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We consider estimating the mode of a response given an error‐prone covariate. It is shown that ignoring measurement error typically leads to inconsistent inference for the conditional mode of the response given the true covariate, as well as misleading inference for regression coefficients in the conditional mode model. To account for measurement error, we first employ the Monte Carlo corrected score method (Novick & Stefanski, 2002) to obtain an unbiased score function based on which the regression coefficients can be estimated consistently. To relax the normality assumption on measurement error this method requires, we propose another method where deconvoluting kernels are used to construct an objective function that is maximized to obtain consistent estimators of the regression coefficients. Besides rigorous investigation on asymptotic properties of the new estimators, we study their finite sample performance via extensive simulation experiments, and find that the proposed methods substantially outperform a naive inference method that ignores measurement error. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 262–280; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

A general methodology is presented for finding suitable Poisson log-linear models with applications to multiway contingency tables. Mixtures of multivariate normal distributions are used to model prior opinion when a subset of the regression vector is believed to be nonzero. This prior distribution is studied for two- and three-way contingency tables, in which the regression coefficients are interpretable in terms of odds ratios in the table. Efficient and accurate schemes are proposed for calculating the posterior model probabilities. The methods are illustrated for a large number of two-way simulated tables and for two three-way tables. These methods appear to be useful in selecting the best log-linear model and in estimating parameters of interest that reflect uncertainty in the true model.  相似文献   

Sequential regression multiple imputation has emerged as a popular approach for handling incomplete data with complex features. In this approach, imputations for each missing variable are produced based on a regression model using other variables as predictors in a cyclic manner. Normality assumption is frequently imposed for the error distributions in the conditional regression models for continuous variables, despite that it rarely holds in real scenarios. We use a simulation study to investigate the performance of several sequential regression imputation methods when the error distribution is flat or heavy tailed. The methods evaluated include the sequential normal imputation and its several extensions which adjust for non normal error terms. The results show that all methods perform well for estimating the marginal mean and proportion, as well as the regression coefficient when the error distribution is flat or moderately heavy tailed. When the error distribution is strongly heavy tailed, all methods retain their good performances for the mean and the adjusted methods have robust performances for the proportion; but all methods can have poor performances for the regression coefficient because they cannot accommodate the extreme values well. We caution against the mechanical use of sequential regression imputation without model checking and diagnostics.  相似文献   

In this article, the parametric robust regression approaches are proposed for making inferences about regression parameters in the setting of generalized linear models (GLMs). The proposed methods are able to test hypotheses on the regression coefficients in the misspecified GLMs. More specifically, it is demonstrated that with large samples, the normal and gamma regression models can be properly adjusted to become asymptotically valid for inferences about regression parameters under model misspecification. These adjusted regression models can provide the correct type I and II error probabilities and the correct coverage probability for continuous data, as long as the true underlying distributions have finite second moments.  相似文献   

A procedure for estimating the location parameter of an unknown symmetric distribution is developed for application to samples from very light-tailed through very heavy-tailed distributions. This procedure has an easy extension to a technique for estimating the coefficients in a linear regression model whose error distribution is symmetric with arbitrary tail weights. The regression procedure is, in turn, extended to make it applicable to situations where the error distribution is either symmetric or skewed. The potentials of the procedures for robust location parameter and regression coefficient estimation are demonstrated by simulation studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study inference in a heteroscedastic measurement error model with known error variances. Instead of the normal distribution for the random components, we develop a model that assumes a skew-t distribution for the true covariate and a centred Student's t distribution for the error terms. The proposed model enables to accommodate skewness and heavy-tailedness in the data, while the degrees of freedom of the distributions can be different. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed via an EM-type algorithm. The behaviour of the estimators is also assessed in a simulation study. Finally, the approach is illustrated with a real data set from a methods comparison study in Analytical Chemistry.  相似文献   

The Jeffreys-rule prior and the marginal independence Jeffreys prior are recently proposed in Fonseca et al. [Objective Bayesian analysis for the Student-t regression model, Biometrika 95 (2008), pp. 325–333] as objective priors for the Student-t regression model. The authors showed that the priors provide proper posterior distributions and perform favourably in parameter estimation. Motivated by a practical financial risk management application, we compare the performance of the two Jeffreys priors with other priors proposed in the literature in a problem of estimating high quantiles for the Student-t model with unknown degrees of freedom. Through an asymptotic analysis and a simulation study, we show that both Jeffreys priors perform better in using a specific quantile of the Bayesian predictive distribution to approximate the true quantile.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new estimation procedure based on composite quantile regression and functional principal component analysis (PCA) method is proposed for the partially functional linear regression models (PFLRMs). The proposed estimation method can simultaneously estimate both the parametric regression coefficients and functional coefficient components without specification of the error distributions. The proposed estimation method is shown to be more efficient empirically for non-normal random error, especially for Cauchy error, and almost as efficient for normal random errors. Furthermore, based on the proposed estimation procedure, we use the penalized composite quantile regression method to study variable selection for parametric part in the PFLRMs. Under certain regularity conditions, consistency, asymptotic normality, and Oracle property of the resulting estimators are derived. Simulation studies and a real data analysis are conducted to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

The estimation of the covariance matrix is important in the analysis of bivariate longitudinal data. A good estimator for the covariance matrix can improve the efficiency of the estimators of the mean regression coefficients. Furthermore, the covariance estimation itself is also of interest, but it is a challenging job to model the covariance matrix of bivariate longitudinal data due to the complex structure and positive definite constraint. In addition, most of existing approaches are based on the maximum likelihood, which is very sensitive to outliers or heavy-tail error distributions. In this article, an adaptive robust estimation method is proposed for bivariate longitudinal data. Unlike the existing likelihood-based methods, the proposed method can adapt to different error distributions. Specifically, at first, we utilize the modified Cholesky block decomposition to parameterize the covariance matrices. Secondly, we apply the bounded Huber's score function to develop a set of robust generalized estimating equations to estimate the parameters both in the mean and the covariance models simultaneously. A data-driven approach is presented to select the parameter c in the Huber's score function, which can ensure that the proposed method is robust and efficient. A simulation study and a real data analysis are conducted to illustrate the robustness and efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Left-truncated and right-censored (LTRC) data are encountered frequently due to a prevalent cohort sampling in follow-up studies. Because of the skewness of the distribution of survival time, quantile regression is a useful alternative to the Cox's proportional hazards model and the accelerated failure time model for survival analysis. In this paper, we apply the quantile regression model to LTRC data and develops an unbiased estimating equation for regression coefficients. The proposed estimation methods use the inverse probabilities of truncation and censoring weighting technique. The resulting estimator is uniformly consistent and asymptotically normal. The finite-sample performance of the proposed estimation methods is also evaluated using extensive simulation studies. Finally, analysis of real data is presented to illustrate our proposed estimation methods.  相似文献   

In the context of estimating regression coefficients of an ill-conditioned binary logistic regression model, we develop a new biased estimator having two parameters for estimating the regression vector parameter β when it is subjected to lie in the linear subspace restriction Hβ = h. The matrix mean squared error and mean squared error (MSE) functions of these newly defined estimators are derived. Moreover, a method to choose the two parameters is proposed. Then, the performance of the proposed estimator is compared to that of the restricted maximum likelihood estimator and some other existing estimators in the sense of MSE via a Monte Carlo simulation study. According to the simulation results, the performance of the estimators depends on the sample size, number of explanatory variables, and degree of correlation. The superiority region of our proposed estimator is identified based on the biasing parameters, numerically. It is concluded that the new estimator is superior to the others in most of the situations considered and it is recommended to the researchers.  相似文献   

Concerning the estimation of linear parameters in small areas, a nested-error regression model is assumed for the values of the target variable in the units of a finite population. Then, a bootstrap procedure is proposed for estimating the mean squared error (MSE) of the EBLUP under the finite population setup. The consistency of the bootstrap procedure is studied, and a simulation experiment is carried out in order to compare the performance of two different bootstrap estimators with the approximation given by Prasad and Rao [Prasad, N.G.N. and Rao, J.N.K., 1990, The estimation of the mean squared error of small-area estimators. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85, 163–171.]. In the numerical results, one of the bootstrap estimators shows a better bias behavior than the Prasad–Rao approximation for some of the small areas and not much worse in any case. Further, it shows less MSE in situations of moderate heteroscedasticity and under mispecification of the error distribution as normal when the true distribution is logistic or Gumbel. The proposed bootstrap method can be applied to more general types of parameters (linear of not) and predictors.  相似文献   

A ratio-correlation (multiple regression) approach for estimating key economic statistics for small areas is proposed and compared with several synthetic estimation methods using various measures of performance. Using published data that are easily accessible, the methods provide a means of estimating statistics not currently published with a reasonable amount of error.  相似文献   

Statistical control charts are often used in industry to monitor processes in the interests of quality improvement. Such charts assume independence and normality of the control statistic, but these assumptions are often violated in practice. To better capture the true shape of the underlying distribution of the control statistic, we utilize the g-and-k distributions to estimate probability limits, the true ARL, and the error in confidence that arises from incorrectly assuming normality. A sensitivity assessment reveals that the extent of error in confidence associated with control chart decision-making procedures increases more rapidly as the distribution becomes more skewed or as the tails of the distribution become longer than those of the normal distribution. These methods are illustrated using both a frequentist and computational Bayesian approach to estimate the g-and-k parameters in two different practical applications. The Bayesian approach is appealing because it can account for prior knowledge in the estimation procedure and yields posterior distributions of parameters of interest such as control limits.  相似文献   

This paper investigates improved testing inferences under a general multivariate elliptical regression model. The model is very flexible in terms of the specification of the mean vector and the dispersion matrix, and of the choice of the error distribution. The error terms are allowed to follow a multivariate distribution in the class of the elliptical distributions, which has the multivariate normal and Student-t distributions as special cases. We obtain Skovgaard's adjusted likelihood ratio (LR) statistics and Barndorff-Nielsen's adjusted signed LR statistics and we compare the methods through simulations. The simulations suggest that the proposed tests display superior finite sample behaviour as compared to the standard tests. Two applications are presented in order to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood (ML) method is used to estimate the unknown Gamma regression (GR) coefficients. In the presence of multicollinearity, the variance of the ML method becomes overstated and the inference based on the ML method may not be trustworthy. To combat multicollinearity, the Liu estimator has been used. In this estimator, estimation of the Liu parameter d is an important problem. A few estimation methods are available in the literature for estimating such a parameter. This study has considered some of these methods and also proposed some new methods for estimation of the d. The Monte Carlo simulation study has been conducted to assess the performance of the proposed methods where the mean squared error (MSE) is considered as a performance criterion. Based on the Monte Carlo simulation and application results, it is shown that the Liu estimator is always superior to the ML and recommendation about which best Liu parameter should be used in the Liu estimator for the GR model is given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the statistical inference based on the Bayesian approach for regression models with the assumption that independent additive errors follow normal, Student-t, slash, contaminated normal, Laplace or symmetric hyperbolic distribution, where both location and dispersion parameters of the response variable distribution include nonparametric additive components approximated by B-splines. This class of models provides a rich set of symmetric distributions for the model error. Some of these distributions have heavier or lighter tails than the normal as well as different levels of kurtosis. In order to draw samples of the posterior distribution of the interest parameters, we propose an efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, which combines Gibbs sampler and Metropolis–Hastings algorithms. The performance of the proposed MCMC algorithm is assessed through simulation experiments. We apply the proposed methodology to a real data set. The proposed methodology is implemented in the R package BayesGESM using the function gesm().  相似文献   

This study takes up inference in linear models with generalized error and generalized t distributions. For the generalized error distribution, two computational algorithms are proposed. The first is based on indirect Bayesian inference using an approximating finite scale mixture of normal distributions. The second is based on Gibbs sampling. The Gibbs sampler involves only drawing random numbers from standard distributions. This is important because previously the impression has been that an exact analysis of the generalized error regression model using Gibbs sampling is not possible. Next, we describe computational Bayesian inference for linear models with generalized t disturbances based on Gibbs sampling, and exploiting the fact that the model is a mixture of generalized error distributions with inverse generalized gamma distributions for the scale parameter. The linear model with this specification has also been thought not to be amenable to exact Bayesian analysis. All computational methods are applied to actual data involving the exchange rates of the British pound, the French franc, and the German mark relative to the U.S. dollar.  相似文献   

It is common for a linear regression model that the error terms display some form of heteroscedasticity and at the same time, the regressors are also linearly correlated. Both of these problems have serious impact on the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates. In the presence of heteroscedasticity, the OLS estimator becomes inefficient and the similar adverse impact can also be found on the ridge regression estimator that is alternatively used to cope with the problem of multicollinearity. In the available literature, the adaptive estimator has been established to be more efficient than the OLS estimator when there is heteroscedasticity of unknown form. The present article proposes the similar adaptation for the ridge regression setting with an attempt to have more efficient estimator. Our numerical results, based on the Monte Carlo simulations, provide very attractive performance of the proposed estimator in terms of efficiency. Three different existing methods have been used for the selection of biasing parameter. Moreover, three different distributions of the error term have been studied to evaluate the proposed estimator and these are normal, Student's t and F distribution.  相似文献   

For a segmented regression system with an unknown changepoint over two domains of a predictor, a new empirical likelihood ratio statistic is proposed to test the null hypothesis of no change. Under the null hypothesis of no change, the proposed test statistic is shown empirically to be Gumbel distributed with robust location and scale estimators against various parameter settings and error distributions. A power analysis is conducted to illustrate the performance of the test. Under the alternative hypothesis with a changepoint, the test statistic is utilized to estimate the changepoint between the two domains. A comparison of the frequency distributions between the proposed estimator and two parametric methods indicates that the proposed method is effective in capturing the true changepoint.  相似文献   

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