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Two methods of identifying cointegrating vectors are commonly used: linear restrictions and the nonlinear method of Johansen's maximum likelihood procedure. That the linear method can produce invalid estimates while the Johansen approach always produces valid estimates has been recognized in several recent articles. Because all Bayesian studies to date have used linear restrictions, this article presents a Bayesian method for obtaining estimates of cointegrating vectors that will always be valid. In addition, it also presents an approach for evaluating the validity of linear restrictions.  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts a number of single-equation and systems estimators of long-run responses with application to a three-variable import demand model. Two variants of Box and Tiao's (1977) canonical estimator are developed and associated tests for the number of cointegrating vectors are introduced. A simulation study indicates that, while both Box-Tiao estimators have empirical distributions with fatter tails than the normal, there is evidence that the incidence of extreme values is even greater with Johansen's (1988) ML procedure.  相似文献   

Standard serial correlation tests are derived assuming that the disturbances are homoscedastic, but this study shows that asympotic critical values are not accurate when this assumption is violated. Asymptotic critical values for the ARCH(2)-corrected LM, BP and BL tests are valid only when the underlying ARCH process is strictly stationary, whereas Wooldridge's robust LM test has good properties overall. These tests exhibit similar bahaviour even when the underlying process is GARCH (1,1). When the regressors include lagged dependent variables, the rejection frequencies under both the null and alternative hypotheses depend on the coefficientsof the lagged dependent variables and the other model parameters. They appear to be robust across various disturbance distributions under the null hypothesis.  相似文献   

The paper develops a general framework for identification, estimation, and hypothesis testing in cointegrated systems when the cointegrating coefficients are subject to (possibly) non-linear and cross-equation restrictions, obtained from economic theory or other relevant a priori information. It provides a proof of the consistency of the quasi maximum likelihood estimators (QMLE), establishes the relative rates of convergence of the QMLE of the short-run and the long-run parameters, and derives their asymptotic distributions; thus generalizing the results already available in the literature for the linear case. The paper also develops tests of the over-identifying (possibly) non-linear restrictions on the cointegrating vectors. The estimation and hypothesis testing procedures are applied to an Almost Ideal Demand System estimated on U.K. quarterly observations. Unlike many other studies of consumer demand this application does not treat relative prices and real per capita expenditures as exogenously given.  相似文献   

The paper develops a general framework for identification, estimation, and hypothesis testing in cointegrated systems when the cointegrating coefficients are subject to (possibly) non-linear and cross-equation restrictions, obtained from economic theory or other relevant a priori information. It provides a proof of the consistency of the quasi maximum likelihood estimators (QMLE), establishes the relative rates of convergence of the QMLE of the short-run and the long-run parameters, and derives their asymptotic distributions; thus generalizing the results already available in the literature for the linear case. The paper also develops tests of the over-identifying (possibly) non-linear restrictions on the cointegrating vectors. The estimation and hypothesis testing procedures are applied to an Almost Ideal Demand System estimated on U.K. quarterly observations. Unlike many other studies of consumer demand this application does not treat relative prices and real per capita expenditures as exogenously given.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) errors on hypothesis testing for cointegrating vectors. The study reviews a cointegrated vector autoregressive model incorporating multivariate GARCH innovations and a regularity condition required for valid asymptotic inferences. Monte Carlo experiments are then conducted on a test statistic for a hypothesis on the cointegrating vectors. The experiments demonstrate that the regularity condition plays a critical role in rendering the hypothesis testing operational. It is also shown that Bartlett-type correction and wild bootstrap are useful in improving the small-sample size and power performance of the test statistic of interest.  相似文献   

A multivariate GARCH model is used to investigate Granger causality in the conditional variance of time series. Parametric restrictions for the hypothesis of noncausality in conditional variances between two groups of variables, when there are other variables in the system as well, are derived. These novel conditions are convenient for the analysis of potentially large systems of economic variables. To evaluate hypotheses of noncausality, a Bayesian testing procedure is proposed. It avoids the singularity problem that may appear in the Wald test, and it relaxes the assumption of the existence of higher-order moments of the residuals required in classical tests.  相似文献   

In this work we use a measure of predictability of a time series following a stationary ARMA process to develop a test of equal predictability of two or more time series. The test is derived by a set of propositions which links the structure of the AR and MA coefficients to the predictability measure. A particular case of this general approach is constituted by time series having a Wold decomposition with weights having the same sign; in this framework the equal predictability is equivalent to parallelism among ARMA models and the null hypothesis of equal predictability is simply a set of linear restrictions. The ARMA representation of the GARCH models presents non-negative weights, so that this test can be extended to verify the equal predictability of squared time series following GARCH structures.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the concept of separability in multiple nonstationary time series displaying both common stochastic trends and common stochastic cycles. When modeling the dynamics of multiple time series for a panel of several entities such as countries, sectors, firms, imposing some form of separability and commonalities is often required to restrict the dimension of the parameter space. For this purpose we introduce the concept of common feature separation and investigate the relationships between separation in cointegration and separation in serial correlation common features. Loosely speaking we investigate whether a set of time series can be partitioned into subsets such that there are serial correlation common features within the sub-groups only. The paper investigates three issues. First, it provides conditions for separating joint cointegrating vectors into marginal cointegrating vectors as well as separating joint short-term dynamics into marginal short-term dynamics. Second, conditions for making permanent-transitory decompositions based on marginal systems are given. Third, issues of weak exogeneity are considered. Likelihood ratio type tests for the different hypotheses under study are proposed. An empirical analysis of the link between economic fluctuations in the United States and Canada shows the practical relevance of the approach proposed in this paper.  相似文献   

This article examines a wide variety of popular volatility models for stock index return, including the random walk (RW), autoregressive, generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH), and asymmetric GARCH models with normal and non-normal (Student's t and generalized error) distributional assumption. Fitting these models to the Chittagong stock index return data from the period 2 January 1999 to 29 December 2005, we found that the asymmetric GARCH/GARCH model fits better under the assumption of non-normal distribution than under normal distribution. Non-parametric specification tests show that the RW-GARCH, RW-TGARCH, RW-EGARCH, and RW-APARCH models under the Student's t-distributional assumption are significant at the 5% level. Finally, the study suggests that these four models are suitable for the Chittagong Stock Exchange of Bangladesh. We believe that this study would be of great benefit to investors and policy makers at home and abroad.  相似文献   


This paper develops test procedures for testing the validity of general linear identifying restrictions imposed on cointegrating vectors in the context of a vector autoregressive model. In addition to overidentifying restrictions the considered restrictions may also involve normalizing restrictions. Tests for both types of restrictions are developed and their asymptotic properties are obtained. Under the null hypothesis tests for normalizing restrictions have an asymptotic "multivariate unit root distribution", similar to that obtained for the likelihood ratio test for cointegration, while tests for overidentifying restrictions have a standard chi-square limiting distribution. Since these two types of tests are asymptotically independent they are easy to cotnbine to an overall test for the spccifed identifying restrictions. An overall test of this kind can consistently reveal the failure of the identifying restrictions in a wider class of cases than previous tests which only test for overidentifying restrictions.  相似文献   

In this article, we use the wavelet technique to improve the over-rejection problem of the traditional Dickey–Fuller tests for unit root when the data is associated with volatility like the GARCH(1, 1) effect. The logic of this technique is based on the idea that the wavelet spectrum decomposition can separate out information of different frequencies in the data series. We prove that the asymptotic distribution of the test in the wavelet environment is still the same as the traditional Dickey–Fuller type of tests. The finite sample property is improved when the data suffers from GARCH error. The investigation of the size property and the finite sample distribution of the test is carried out by Monte Carlo experiment. An empirical example with data on the net immigration to Sweden during the period 1950–2000 is used to illustrate the performance of the wavelet improved test under GARCH errors. The results reveal that using the traditional Dickey–Fuller type of tests, the unit root hypothesis is rejected while our wavelet improved test do not reject as it is more robust to GARCH errors in finite samples.  相似文献   

Standard serial correlation tests are derived assuming that the disturbances are homoscedastic, but this study shows that asympotic critical values are not accurate when this assumption is violated. Asymptotic critical values for the ARCH(2)-corrected LM, BP and BL tests are valid only when the underlying ARCH process is strictly stationary, whereas Wooldridge's robust LM test has good properties overall. These tests exhibit similar bahaviour even when the underlying process is GARCH (1,1). When the regressors include lagged dependent variables, the rejection frequencies under both the null and alternative hypotheses depend on the coefficientsof the lagged dependent variables and the other model parameters. They appear to be robust across various disturbance distributions under the null hypothesis.  相似文献   

建立三元VAR-GARCH-BEKK模型对中国经济预警指数、国房景气指数和CPI指数间的ARCH型和GARCH型波动溢出进行了分析,发现经济预警指数和国房景气指数当期波动均受到了自身滞后残差平方与滞后波动的显著影响,但CPI指数波动不存在ARCH和GARCH效应。CPI指数对经济预警指数和国房景气指数有显著的波动溢出作用,经济预警指数对国房景气指数存在波动溢出作用。因此,国家制定宏观经济政策时应避免分割控制模式,积极建立动态制度框架和信息沟通机制以抵御风险。  相似文献   

Two Lagrange multiplier tests for time series nonlinearities in the presence of outliers are examined by simulation experiments. The nonlinearities studied are autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) and bilinearity; the outlier types are additive, innovative, temporary change and reallocation outliers. The results show that both the sizes and powers of the tests can be severely distorted by even a single outlier. The severity of the distortions depends on the outlier type and magnitude, but also on the underlying process generating 'the series.  相似文献   

A frequent question raised by practitioners doing unit root tests is whether these tests are sensitive to the presence of heteroscedasticity. Theoretically this is not the case for a wide range of heteroscedastic models. However, for some limiting cases such as degenerate and integrated heteroscedastic processes it is not obvious whether this will have an effect. In this paper we report a Monte Carlo study analyzing the implications of various types of heteroscedasticity on three types of unit root tests: The usual Dickey-Fuller test, Phillips' (1987) semi-parametric test and finally a Dickey-Fuller type test using White's (1980) heteroscedasticity consistent standard errors. The sorts of heteroscedasticity we examine are the GARCH model of Bollerslev (1986) and the Exponential ARCH model of Nelson (1991). In particular, we call attention to situations where the conditional variances exhibit a high degree of persistence as is frequently observed for returns of financial time series, and the case where, in fact, the variance process for the first class of models becomes degenerate.  相似文献   

Second moments of asset returns are important for risk management and portfolio selection. The problem of estimating second moments can be approached from two angles: time series and the cross-section. In time series, the key is to account for conditional heteroscedasticity; a favored model is Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC), derived from the ARCH/GARCH family started by Engle (1982). In the cross-section, the key is to correct in-sample biases of sample covariance matrix eigenvalues; a favored model is nonlinear shrinkage, derived from Random Matrix Theory (RMT). The present article marries these two strands of literature to deliver improved estimation of large dynamic covariance matrices. Supplementary material for this article is available online.  相似文献   

This article estimates autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (ARCH) and generalized ARCH (GARCH) models for five foreign currencies, using 10 years of daily data, a variety of ARCH and GARCH specifications, a number of nonnormal error densities, and a comprehensive set of diagnostic checks. It finds that ARCH and GARCH models can usually remove all heteroscedasticity in price changes in all five currencies. Goodness-of-fit diagnostics indicate that exponential GARCH with certain nonnormal distributions fits the Canadian dollar extremely well and the Swiss franc and the deutsche mark reasonably well. Only one nonnormal distribution fits the Japanese yen reasonably well. None fit the British pound.  相似文献   

This paper extends the results of canonical correlation analysis of Anderson [2002. Canonical correlation analysis and reduced-rank regression in autoregressive models. Ann. Statist. 30, 1134–1154] to a vector AR(1) process with a vector ARCH(1) innovations. We obtain the limiting distributions of the sample matrices, the canonical correlations and the canonical vectors of the process. The extension is important because many time series in economics and finance exhibit conditional heteroscedasticity. We also use simulation to demonstrate the effects of ARCH innovations on the canonical correlation analysis in finite sample. Both the limiting distributions and simulation results show that overlooking the ARCH effects in canonical correlation analysis can easily lead to erroneous inference.  相似文献   

The autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model presents improved performance in forecasting short-term trends because it considers the dependence of time series and the interference of stochastic volatility. Thus, in this study, we establish ARIMA(0, 2, 1) based on the historical data of large-scale online marketing promotions to realize precise marketing of China Mobile's Ling Xi Voice app in the communication market. We eliminate the auto-regression effect of residual series by establishing the ARIMA model combined with the autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) model denoted as ARIMA(0, 2, 1) ? ARCH(1), the ARIMA model combined with the generalized ARCH (GARCH) model denoted as ARIMA(0, 2, 1) ? GARCH(1, 1), and the ARIMA model combined with the threshold GARCH model denoted as ARIMA(0, 2, 1) ? TGARCH(2, 1). The performance of the aforementioned models is then compared for validation. Considering the characteristics of the communication markets and the attractive statistical properties of ARIMA, we apply ARIMA(0, 2, 1) to forecast the cumulative number of Ling Xi Voice app users for precise marketing that offers reliable agreement for China Mobile to further advertise and study the market demand. Our analysis contributes toward the development of the current knowledge on forecasting the number of app users in the communication market and provides a new idea to increase the market share for communication operators.  相似文献   

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