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我国房地产业近年来发展比较迅速,已经成为拉动经济增长的重要引擎,其在地方经济中支柱地位日以彰显。经济直接决定税收,税收反映经济动态,随着房地产业的快速发展,房地产业税收规模也快速扩大。由于房地产行业本身的特性,房地产税收历来也是税收征管的难点和重点。通过多家房地产企业进行调查和研究,结合征管实践,本论文对房地产业税收征管提出了对策和方法。  相似文献   

近年来,我国税收收入年年高速增长,甚至超过了GDP的增长速度,因而这一现象引起社会各界的广泛关注,关于税收如此快速增长影响因素的学术研究也逐渐兴起。总结前人的研究,影响税收增长的因素主要分为三个方面:经济、政策和管理。其中,经济因素对税收增长的影响是不言而喻的,改革开放以来,我国经济持续稳定的增长,保证了源源不断的税收,使税收规模得以扩大;政策因素虽然对税收的影响也很明显,但都属于一次性,仍不足以完全解释税收持续高速的增长。因而最重要且能持续发挥作用的因素是——税收征管。本文试图从税收征管效率的角度对税收增长的原因作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

李漾 《管理科学文摘》2011,(10):134-135
在近年税收的增长中,大约50%的增长与当年经济增长有直接关系,另外50%的税收增长是税收征管制度的内生变量造成的,也就是说,由于征管制度的变迁,提高了征管效率。1这一结果同样符合新制度经济学的观点。税收征管作为一项具有强制性的政府活动,完善的法律体系、健全的制度规范,是其得以顺利推行的有力保障和坚实后盾。  相似文献   

中国股票市场发展与经济增长关系的动态分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
论文运用VAR(向量自回归)方法,选用1995年至2001年的季度时间序列数据,对中国股票市场发展与经济增长的因果关系和冲击响应进行了实证分析,实证结果表明中国股票市场与经济增长之间只存在着由经济增长到股票市场发展的单向因果关系,而股票市场规模扩张冲击对经济增长的动态影响十分微弱。  相似文献   

本文在回顾有关税收与经济增长关系文献的基础上 ,对我国各地区的税收与经济增长进行了实证分析 ,发现西部地区的税负相对较高 ,各地区的边际税率与经济增长负相关 ,并解释了西部地区税负较重的原因 ,最后从改革税制、调整税收优惠、机构改革和增加转移支付方面 ,提出促进西部大开发的相关政策建议  相似文献   

影响我国税收高速增长的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来我国税收总收入高速增长,同时中国的经济结构和社会结构也发生了极大的变化。人口的迁徙导致了消费结构的转变从而引发税收收入的增长,经济过热,投资过猛也是影响税收高速增加的原因,中国税收计划的刚性同样也影响着税收收入的增加。  相似文献   

本文以2009年相关数据为样本,对北京市税收的地区分布特征及其成因进行了分析,发现城区收入是北京地方税收的主体,高新技术企业的发展带动了涉外税收的大幅增长,南城地区的经济快速发展,已成为北京税收增长的重要力量,特别是京郊地区经济的发展,为郊区经济和社会的稳定、健康、协调发展做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

税收增长缺乏实质性基础2001年前8个月,中央政府税收再次增长24%,比同期经济增长高出3倍。据称,这是因为国企效益大幅提高。但实际上,2001年上半年,53%的上市企业税前盈利下降。从1994年开始,中央政府连续七年税收增长在  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济建设的不断向前发展,国民经济水平保持高速增长,我国税收征管的环境、财政状况以及税收结构也都发生了重要的变化,在本文中主要对我国现行的税收征管模式进行探讨,并借鉴国外典型的税收征管经验,以期完善我国税收征管体系,优化税收服务,强化税收征管。  相似文献   

经济发展是税收增长的基础、保障和来源;而税收的增长又促进、支持社会经济发展。[编者按]  相似文献   

王蓓  崔治文 《管理评论》2012,(7):3-12,23
本文测算了我国劳动、资本和消费的有效税率,以反映这三种要素的真实负担情况,然后,利用结构VAR模型分别研究三种税率的结构性冲击对投资和经济增长的动态影响。结果表明:消费支出有效税率的正冲击对投资率和经济增长率的影响程度最大,短期内有利于投资率的增加,长期来看有利于经济增长;劳动收入有效税率的正冲击对投资率和经济增长率的影响,短期效应为正,长期效应为负;对资本收入征税,短期内不利于投资率和经济增长率的提高,长期来看具有一定的正效应,但是影响程度相对较小。因此,我国税收政策调整的中长期目标应尽量选择以消费支出为税基,以促进经济的长期快速增长。  相似文献   

Small business tax behaviour has received surprisingly little attention. We argue that an organizational capability perspective using microfoundations will allow us to better understand the relationships between different drivers and the dynamics of small business tax behaviour. This study draws on in‐depth interviews with 42 small business owners who are matched with the firms’ factual tax compliance status. Using grounded theory, we build a framework that (a) identifies different microfoundations of small business capability to manage tax and (b) explains the dynamic nature of the relationship between organizational capability and compliance. Findings suggest that high capability does not necessarily translate into high tax compliance and this relationship is mediated by the owner‐managers’ perceptions of taxation as well changes in the economic and regulatory environment.  相似文献   

企业投资左右着一个国家经济的成长。现在,韩国企业的国内投资明显减少已成为迫在眉睫的问题。本文将以影响企业(设备)投资的各种因素中的税收和税收扶持制度为中心进行研究。本文认为,虽然税收和税收扶持制度不是企业在决定投资地点时的重要因素,但分析在日趋白热化的东北亚地区的竞争中,韩国和中国的税收和税收扶持制度在投资时所起的作用却也不无意义。  相似文献   

The European Commission is currently finalizing a tax system based on a Common Consolidated Tax Base (CCCTB), which multinational corporations throughout the European Union will be able to use to determine their tax burden in accordance to this system. Besides the CCCTB, we present and analyze an alternative tax reform proposal, the European Tax Allocation System (ETAS). Our analysis is based on a dynamic capital budgeting model. The effects of the underlying European tax concepts on marginal investment of multinational groups are investigated by determining the influence of taxation on the required minimum rate of return and herewith the pre-tax cost of capital. Performing analyses for different scenarios enables us to draw more detailed conclusions about whether implementing ETAS and CCCTB can foster or discriminate real investments. Our investigation shows which tax concept and which of the analyzed parameter particularly affects the multinational’s tax burden. E.g., we find that a CCCTB can foster real investments particularly by means of retention policy and profit shifting, whereas ETAS can foster real investments effectively exploiting the Member States’ tax rate differentials and taking advantage of differing national tax regulations.  相似文献   

Liam C. Malloy 《LABOUR》2016,30(1):61-87
Top marginal tax rates are positively correlated with the pretax income growth of the bottom 90 per cent — those who are not subject to the top rates. To explain this correlation, this paper presents and tests a model in which executives can increase firm profitability by (i) increasing the firm's level of technology and (ii) decreasing labor costs. In the model, higher marginal tax rates may reduce pretax inequality by increasing the average income growth of workers. This hypothesis is tested by examining the effect of top marginal tax rates on (unobserved) relative bargaining power between labor and firms and, therefore, on the income growth of workers in the USA. Bargaining power, in both the theoretical and the empirical models, is proxied by private‐sector unionization and use of offshore labor resulting in higher imports.  相似文献   

This paper derives optimal inheritance tax formulas that capture the key equity‐efficiency trade‐off, are expressed in terms of estimable sufficient statistics, and are robust to the underlying structure of preferences. We consider dynamic stochastic models with general and heterogeneous bequest tastes and labor productivities. We limit ourselves to simple but realistic linear or two‐bracket tax structures to obtain tractable formulas. We show that long‐run optimal inheritance tax rates can always be expressed in terms of aggregate earnings and bequest elasticities with respect to tax rates, distributional parameters, and social preferences for redistribution. Those results carry over with tractable modifications to (a) the case with social discounting (instead of steady‐state welfare maximization), (b) the case with partly accidental bequests, (c) the standard Barro–Becker dynastic model. The optimal tax rate is positive and quantitatively large if the elasticity of bequests to the tax rate is low, bequest concentration is high, and society cares mostly about those receiving little inheritance. We propose a calibration using micro‐data for France and the United States. We find that, for realistic parameters, the optimal inheritance tax rate might be as large as 50%–60%—or even higher for top bequests, in line with historical experience.  相似文献   

Choice models with nonlinear budget sets provide a precise way of accounting for the nonlinear tax structures present in many applications. In this paper we propose a nonparametric approach to estimation of these models. The basic idea is to think of the choice, in our case hours of labor supply, as being a function of the entire budget set. Then we can do nonparametric regression where the variable in the regression is the budget set. We reduce the dimensionality of this problem by exploiting structure implied by utility maximization with piecewise linear convex budget sets. This structure leads to estimators where the number of segments can differ across observations and does not affect accuracy. We give consistency and asymptotic normality results for these estimators. The usefulness of the estimator is demonstrated in an empirical example, where we find it has a large impact on estimated effects of the Swedish tax reform.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes whether taxation has an influence on the location decisions of multinational enterprises. We employ a novel set of 22 tax variables, such as the taxation of dividends and capital gains, withholding taxes, the existence of a group taxation regime, and thin capitalization rules. Furthermore, we use the Tax Attractiveness Index, a new aggregate measure containing the 22 tax variables. Our count data regression analysis is based on a novel hand-collected dataset consisting of the subsidiaries of German DAX30 companies in 97 countries. Controlling for non-tax effects, we find that a country’s tax environment has a significantly positive effect on the number of German-controlled subsidiaries and, therefore, on the location decisions of German multinational enterprises. Specifically, our analysis reveals that German multinational firms place affiliates in countries that offer favorable statutory tax rates, withholding taxes, double tax treaty networks, and holding incentives. Additionally, we find that the Tax Attractiveness Index has explanatory power in subsidiary location decisions and, therefore, it can be used as alternative composite measure, for example, when 22 single tax variables are not at disposal.  相似文献   

We estimate a dynamic model of employment, human capital accumulation—including education, and savings for women in the United Kingdom, exploiting tax and benefit reforms, and use it to analyze the effects of welfare policy. We find substantial elasticities for labor supply and particularly for lone mothers. Returns to experience, which are important in determining the longer‐term effects of policy, increase with education, but experience mainly accumulates when in full‐time employment. Tax credits are welfare improving in the U.K., increase lone‐mother labor supply and marginally reduce educational attainment, but the employment effects do not extend beyond the period of eligibility. Marginal increases in tax credits improve welfare more than equally costly increases in income support or tax cuts.  相似文献   

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