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The asymptotic expansions for the coverage probability of a confidence set centred at the James–Stein estimator presented in our previous publications show that this probability depends on the non-centrality parameter τ2 (the sum of the squares of the means of normal distributions). In this paper we establish how these expansions can be used for a construction of confidence region with constant confidence level, which is asymptotically (the same formula for both case τ→0 and τ→∞) equal to some fixed value 1?α. We establish the shrinkage rate for the confidence region according to the growth of the dimension p and also the value of τ for which we observe quick decreasing of the coverage probability to the nominal level 1?α. When p→∞ this value of τ increases as O(p1/4). The accuracy of the results obtained is shown by the Monte-Carlo statistical simulations.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of estimating the coverage function of an usual confidence interval for a randomly chosen linear combination of the elements of the mean vector of a p-dimensional normal distribution. The usual constant coverage probability estimator is shown to be admissible under the ancillary statistic everywhere-valid constraint. Note that this estimator is not admissible under the usual sense if p⩾5. Since the criterion of admissibility under the ancillary statistic everywhere-valid constraint is a reasonable one, that the constant coverage probability estimator has been commonly accepted is justified.  相似文献   

Double arrays of n rows and p columns can be regarded as n drawings from some p-dimensional population. A sequence of such arrays is considered. Principal component analysis for each array forms sequences of sample principal components and eigenvalues. The continuity of these sequences, in the sense of convergence with probability one and convergence in probability, is investigated, that appears to be informative for pattern study and prediction of principal components. Various features of paths of sequences of population principal components are highlighted through an example.  相似文献   

n possibly different success probabilities p 1, p 2, ..., p n is frequently approximated by a Poisson distribution with parameter λ = p 1 + p 2 + ... + p n . LeCam's bound p 2 1 + p 2 2 + ... + p n 2 for the total variation distance between both distributions is particularly useful provided the success probabilities are small. The paper presents an improved version of LeCam's bound if a generalized d-dimensional Poisson binomial distribution is to be approximated by a compound Poisson distribution. Received: May 10, 2000; revised version: January 15, 2001  相似文献   

The classical coupon collector's problem is considered, where each new coupon collected is type i with probability pi , ∑ n i = 1 pi = 1. Suppose coupons are collected in a sequence of independent trials. An expression is developed for the probability that all coupon types iij, have been collected prior to collecting r ? 1 coupons of type j in the sequence of trials. Given two different coupon subsets A, B of {1, 2, …, n}, the foregoing is then generalized to an expression for the probability that s ? 1 copies of A appear in the sequence of trials before r ? 1 copies of B. Some computational considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a wavelet basis, Chesneau and Shirazi study the estimation of one-dimensional regression functions in a biased non parametric model over L2 risk (see Chesneau, C and Shirazi, E. Non parametric wavelet regression based on biased data, Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 43: 2642–2658, 2014). This article considers d-dimensional regression function estimation over Lp?(1 ? p < ∞) risk. It turns out that our results reduce to the corresponding theorems of Chesneau and Shirazi’s theorems, when d = 1 and p = 2.  相似文献   

Let X =(x)ij=(111, …, X,)T, i = l, …n, be an n X random matrix having multivariate symmetrical distributions with parameters μ, Σ. The p-variate normal with mean μ and covariance matrix is a member of this family. Let be the squared multiple correlation coefficient between the first and the succeeding p1 components, and let p2 = + be the squared multiple correlation coefficient between the first and the remaining p1 + p2 =p – 1 components of the p-variate normal vector. We shall consider here three testing problems for multivariate symmetrical distributions. They are (A) to test p2 =0 against; (B) to test against =0, 0; (C) to test against p2 =0, We have shown here that for problem (A) the uniformly most powerful invariant (UMPI) and locally minimax test for the multivariate normal is UMPI and is locally minimax as p2 0 for multivariate symmetrical distributions. For problem (B) the UMPI and locally minimax test is UMPI and locally minimax as for multivariate symmetrical distributions. For problem (C) the locally best invariant (LBI) and locally minimax test for the multivariate normal is also LBI and is locally minimax as for multivariate symmetrical distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply empirical likelihood for two-sample problems with growing high dimensionality. Our results are demonstrated for constructing confidence regions for the difference of the means of two p-dimensional samples and the difference in value between coefficients of two p-dimensional sample linear model. We show that empirical likelihood based estimator has the efficient property. That is, as p → ∞ for high-dimensional data, the limit distribution of the EL ratio statistic for the difference of the means of two samples and the difference in value between coefficients of two-sample linear model is asymptotic normal distribution. Furthermore, empirical likelihood (EL) gives efficient estimator for regression coefficients in linear models, and can be as efficient as a parametric approach. The performance of the proposed method is illustrated via numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Following the paper by Genton and Loperfido [Generalized skew-elliptical distributions and their quadratic forms, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 57 (2005), pp. 389–401], we say that Z has a generalized skew-normal distribution, if its probability density function (p.d.f.) is given by f(z)=2φ p (z; ξ, Ω)π (z?ξ), z∈? p , where φ p (·; ξ, Ω) is the p-dimensional normal p.d.f. with location vector ξ and scale matrix Ω, ξ∈? p , Ω>0, and π is a skewing function from ? p to ?, that is 0≤π (z)≤1 and π (?z)=1?π (z), ? z∈? p . First the distribution of linear transformations of Z are studied, and some moments of Z and its quadratic forms are derived. Next we obtain the joint moment-generating functions (m.g.f.’s) of linear and quadratic forms of Z and then investigate conditions for their independence. Finally explicit forms for the above distributions, m.g.f.’s and moments are derived when π (z)=κ (αz), where α∈? p and κ is the normal, Laplace, logistic or uniform distribution function.  相似文献   

Empirical likelihood has attracted much attention in the literature as a nonparametric method. A recent paper by Lu & Peng (2002) [Likelihood based confidence intervals for the tail index. Extremes 5, 337–352] applied this method to construct a confidence interval for the tail index of a heavy‐tailed distribution. It turns out that the empirical likelihood method, as well as other likelihood‐based methods, performs better than the normal approximation method in terms of coverage probability. However, when the sample size is small, the confidence interval computed using the χ2 approximation has a serious undercoverage problem. Motivated by Tsao (2004) [A new method of calibration for the empirical loglikelihood ratio. Statist. Probab. Lett. 68, 305–314], this paper proposes a new method of calibration, which corrects the undercoverage problem.  相似文献   

While it is often argued that a p-value is a probability; see Wasserstein and Lazar, we argue that a p-value is not defined as a probability. A p-value is a bijection of the sufficient statistic for a given test which maps to the same scale as the Type I error probability. As such, the use of p-values in a test should be no more a source of controversy than the use of a sufficient statistic. It is demonstrated that there is, in fact, no ambiguity about what a p-value is, contrary to what has been claimed in recent public debates in the applied statistics community. We give a simple example to illustrate that rejecting the use of p-values in testing for a normal mean parameter is conceptually no different from rejecting the use of a sample mean. The p-value is innocent; the problem arises from its misuse and misinterpretation. The way that p-values have been informally defined and interpreted appears to have led to tremendous confusion and controversy regarding their place in statistical analysis.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of estimating the volume of the excursion set of a function f:ℝ d →ℝ above a given threshold, under a probability measure on ℝ d that is assumed to be known. In the industrial world, this corresponds to the problem of estimating a probability of failure of a system. When only an expensive-to-simulate model of the system is available, the budget for simulations is usually severely limited and therefore classical Monte Carlo methods ought to be avoided. One of the main contributions of this article is to derive SUR (stepwise uncertainty reduction) strategies from a Bayesian formulation of the problem of estimating a probability of failure. These sequential strategies use a Gaussian process model of f and aim at performing evaluations of f as efficiently as possible to infer the value of the probability of failure. We compare these strategies to other strategies also based on a Gaussian process model for estimating a probability of failure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the problem of estimating a function g(p), where p is the probability of success in a sequential sample of independent identically Bernoulli distributed random variables. As a loss associated with estimation we introduce a generalized LINEX loss function. We construct a sequential procedure possessing some asymptotically optimal properties in the case when p tends to zero. In this approach to the problem, the conditions are given, under which the stopping time is asymptotically efficient and normal, and the corresponding sequential estimator is asymptotically normal. The procedure constructed guarantees that its sequential risk is asymptotically equal to a prescribed constant.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating, under arbitrary quadratic loss, the location vector parameter θ of a p-variate distribution (p ≥ 3) with unknown covari-ance matrix ∑ = α2 D (where D is a known diagonal matrix) is considered. A large class of improved shrinkage estimators is developed for this problem. This work generalizes results of Berger and Brandwein and Strawderman for the case of a known scale parameter and extends the authors’ results for the class of scale mixtures of normal distributions.  相似文献   

Let X = (Xj : j = 1,…, n) be n row vectors of dimension p independently and identically distributed multinomial. For each j, Xj is partitioned as Xj = (Xj1, Xj2, Xj3), where pi is the dimension of Xji with p1 = 1,p1+p2+p3 = p. In addition, consider vectors Yji, i = 1,2j = 1,…,ni that are independent and distributed as X1i. We treat here the problem of testing independence between X11 and X13 knowing that X11 and X12 are uncorrected. A locally best invariant test is proposed for this problem.  相似文献   

Based on the recursive formulas of Lee (1988) and Singh and Relyea (1992) for computing the noncentral F distribution, a numerical algorithm for evaluating the distributional values of the sample squared multiple correlation coefficient is proposed. The distributional function of this statistic is usually represented as an infinite weighted sum of the iterative form of incomplete beta integral. So an effective algorithm for the incomplete beta integral is crucial to the numerical evaluation of various distribution values. Let a and b denote two shape parameters shown in the incomplete beta integral and hence formed in the sampling distribution functionn be the sample size, and p be the number of random variates. Then both 2a = p - 1 and 2b = n - p are positive integers in sampling situations so that the proposed numerical procedures in this paper are greatly simplified by recursively formulating the incomplete beta integral. By doing this, it can jointly compute the distributional values of probability dens function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (cdf) for which the distributional value of quantile can be more efficiently obtained by Newton's method. In addition, computer codes in C are developed for demonstration and performance evaluation. For the less precision required, the implemented method can achieve the exact value with respect to the jnite significant digit desired. In general, the numerical results are apparently better than those by various approximations and interpolations of Gurland and Asiribo (1991),Gurland and Milton (1970), and Lee (1971, 1972). When b = (1/2)(n -p) is an integer in particular, the finite series formulation of Gurland (1968) is used to evaluate the pdf/cdf values without truncation errors, which are served as the pivotal one. By setting the implemented codes with double precisions, the infinite series form of derived method can achieve the pivotal values for almost all cases under study. Related comparisons and illustrations are also presented  相似文献   


In Bayesian theory, calculating a posterior probability distribution is highly important but typically difficult. Therefore, some methods have been proposed to deal with such problem, among which, the most popular one is the asymptotic expansions of posterior distributions. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach, named a random weighting method, for scaled posterior distributions, and give an ideal convergence rate, o(n( ? 1/2)), which serves as the theoretical guarantee for methods of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

We study the problem of testing: H0 : μ ∈ P against H1 : μ ? P, based on a random sample of N observations from a p-dimensional normal distribution Np(μ, Σ) with Σ > 0 and P a closed convex positively homogeneous set. We develop the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) for this problem. We show that the union-intersection principle leads to a test equivalent to the LRT. It also gives a large class of tests which are shown to be admissible by Stein's theorem (1956). Finally, we give the α-level cutoff points for the LRT.  相似文献   


We consider the regression model yi = ?(xi ) + ε in which the function ? or its pth derivative ?(p) may have a discontinuity at some unknown point τ. By fitting local polynomials from the left and right, we test the null that ?(p) is continuous against the alternative that ?(p)(τ?) ≠ ?(p)(τ+). We obtain Darling-Erdös type limit theorems for the test statistics under the null hypothesis of no change, as well as their limits in probability under the alternative. Consistency of the related change-point estimators is also established.  相似文献   

Let X be a normally distributed p-dimensional column vector with mean μ and positive definite covariance matrix σ. and let X α, α = 1,…, N, be a random sample of size N from this distribution. Partition X as ( X 1, X (2)', X '(3))', where X1 is one-dimension, X(2) is p2- dimensional, and so 1 + p1 + p2 = p. Let ρ1 and ρ be the multiple correlation coefficients of X1 with X(2) and with ( X '(2), X '(3))', respectively. Write ρ2/2 = ρ2 - ρ2/1. We shall cosider the following two problems  相似文献   

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