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Tests for the equality of variances are of interest in many areas such as quality control, agricultural production systems, experimental education, pharmacology, biology, as well as a preliminary to the analysis of variance, dose–response modelling or discriminant analysis. The literature is vast. Traditional non-parametric tests are due to Mood, Miller and Ansari–Bradley. A test which usually stands out in terms of power and robustness against non-normality is the W50 Brown and Forsythe [Robust tests for the equality of variances, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 69 (1974), pp. 364–367] modification of the Levene test [Robust tests for equality of variances, in Contributions to Probability and Statistics, I. Olkin, ed., Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1960, pp. 278–292]. This paper deals with the two-sample scale problem and in particular with Levene type tests. We consider 10 Levene type tests: the W50, the M50 and L50 tests [G. Pan, On a Levene type test for equality of two variances, J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 63 (1999), pp. 59–71], the R-test [R.G. O'Brien, A general ANOVA method for robust tests of additive models for variances, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 74 (1979), pp. 877–880], as well as the bootstrap and permutation versions of the W50, L50 and R tests. We consider also the F-test, the modified Fligner and Killeen [Distribution-free two-sample tests for scale, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 71 (1976), pp. 210–213] test, an adaptive test due to Hall and Padmanabhan [Adaptive inference for the two-sample scale problem, Technometrics 23 (1997), pp. 351–361] and the two tests due to Shoemaker [Tests for differences in dispersion based on quantiles, Am. Stat. 49(2) (1995), pp. 179–182; Interquantile tests for dispersion in skewed distributions, Commun. Stat. Simul. Comput. 28 (1999), pp. 189–205]. The aim is to identify the effective methods for detecting scale differences. Our study is different with respect to the other ones since it is focused on resampling versions of the Levene type tests, and many tests considered here have not ever been proposed and/or compared. The computationally simplest test found robust is W50. Higher power, while preserving robustness, is achieved by considering the resampling version of Levene type tests like the permutation R-test (recommended for normal- and light-tailed distributions) and the bootstrap L50 test (recommended for heavy-tailed and skewed distributions). Among non-Levene type tests, the best one is the adaptive test due to Hall and Padmanabhan.  相似文献   

Let X1,…, Xn be random variables symmetric about θ from a common unknown distribution Fθ(x) =F(x–θ). To test the null hypothesis H0:θ= 0 against the alternative H1:θ > 0, permutation tests can be used at the cost of computational difficulties. This paper investigates alternative tests that are computationally simpler, notably some bootstrap tests which are compared with permutation tests. Of these the symmetrical bootstrap-f test competes very favourably with the permutation test in terms of Bahadur asymptotic efficiency, so it is a very attractive alternative.  相似文献   

How to improve the fit of Archimedean copulas by means of transforms   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The selection of copulas is an important aspect of dependence modeling issues. In many practical applications, only a limited number of copulas is tested and the copula with the best result for a goodness-of-fit test is chosen, which, however, does not always lead to the best possible fit. In this paper we develop a practical and logical method for improving the goodness-of-fit of a particular Archimedean copula by means of transforms. In order to do this, we introduce concordance invariant transforms which can also be tail dependence preserving, based on an analysis on the λ-function, l = \fracjj¢{\lambda=\frac{\varphi}{\varphi'}}, where j{\varphi} is the Archimedean generator. The methodology is applied to the data set studied in Cook and Johnson (J R Stat Soc B 43:210–218, 1981) and Genest and Rivest (J Am Stat Assoc 88:1043–1043, 1993), where we improve the fit of the Frank copula and obtain statistically significant results.  相似文献   

A class of tests due to Shoemaker (Commun Stat Simul Comput 28: 189–205, 1999) for differences in scale which is valid for a variety of both skewed and symmetric distributions when location is known or unknown is considered. The class is based on the interquantile range and requires that the population variances are finite. In this paper, we firstly propose a permutation version of it that does not require the condition of finite variances and is remarkably more powerful than the original one. Secondly we solve the question of what quantile choose by proposing a combined interquantile test based on our permutation version of Shoemaker tests. Shoemaker showed that the more extreme interquantile range tests are more powerful than the less extreme ones, unless the underlying distributions are very highly skewed. Since in practice you may not know if the underlying distributions are very highly skewed or not, the question arises. The combined interquantile test solves this question, is robust and more powerful than the stand alone tests. Thirdly we conducted a much more detailed simulation study than that of Shoemaker (1999) that compared his tests to the F and the squared rank tests showing that his tests are better. Since the F and the squared rank test are not good for differences in scale, his results suffer of such a drawback, and for this reason instead of considering the squared rank test we consider, following the suggestions of several authors, tests due to Brown–Forsythe (J Am Stat Assoc 69:364–367, 1974), Pan (J Stat Comput Simul 63:59–71, 1999), O’Brien (J Am Stat Assoc 74:877–880, 1979) and Conover et al. (Technometrics 23:351–361, 1981).  相似文献   

The Kruskal–Wallis test is a rank–based one way ANOVA. Its test statistic is shown here to be a quadratic form among the Mann–Whitney or Kendall tau concordance measures between pairs of treatments. But the full set of such concordance measures has more degrees of freedom than the Kruskal–Wallis test uses, and the independent surplus is attributable to circularity, or non–transitive effects. The meaning of circularity is well illustrated by Efron dice. The cases of k = 3, 4 treatments are analysed thoroughly in this paper, which also shows how the full sum of squares among all concordance measures can be decomposed into uncorrelated transitive and non–transitive circularity effects. A multiple comparisons procedure based on patterns of transitive orderings among treatments is implemented. The testing of circularities involves non–standard asymptotic distributions. The asymptotic theory is deferred, but Monte Carlo permutation tests are easy to implement.  相似文献   

Positive quadrant dependence is a specific dependence structure that is of practical importance in for example modelling dependencies in insurance and actuarial sciences. This dependence structure imposes a constraint on the copula function. The interest in this paper is to test for positive quadrant dependence. One way to assess the distribution of the test statistics under the null hypothesis of positive quadrant dependence is to resample from a constrained copula. This requires constrained estimation of a copula function. We show that this use of resampling under a constrained copula improves considerably the power performance of existing testing procedures. We propose two resampling procedures, one based on a parametric constrained copula estimation and one relying on nonparametric estimation of a positive quadrant dependence copula, and discuss their properties. The finite‐sample performances of the resulting testing procedures are evaluated via a simulation study that also includes comparisons with existing tests. Finally, a data set of Danish fire insurance claims is tested for positive quadrant dependence. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 41: 36–64; 2013 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this work, we developed a robust permutation test for the concordance correlation coefficient (ρc) for testing the general hypothesis H0 : ρc = ρc(0). The proposed test is based on an appropriately studentized statistic. Theoretically, the test is proven to be asymptotically valid in the general setting when two paired variables are uncorrelated but dependent. This desired property was demonstrated across a range of distributional assumptions and sample sizes in simulation studies, where the test exhibits robust type I error control in all settings tested, even when the sample size is small. We demonstrated the application of this test in two real world examples across cardiac output measurements and endocardiographic imaging.  相似文献   

Under a randomization model for a completely randomized design permutation tests are considered based on the usual F statistic and on a multi-response permutation procedure statistic. For the first statistic the first two moments are obtained so a comparision with the distribution under the normal theory model can be made. The second statistic is shown to converge in distribution to an infinite weighted sum of chi-squared variates, the weights being the limits of the eigenvalues of a matrix depending on the distance measure used and the order statistics of the observations.  相似文献   

To carry out a permutation test we have to examine the n! permutations of the observations. In order to make the permutation test feasible, Dwass (1957) proposed to examine only a sample of these permutations. With the help of sequential methods, we obtain a test which is never less efficient than that proposed by Dwass or the permutation test itself, in the sense that it is as powerful and never requires more permutations to make a decision. In practice, we can expect to gain much efficiency.  相似文献   

Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random vector whose distribution function H(x, y) belongs to the class of bivariate extreme-value distributions. If F1 and F2 are the marginals of X and Y, then H(x, y) = C{F1(x),F2(y)}, where C is a bivariate extreme-value dependence function. This paper gives the joint distribution of the random variables Z = {log F1(X)}/{log F1(X)F2(Y)} and W = C{F1{(X),F2(Y)}. Using this distribution, an algorithm to generate random variables having bivariate extreme-value distribution is présentés. Furthermore, it is shown that for any bivariate extreme-value dependence function C, the distribution of the random variable W = C{F1(X),F2(Y)} belongs to a monoparametric family of distributions. This property is used to derive goodness-of-fit statistics to determine whether a copula belongs to an extreme-value family.  相似文献   

The authors propose nonparametric tests for the hypothesis of no direct treatment effects, as well as for the hypothesis of no carryover effects, for balanced crossover designs in which the number of treatments equals the number of periods p, where p ≥ 3. They suppose that the design consists of n replications of balanced crossover designs, each formed by m Latin squares of order p. Their tests are permutation tests which are based on the n vectors of least squares estimators of the parameters of interest obtained from the n replications of the experiment. They obtain both the exact and limiting distribution of the test statistics, and they show that the tests have, asymptotically, the same power as the F‐ratio test.  相似文献   

Without the exchangeability assumption, permutation tests for comparing two population means do not provide exact control of the probability of making a Type I error. Another drawback of permutation tests is that it cannot be used to test hypothesis about one population. In this paper, we propose a new type of permutation tests for testing the difference between two population means: the split sample permutation t-tests. We show that the split sample permutation t-tests do not require the exchangeability assumption, are asymptotically exact and can be easily extended to testing hypothesis about one population. Extensive simulations were carried out to evaluate the performance of two specific split sample permutation t-tests: the split in the middle permutation t-test and the split in the end permutation t-test. The simulation results show that the split in the middle permutation t-test has comparable performance to the permutation test if the population distributions are symmetric and satisfy the exchangeability assumption. Otherwise, the split in the end permutation t-test has significantly more accurate control of level of significance than the split in the middle permutation t-test and other existing permutation tests.  相似文献   

Situations where scale parameters are not nuisance factors to be controlled but outcomes to be explained arise in many contexts such as quality control, agricultural production systems, experimental education, the pharmaceutical industry and biology. Tests for homogeneity of variances are often of interest also as a preliminary to analysis of variance, dose-response modelling or discriminant analysis. The literature on tests for the equality of scales is vast. A test which usually stands out in terms of power and robustness against non normality is the modified Levene W50 test, however in the literature no test is found to be the most powerful one for every distribution. The goal of the article is to propose an effective method for comparing scales. More precisely, we propose a test for the equality of scales that, even though was not the most powerful one for every distribution, it has good overall performance under every type of distribution. This test has the form of a combined resampling test. It is important to note that non combined tests show good performance only in particular contexts. Size and power of the proposed test are studied via simulation and compared with many other robust tests for scale. A practical application to industrial quality control is discussed.  相似文献   

A common method of estimating the parameters of dependency in multivariate copula models is by maximum likelihood principle, termed as Inference From Marginals (IFM); see Joe (1997)  [13]. To avoid possible misspecification of the marginal distributions, some authors suggest rank-based procedures for estimating the parameters of dependency in a multivariate copula model. A standard approach for this problem is through maximization of the pseudolikelihood, as discussed in Genest et al. (1995)  [9] and Shih and Louis (1995)  [23]. Alternative estimators based on the inversion of two multivariate extensions of Kendall’s tau, due to Kendall and Babington Smith (1940)  [14] and Joe (1990)  [12], were used in Genest et al. (2011)  [10]. In the literature, dependency of data was considered in the whole data space. However, it may be better to divide the data set into two distinct sets, lower and higher than a threshold, and then evaluate the dependency parameters in these sets. In this way, we may have different dependency parameters in these sets which may shed additional light. For example, in drought analysis, precipitation and minimum temperature may be modeled using copulas in which case we can infer that dependency between precipitation and minimum temperature are severe when they are less than a certain threshold. In this paper, after introducing trimmed Kendall’s tau when such a threshold is imposed, we consider modeling dependency using it as a measure. Asymptotic distribution of trimmed Kendall’s tau is also investigated, and a test for the null hypothesis of equality between Kendall’s tau and trimmed Kendall’s tau is constructed. We can use this hypothesis testing procedure for testing the hypothesis that data are dependent before a threshold value and are independent after the threshold. An explicit form of the asymptotic distribution of trimmed Kendall’s tau and of the mentioned test statistic are also derived for some special families of copulas. Finally, the results of a simulation study and an illustrative example are provided.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo simulation evaluated five pairwise multiple comparison procedures for controlling Type I error rates, any-pair power, and all-pairs power. Realistic conditions of non-normality were based on a previous survey. Variance ratios were varied from 1:1 to 64:1. Procedures evaluated included Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) preceded by an F test, the Hayter–Fisher, the Games–Howell preceded by an F test, the Pertiz with F tests, and the Peritz with Alexander–Govern tests. Tukey's procedure shows the greatest robustness in Type I error control. Any-pair power is generally best with one of the Peritz procedures. All-pairs power is best with the Pertiz F test procedure. However, Tukey's HSD preceded by the Alexander–Govern F test may provide the best combination for controlling Type I and power rates in a variety of conditions of non-normality and variance heterogeneity.  相似文献   


We consider independence tests and the methods to evaluate their efficiency. First, we observe that many of the most used independence tests are functions of the empirical copula, which is a sufficient statistic. Hence, the power of these tests, such as the tests based on Spearman's ρ, on Kendall's τ, and on Gini's γ, depend solely on the theoretical copula, and not on the marginal distributions. Then, we consider monotone dependence tests and we propose a parametric model to define the power function. Such a model is based on a path of copulas, from the copula of discordance to the copula of concordance, and can be characterized by the copula of the underlying joint distribution. Moreover, we introduce a consistent estimator of the path of copulas. Finally, we provide some examples of applications, and in particular, a bootstrap-plug-in estimator of the power curve, all useful for power comparison.  相似文献   

Multivariate hypothesis testing in studies of vegetation is likely to be hindered by unrealistic assumptions when based on conventional statistical methods. This can be overcome by randomization tests. In this paper, the accuracy and power of a MANOVA randomization test are evaluated for one and two factors with interaction with simulated data from three distributions. The randomization test is based on the partitioning of sum of squares computed from Euclidean distances. In one-factor designs, sample size and variance inequality were evaluated. The results showed a high level of accuracy. The power curve was higher with normal distribution, lower with uniform, intermediate with lognormal and was sensitive to variance inequality. In two-factor designs, three methods of permutations and two statistics were compared. The results showed that permutation of the residuals with F pseudo is accurate and can give good power for testing the interaction and restricted permutation for testing main factors.  相似文献   

Three tests are considered concerning the common mean of two normal populations: (1) an F test based on a sample from one population, (2) a test based on the addition of the F statistics from independent samples from two popultions (proposed), and (3) a test based on the maximum of the F statistics from two independent samples from two populations. A condition under which test (2) is locally more powerful than test (1) is given. As the test statistic in test (2) does not follow a standard distribution, a formula for approximating the observed significance level is provided. A simulation study is used to compare the power of these tests.  相似文献   

Judges rank k out of t objects according to m replic ations of abasic balanced incomplete block design with bblocks. In Alvo and Cabilio(1991),it is shown that the Durbin test, which is the usual test in this situation, can be written in terms of Spearman correlations between the blocks, and using a Kendall correlation, they generated a new statistic for this situation.This Kendall tau based statistic has a richer support than the Durbin statistic, and is at least as efficient.In the present paper,exact and simulation based tables are generated for both statistics, and various approximations to these null distributions are considered and compared.  相似文献   

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