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因为贫困,西部农村许多家庭的男子不得不常年在外打工挣钱贴补家用。全家人团团圆圆,过 上幸福美满的小康生活是当地许多妇女长期以来的心愿。两年来,“赋予西部贫困妇女机会”项 目帮助她们学技术,长本事,为她们实现自己的愿望带来了希望。  相似文献   

在我国民间,有这样一群人,他们走街串巷,开店设行,从金银首饰到锅碗瓢盆,用自己的手艺服务百姓生活的方方面面.这些手工匠人被统称为“九佬十八匠”.“九佬”指的是阉猪、杀猪、骟牛、打墙、打榨、剃头、补锅、修脚、吹鼓手这九个行当;“十八匠”包括金银匠、铁匠、木匠、箍匠、篾匠、弹匠、剃头匠、皮匠、伞匠、雅匠、称匠、锔盆匠、补锅匠、织布匠、磨剪铲刀匠、石匠、刻章匠、纺线匠等等,已不止十八匠,只是一个总的泛指.  相似文献   

寻找属于自己的伴侣,似乎是人生旅程中必不可少的经历。寻找的过程因时、因地、因人而异。在中国,数百年来活跃着的"媒人"、"月老",如今逐渐为婚介公司、婚介网所取代。"做媒"的发展反映着中国社会的变迁。  相似文献   

据世界自然基金会和野生物贸易研究委员会最近的一份报告显示,全球海洋的深海鱼类中,有相当数量已经被过度捕捞,种群数已很难恢复。科学家们担心,许多深海物种有可能在人类根本还不知道的时候就灭绝了……神奇瑰丽的海底世界科学家对海山的定义是:位于水下且高度高于1000米的山脉。科学家们估计,在太平洋的海水下面约有30000座海  相似文献   

据世界自然基金会和野生物贸易研究委员会最近的一份报告显示,全球海洋的深海鱼类中,有相当数量已经被过度捕捞,种群数已很难恢复.科学家们担心,许多深海物种有可能在人类根本还不知道的时候就灭绝了……  相似文献   

妇女谋取社会职业,实现经济独立,是20世纪初期出现的新事物。到二三十年代,职业妇女逐渐形成规模,成为妇女界一支中坚力量。中华人民共和国成立后的50年,妇女顶起“半边天”,在各行各业大显身手。  相似文献   

过去男人做的工作,如今女人也能做;过去女人做的工作,现在有了新的内容。近50年来,妇女进入了所有职业领域,“半边天”成为女性的别称。  相似文献   

油价还能涨多少?20世纪80年代和90年代的大部分时间,油价仅仅围绕20美元一桶上下波动。除了1990年伊拉克入侵科威特后有一个小波动,整个世界已经习惯了低油价带来的幸福。但是在过去的4年中,油价涨了3倍多,已经达到70多美元一桶。而且它仍在攀升,未来市场价格预示石油在接下来的几年里仍很珍贵。显然,  相似文献   

全球范围内的中等阶层消费者呈现着两种变化趋势:更关注产品价格;但同时更有购买奢侈商品的意愿。其实直到上世纪90年代,购物选择才呈现出购买力的差别:富人购买价格高昂的商品,几乎填满了所有的奢侈品消费市场;穷人倾向于购买价廉质次的  相似文献   

Xie Qihua, chairwoman and president of Shanghai Baogang Steel Group, China's largestiron and steel maker, has made a dramatic leap on Fortune magazine's list of the top 50businesswomen outside the United States. An alternate member to the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,Xie Qihua jumped to second place on the influential list, up from 16th the previous year.  相似文献   

Treason by the Book《雍正王朝之大义觉迷》Author:Jonathan D.Spence Publisher:Penguin"An extraordinary and absorbing book...compulsive reading,told as it is by a master of narrative history."—Robert Blake,Sunday Telegraph This is the astonishing true story of a plot to overthrow a Chinese emperor. In 1728,a strange man hands a letter to General Yue Zhongqi.The letter  相似文献   

Launching Women's Programs,Columns河南南阳市妇联携手媒体开辟四大栏目"We are finally able to calm down and begin to solve our problem;""Their stories help me to understand that one cannot wait and be dependent in the face of adversity,but should strive;""We finally have a place of our own to speak out;""If my husband beats me again,I can come to the women's federation and use the law."All of  相似文献   

Promoting China-Poland Relations妇女交往促进中波关系Gu Xiulian(fifth from left),Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the ACWF,met,and hosted a banquet for,the delegation at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.  相似文献   

ACWF Participates in FOCAC Beijing Summit全国妇联参与中非合作论坛北京峰会The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was held on November 4-5,2006. Prior to the summit, the Fifth Senior Officials' Meeting and the Third Ministerial Conference of FOCAC were held in Beijing. Zhao Shaohua, Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), attended the summit's opening ceremony. Zhao, Gu Xiulian, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National  相似文献   

1 A Thousand Years of Good Prayers《千年敬祈》Author:Li Yiyun Publisher:Random House Brilliant and original,A Thousand Years of Good Prayers introduces a remarkable new writer,whose breathtaking stories are set both in China and among Chinese Americans in the United States. In this rich,astonishing collection,Li Yiyun illuminates how mythology,politics,history and culture intersect with personality to create fate. From the bustling heart of Beijing,to a fast-food restaurant in Chicago,to the barren expanse  相似文献   

The latest statistics from the UN AIDS Program shows that tens of millions of people have died from AIDS worldwide, and millions more have become HIV infected since 1981. There is no doubt that AIDS is a tragic problem that reaches beyond political boundaries. Recently the Chinese Govemment reported that the number of AIDS cases in China has risen too. On October 26, 2001, alarming news was announced—the official number of HIV cerriers and AIDS patients in China has rapidly increased since 1995! In China at present HIV is mainly spread through intravenous injection, which make up 68.7 percent of the total official number of HIV-infected persons, while seven percent were infected through blood or blood products and six percent were sexually transmitted.  相似文献   

At the national work meeting on children and women held from October 9 to 10, Premier Zhu Rongji called upon governments at all levels to safeguard legitimate rights for women and children and clear obstacles that impair women and children from advancing. He asked for further improvement of education for women and children, enhancement of women's participation in politics and social affairs and promotion of work concerned with women and children in the Western region.  相似文献   

一段凄婉优美的爱情故事,那是对封建社会家长制的无声的谴责……  相似文献   

Two New Programs for Women and Children 中国将颁布新的妇女儿童纲要 State Councilor Wu Yi called for more efforts to be made concerning the health care of women and children across the  相似文献   

The word SHE was elected as one of the most important words for the 21st century by an American language institute last year. This was because the 21st century will be the epoch of knowledge where the mode of economic competition will be characterized by creative stratagem, breadth of knowledge,exchange of information, cultivation of friendships and contacts mutual promotion, service and harmonization, etc.It will  相似文献   

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