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Motivated by a real-life problem, we develop a Two-Stage Cluster Sampling with Ranked Set Sampling (TSCRSS) design in the second stage for which we derive an unbiased estimator of population mean and its variance. An unbiased estimator of the variance of mean estimator is also derived. It is proved that the TSCRSS is more efficient—in the sense of having smaller variance—than the conventional two-stage cluster simple random sampling in which the second-stage sampling is with replacement. Using a simulation study on a real-life population, we show that the TSCRSS is more efficient than the conventional two-stage cluster sampling when simple random sampling without replacement is used in both stages.  相似文献   

Selected Ranked Set Sampling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes a sampling procedure called selected ranked set sampling (SRSS), in which only selected observations from a ranked set sample (RSS) are measured. This paper describes the optimal linear estimation of location and scale parameters based on SRSS, and for some distributions it presents the required tables for optimal selections. For these distributions, the optimal SRSS estimators are compared with the other popular simple random sample (SRS) and RSS estimators. In every situation the estimators based on SRSS are found advantageous at least in some respect, compared to those obtained from SRS or RSS. The SRSS method with errors in ranking is also described. The relative precision of the estimator of the population mean is investigated for different degrees of correlations between the actual and erroneous ranking. The paper reports the minimum value of the correlation coefficient between the actual and the erroneous ranking required for achieving better precision with respect to the usual SRS estimator and with respect to the RSS estimator.  相似文献   

A modified maximum likelihood estimator (MMLE) of scale parameter is considered under moving extremes ranked set sampling (MERSS), and its properties are obtained. For some usual scale distributions, we obtain explicit form of the MMLE and prove the MMLE is an unbiased estimator under MERSS. The simulation results show that the MMLE using MERSS is always more efficient than the MLE using simple random sampling, when the same sample size is used. The simulation results also show that the loss of efficiency in using the MMLE instead of the MLE is very small for small sample.  相似文献   

In this study, we define the Horvitz-Thompson estimator of the population mean using the inclusion probabilities of a ranked set sample in a finite population setting. The second-order inclusion probabilities that are required to calculate the variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator were obtained. The Horvitz-Thompson estimator, using the inclusion probabilities of ranked set sample, tends to be more efficient than the classical ranked set sampling estimator especially in a positively skewed population with small sizes. Also, we present a real data example with the volatility of gasoline to illustrate the Horvitz-Thompson estimator based on ranked set sampling.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of unbiased estimation of the distribution function of an exponential population using order statistics based on a random sample. We present a (unique) unbiased estimator based on a single, say ith, order statistic and study some properties of the estimator for i = 2. We also indicate how this estimator can be utilized to obtain unbiased estimators when a few selected order statistics are available as well as when the sample is selected following an alternative sampling procedure known as ranked set sampling. It is further proved that for a ranked set sample of size two, the proposed estimator is uniformly better than the conventional nonparametric unbiased estimator, further, for a general sample size, a modified ranked set sampling procedure provides an unbiased estimator uniformly better than the conventional nonparametric unbiased estimator based on the usual ranked set sampling procedure.  相似文献   

Estimation of the parameters of Weibull distribution is considered using different methods of estimation based on different sampling schemes namely, Simple Random Sample (SRS), Ranked Set Sample (RSS), and Modified Ranked Set Sample (MRSS). Methods of estimation used are Maximum Likelihood (ML), Method of moments (Mom), and Bayes. Comparison between estimators is made through simulation via their Biases, Relative Efficiency (RE), and Pitman Nearness Probability (PN). Estimators based on RSS and MRSS have many advantages over those that are based on SRS.  相似文献   

This article considers nonparametric estimation of reliable life based on ranked set sampling and its properties. It is proven analytically that the large sample efficiency of the reliable life estimator under the balanced ranked set sampling is higher than that under the simple random sampling of the same size, but the relative efficiency damps away as the reliable life moves away from the median on both directions. To improve the efficiency for the estimation of extreme reliable life, we then propose a reliable life estimator under a modified ranked set sampling protocol, its strong consistency and asymptotic normality are established. The proposed sampling is shown to be superior to the balanced ranked set sampling, and the relative advantage improves as the reliable life moves away from median. Finally, results of simulation studies for small sample as well as an application to a real data set are presented to illustrate some of the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a bivariate sign test for the one-sample bivariate location model using a bivariate ranked set sample (BVRSS). We show that the proposed test is asymptotically more efficient than its counterpart sign test based on a bivariate simple random sample (BVSRS). The asymptotic null distribution and the non centrality parameter are derived. The asymptotic distribution of the vector of sample median as an estimator of the locations of the bivariate model is introduced. Theoretical and numerical comparisons of the asymptotic efficiency of the BVRSS sign test with respect to the BVSRS sign test are also given.  相似文献   

We study kernel density estimator from the ranked set samples (RSS). In the kernel density estimator, the selection of the bandwidth gives strong influence on the resulting estimate. In this article, we consider several different choices of the bandwidth and compare their asymptotic mean integrated square errors (MISE). We also propose a plug-in estimator of the bandwidth to minimize the asymptotic MISE. We numerically compare the MISE of the proposed kernel estimator (having the plug-in bandwidth estimator) to its simple random sampling counterpart. We further propose two estimators for a symmetric distribution, and show that they outperform in MISE all other estimators not considering symmetry. We finally apply the methods in this article to analyzing the tree height data from Platt et al. (1988 Platt, W.J., Evans, G.M., Rathbun, S.L. (1988). The population dynamics of long-lived conifer (Pinus plaustris) (1988). Amer. Natrualist 131:491525.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Chen et al. (2003 Chen, Z., Bai, Z., Sinha, B.K. (2003). Ranked Set Sampling: Theory and Applications. New York: Springer. [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

When the sampling units can be easily ranked than quantified, ranked set sampling (RSS) is a viable alternative to the traditional simple random sampling (SRS). Much effort has been made for modifying basic RSS protocol with the aim of deriving more efficient estimators of the population attributes. Entropy has been seminal in developing measures of distributional disparities as a tool for statistical inference. This article is concerned with testing exponentiality based on sample entropy under some RSS-based designs. A simulation study shows that the proposed tests possess good power properties against several alternatives as compared with the ordinary test based on SRS.  相似文献   

Ranked set sampling (RSS) is a cost-efficient technique for data collection when the units in a population can be easily judgment ranked by any cheap method other than actual measurements. Using auxiliary information in developing statistical procedures for inference about different population characteristics is a well-known approach. In this work, we deal with quantile estimation from a population with known mean when data are obtained according to RSS scheme. Through the simple device of mean-correction (subtract off the sample mean and add on the known population mean), a modified estimator is constructed from the standard quantile estimator. Asymptotic normality of the new estimator and its asymptotic efficiency relative to the original estimator are derived. Simulation results for several underlying distributions show that the proposed estimator is more efficient than the traditional one.  相似文献   

The parameters of Downton's bivariate exponential distribution are estimated based on a ranked set sample. Parametric and nonparametric methods are considered. The suggested estimators are compared to the corresponding ones based on simple random sampling. It turns out that some of the suggested estimators are significantly more efficient than the ones based on simple random sampling.  相似文献   

In this article, a robust ranked set sampling (LRSS) scheme for estimating population mean is introduced. The proposed method is a generalization for many types of ranked set sampling that introduced in the literature for estimating the population mean. It is shown that the LRSS method gives unbiased estimator for the population mean with minimum variance providing that the underlying distribution is symmetric. However, for skewed distributions a weighted mean is given, where the optimal weights is computed by using Shannon's entropy. The performance of the population mean estimator is discussed along with its properties. Monte Carlo comparisons for detecting outliers are made with the traditional simple random sample and the ranked set sampling for some distributions. The results indicate that the LRSS estimator is superior alternative to the existing methods.  相似文献   

The spectral analysis of Gaussian linear time-series processes is usually based on uni-frequential tools because the spectral density functions of degree 2 and higher are identically zero and there is no polyspectrum in this case. In finite samples, such an approach does not allow the resolution of closely adjacent spectral lines, except by using autoregressive models of excessively high order in the method of maximum entropy. In this article, multi-frequential periodograms designed for the analysis of discrete and mixed spectra are defined and studied for their properties in finite samples. For a given vector of frequencies ω, the sum of squares of the corresponding trigonometric regression model fitted to a time series by unweighted least squares defines the multi-frequential periodogram statistic IM(ω). When ω is unknown, it follows from the properties of nonlinear models whose parameters separate (i.e., the frequencies and the cosine and sine coefficients here) that the least-squares estimator of frequencies is obtained by maximizing I M(ω). The first-order, second-order and distribution properties of I M(ω) are established theoretically in finite samples, and are compared with those of Schuster's uni-frequential periodogram statistic. In the multi-frequential periodogram analysis, the least-squares estimator of frequencies is proved to be theoretically unbiased in finite samples if the number of periodic components of the time series is correctly estimated. Here, this number is estimated at the end of a stepwise procedure based on pseudo-Flikelihood ratio tests. Simulations are used to compare the stepwise procedure involving I M(ω) with a stepwise procedure using Schuster's periodogram, to study an approximation of the asymptotic theory for the frequency estimators in finite samples in relation to the proximity and signal-to-noise ratio of the periodic components, and to assess the robustness of I M(ω) against autocorrelation in the analysis of mixed spectra. Overall, the results show an improvement of the new method over the classical approach when spectral lines are adjacent. Finally, three examples with real data illustrate specific aspects of the method, and extensions (i.e., unequally spaced observations, trend modeling, replicated time series, periodogram matrices) are outlined.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop an estimator for a population variance based on a multi-ranker ranked set sampling design. In a multi-ranker design, the units are ranked by more than one ranker allowing ties whenever the confidence level of the rankers is low. The ranking information of all rankers is then combined in a meaningful way to create a single measure. This measure is used to construct the sampling design and a new estimator for the population variance. The article investigates the bias and relative efficiency of the proposed variance estimator. It is shown that the new estimator performs as good as or better than its competitors in the literature.  相似文献   

Many techniques based on data which are drawn by Ranked Set Sampling (RSS) scheme assume that the ranking of observations is perfect. Therefore it is essential to develop some methods for testing this assumption. In this article, we propose a parametric location-scale free test for assessing the assumption of perfect ranking. The results of a simulation study in two special cases of normal and exponential distributions indicate that the proposed test performs well in comparison with its leading competitors.  相似文献   

In the case where the population distribution is unknown, the Kaplan–Meier estimator of the reliability function based on a ranked set sample with random right-censored data is first proposed. It is shown to be a unique self-consistent estimator. Then, the censored RSS estimator of the population mean is constructed. A simulation study is conducted to compare the performance of the proposed estimators with the corresponding estimators based on a simple random sample. It is shown that the ranked set sampling has higher efficiency. Finally, the proposed method is applied to a renal carcinoma study.  相似文献   

In this article, we are interested in estimating the scale parameter in location and scale families. It is well known that the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of scale parameter based on a simple random sample (SRS) is nonnegative. However, the BLUE of scale parameter based on a ranked set sample (RSS) can assume negative values. We suggest various modifications of BLUE of scale parameter based on RSS so that the resulting estimators are unbiased as well as nonnegative. Their performances in terms of relative efficiencies are compared and some recommendations are made for normal, logistic, double exponential, two-parameter exponential and Weibull distributions. We also briefly discuss an application of the proposed nonnegative BLUE of scale parameter for quantile estimation for the above populations.  相似文献   

Suppose two independent observations are drawn from Pareto distributions with known shape parameters and an order restriction on the unknown location parameters. An isotonic regression estimator of the smaller location parameter dominates a preferred marginal estimator under squared error loss, but fails to dominate under stochastic domination. The results expressed herein advance the theory of order restricted inference.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt is made to develop Quality Control Charts for monitoring the process mean based on Double Ranked Set Sampling (DRSS) rather than the traditional Simple Random Sampling (SRS). Considering a normal population and several shift values, the performance of the Average Run Length (ARL) of these new charts was compared with the control charts based on Ranked Set Sampling (RSS) and SRS with the same number of observations. It is shown that the new charts do a better job of detecting changes in process mean compared with SRS and RSS.  相似文献   

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