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In this work, we develop some diagnostics for nonlinear regression model with scale mixtures of skew-normal (SMSN) and first-order autoregressive errors. The SMSN distribution class covers symmetric as well as asymmetric and heavy-tailed distributions, which offers a more flexible framework for modelling. Maximum-likelihood (ML) estimates are computed via an expectation–maximization-type algorithm. Local influence diagnostics and score test for the correlation are also derived. The performances of the ML estimates and the test statistic are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, a real data set is used to illustrate our diagnostic methods.  相似文献   

The authors describe a method for assessing model inadequacy in maximum likelihood estimation of a generalized linear mixed model. They treat the latent random effects in the model as missing data and develop the influence analysis on the basis of a Q‐function which is associated with the conditional expectation of the complete‐data log‐likelihood function in the EM algorithm. They propose a procedure to detect influential observations in six model perturbation schemes. They also illustrate their methodology in a hypothetical situation and in two real cases.  相似文献   


As there is an extensive body of research on diagnostics in regression models, various outlier detection methods have been developed. These methods have been extended to mixed effects models and generalized linear models, but there exist intrinsic drawbacks and limitations. This paper presents two-dimensional plots to identify discordant subjects and observations in generalized linear mixed effects models, displaying discordance in two directions. The sTudentized Residual Sum of Squares is not an extension of any regression tools but a new approach designed to efficiently reflect the characteristics of repeated measures. And this noteworthy clustering of outliers is identified in the plot. Applications to real-life examples are presented to illustrate the favorable/beneficial performance of the new tool.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop diagnostic methods for generalized Poisson regression (GPR) models with errors in variables based on the corrected likelihood. The one-step approximations of the estimates in the case-deletion model are given and case-deletion and local influence measures are presented. Meanwhile, based on a corrected score function, the testing statistics for the significance of dispersion parameters in GPR models with measurement errors are investigated. Finally, illustration of our methodology is given through numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on some diagnostics for linear regression model with first-order autoregressive and symmetrical errors. The symmetrical class includes both light- and heavy-tailed univariate symmetrical distributions, which offers a more flexible framework for modeling. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed via the Fisher-score method. Score statistic and its adjustment are proposed for testing autocorrelation of the random errors. Local influence diagnostics are also derived for the model under some usual perturbation schemes. The performances of the test statistics are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, a real data set is used to illustrate our diagnostic methods.  相似文献   

We consider a generalized leverage matrix useful for the identification of influential units and observations in linear mixed models and show how a decomposition of this matrix may be employed to identify high leverage points for both the marginal fitted values and the random effect component of the conditional fitted values. We illustrate the different uses of the two components of the decomposition with a simulated example as well as with a real data set.  相似文献   

Observations collected over time are often autocorrelated rather than independent, and sometimes include observations below or above detection limits (i.e. censored values reported as less or more than a level of detection) and/or missing data. Practitioners commonly disregard censored data cases or replace these observations with some function of the limit of detection, which often results in biased estimates. Moreover, parameter estimation can be greatly affected by the presence of influential observations in the data. In this paper we derive local influence diagnostic measures for censored regression models with autoregressive errors of order p (hereafter, AR(p)‐CR models) on the basis of the Q‐function under three useful perturbation schemes. In order to account for censoring in a likelihood‐based estimation procedure for AR(p)‐CR models, we used a stochastic approximation version of the expectation‐maximisation algorithm. The accuracy of the local influence diagnostic measure in detecting influential observations is explored through the analysis of empirical studies. The proposed methods are illustrated using data, from a study of total phosphorus concentration, that contain left‐censored observations. These methods are implemented in the R package ARCensReg.  相似文献   

In this article, we apply the Bayesian approach to the linear mixed effect models with autoregressive(p) random errors under mixture priors obtained with the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The mixture structure of a point mass and continuous distribution can help to select the variables in fixed and random effects models from the posterior sample generated using the MCMC method. Bayesian prediction of future observations is also one of the major concerns. To get the best model, we consider the commonly used highest posterior probability model and the median posterior probability model. As a result, both criteria tend to be needed to choose the best model from the entire simulation study. In terms of predictive accuracy, a real example confirms that the proposed method provides accurate results.  相似文献   

Linear mixed models are widely used when multiple correlated measurements are made on each unit of interest. In many applications, the units may form several distinct clusters, and such heterogeneity can be more appropriately modelled by a finite mixture linear mixed model. The classical estimation approach, in which both the random effects and the error parts are assumed to follow normal distribution, is sensitive to outliers, and failure to accommodate outliers may greatly jeopardize the model estimation and inference. We propose a new mixture linear mixed model using multivariate t distribution. For each mixture component, we assume the response and the random effects jointly follow a multivariate t distribution, to conveniently robustify the estimation procedure. An efficient expectation conditional maximization algorithm is developed for conducting maximum likelihood estimation. The degrees of freedom parameters of the t distributions are chosen data adaptively, for achieving flexible trade-off between estimation robustness and efficiency. Simulation studies and an application on analysing lung growth longitudinal data showcase the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

An important factor in house prices is its location. However, measurement errors arise frequently in the process of observing variables such as the latitude and longitude of the house. The single-index models with measurement errors are used to study the relationship between house location and house price. We obtain the estimators by a SIMEX method based on the local linear method and the estimating equation. To test the significance of the index coefficient and the linearity of the link function, we establish the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) tests for the models. We demonstrate that the asymptotic null distributions of the established GLR tests follow χ2-distributions which are independent of nuisance parameters or functions. Finally, two simulated examples and a real estate valuation data set are given to illustrate the effect of GLR tests.  相似文献   

We propose an influence diagnostic methodology for linear regression models with stochastic restrictions and errors following elliptically contoured distributions. We study how a perturbation may impact on the mixed estimation procedure of parameters in the model. Normal curvatures and slopes for assessing influence under usual schemes are derived, including perturbations of case-weight, response variable, and explanatory variable. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology. An example with real-world economy data is presented as an illustration.  相似文献   

In many applications of generalized linear mixed models to clustered correlated or longitudinal data, often we are interested in testing whether a random effects variance component is zero. The usual asymptotic mixture of chi‐square distributions of the score statistic for testing constrained variance components does not necessarily hold. In this article, the author proposes and explores a parametric bootstrap test that appears to be valid based on its estimated level of significance under the null hypothesis. Results from a simulation study indicate that the bootstrap test has a level much closer to the nominal one while the asymptotic test is conservative, and is more powerful than the usual asymptotic score test based on a mixture of chi‐squares. The proposed bootstrap test is illustrated using two sets of real‐life data obtained from clinical trials. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The Poisson distribution is a simple and popular model for count-data random variables, but it suffers from the equidispersion requirement, which is often not met in practice. While models for overdispersed counts have been discussed intensively in the literature, the opposite phenomenon, underdispersion, has received only little attention, especially in a time series context. We start with a detailed survey of distribution models allowing for underdispersion, discuss their properties and highlight possible disadvantages. After having identified two model families with attractive properties as well as only two model parameters, we combine these models with the INAR(1) model (integer-valued autoregressive), which is particularly well suited to obtain auotocorrelated counts with underdispersion. Properties of the resulting stationary INAR(1) models and approaches for parameter estimation are considered, as well as possible extensions to higher order autoregressions. Three real-data examples illustrate the application of the models in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the shrinkage and penalty estimation procedures in the linear regression model with autoregressive errors of order p when it is conjectured that some of the regression parameters are inactive. We develop the statistical properties of the shrinkage estimation method including asymptotic distributional biases and risks. We show that the shrinkage estimators have a significantly higher relative efficiency than the classical estimator. Furthermore, we consider the two penalty estimators: least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and adaptive LASSO estimators, and numerically compare their relative performance with that of the shrinkage estimators. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment is conducted for different combinations of inactive predictors and the performance of each estimator is evaluated in terms of the simulated mean-squared error. This study shows that the shrinkage estimators are comparable to the penalty estimators when the number of inactive predictors in the model is relatively large. The shrinkage and penalty methods are applied to a real data set to illustrate the usefulness of the procedures in practice.  相似文献   

Categorical longitudinal data are frequently applied in a variety of fields, and are commonly fitted by generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) and generalized estimating equations models. The cumulative logit is one of the useful link functions to deal with the problem involving repeated ordinal responses. To check the adequacy of the GLMMs with cumulative logit link function, two goodness-of-fit tests constructed by the unweighted sum of squared model residuals using numerical integration and bootstrap resampling technique are proposed. The empirical type I error rates and powers of the proposed tests are examined by simulation studies. The ordinal longitudinal studies are utilized to illustrate the application of the two proposed tests.  相似文献   

The author develops a robust quasi‐likelihood method, which appears to be useful for down‐weighting any influential data points when estimating the model parameters. He illustrates the computational issues of the method in an example. He uses simulations to study the behaviour of the robust estimates when data are contaminated with outliers, and he compares these estimates to those obtained by the ordinary quasi‐likelihood method.  相似文献   


In this paper, we discuss how to model the mean and covariancestructures in linear mixed models (LMMs) simultaneously. We propose a data-driven method to modelcovariance structures of the random effects and random errors in the LMMs. Parameter estimation in the mean and covariances is considered by using EM algorithm, and standard errors of the parameter estimates are calculated through Louis’ (1982 Louis, T.A. (1982). Finding observed information using the EM algorithm. J. Royal Stat. Soc. B 44:98130. [Google Scholar]) information principle. Kenward’s (1987 Kenward, M.G. (1987). A method for comparing profiles of repeated measurements. Appl. Stat. 36:296308.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) cattle data sets are analyzed for illustration,and comparison to the literature work is made through simulation studies. Our numerical analysis confirms the superiority of the proposed method to existing approaches in terms of Akaike information criterion.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss estimation and diagnostic procedures in elliptical multivariate regression models with equicorrelated random errors. Two procedures are proposed for the parameter estimation and the local influence curvatures are derived under some usual perturbation schemes to assess the sensitivity of the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs). Two motivating examples preliminarily analyzed under normal errors are reanalyzed considering appropriate elliptical distributions. The local influence approach is used to compare the sensitivity of the model estimates.  相似文献   

Linear mixed models have been widely used to analyze repeated measures data which arise in many studies. In most applications, it is assumed that both the random effects and the within-subjects errors are normally distributed. This can be extremely restrictive, obscuring important features of within-and among-subject variations. Here, quantile regression in the Bayesian framework for the linear mixed models is described to carry out the robust inferences. We also relax the normality assumption for the random effects by using a multivariate skew-normal distribution, which includes the normal ones as a special case and provides robust estimation in the linear mixed models. For posterior inference, we propose a Gibbs sampling algorithm based on a mixture representation of the asymmetric Laplace distribution and multivariate skew-normal distribution. The procedures are demonstrated by both simulated and real data examples.  相似文献   

In this paper we apply empirical likelihood method to the error density estimators in first-order autoregressive models under some mild conditions. The log-likelihood ratio statistic is shown to be asymptotically chi-squared distributed at a fixed point. In simulation, we show that the empirical likelihood produces confidence intervals having theoretical coverage accuracy which is better than normal approximation.  相似文献   

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