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This paper deals with a longitudinal semi‐parametric regression model in a generalised linear model setup for repeated count data collected from a large number of independent individuals. To accommodate the longitudinal correlations, we consider a dynamic model for repeated counts which has decaying auto‐correlations as the time lag increases between the repeated responses. The semi‐parametric regression function involved in the model contains a specified regression function in some suitable time‐dependent covariates and a non‐parametric function in some other time‐dependent covariates. As far as the inference is concerned, because the non‐parametric function is of secondary interest, we estimate this function consistently using the independence assumption‐based well‐known quasi‐likelihood approach. Next, the proposed longitudinal correlation structure and the estimate of the non‐parametric function are used to develop a semi‐parametric generalised quasi‐likelihood approach for consistent and efficient estimation of the regression effects in the parametric regression function. The finite sample performance of the proposed estimation approach is examined through an intensive simulation study based on both large and small samples. Both balanced and unbalanced cluster sizes are incorporated in the simulation study. The asymptotic performances of the estimators are given. The estimation methodology is illustrated by reanalysing the well‐known health care utilisation data consisting of counts of yearly visits to a physician by 180 individuals for four years and several important primary and secondary covariates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider inferences in a binary dynamic mixed model. The existing estimation approaches mainly estimate the regression effects and the dynamic dependence parameters either through the estimation of the random effects or by avoiding the random effects technically. Under the assumption that the random effects follow a Gaussian distribution, we propose a generalized quasilikelihood (GQL) approach for the estimation of the parameters of the dynamic mixed models. The proposed approach is computationally less cumbersome than the exact maximum likelihood (ML) approach. We also carry out the GQL estimation under two competitive, namely, probit and logit mixed models, and discuss both the asymptotic and small-sample behaviour of their estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the recursive (or on line) estimation in (i) regression and (ii) autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) time series models. The adopted approach uses Kalman filtering techniques to calculate estimates recursively. This approach is used for the estimation of constant as well as time varying parameters. In the first section of the paper we consider the linear regression model. We discuss recursive estimation both for constant and time varying parameters. For constant parameters, Kalman filtering specializes to recursive least squares. In general, we allow the parameters to vary according to an autoregressive integrated moving average process and update the parameter estimates recursively. Since the stochastic model for the parameter changes will "be rarely known, simplifying assumptions have to be made. In particular we assume a random walk model for the time varying parameters and show how to determine whether the parameters are changing over time. This is illustrated with an example.  相似文献   

When a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) with multiple (two or more) sources of random effects is considered, the inferences may vary depending on the nature of the random effects. For example, the inference in GLMMs with two independent random effects with two distinct components of dispersion will be different from the inference in GLMMs with two random effects in a two factor factorial design set-up. In this paper, we consider a familial-longitudinal model for repeated binary data where the binary response of an individual member of a family at a given time point is assumed to be influenced by the past responses of the member as well as two but independent sources of random family effects. For the estimation of the parameters of the proposed model, we discuss the well-known maximum-likelihood (ML) method as well as a generalized quasi-likelihood (GQL) approach. The main objective of the paper is to examine the relative asymptotic efficiency performance of the ML and GQL estimators for the regression effects, dynamic (longitudinal) dependence and variance parameters of the random family effects from two sources.  相似文献   

Binary dynamic fixed and mixed logit models are extensively studied in the literature. These models are developed to examine the effects of certain fixed covariates through a parametric regression function as a part of the models. However, there are situations where one may like to consider more covariates in the model but their direct effect is not of interest. In this paper we propose a generalization of the existing binary dynamic logit (BDL) models to the semi-parametric longitudinal setup to address this issue of additional covariates. The regression function involved in such a semi-parametric BDL model contains (i) a parametric linear regression function in some primary covariates, and (ii) a non-parametric function in certain secondary covariates. We use a simple semi-parametric conditional quasi-likelihood approach for consistent estimation of the non-parametric function, and a semi-parametric likelihood approach for the joint estimation of the main regression and dynamic dependence parameters of the model. The finite sample performance of the estimation approaches is examined through a simulation study. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are also discussed. The proposed model and the estimation approaches are illustrated by reanalysing a longitudinal infectious disease data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider estimation of the mean squared prediction error (MSPE) of the best linear predictor of (possibly) nonlinear functions of finitely many future observations in a stationary time series. We develop a resampling methodology for estimating the MSPE when the unknown parameters in the best linear predictor are estimated. Further, we propose a bias corrected MSPE estimator based on the bootstrap and establish its second order accuracy. Finite sample properties of the method are investigated through a simulation study.  相似文献   

We consider computationally-fast methods for estimating parameters in ARMA processes from binary time series data, obtained by thresholding the latent ARMA process. All methods involve matching estimated and expected autocorrelations of the binary series. In particular, we focus on the spectral representation of the likelihood of an ARMA process and derive a restricted form of this likelihood, which uses correlations at only the first few lags. We contrast these methods with an efficient but computationally-intensive Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. In a simulation study we show that, for a range of ARMA processes, the spectral method is more efficient than variants of least squares and much faster than MCMC. We illustrate by fitting an ARMA(2,1) model to a binary time series of cow feeding data.  相似文献   

Traditionally, time series analysis involves building an appropriate model and using either parametric or nonparametric methods to make inference about the model parameters. Motivated by recent developments for dimension reduction in time series, an empirical application of sufficient dimension reduction (SDR) to nonlinear time series modelling is shown in this article. Here, we use time series central subspace as a tool for SDR and estimate it using mutual information index. Especially, in order to reduce the computational complexity in time series, we propose an efficient estimation method of minimal dimension and lag using a modified Schwarz–Bayesian criterion, when either of the dimensions and the lags is unknown. Through simulations and real data analysis, the approach presented in this article performs well in autoregression and volatility estimation.  相似文献   

Multivariate failure time data arise when data consist of clusters in which the failure times may be dependent. A popular approach to such data is the marginal proportional hazards model with estimation under the working independence assumption. In this paper, we consider the Clayton–Oakes model with marginal proportional hazards and use the full model structure to improve on efficiency compared with the independence analysis. We derive a likelihood based estimating equation for the regression parameters as well as for the correlation parameter of the model. We give the large sample properties of the estimators arising from this estimating equation. Finally, we investigate the small sample properties of the estimators through Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Current methods of testing the equality of conditional correlations of bivariate data on a third variable of interest (covariate) are limited due to discretizing of the covariate when it is continuous. In this study, we propose a linear model approach for estimation and hypothesis testing of the Pearson correlation coefficient, where the correlation itself can be modeled as a function of continuous covariates. The restricted maximum likelihood method is applied for parameter estimation, and the corrected likelihood ratio test is performed for hypothesis testing. This approach allows for flexible and robust inference and prediction of the conditional correlations based on the linear model. Simulation studies show that the proposed method is statistically more powerful and more flexible in accommodating complex covariate patterns than the existing methods. In addition, we illustrate the approach by analyzing the correlation between the physical component summary and the mental component summary of the MOS SF-36 form across a fair number of covariates in the national survey data.  相似文献   

The transformed likelihood approach to estimation of fixed effects dynamic panel data models is shown to present very good inferential properties but it is not directly implemented in the most diffused statistical software. The present paper aims at showing how a simple model reformulation can be adopted to describe the problem in terms of classical linear mixed models. The transformed likelihood approach is based on the first differences data transformation, the following results derive from a convenient reformulation in terms of deviations from the first observations. Given the invariance to data transformation, the likelihood functions defined in the two cases coincide. Resulting in a classical random effect linear model form, the proposed approach significantly improves the number of available estimation procedures and provides a straightforward interpretation for the parameters. Moreover, the proposed model specification allows to consider all the estimation improvements typical of the random effects model literature. Simulation studies are conducted in order to study the robustness of the estimation method to mean stationarity violation.  相似文献   

Many of the popular nonlinear time series models require a priori the choice of parametric functions which are assumed to be appropriate in specific applications. This approach is mainly used in financial applications, when sufficient knowledge is available about the nonlinear structure between the covariates and the response. One principal strategy to investigate a broader class on nonlinear time series is the Nonlinear Additive AutoRegressive (NAAR) model. The NAAR model estimates the lags of a time series as flexible functions in order to detect non-monotone relationships between current and past observations. We consider linear and additive models for identifying nonlinear relationships. A componentwise boosting algorithm is applied for simultaneous model fitting, variable selection, and model choice. Thus, with the application of boosting for fitting potentially nonlinear models we address the major issues in time series modelling: lag selection and nonlinearity. By means of simulation we compare boosting to alternative nonparametric methods. Boosting shows a strong overall performance in terms of precise estimations of highly nonlinear lag functions. The forecasting potential of boosting is examined on the German industrial production (IP); to improve the model’s forecasting quality we include additional exogenous variables. Thus we address the second major aspect in this paper which concerns the issue of high dimensionality in models. Allowing additional inputs in the model extends the NAAR model to a broader class of models, namely the NAARX model. We show that boosting can cope with large models which have many covariates compared to the number of observations.  相似文献   


We develop and exemplify application of new classes of dynamic models for time series of nonnegative counts. Our novel univariate models combine dynamic generalized linear models for binary and conditionally Poisson time series, with dynamic random effects for over-dispersion. These models estimate dynamic regression coefficients in both binary and nonzero count components. Sequential Bayesian analysis allows fast, parallel analysis of sets of decoupled time series. New multivariate models then enable information sharing in contexts when data at a more highly aggregated level provide more incisive inferences on shared patterns such as trends and seasonality. A novel multiscale approach—one new example of the concept of decouple/recouple in time series—enables information sharing across series. This incorporates cross-series linkages while insulating parallel estimation of univariate models, and hence enables scalability in the number of series. The major motivating context is supermarket sales forecasting. Detailed examples drawn from a case study in multistep forecasting of sales of a number of related items showcase forecasting of multiple series, with discussion of forecast accuracy metrics, comparisons with existing methods, and broader questions of probabilistic forecast assessment.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2013,32(4):385-424
This paper introduces nonlinear dynamic factor models for various applications related to risk analysis. Traditional factor models represent the dynamics of processes driven by movements of latent variables, called the factors. Our approach extends this setup by introducing factors defined as random dynamic parameters and stochastic autocorrelated simulators. This class of factor models can represent processes with time varying conditional mean, variance, skewness and excess kurtosis. Applications discussed in the paper include dynamic risk analysis, such as risk in price variations (models with stochastic mean and volatility), extreme risks (models with stochastic tails), risk on asset liquidity (stochastic volatility duration models), and moral hazard in insurance analysis.

We propose estimation procedures for models with the marginal density of the series and factor dynamics parameterized by distinct subsets of parameters. Such a partitioning of the parameter vector found in many applications allows to simplify considerably statistical inference. We develop a two- stage Maximum Likelihood method, called the Finite Memory Maximum Likelihood, which is easy to implement in the presence of multiple factors. We also discuss simulation based estimation, testing, prediction and filtering.  相似文献   

本文研究的是时间序列的聚类问题。由于现实世界中时间序列多数是非线性的,而现有的时间序列聚类问题大都是基于线性时间序列模型进行聚类的,本文提出了可以用于非线性时间序列的聚类方法。以时间序列的二维核密度估计之间的相似性作为非线性时间序列的距离度量,该距离度量方式是一种非参数的距离度量方法,考虑到了时间序列自相关结构的差异,能够粗糙地识别时间序列形状和动态相关结构的相似性。与理论研究结果相一致,我们的模拟实验结果也验证了这种距离度量的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a partially linear panel data model with nonstationarity and certain cross-sectional dependence. Accounting for the explosive feature of the nonstationary time series, we particularly employ Hermite orthogonal functions in this study. Under a general spatial error dependence structure, we then establish some consistent closed-form estimates for both the unknown parameters and the unknown functions for the cases where N and T go jointly to infinity. Rates of convergence and asymptotic normalities are established for the proposed estimators. Both the finite sample performance and the empirical applications show that the proposed estimation methods work well.  相似文献   

Nonparametric model specification for stationary time series involves selections of the smoothing parameter (bandwidth), the lag structure and the functional form (linear vs. nonlinear). In real life problems, none of these factors are known and the choices are interdependent. In this article, we recommend to accomplish these choices in one step via the model selection approach. Two procedures are considered; one based on the information criterion and the other based on the least squares cross validation. The Monte Carlo simulation results show that both procedures have good finite sample performances and are easy to implement compared to existing two-step probabilistic testing procedures.  相似文献   

Measuring dependence in multivariate time series is tantamount to modeling its dynamic structure in space and time. In risk management, the nonnormal behavior of most financial time series calls for non-Gaussian dependences. The correct modeling of non-Gaussian dependences is, therefore, a key issue in the analysis of multivariate time series. In this article we use copula functions with adaptively estimated time-varying parameters for modeling the distribution of returns. Furthermore, we apply copulae to the estimation of Value-at-Risk of portfolios and show their better performance over the RiskMetrics approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a partially linear transformation model for data subject to length-biasedness and right-censoring which frequently arise simultaneously in biometrics and other fields. The partially linear transformation model can account for nonlinear covariate effects in addition to linear effects on survival time, and thus reconciles a major disadvantage of the popular semiparamnetric linear transformation model. We adopt local linear fitting technique and develop an unbiased global and local estimating equations approach for the estimation of unknown covariate effects. We provide an asymptotic justification for the proposed procedure, and develop an iterative computational algorithm for its practical implementation, and a bootstrap resampling procedure for estimating the standard errors of the estimator. A simulation study shows that the proposed method performs well in finite samples, and the proposed estimator is applied to analyse the Oscar data.  相似文献   

We consider estimation in a high-dimensional linear model with strongly correlated variables. We propose to cluster the variables first and do subsequent sparse estimation such as the Lasso for cluster-representatives or the group Lasso based on the structure from the clusters. Regarding the first step, we present a novel and bottom-up agglomerative clustering algorithm based on canonical correlations, and we show that it finds an optimal solution and is statistically consistent. We also present some theoretical arguments that canonical correlation based clustering leads to a better-posed compatibility constant for the design matrix which ensures identifiability and an oracle inequality for the group Lasso. Furthermore, we discuss circumstances where cluster-representatives and using the Lasso as subsequent estimator leads to improved results for prediction and detection of variables. We complement the theoretical analysis with various empirical results.  相似文献   

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