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妥善解决下岗职工的再就业,不仅是一个经济问题,同时也是一个政治问题和社会问题。改革开放以来,特别是90年代以来,随着企业改革深化、技术进步、经济结构调整和就业方式的改变,下岗失业职工人数急剧增长,再就业压力巨大,就业形势严峻。职工下岗失业与再就业已成为社会普遍关注的热点问题。本文就此问题谈几点粗浅的认识。一、准确把握了岗失业职工的基本状况按国家统计局规定,“失业”是指在劳动年龄内有劳动能力,在调查期间末工作并以某种方式在寻找工作的人员。“下岗’倒是在经济结构和资产重组过程中,企业富余人员失去工作岗…  相似文献   

近年来,吉林省下岗失业问题日益突出。引起了社会各界的广泛关注。政府制定各种政策措施,加大实施再就业工程的力度,开拓各种渠道安置下岗失业职工再就业,并取得了一定成效。但是,在实施再就业工程中遇到的困难越来越大,形成这些困难的原因值得人们深入研究思考。本文在分析吉林省下岗失业职工状况的基础上,结合社会经济发展,探讨职工下岗失业以及困扰再就业工程的各种原因,为更好地实施再就业工程提供参考。一、数据来源及说明本文有关下岗失业的数据来源于全国和吉林省1995年1%人口抽样调查资料。这次抽样调查规定,在标准登记…  相似文献   

城镇失业人员再就业问题研究——以大连市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋刚  冯茹 《西北人口》2009,30(1):41-46
失业人员再就业是经济发展、社会进步的重要内容,是关系到社会稳定的重大问题.大连是我国重要的沿海开放城市和对外贸易口岸城市之一,也是东北老工业基地重要的组成部分,然而经济高速发展的同时失业再就业的形势却不容乐观.以大连市失业人员再就业为例,利用贝克尔歧视理论、工作选择模型深入分析了再就业的难点及其成因,并提出了解决失业人员再就业问题的措施.  相似文献   

中国城镇失业和非正规再就业的经验研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
文章利用2002年的城镇住户调查数据和经济计量模型,对城镇户口劳动力的失业概率及其原因进行了经验分析,从中发现那些就职于经营不善的地方国有或集体企业,或者具有文化程度低、身体健康差、年龄偏大、女性等特征的人员,是城镇下岗失业大潮中的主要受害者,她们下岗失业的可能性明显大于其他人员。文章还对失业人员的非正式再就业机会及其影响因素进行了估计。  相似文献   

资源型城市下岗失业人员就业吸纳问题——以阜新市为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张琳 《西北人口》2003,(3):62-64,F003
资源型工矿业城市的再就业形势十分严峻.本文以阜新市为例,在分析资源型工矿业城市面临的困境和失业的原因的基础上,探讨了这类城市如何尽可能的吸纳下岗失业人员.  相似文献   

实现再就业的一个可行途径是社区就业。目前,发达国家的社区就业份额约占就业总人口的20-30%,发展中国家的社区就业份额约占就业总人口的12-18%,而我国只有3.9%。针对下岗失业人员的剧增和社区就业的巨大发展潜力,从中央一直到苏州市都将社区就业与下岗再就业紧密联系起来,将它作为努力开辟就业门路,积极创造就业岗位的一个途径。在苏州市劳动和社会保障局支持下,2003年8月,本文作者对苏州市两个具有代表性的社区进行了实地调查,取得了很多宝贵的资料。在总结经验的同时,也发现了一定的问题,并提出相应的建议,即领导必须重视;需要大力挖掘潜力;重视制度的执行;针对4048的培训必须切实展开,并保证其效果,社区岗位的培训是突破口。  相似文献   

黄桂  付春光  陈涛 《南方人口》2004,19(1):37-40
为促进广州市下岗失业人员再就业而开展的“一三一”就业服务,针对不同的服务对象与服务性质,对职业指导、职业介绍、职业培训采取不同的资助额度,有效地制止了失业率的上升,产生了积极的社会效益。  相似文献   

劳动就业是否充分,是衡量一个国家经济发展和社会进步的重要标志。我国是一个人口大国,劳动就业无疑是关系到我国改革与发展的重要问题。在经济增长方式的转变和国企改革深化的同时,我国面临的就业问题却日趋严峻。迄今为止,全国下岗的人员在160O万人以上,通过各种渠道再就业的约一半,还有8O0万人失去工作岗位,加以500万左右的登记失业人员,保守估计失业的人数在1300万人以上,东北和其他地区的重工业城市,一些经济不发达的县城,一些资源型城市,失业问题更为严峻。经济转型和经济结构调整,人员流动和职工下岗是难以避免的,但…  相似文献   

跨入新世纪的最大挑战:中国进入高失业阶段   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
90年代中期以来,中国进入高失业价段,形成大规模的持续性的“下岗洪水“和“失业洪水”。但是国家统计局公开登记的失业率只有3.1%,与实际情况差异甚大。本文利用大量数据逐一分析了登记失业人员、调查失业人员、下岗人员、下岗未就业人员以及农民工失业人员的情况,估计1998年中国城镇实际失业人口规模达1540~1600万人,真实失业率为8%左右,同年乡镇企业实际失业人员约1700万人。为此中国应当实行“就业优先”的发展目标,就业政策应成为最重要的经济政策和社会政策。  相似文献   

人力资源开发是有效促进就业扩大和失业压力转化的治本之策。但在就业结构非农化转换的关键时期 ,由于各国人力资源开发模式与水平不同 ,失业压力的转化趋势也很不同 ,有的失业压力转低或高失业压力转缓 ,有的失业压力转强。其中韩国准超前型开发模式的成效较高、社会成本较低、高失业压力转低最快 ,是我国较为可行的开发模式选择。为此 ,我国首先要积极创造必要条件 ,特别要采取非常措施加大人力资源开发力度、优化开发结构并创造相应经济社会条件 ,加快向准超前型开发模式转换 ,以从根本上促进我国新时期严重失业压力的缓解。  相似文献   

我国学术界一向忽视“主体”研究 ,而主体概念的引入 ,则可将我国的再就业研究推向一个新的境界 :重新认识再就业背景 ,再造劳动就业的新格局 ,深刻认识和把握劳动交换领域的客观规律 ,积极改善企业主体和工会主体的发展空间。我国的国情、我国的改革、我国的社会主义制度都需要再就业的主体研究  相似文献   

Thirty unemployed female workers over the age of fifty were interviewed in order to examine the relationship between the quality of social support provided by family and friends for their job search efforts and their job search intensity. The fmdings indicate that receiving positive social support for job search activities was significantly related to job search intensity. In addition, these workers perceived the supportive messages provided by unemployed friends as more positive than the support messages provided by employed and retired family or friends. Implications of these fmdings for assessing the presence of positive social supports and for developing successful job search assistance programs for older unemployed women are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to find out how heterogeneous temporary employment is reflected in later labour market attachment. Using data from Finnish Quality of Work Life Surveys in 1990, 1997 and 2003 merged with an 8-year register follow-up, we compared permanent workers with three categories of temporary employees: substitutes, common fixed-term (e.g. project workers), and periphery (seasonal, on-call, temporary agency and employment subsidy) workers. First, we applied sequence analysis to identify the main activities at the end of each follow-up year for all employees with permanent and temporary contracts. On this basis, we formed six typical employment sequence clusters. Second, we performed multinomial logistic regression to find out whether there are statistically significant differences between temporary and permanent employees in terms of how they are divided between the sequence clusters. Four in five permanent employees were in stable employment over the following 8 years, compared to only two in five temporary periphery workers. The corresponding proportion for substitute workers was 70% and for common fixed-term workers 64%. Compared to permanent workers, those in common fixed-term or periphery temporary employment were more likely to become unemployed, whereas substitute workers were not. Our major finding is that periphery employment clearly increases the risk of being edged out of the labour market through retirement, especially on disability pension.  相似文献   

This article addresses whether low educated men are displaced from their jobs by higher educated workers in the Netherlands in the period 1980–2004. In particular, we test whether structural or cyclical crowding out is predominant in the Dutch labor market. In order to do so, we try to explain the observed trends in education-specific transition rates to entry into first employment from education, exit from employment into unemployment or inactivity, and re-entry into employment from unemployment or inactivity for men by both business cycle effects (that is, changes in aggregate unemployment rates) and structural effects (that is, changes in labor supply–demand ratios for high educated). Discrete-time event history models are estimated using the OSA Labor Supply Panel 1985–2004. Retrospective information enables to study trends from 1980 onwards, so that structural effects can be distinguished from cyclical effects. The results show that structural crowding out exists at both the worker in- and outflow. First of all, it was observed that a growth in the oversupply of high educated increases the employment exit risk of low educated workers more so than that of higher educated ones. In addition, it was shown that an increase in the oversupply of high educated especially reduces the re-employment chances of low educated unemployed men. There is no evidence found for cyclical crowding out among low educated workers in the Dutch labor market.  相似文献   

Young people of working age tend to be particularly prone to labor market inefficiencies that keep their wages excessively high and their employment excessively low. These inefficiencies are usually magnified through unemployment benefit systems. This paper examines how these problems can be tackled through “employment vouchers,” i.e. hiring subsidies or tax breaks for the unemployed. It examines how vouchers to the young unemployed should differ from those to the adult unemployed. The employment vouchers considered here reduce unemployment and impose no cost on the government, since they are financed by the induced fall in government expenditures on unemployment benefits. Among other things, we find that young workers should receive lower vouchers as displacement of the old rises and as deadweight from providing vouchers to the old increases.  相似文献   

Jennifer Laird 《Demography》2017,54(1):391-411
Historically in the United States, the public sector has served as an equalizing institution through the expansion of job opportunities for minority workers. This study examines whether the public sector continues to serve as an equalizing institution in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Using data from the Current Population Survey, I investigate changes in public sector employment between 2003 and 2013. My results point to a post-recession double disadvantage for black public sector workers: they are concentrated in a shrinking sector of the economy, and they are more likely than white and Hispanic public sector workers to experience job loss. These two trends are a historical break for the public sector labor market. I find that race and ethnicity gaps in public sector employment cannot be explained by differences in education, occupation, or any of the other measurable factors that are typically associated with employment. Among unemployed workers who most recently worked for the public sector, black women are the least likely to transition into private sector employment.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - This paper examines the experienced well-being of employed and unemployed workers. We use the survey-adapted Day Reconstruction Method of the Innovation Sample of the...  相似文献   

肖冬华  姚会元 《西北人口》2009,30(6):11-15,22
当前,受全球金融危机的影响,我国出现了近几十年来罕见的农民工回流现象。本文运用CES经济增长模型对新形势下农民工回流问题进行实证分析。发现城市产出水平、城市工资水平、资本价格、农村收入、农村劳动力外出打工付出的成本、城市失业劳动力总量等是影响农民工回流的主要因素,并提出解决农民工回流问题的针对性措施。  相似文献   

We show that, contrary to widespread belief, low-pay workers do not generally prefer that the minimum wage rate be increased until the labor demand is unitary elastic. Rather, there exists a critical value of elasticity of labor demand so that increases in the minimum wage rate make low-pay workers better off for higher elasticities, but worse off for lower elasticities. This critical value decreases with unemployment benefits and increases with workers’ risk aversion. We also show that in some countries the benefits for long-term unemployed are so low that workers would probably prefer that the minimum wage rate be decreased. I thank the anonymous referees for helpful suggestions.  相似文献   


The mobility and agency of the unemployed have rarely been examined together in welfare administration. Mobility research has much to offer the (im)mobility of low-skilled and unemployed workers. The article begins by critically examining dominant public discourse and policy reforms that stigmatise the assumed immobility of the unemployed. Drawing on empirical data from in-depth interviews with people on income support payments in Australia, it then offers a critical view on the mobility decision-making processes of these job-seekers. Building on previous research concerning the politics of mobility, it shows that structural inequalities impact mobility choices, making relocation difficult for many job-seekers. At the same time, it highlights the localised mobility that job search now involves, complicating orthodox associations between mobility and power – as well as assumptions that job-seekers are immobile.  相似文献   

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