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The concept of fractional cointegration (Cheung and Lai in J Bus Econ Stat 11:103–112, 1993) has been introduced to generalize traditional cointegration (Engle and Granger in Econometrica 55:251–276, 1987) to the long memory framework. In this work we propose a test for fractional cointegration with the sieve bootstrap and compare by simulations the performance of our proposal with other semiparametric methods existing in literature: the three steps technique of Marinucci and Robinson (J Econom 105:225–247, 2001) and the procedure to determine the fractional cointegration rank of Robinson and Yajima (J Econom 106:217–241, 2002).  相似文献   

We propose a specific general Markov-regime switching estimation both in the long memory parameter d and the mean of a time series. We employ Viterbi algorithm that combines the Viterbi procedures in two state Markov-switching parameter estimation. It is well-known that existence of mean break and long memory in time series can be easily confused with each other in most cases. Thus, we aim at observing the deviation and interaction of mean and d estimates for different cases. A Monte Carlo experiment reveals that the finite sample performance of the proposed algorithm for a simple mixture model of Markov-switching mean and d changes with respect to the fractional integrating parameters and the mean values for the two regimes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the finite-sample behavior of the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test for fractional integration proposed by Breitung and Hassler (J. Econom. 110:167–185, 2002). We find by extensive Monte Carlo simulations that size distortions can be quite large in small samples. These are caused by a finite-sample bias towards the alternative. Analytic expressions for this bias are derived, based on which the test can easily be corrected.  相似文献   

This paper examines the existence of time trends in the infant mortality rates in a number of countries in the twentieth century. We test for the presence of deterministic trends by adopting a linear model for the log-transformed data. Instead of assuming that the error term is a stationary I(0), or alternatively, a non-stationary I(1) process, we allow for the possibility of fractional integration and hence for a much greater degree of flexibility in the dynamic specification of the series. Indeed, once the linear trend is removed, all series appear to be I(d) with 0<d<1, implying long-range dependence. As expected, the time trend coefficients are significantly negative, although of a different magnitude from those obtained assuming integer orders of differentiation.  相似文献   

Many economic variables are fractionally integrated of order d, FI(d) with unequal d's. For modeling their long-run equilibria, we explain why the usual cointegration fails to exist and the unit root type tests have low power. Hence, we propose a looser concept called “tie integration”. A new numerical minimization problem reveals the value of d in the absence of tie integration, denoted by dnull. We use the d from residuals of a regression, as well as, dnull to devise a new index called strength of tie (SOT). An application quantifies market responsiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an indirect estimation procedure for (ARFIMA) fractional time series models.The estimation method is based on an ‘incorrect’criterion which does not directly provide a consistent estimator of the parameters of interest,but leads to correct inference by using simulations.

The main steps are the following. First,we consider an auxiliary model which can be easily estimated.Specifically,we choose the finite lag Autoregressive model.Then, this is estimated on the observations and simulated values drawn from the ARFIMA model associated with a given value of the parameters of interest.Finally,the latter is calibrated in order to obtain close values of the two estimators of the auxiliary parameters.

In this article,we describe the estimation procedure and compare the performance of the indirect estimator with some alternative estimators based on the likelihood function by a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of testing for variance breaks in time series in the presence of a changing trend. In performing the test, we employ the cumulative sum of squares (CUSSQ) test introduced by Inclán and Tiao (1994, J.?Amer.?Statist.?Assoc., 89, 913 ? 923). It is shown that CUSSQ test is not robust in the case of broken trend and its asymptotic distribution does not convergence to the sup of a standard Brownian bridge. As a remedy, a bootstrap approximation method is designed to alleviate the size distortions of test statistic while preserving its high power. Via a bootstrap functional central limit theorem, the consistency of these bootstrap procedures is established under general assumptions. Simulation results are provided for illustration and an empirical example of application to a set of high frequency real data is given.  相似文献   

Kurtosis, usually as measured by the standardised fourth central moment, has been examined on a number of occasions by observing the effect of contaminating the distribution, that is, mixing in another distribution. However, superficial treatment can lead, and indeed has led, to misunderstandings. This paper considers, firstly for a symmetric distribution contaminated at two points symmetrically placed around its centre and then for a mixture of two continuous symmetric distributions, the behaviour of three measures of kurtosis. This is done in general and not just as the mixing proportion tends to zero as in the influence function approach. It is seen that when both scale and kurtosis change, the latter is not necessarily intuitive. It is also illustrated that parameter interpretation in terms of distributional properties such as shape can be misleading without the use of the appropriate distributional partial ordering  相似文献   

Risk of investing in a financial asset is quantified by functionals of squared returns. Discrete time stochastic volatility (SV) models impose a convenient and practically relevant time series dependence structure on the log-squared returns. Different long-term risk characteristics are postulated by short-memory SV and long-memory SV models. It is therefore important to test which of these two alternatives is suitable for a specific asset. Most standard tests are confounded by deterministic trends. This paper introduces a new, wavelet-based, test of the null hypothesis of short versus long memory in volatility which is robust to deterministic trends. In finite samples, the test performs better than currently available tests which are based on the Fourier transform.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new likelihood-based panel cointegration rank test which extends the test of Örsal and Droge (2014 Örsal, D. D. K., Droge, B. (2014). Panel cointegration testing in the presence of a time trend. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 76:377390.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) (henceforth panel SL test) to dependent panels. The dependence is modelled by unobserved common factors which affect the variables in each cross-section through heterogeneous loadings. The data are defactored following the panel analysis of nonstationarity in idiosyncratic and common components (PANIC) approach of Bai and Ng (2004 Bai, J., Ng, S. (2004). A PANIC attack on unit roots and cointegration. Econometrica 72(4):11271177.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the cointegrating rank of the defactored data is then tested by the panel SL test. A Monte Carlo study demonstrates that the proposed testing procedure has reasonable size and power properties in finite samples.  相似文献   

We propose an extension of structural fractionally integrated vector autoregressive models that avoids certain undesirable effects on the impulse responses that occur if long-run identification restrictions are imposed. We derive the model’s Granger representation and investigate the effects of long-run restrictions. Simulations illustrate that enforcing integer integration orders can have severe consequences for impulse responses. In a system of U.S. real output and aggregate prices, the effects of structural shocks strongly depend on the specification of the integration orders. In the statistically preferred fractional model, shocks that are typically interpreted as demand disturbances have a very brief influence on GDP. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

We report on an empirical investigation of the modified rescaled adjusted range or R/S statistic that was proposed by Lo, 1991. Econometrica 59, 1279–1313, as a test for long-range dependence with good robustness properties under ‘extra’ short-range dependence. In contrast to the classical R/S statistic that uses the standard deviation S to normalize the rescaled range R, Lo's modified R/S-statistic Vq is normalized by a modified standard deviation Sq which takes into account the covariances of the first q lags, so as to discount the influence of the short-range dependence structure that might be present in the data. Depending on the value of the resulting test-statistic Vq, the null hypothesis of no long-range dependence is either rejected or accepted. By performing Monte-Carlo simulations with ‘truly’ long-range- and short-range dependent time series, we study the behavior of Vq, as a function of q, and uncover a number of serious drawbacks to using Lo's method in practice. For example, we show that as the truncation lag q increases, the test statistic Vq has a strong bias toward accepting the null hypothesis (i.e., no long-range dependence), even in ideal situations of ‘purely’ long-range dependent data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show some results of forecasting based on the ARFIMA(p,d,q) and ARIMA(p,d,q) models. We show, by simulation, that the technique of forecasting of the ARIMA(p,d,q) model can also be used when d is fractional, i.e., for the ARFIMA(p,d,q) model. We also conduct a simulation study to compare the two estimators of d obtained through regression methods. They are used in the hypothesis test to decide whether or not the series has long memory property and are compared on the basis of their k-step ahead forecast errors. The properties of long-memory models are also investigated using an actual set of data.  相似文献   


This article proposes a bootstrap version of the tests of Robinson (1994) for testing unit and/or fractional roots. The finite-sample behaviour of the tests, based on these bootstrap critical values is compared with those based on asymptotic and on finite-sample results and with a number of leading unit-root tests. The Monte-Carlo simulations indicate that the bootstrap version of the tests of Robinson (1994) outperforms the other tests, including the one using finite-sample critical values. The improvement in the size and the power is particularly important under AR(1) alternatives. A small empirical application is also carried out with inflation for a panel of 16 European countries. The results show that the differences across countries depend on the critical values used: whereas the I (1) property of inflation is unclear with the asymptotic tests in some countries, the bootstrap version of Robinson's (1994) tests cannot reject the presence of a unit-root in inflation.  相似文献   

This article deals with the efficiency of fractional integration parameter estimators. This study was based on Monte Carlo experiments involving simulated stochastic processes with integration orders in the range ]-1,1[. The evaluated estimation methods were classified into two groups: heuristics and semiparametric/maximum likelihood (ML). The study revealed that the comparative efficiency of the estimators, measured by the lesser mean squared error, depends on the stationary/non-stationary and persistency/anti-persistency conditions of the series. The ML estimator was shown to be superior for stationary persistent processes; the wavelet spectrum-based estimators were better for non-stationary mean reversible and invertible anti-persistent processes; the weighted periodogram-based estimator was shown to be superior for non-invertible anti-persistent processes.  相似文献   

It is known that, in the presence of short memory components, the estimation of the fractional parameter d in an Autoregressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average, ARFIMA(p, d, q), process has some difficulties (see [1] Smith, J., Taylor, N. and Yadav, S. 1997. Comparing the bias and misspecification in ARFIMA models. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 18(5): 507527. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). In this paper, we continue the efforts made by Smith et al. [1] Smith, J., Taylor, N. and Yadav, S. 1997. Comparing the bias and misspecification in ARFIMA models. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 18(5): 507527. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] and Beveridge and Oickle [2] Beveridge, S. and Oickle, C. 1993. Estimating fractionally integrated time series models. Economics Letters, 43: 137142.  [Google Scholar] by conducting a simulation study to evaluate the convergence properties of the iterative estimation procedure suggested by Hosking [3] Hosking, J. 1981. Fractional differencing. Biometrika, 68(1): 165176. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. In this context we consider some semiparametric approaches and a parametric method proposed by Fox-Taqqu[4] Fox, R. and Taqqu, M. S. 1986. Large-sample properties of parameter estimates for strongly dependent stationary gaussian time series. The Annals of Statistics, 14(2): 517532. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. We also investigate the method proposed by Robinson [5] Robinson, P. M. 1995a. Log-periodogram regression of time series with long range dependence. The Annals of Statistics, 23(3): 10481072. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and a modification using the smoothed periodogram function.  相似文献   

This work is motivated in part by a recent publication by Ma et al. (2011) who resolved the asymptotic non-normality problem of the classical sample quantiles for discrete data through defining a new mid-distribution based quantile function. This work is the motivation for defining a new and improved smooth population quantile function given discrete data. Our definition is based on the theory of fractional order statistics. The main advantage of our definition as compared to its competitors is the capability to distinguish the uth quantile across different discrete distributions over the whole interval, u∈(0,1). In addition, we define the corresponding estimator of the smooth population quantiles and demonstrate the convergence and asymptotic normal distribution of the corresponding sample quantiles. We verify our theoretical results through a Monte Carlo simulation, and illustrate the utilization of our quantile function in a Q-Q plot for discrete data.  相似文献   

Intermittency maps are well-known to be capable of generating stochastic processes with slowly decaying cross covariances. The present paper considers the asymmetric cusp map and derives an asymptotic lower bound of the autocovariance function of a stochastic process generated by this map. As a consequence, such a stochastic process is shown to belong to the class of long memory processes.  相似文献   

Summary.  We develop a new class of time continuous autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (CARFIMA) models which are useful for modelling regularly spaced and irregu-larly spaced discrete time long memory data. We derive the autocovariance function of a stationary CARFIMA model and study maximum likelihood estimation of a regression model with CARFIMA errors, based on discrete time data and via the innovations algorithm. It is shown that the maximum likelihood estimator is asymptotically normal, and its finite sample properties are studied through simulation. The efficacy of the approach proposed is demonstrated with a data set from an environmental study.  相似文献   

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