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In an attempt to identify similarities between methods for estimating a mean function with different types of response or observation processes, we explore a general theoretical framework for nonparametric estimation of the mean function of a response process subject to incomplete observations. Special cases of the response process include quantitative responses and discrete state processes such as survival processes, counting processes and alternating binary processes. The incomplete data are assumed to arise from a general response-independent observation process, which includes right- censoring, interval censoring, periodic observation, and mixtures of these as special cases. We explore two criteria for defining nonparametric estimators, one based on the sample mean of available data and the other inspired by the construction of Kaplan-Meier (or product-limit) estimator [J. Am. Statist. Assoc. 53 (1958) 457] for right-censored survival data. We show that under regularity conditions the estimated mean functions resulting from both criteria are consistent and converge weakly to Gaussian processes, and provide consistent estimators of their covariance functions. We then evaluate these general criteria for specific responses and observation processes, and show how they lead to familiar estimators for some response and observation processes and new estimators for others. We illustrate the latter with data from an recently completed AIDS clinical trial.  相似文献   

This article addresses issues in creating public-use data files in the presence of missing ordinal responses and subsequent statistical analyses of the dataset by users. The authors propose a fully efficient fractional imputation (FI) procedure for ordinal responses with missing observations. The proposed imputation strategy retrieves the missing values through the full conditional distribution of the response given the covariates and results in a single imputed data file that can be analyzed by different data users with different scientific objectives. Two most critical aspects of statistical analyses based on the imputed data set,  validity  and  efficiency, are examined through regression analysis involving the ordinal response and a selected set of covariates. It is shown through both theoretical development and simulation studies that, when the ordinal responses are missing at random, the proposed FI procedure leads to valid and highly efficient inferences as compared to existing methods. Variance estimation using the fractionally imputed data set is also discussed. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 138–151; 2020 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In real-life situations, we often encounter data sets containing missing observations. Statistical methods that address missingness have been extensively studied in recent years. One of the more popular approaches involves imputation of the missing values prior to the analysis, thereby rendering the data complete. Imputation broadly encompasses an entire scope of techniques that have been developed to make inferences about incomplete data, ranging from very simple strategies (e.g. mean imputation) to more advanced approaches that require estimation, for instance, of posterior distributions using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Additional complexity arises when the number of missingness patterns increases and/or when both categorical and continuous random variables are involved. Implementation of routines, procedures, or packages capable of generating imputations for incomplete data are now widely available. We review some of these in the context of a motivating example, as well as in a simulation study, under two missingness mechanisms (missing at random and missing not at random). Thus far, evaluation of existing implementations have frequently centred on the resulting parameter estimates of the prescribed model of interest after imputing the missing data. In some situations, however, interest may very well be on the quality of the imputed values at the level of the individual – an issue that has received relatively little attention. In this paper, we focus on the latter to provide further insight about the performance of the different routines, procedures, and packages in this respect.  相似文献   

Missing data are a common problem in almost all areas of empirical research. Ignoring the missing data mechanism, especially when data are missing not at random (MNAR), can result in biased and/or inefficient inference. Because MNAR mechanism is not verifiable based on the observed data, sensitivity analysis is often used to assess it. Current sensitivity analysis methods primarily assume a model for the response mechanism in conjunction with a measurement model and examine sensitivity to missing data mechanism via the parameters of the response model. Recently, Jamshidian and Mata (Post-modelling sensitivity analysis to detect the effect of missing data mechanism, Multivariate Behav. Res. 43 (2008), pp. 432–452) introduced a new method of sensitivity analysis that does not require the difficult task of modelling the missing data mechanism. In this method, a single measurement model is fitted to all of the data and to a sub-sample of the data. Discrepancy in the parameter estimates obtained from the the two data sets is used as a measure of sensitivity to missing data mechanism. Jamshidian and Mata describe their method mainly in the context of detecting data that are missing completely at random (MCAR). They used a bootstrap type method, that relies on heuristic input from the researcher, to test for the discrepancy of the parameter estimates. Instead of using bootstrap, the current article obtains confidence interval for parameter differences on two samples based on an asymptotic approximation. Because it does not use bootstrap, the developed procedure avoids likely convergence problems with the bootstrap methods. It does not require heuristic input from the researcher and can be readily implemented in statistical software. The article also discusses methods of obtaining sub-samples that may be used to test missing at random in addition to MCAR. An application of the developed procedure to a real data set, from the first wave of an ongoing longitudinal study on aging, is presented. Simulation studies are performed as well, using two methods of missing data generation, which show promise for the proposed sensitivity method. One method of missing data generation is also new and interesting in its own right.  相似文献   

We present results of a Monte Carlo study comparing four methods of estimating the parameters of the logistic model logit (pr (Y = 1 | X, Z)) = α0 + α 1 X + α 2 Z where X and Z are continuous covariates and X is always observed but Z is sometimes missing. The four methods examined are 1) logistic regression using complete cases, 2) logistic regression with filled-in values of Z obtained from the regression of Z on X and Y, 3) logistic regression with filled-in values of Z and random error added, and 4) maximum likelihood estimation assuming the distribution of Z given X and Y is normal. Effects of different percent missing for Z and different missing value mechanisms on the bias and mean absolute deviation of the estimators are examined for data sets of N = 200 and N = 400.  相似文献   

This article examines methods to efficiently estimate the mean response in a linear model with an unknown error distribution under the assumption that the responses are missing at random. We show how the asymptotic variance is affected by the estimator of the regression parameter, and by the imputation method. To estimate the regression parameter, the ordinary least squares is efficient only if the error distribution happens to be normal. If the errors are not normal, then we propose a one step improvement estimator or a maximum empirical likelihood estimator to efficiently estimate the parameter.To investigate the imputation’s impact on the estimation of the mean response, we compare the listwise deletion method and the propensity score method (which do not use imputation at all), and two imputation methods. We demonstrate that listwise deletion and the propensity score method are inefficient. Partial imputation, where only the missing responses are imputed, is compared to full imputation, where both missing and non-missing responses are imputed. Our results reveal that, in general, full imputation is better than partial imputation. However, when the regression parameter is estimated very poorly, the partial imputation will outperform full imputation. The efficient estimator for the mean response is the full imputation estimator that utilizes an efficient estimator of the parameter.  相似文献   

Non-response (or missing data) is often encountered in large-scale surveys. To enable the behavioural analysis of these data sets, statistical treatments are commonly applied to complete or remove these data. However, the correctness of such procedures critically depends on the nature of the underlying missingness generation process. Clearly, the efficacy of applying either case deletion or imputation procedures rests on the unknown missingness generation mechanism. The contribution of this paper is twofold. The study is the first to propose a simple sequential method to attempt to identify the form of missingness. Second, the effectiveness of the tests is assessed by generating (experimentally) nine missing data sets by imposed MCAR, MAR and NMAR processes, with data removed.  相似文献   

Non‐likelihood‐based methods for repeated measures analysis of binary data in clinical trials can result in biased estimates of treatment effects and associated standard errors when the dropout process is not completely at random. We tested the utility of a multiple imputation approach in reducing these biases. Simulations were used to compare performance of multiple imputation with generalized estimating equations and restricted pseudo‐likelihood in five representative clinical trial profiles for estimating (a) overall treatment effects and (b) treatment differences at the last scheduled visit. In clinical trials with moderate to high (40–60%) dropout rates with dropouts missing at random, multiple imputation led to less biased and more precise estimates of treatment differences for binary outcomes based on underlying continuous scores. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest three new ratio estimators of the population mean using quartiles of the auxiliary variable when there are missing data from the sample units. The suggested estimators are investigated under the simple random sampling method. We obtain the mean square errors equations for these estimators. The suggested estimators are compared with the sample mean and ratio estimators in the case of missing data. Also, they are compared with estimators in Singh and Horn [Compromised imputation in survey sampling, Metrika 51 (2000), pp. 267–276], Singh and Deo [Imputation by power transformation, Statist. Papers 45 (2003), pp. 555–579], and Kadilar and Cingi [Estimators for the population mean in the case of missing data, Commun. Stat.-Theory Methods, 37 (2008), pp. 2226–2236] and present under which conditions the proposed estimators are more efficient than other estimators. In terms of accuracy and of the coverage of the bootstrap confidence intervals, the suggested estimators performed better than other estimators.  相似文献   

A controlled clinical trial was conducted to investigate the efficacy effect of a chemical compound in the treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). The data from the trial showed a non-monotone pattern of missing data and an ante-dependence covariance structure. A new analytical method for imputing the missing data with the ante-dependence covariance is proposed. The PMDD data are analysed by the non-imputation method and two imputation methods: the proposed method and the MCMC method.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of different methods for replacing missing data in discriminant analyses conducted on randomly generated samples from multivariate normal and non-normal distributions. The probabilities of correct classification were obtained for these discriminant analyses before and after randomly deleting data as well as after deleted data were replaced using: (1) variable means, (2) principal component projections, and (3) the EM algorithm. Populations compared were: (1) multivariate normal with covariance matrices ∑1=∑2, (2) multivariate normal with ∑1≠∑2 and (3) multivariate non-normal with ∑1=∑2. Differences in the probabilities of correct classification were most evident for populations with small Mahalanobis distances or high proportions of missing data. The three replacement methods performed similarly but all were better than non - replacement.  相似文献   

In longitudinal clinical studies, after randomization at baseline, subjects are followed for a period of time for development of symptoms. The interested inference could be the mean change from baseline to a particular visit in some lab values, the proportion of responders to some threshold category at a particular visit post baseline, or the time to some important event. However, in some applications, the interest may be in estimating the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at a fixed time point post baseline. When the data are fully observed, the CDF can be estimated by the empirical CDF. When patients discontinue prematurely during the course of the study, the empirical CDF cannot be directly used. In this paper, we use multiple imputation as a way to estimate the CDF in longitudinal studies when data are missing at random. The validity of the method is assessed on the basis of the bias and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov distance. The results suggest that multiple imputation yields less bias and less variability than the often used last observation carried forward method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work was motivated by a real problem of comparing binary diagnostic tests based upon a gold standard, where the collected data showed that the large majority of classifications were incomplete and the feedback received from the medical doctors allowed us to consider the missingness as non-informative. Taking into account the degree of data incompleteness, we used a Bayesian approach via MCMC methods for drawing inferences of interest on accuracy measures. Its direct implementation by well-known software demonstrated serious problems of chain convergence. The difficulties were overcome by the proposal of a simple, efficient and easily adaptable data augmentation algorithm, performed through an ad hoc computer program.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a case study of different approaches to the treatment of missing data. Simulations based on data from the Los Angeles Mammography Promotion in Churches Program (LAMP) led the authors to the following cautionary conclusions about the treatment of missing data: (1) Automated selection of the imputation model in the use of full Bayesian multiple imputation can lead to unexpected bias in coefficients of substantive models. (2) Under conditions that occur in actual data, casewise deletion can perform less well than we were led to expect by the existing literature. (3) Relatively unsophisticated imputations, such as mean imputation and conditional mean imputation, performed better than the technical literature led us to expect. (4) To underscore points (1), (2), and (3), the article concludes that imputation models are substantive models, and require the same caution with respect to specificity and calculability. The research reported here was partially supported by National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, R01 CA65879 (SAF). We thank Nicholas Wolfinger, Naihua Duan, John Adams, John Fox, and the anonymous referees for their thoughtful comments on earlier drafts. The responsibility for any remaining errors is ours alone. Benjamin Stein was exceptionally helpful in orchestrating the simulations at the labs of UCLA Social Science Computing. Michael Mitchell of the UCLA Academic Technology Services Statistical Consulting Group artfully created Fig. 1 using the Stata graphics language; we are most grateful.  相似文献   

We consider mixed effects models for longitudinal, repeated measures or clustered data. Unmeasured or omitted covariates in such models may be correlated with the included covanates, and create model violations when not taken into account. Previous research and experience with longitudinal data sets suggest a general form of model which should be considered when omitted covariates are likely, such as in observational studies. We derive the marginal model between the response variable and included covariates, and consider model fitting using the ordinary and weighted least squares methods, which require simple non-iterative computation and no assumptions on the distribution of random covariates or error terms, Asymptotic properties of the least squares estimators are also discussed. The results shed light on the structure of least squares estimators in mixed effects models, and provide large sample procedures for statistical inference and prediction based on the marginal model. We present an example of the relationship between fluid intake and output in very low birth weight infants, where the model is found to have the assumed structure.  相似文献   

Repeated measures data collected at random observation times are quite common in clinical studies and are often difficult to analyze. A Monte Carlo comparison of four analysis procedures with respect to significance level and power is presented. The basic procedures compared are successive difference analyses and three procedures using the data as summarized in the estimated quadratic polynomial regression coefficients for each subject. These three procedures are (1) Hotelling's T-square, (2) Multivariate Multisample Rank Sum Test (MMRST) and (3) Multivariate Multisample Median Test (MMMT).

For the variety of dispersion structures, sample sizes and treatement groups simulated the MMRST and successive difference analysis were the most satisfactory.  相似文献   

This article deals with model comparison as an essential part of generalized linear modelling in the presence of covariates missing not at random (MNAR). We provide an evaluation of the performances of some of the popular model selection criteria, particularly of deviance information criterion (DIC) and weighted L (WL) measure, for comparison among a set of candidate MNAR models. In addition, we seek to provide deviance and quadratic loss-based model selection criteria with alternative penalty terms targeting directly the MNAR models. This work is motivated by the need in the literature to understand the performances of these important model selection criteria for comparison among a set of MNAR models. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment is designed to assess the finite sample performances of these model selection criteria in the context of interest under different scenarios for missingness amounts. Some naturally driven DIC and WL extensions are also discussed and evaluated.  相似文献   

In this paper, multivariate data with missing observations, where missing values could be by chance or by design, are considered for various models including the growth curve model. The likelihood equations are derived and the consistency of the estimates established. The likelihood ratio tests are explicity derived.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of hazard rate estimation in the presence of covariates, for survival data with censoring indicators missing at random. We propose in the context usually denoted by MAR (missing at random, in opposition to MCAR, missing completely at random, which requires an additional independence assumption), nonparametric adaptive strategies based on model selection methods for estimators admitting finite dimensional developments in functional orthonormal bases. Theoretical risk bounds are provided, they prove that the estimators behave well in term of mean square integrated error (MISE). Simulation experiments illustrate the statistical procedure.  相似文献   

Many practical situations involve a response variable Y and covariates X , where data on (Y, X ) are incomplete for some portion of a sample of individuals. We consider two general types of pseudolikelihood estimation for problems in which missingness may be response-related. These are typically simpler to implement than ordinary maximum likelihood, which in this context is semiparametric. Asymptotics for the pseudolikelihood methods are presented, and simulations conducted to investigate the methods for an important class of problems involving lifetime data. Our results indicate that for these problems the two methods are effective and comparable with respect to efficiency.  相似文献   

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