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It is widely known that bootstrap failure can often be remedied by using a technique known as the ' m out of n ' bootstrap, by which a smaller number, m say, of observations are resampled from the original sample of size n . In successful cases of the bootstrap, the m out of n bootstrap is often deemed unnecessary. We show that the problem of constructing nonparametric confidence intervals is an exceptional case. By considering a new class of m out of n bootstrap confidence limits, we develop a computationally efficient approach based on the double bootstrap to construct the optimal m out of n bootstrap intervals. We show that the optimal intervals have a coverage accuracy which is comparable with that of the classical double-bootstrap intervals, and we conduct a simulation study to examine their performance. The results are in general very encouraging. Alternative approaches which yield even higher order accuracy are also discussed.  相似文献   

Integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) processes form a very useful class of processes suitable to model time series of counts. Several practically relevant estimators based on INAR data are known to be systematically biased away from their population values, e.g. sample autocovariances, sample autocorrelations, or the dispersion index. We propose to do bias correction for such estimators by using a recently proposed INAR-type bootstrap scheme that is tailor-made for INAR processes, and which has been proven to be asymptotically consistent under general conditions. This INAR bootstrap allows an implementation with and without parametrically specifying the innovations' distribution. To judge the potential of corresponding bias correction, we compare these bootstraps in simulations to several competitors that include the AR bootstrap and block bootstrap. Finally, we conclude with an illustrative data application.  相似文献   

Quasi-stationary distributions have many applications in diverse research fields. We develop a bootstrap-based maximum likelihood (BML) method to deal with quasi-stationary distributions in statistical inference. To efficiently implement a bootstrap procedure that can handle the dependence among observations and speed up the computation, a novel block bootstrap algorithm is proposed to accommodate parallel bootstrap. In particular, we select a suitable block length for use with the parallel bootstrap. The estimation error is investigated to show its convergence. The proposed BML is shown to be asymptotically unbiased. Some numerical studies are given to examine the performance of the new algorithm. The advantages are evidenced through a comparison with some competitors and some examples are analysed for illustration.  相似文献   

In traditional bootstrap applications the size of a bootstrap sample equals the parent sample size, n say. Recent studies have shown that using a bootstrap sample size different from n may sometimes provide a more satisfactory solution. In this paper we apply the latter approach to correct for coverage error in construction of bootstrap confidence bounds. We show that the coverage error of a bootstrap percentile method confidence bound, which is of order O ( n −2/2) typically, can be reduced to O ( n −1) by use of an optimal bootstrap sample size. A simulation study is conducted to illustrate our findings, which also suggest that the new method yields intervals of shorter length and greater stability compared to competitors of similar coverage accuracy.  相似文献   


The bootstrap is typically less reliable in the context of time-series models with serial correlation of unknown form than when regularity conditions for the conventional IID bootstrap apply. It is, therefore, useful to have diagnostic techniques capable of evaluating bootstrap performance in specific cases. Those suggested in this paper are closely related to the fast double bootstrap (FDB) and are not computationally intensive. They can also be used to gauge the performance of the FDB itself. Examples of bootstrapping time series are presented, which illustrate the diagnostic procedures, and show how the results can cast light on bootstrap performance.  相似文献   

In ranked-set sampling (RSS), a stratification by ranks is used to obtain a sample that tends to be more informative than a simple random sample of the same size. Previous work has shown that if the rankings are perfect, then one can use RSS to obtain Kolmogorov–Smirnov type confidence bands for the CDF that are narrower than those obtained under simple random sampling. Here we develop Kolmogorov–Smirnov type confidence bands that work well whether the rankings are perfect or not. These confidence bands are obtained by using a smoothed bootstrap procedure that takes advantage of special features of RSS. We show through a simulation study that the coverage probabilities are close to nominal even for samples with just two or three observations. A new algorithm allows us to avoid the bootstrap simulation step when sample sizes are relatively small.  相似文献   

Eunju Hwang 《Statistics》2017,51(4):844-861
This paper studies the stationary bootstrap applicability for realized covariations of high frequency asynchronous financial data. The stationary bootstrap method, which is characterized by a block-bootstrap with random block length, is applied to estimate the integrated covariations. The bootstrap realized covariance, bootstrap realized regression coefficient and bootstrap realized correlation coefficient are proposed, and the validity of the stationary bootstrapping for them is established both for large sample and for finite sample. Consistencies of bootstrap distributions are established, which provide us valid stationary bootstrap confidence intervals. The bootstrap confidence intervals do not require a consistent estimator of a nuisance parameter arising from nonsynchronous unequally spaced sampling while those based on a normal asymptotic theory require a consistent estimator. A Monte-Carlo comparison reveals that the proposed stationary bootstrap confidence intervals have better coverage probabilities than those based on normal approximation.  相似文献   

In this paper, bootstrap prediction is adapted to resolve some problems in small sample datasets. The bootstrap predictive distribution is obtained by applying Breiman's bagging to the plug-in distribution with the maximum likelihood estimator. The effectiveness of bootstrap prediction has previously been shown, but some problems may arise when bootstrap prediction is constructed in small sample datasets. In this paper, Bayesian bootstrap is used to resolve the problems. The effectiveness of Bayesian bootstrap prediction is confirmed by some examples. These days, analysis of small sample data is quite important in various fields. In this paper, some datasets are analyzed in such a situation. For real datasets, it is shown that plug-in prediction and bootstrap prediction provide very poor prediction when the sample size is close to the dimension of parameter while Bayesian bootstrap prediction provides stable prediction.  相似文献   

Bootstrap tests: how many bootstraps?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In practice, bootstrap tests must use a finite number of bootstrap samples. This means that the outcome of the test will depend on the sequence of random numbers used to generate the bootstrap samples, and it necessarily results in some loss of power. We examine the extent of this power loss and propose a simple pretest procedure for choosing the number of bootstrap samples so as to minimize experimental randomness. Simulation experiments suggest that this procedure will work very well in practice.  相似文献   

The usual covariance estimates for data n-1 from a stationary zero-mean stochastic process {Xt} are the sample covariances Both direct and resampling approaches are used to estimate the variance of the sample covariances. This paper compares the performance of these variance estimates. Using a direct approach, we show that a consistent windowed periodogram estimate for the spectrum is more effective than using the periodogram itself. A frequency domain bootstrap for time series is proposed and analyzed, and we introduce a frequency domain version of the jackknife that is shown to be asymptotically unbiased and consistent for Gaussian processes. Monte Carlo techniques show that the time domain jackknife and subseries method cannot be recommended. For a Gaussian underlying series a direct approach using a smoothed periodogram is best; for a non-Gaussian series the frequency domain bootstrap appears preferable. For small samples, the bootstraps are dangerous: both the direct approach and frequency domain jackknife are better.  相似文献   

Traditional resampling methods for estimating sampling distributions sometimes fail, and alternative approaches are then needed. For example, if the classical central limit theorem does not hold and the naïve bootstrap fails, the m/n bootstrap, based on smaller-sized resamples, may be used as an alternative. An alternative to the naïve bootstrap, the sufficient bootstrap, which uses only the distinct observations in a bootstrap sample, is another recently proposed bootstrap approach that has been suggested to reduce the computational burden associated with bootstrapping. It works as long as naïve bootstrap does. However, if the naïve bootstrap fails, so will the sufficient bootstrap. In this paper, we propose combining the sufficient bootstrap with the m/n bootstrap in order to both regain consistent estimation of sampling distributions and to reduce the computational burden of the bootstrap. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for asymptotic normality of the proposed method, and propose new values for the resample size m. We compare the proposed method with the naïve bootstrap, the sufficient bootstrap, and the m/n bootstrap by simulation.  相似文献   

Summary In recent years, the bootstrap method has been extended to time series analysis where the observations are serially correlated. Contributions have focused on the autoregressive model producing alternative resampling procedures. In contrast, apart from some empirical applications, very little attention has been paid to the possibility of extending the use of the bootstrap method to pure moving average (MA) or mixed ARMA models. In this paper, we present a new bootstrap procedure which can be applied to assess the distributional properties of the moving average parameters estimates obtained by a least square approach. We discuss the methodology and the limits of its usage. Finally, the performance of the bootstrap approach is compared with that of the competing alternative given by the Monte Carlo simulation. Research partially supported by CNR and MURST.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Imagine we have two different samples and are interested in doing semi- or non-parametric regression analysis in each of them, possibly on the same model. In this paper, we consider the problem of testing whether a specific covariate has different impacts on the regression curve in these two samples. We compare the regression curves of different samples but are interested in specific differences instead of testing for equality of the whole regression function. Our procedure does allow for random designs, different sample sizes, different variance functions, different sets of regressors with different impact functions, etc. As we use the marginal integration approach, this method can be applied to any strong, weak or latent separable model as well as to additive interaction models to compare the lower dimensional separable components between the different samples. Thus, in the case of having separable models, our procedure includes the possibility of comparing the whole regression curves, thereby avoiding the curse of dimensionality. It is shown that bootstrap fails in theory and practice. Therefore, we propose a subsampling procedure with automatic choice of subsample size. We present a complete asymptotic theory and an extensive simulation study.  相似文献   


In this article, the unit root test for the AR(1) model is discussed, under the condition that the innovations of the model are in the domain of attraction of the normal law with possibly infinite variances. By using residual bootstrap with sample size m < n (n being the size of the original sample), we bootstrap the least-squares estimator of the autoregressive parameter. Under some mild assumptions, we prove that the null distribution of the unit root test statistic based on the least-square estimator of the autoregressive parameter can be approximated by using residual bootstrap.  相似文献   

In this article, the weighted bootstrap difference between two-sample means for generalized Behrens-Fisher problems is investigated along with its strong consistency. Moreover, the one-order accurate weighted bootstrap approximation to the sample distribution of sample difference is also established and hence based on it the weighted bootstrap intervals for the population difference is constructed. Simulation studies show that the weighted bootstrap interval performs better than other intervals we considered in some cases.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare Bartlett-corrected, bootstrap, and fast double bootstrap tests on maximum likelihood estimates of cointegration parameters. The key result is that both the bootstrap and the Bartlett-corrected tests must be based on the unrestricted estimates of the cointegrating vectors: procedures based on the restricted estimates have almost no power. The small sample size bias of the asymptotic test appears so severe as to advise strongly against its use with the sample sizes commonly available; the fast double bootstrap test minimizes size bias, while the Bartlett-corrected test is somehow more powerful.  相似文献   

The double bootstrap provides diagnostics for bootstrap calculations and, if need be, appropriate adjustments. The amount of computation involved is usually considerable, and recycling provides a less computer intensive alternative. Recycling consists of using repeatedly the same samples drawn from a recycling distribution G for estimation under each first-level bootstrap distribution, rather than independently repeating the simulation and estimation steps for each of these.Recycling is successful in parametric applications of the bootstrap, as demonstrated by M.A. Newton and C.J. Geyer (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 89: 905–912, 1994). We show that it is bound to fail in non-parametric bootstrap applications, and suggest a modification that makes the method work. The modification consists of smoothing the first-level bootstrap distributions, with the desired consequence that this removes the zero probabilities in the multinomial distributions that define them. We also discuss efficient choices of recycling distributions, both in terms of estimator efficiency and simulation efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of the most popular bootstrap schemes for multilevel data. Also, we propose a modified version of the wild bootstrap procedure for hierarchical data structures. The wild bootstrap does not require homoscedasticity or assumptions on the distribution of the error processes. Hence, it is a valuable tool for robust inference in a multilevel framework. We assess the finite size performances of the schemes through a Monte Carlo study. The results show that for big sample sizes it always pays off to adopt an agnostic approach as the wild bootstrap outperforms other techniques.  相似文献   

Using the data from the AIDS Link to Intravenous Experiences cohort study as an example, an informative censoring model was used to characterize the repeated hospitalization process of a group of patients. Under the informative censoring assumption, the estimators of the baseline rate function and the regression parameters were shown to be related to a latent variable. Hence, it becomes impractical to directly estimate the unknown quantities in the moments of the estimators for the bandwidth selection of a smoothing estimator and the construction of confidence intervals, which are respectively based on the asymptotic mean squared errors and the asymptotic distributions of the estimators. To overcome these difficulties, we develop a random weighted bootstrap procedure to select appropriate bandwidths and to construct approximated confidence intervals. One can see that our method is simple and faster to implement from a practical point of view, and is at least as accurate as other bootstrap methods. In this article, it is shown that the proposed method is useful through the performance of a Monte Carlo simulation. An application of our procedure is also illustrated by a recurrent event sample of intravenous drug users for inpatient cares over time.  相似文献   

Given a linear time series, e.g. an autoregression of infinite order, we may construct a finite order approximation and use that as the basis for confidence regions. The sieve or autoregressive bootstrap, as this method is often called, is generally seen as a competitor with the better-understood block bootstrap approach. However, in the present paper we argue that, for linear time series, the sieve bootstrap has significantly better performance than blocking methods and offers a wider range of opportunities. In particular, since it does not corrupt second-order properties then it may be used in a double-bootstrap form, with the second bootstrap application being employed to calibrate a basic percentile method confidence interval. This approach confers second-order accuracy without the need to estimate variance. That offers substantial benefits, since variances of statistics based on time series can be difficult to estimate reliably, and—partly because of the relatively small amount of information contained in a dependent process—are notorious for causing problems when used to Studentize. Other advantages of the sieve bootstrap include considerably greater robustness against variations in the choice of the tuning parameter, here equal to the autoregressive order, and the fact that, in contradistinction to the case of the block bootstrap, the percentile t version of the sieve bootstrap may be based on the 'raw' estimator of standard error. In the process of establishing these properties we show that the sieve bootstrap is second order correct.  相似文献   

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