inequalities. The absence of a negotiating strategy in introducing reforms has also increased social conflict. These trends ask for a comprehensive reform of the welfare system and for active policies to support labour market transitions, a reform which is increasingly considered in the current political debate.  相似文献   

Owing to a favourable economic situation and to national labour market and social protection policy reforms, Latin America has witnessed significant progress in social protection coverage. Some countries, however, have seen weaker progress, with stagnant coverage levels. Several factors underlie the extension of pensions and health care coverage and the formalization of the labour market: substantial improvements in the quality of employment, more flexible eligibility criteria for contributory coverage, and the strengthening of the supervisory and regulatory roles of the State. This article first addresses the link between social protection and informality in Latin America to show the relationship between informal labour markets, the lack of social protection and the scale of unpaid contributions. Also highlighted is regional progress in extending social protection as a result of labour market formalization. Countries in the region have used various policies to encourage formalization and these have also helped to reduce wage inequalities, since formalization has had especially beneficial effects on low‐income sectors. Finally, we discuss dichotomous views on social protection financing in the region that tend to place contributory and non‐contributory financing in opposition to one another but do so in favour of the latter, tend to support proposals for limited coverage, and which do not challenge the stratification of access to social protection. The move towards a convergence of benefits is deemed essential: strategies to universalize social protection in the region should not focus exclusively on increasing resources, but must address institutional change as a crucial part of the locus of innovation.  相似文献   

"农业产业化"的内涵及特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农业产业化是传统农业的升级过程 ,是农业生产力和市场经济高度发展的必然产物。它包括准宏观和准微观两个经济层次上的变革。较之传统农业有着本质的区别 ,具有组织一体化、关联紧密化、生产集约化、分工专业化、服务社会化等特征。是对传统农业进行彻底变革 ,使其适应现代科学技术和市场经济的需要 ,实现产业结构升级、产业组织优化、产业布局合理化的发展过程  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a longitudinal study that followed a sample of 1011 young people who completed their secondary technical and vocational education and training studies in Chile between 2011 and 2016. It adopts a mixed design that combines both quantitative and qualitative methodological strategies to analyse transitions and post-study trajectories. Analysis has helped to identify the prevalence of non-linear and unstructured transitions to the labour market. It has also shown the existence of education-work links and employment alternatives that are generated in certain sectors as well as identified how these give rise to specific opportunity structures that affect on aspirations and career pathways. Results indicate that graduates of the industrial area of study experience more substantive educational integration and labour links following course completion due to greater levels of alignment between their training and the productive demands of the industrial sectors. However, their experiences over the medium term are fragmented and, thus, reflect those of their peers from other areas.  相似文献   

This paper examines the two major conflicts between general practitioners and the state in the mid-1960s and again at the end of the 1980s. In the mid-1960s morale in general practice was low, but GPs emerged with a strong endorsement from government for their professional autonomy. In 1990 morale was high, but government succeeded in imposing a new contract on GPs that sought to increase their accountability. GPs have always defended their status as "independent contractors". However, the paper argues that GPs saw this status as a means of protecting their professional freedom and autonomy. When the government treated them more as independent contractors in 1990 and demanded more specific terms, GPs did not like it. Furthermore, the new GPs' contract was introduced alongside the new internal market of the NHS, which has had further implications for GPs' status as independent contractors.  相似文献   

This article will argue that recent disability services legislation has selectively interpreted the concepts of normalisation and integration to focus on employment for people with an intellectual disability as a major policy goal. It will be contended that the nature of the contemporary labour market is such that this goal cannot be fulfilled and therefore that the aim of enhancing quality of life cannot be achieved. The article recommends an approach to the reorientation of policy which is based upon a critical analysis of the cultural position of people with disabilities. In this regard, the notion of cultural productivity is introduced as a framework within which some solutions may be found.  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2002,24(7-8):707-738
Using a rural–urban computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, this paper examines the impacts of trade liberalisation on structural transformation and overall growth of the Ethiopian economy. The simulation experiments suggest that the impacts of trade liberalisation depend on wage-setting conditions in the urban region. With a fixed urban real wage, trade reform adversely affects overall economic growth mainly because of large contractions in the urban region. If urban nominal wage is flexible, both rural and urban regions experience expansion in GDP. An important policy implication of this analysis is that the success of trade liberalisation critically depends on the extent to which product and labour market reforms are synchronised. On the other hand, simultaneous implementations of nominal devaluation and reductions in external trade tariffs would not enhance structural transformation of the economy. However, this policy conflict does not necessarily arise if the introduction and implementation of different policy instruments of trade reforms are appropriately sequenced.  相似文献   

This study investigated if and how active labour market policies (ALMPs) and employment protection interact with each other in light of long‐term unemployment reduction. We argue that how well the interaction between both labour market institutions reduces long‐term unemployment depends on the level of economic growth. To improve analytical clarity, two types of ALMPs were differentiated, namely training and employment programmes. Using data on 20 European countries over 16 years, our results suggest that employment protection moderates the relationship between employment programmes and long‐term unemployment. The combination of high spending on employment programmes and less strict employment protection is associated with less long‐term unemployment. This moderation effect is stronger during an economic downturn. A moderation effect from employment protection on the relationship between training programmes and long‐term unemployment was not found, even when the economic climate was taken into account as a contextual factor.  相似文献   

The regulations of fruit trade for safe consumption are taken seriously in the EU and US markets to protect the health of the consumers, animals, plants and environmental safety, and thereby reduce health expenditures. The fruit safety regulations as trade policy measures could be either trade-promoting or -impeding. The extensiveness and intensiveness of fruit safety regulations in these markets often have consequences for exporters from Africa and their desire to attain sustainable economic development. The effects of fruit safety regulations are heterogeneous across economic agents. To this end, many stakeholders in Africa’s food system have perceived compliance with these food regulatory measures as necessary conditions to access the developed countries’ markets, particularly in the EU and US. Besides, the competitiveness of Africa’s fruit exports has been impacted by the preponderance of the measures despite its comparative advantages in the fruits sub-sector. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of the EU and US sanitary and phytosanitary measures on Africa’s fruit exports. The empirical strategy involves the use of an augmented gravity model which explore the disentangling of these impact at the extensive and intensive margins of exports. Given the nature of trade data and specifically for this study, the zero trade flows are considered at both margins of exports for 45 African countries from 1995 to 2017. This study finds that the US market is more trade-impeding to Africa’s fruit exports than the EU market. Thus, Africa needs policies tweaking in the fruit value chain quality infrastructure, fruits’ quality and standards enforcement, capacity development, continuous update and modernisation of the fruits’ safety laws, directives and/or regulations. This will enhance the fruits’ quality to propel their access to the transatlantic markets.  相似文献   

近些年来,随着气候变化影响的加剧,气候变化已经从自然科学所面对的问题转而成为重要的社会问题、经济问题和国际斗争问题,引起大家的高度重视。我们应当正确认识和对待IPCC报告及其他不同意见。坚持"节能减排"的国策,大力降低能耗,调整产业结构,淘汰落后产能。在国际上,我国必须力争应有的排放权和发展权。必须加强应对气候变化的科学研究,提升应对气候变化的能力。  相似文献   

Graham JR, Jones ME, Shier M. Tipping points: what participants found valuable in labour market training programmes for vulnerable groups
Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 63–72 © 2009 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. This article is based on face‐to‐face and focus group interviews with 72 people who have experienced ongoing difficulties integrating into Canadian labour markets, and who had completed a labour market training programme. Participants were representative of at least one (and often several) categories that inhibited labour market integration: low socio‐economic status, Aboriginal status, single parenthood, criminal justice history and being disabled. The major finding: respondents associated life skills rather than labour‐market skills with success in overcoming personal barriers to securing and maintaining employment. Life skills involved developing life meaning and interpersonal skills related to personal cognition and behaviours. Valued cognitions identified by participants were gaining a new perspective on life and realising that the past impacts the present. Valued behaviours identified by participants included actions associated with understanding personal characteristics and motivations, and building positive social support and social capital. These insights provide theoretically rich considerations for labour market training programmes and could considerably influence labour market policies and practices, particularly since most training programmes and policies are geared toward human capital (i.e. labour‐market skills) accumulation.  相似文献   

Welfare states are constructed around values and political and economic preferences, creating social relationships between the genders. As women increase their labour market participation, new patterns of conflict within families and around policies arise. In this article, attitudes towards family and gender relations among men and women in different age groups in Germany, Italy and Sweden are analysed. The findings show that national policies seem to influence the level of attitudes among men and women. Despite the differences between the countries, an overall pattern emerges in which both age and gender influence people's understanding of women's paid work within and between the three countries. Finally, some implications of changing attitudes on welfare state policies for gender equality are discussed.  相似文献   

This research focuses upon employment in the new economy, exploring labour protection and social protection in the digital age in China. Through an empirical survey conducted in three Chinese cities, social insurance and the labour rights of employees in the digital economic sector, such as gig employment, e-commerce, and various other forms of online employment, have been examined in-depth. This study reveals new regulatory loopholes in the digital labour market, which have substantially eroded the basis of social policy arrangements in China, “softening” participation in social insurance branches and compliance with labour regulations remarkably. Drawing upon the theoretical concepts of Polanyi on embeddedness and disembeddedness, we argue that the digital employment sector in China has been increasingly disembedded from social institutions and social control. The new configuration in the digital field of social policy requires novel conceptual models and institutional settings to cope with increasing social risks in virtual spaces.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of institutions on the unemployment duration gap between non‐EU immigrants and native‐born in 12 European countries. Going further than the existing literature, our study encompassed unemployment duration, distinguishing between exits to inactivity, primary and secondary employment. Additionally, we have provided a stronger micro‐foundation to the comparative literature by introducing institutional measures for unemployment‐related benefits at the individual level rather than merely using aggregate proxies. Our analysis found no disincentive effects of benefits for immigrants. Furthermore, the employment prospects of immigrants were better when the demand for low‐skilled labour was high, and immigration policy was labour market‐oriented. In contrast, employment protection legislation did not affect the unemployment duration of immigrants.  相似文献   

Nordlund M. What works best when? The role of active labour market policy programmes in different business cycles Int J Soc Welfare 2011: 20: 43–54 © 2009 The Author, Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. At what point in a business cycle do long‐term unemployed persons gain most from participation in active labour market policy programmes (ALMP) as compared with openly unemployed persons? This article studies this question from the perspective of individual human capital with the hazard of labour market exit and chances of future labour market stability and equal post‐unemployment income as output variables. All the long‐term unemployed in Sweden were followed on a four‐year basis, with 1993 (recession) and 1999 (boom) as starting years. The study shows mainly positive effects among participants regardless of the state of the market. However, ALMP training has a ‘bridging’ effect over different labour market conditions, and a quick return to the regular labour market is, therefore, not as important for the success of participation as it is among ALMP employment participants.  相似文献   

This article examines the nexus between professionalism and the representation of social problems among some young people. It considers how policy and professional interventions involve problem-setting as well as problem-solving activities. A central argument is that a primary effect of both professional activities and of major changes to the youth labour market has been an extension of dependency for many young people. No matter how young people experience the disappearance of the youth labour market, the fact remains: most young people have been permanently excluded from full-time work. As we reach the close of the twentieth century and without essentialising ‘youth’ it seems that more and more young people are unable to live autonomous lives that resemble adulthood until their mid-twenties. For some young people staying on in education, remaining out of the full-time labour market until their mid-twenties may not mark a dramatic shift in their experiences, but for other young people such trends have a dramatic impact on their life-worlds.  相似文献   

郭刚  侍晓倩 《阅江学刊》2012,4(3):23-27
当前,气候变化渐趋引起国际社会的重点关注,并成为国家利益博弈的政治、经济焦点之一。各国以追求利益最大化为目标,利益共享成为各国达成合作协议的基础和底线,也是国际立法操作性的砝码。若综合而前瞻性地看,气候问题的继续升级将打破国家间政治冲突之壁垒,世界各NA~-Jk-会更大程度地力促合作,趋向于“大同”治理。  相似文献   

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