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彭兆荣 《创新》2007,1(3):5-12
作为世界上最大的产业,现代旅游在世界政治经济、区域战略和社会方式等方面起到了越来越重要的作用。本文从当代世界旅游的发展情况,旅游在政治经济舞台上所所扮演的角色,旅游的可持续性发展以及在旅游东南亚国家所产生的作用和变化等方面进行阐释和分析;以旅游在东盟国家的一些情况描述和案例分析,以强调现代旅游给这一地区所带来的机遇及挑战。  相似文献   

This paper provides an assessment of the social security arrangements in Southeast Asian countries, and suggests broad directions for reform. Noting the absence of functioning multitier social security systems in these countries, the analysis highlights wide variations in various characteristics of systems in Southeast Asia. The paper underscores the need to enhance professionalism in the performance of core functions of the provident and pension fund organizations in these countries; and to take a system–wide perspective. It recommends constituting a Provident and Pension Fund Authority (PPFA) in each of the Southeast Asian countries to undertake the above tasks.  相似文献   

Due to its specific historical context and unique sociopolitical milieu, Australia has developed a relatively distinctive Southeast Asian settlement assistance model. This article explores the adequacy of the pattern of service delivery that has evolved in Melbourne in response to the settlement needs of the Southeast Asian community. The research finds that the Australian Indochinese aid initiative is high on principle and rhetoric and low on practical solutions. Despite compassionate public pronouncements, assistance institutions increasingly operate in a harsh social, economic, and political context wherein there are few forced migrant-specific provisions. A devolution policy has also engendered an inefficient patchwork service setup rather than a benevolent resettlement arrangement. Without a more genuine official orientation and a more appropriate overall approach, many Australian Southeast Asians are destined to continue a protracted struggle against disadvantage and neglect.  相似文献   

卢光盛  聂姣 《南亚研究》2020,(1):74-100,150,151
东南亚既是中国“一带一路”倡议线路的必经之路,也是印度“印太构想”的重要区域.当中国的“一带一路”与印度的“印太构想”在东南亚地区相遇,两国的利益碰撞和影响力竞争明显增强,但也为中印在与东南亚区域合作过程中走向“竞合”提供了广阔的空间.中印在东南亚区域合作中的竞争与合作,贯穿于中国和印度参与东南亚区域合作的不同理念中.中印与东南亚区域合作有着不同的利益诉求,这使得双方的彼此认知出现错位,印度呈现出明显的排他性,中印在域外因素和合作成效方面也出现明显的差异.比较中国和印度与东南亚区域合作在利益诉求、彼此认知、排他性、域外因素、合作成效等方面的不同,有利于厘清中国和印度在东南亚区域合作中的“竞争面”与“合作面”,推动中印两国在与东南亚区域合作的“碰撞与竞争、对接与合作”中探索更具实质性意义的合作,最终实现互利共赢或多赢,为周边命运共同体的实现创造有利的条件.  相似文献   

In this article, I demonstrate fundamental weaknesses in the ability of critical understandings of race to produce reliable knowledge of how social actors use social comparisons as a way to align self with ingroup. I trace these weaknesses to two sources: The first is relying on social status as an explanation for race‐based assessments, ingroup motivations, and social constructions of otherness. This is opposed to leaning on assessments grounded in social psychological research that links properties of human cognition to the development and maintenance of social identities. The second weakness is an open support for activist research that is often situated in radical multiculturalism. Because critical race scholars openly side with racial minorities’ interests, they tend to establish incomplete assessments of social behaviors and social constructs linked to racial identities in order to maintain their stated political allegiances. To demonstrate these and other weaknesses, I draw upon the theoretical insights of social identity theory which is used to reassess Bell and Hartmann's (2007) critical race analysis of diversity dialogue in American society.  相似文献   

In the 1970s, as the now compact, mature economies in East and Southeast Asia were industrializing, their governments had claimed that they saw no need for the kind of welfare programmes developed in Western “welfare states”. Notwithstanding this claim, a study of social welfare development in these economies in the last three decades, particularly when Hong Kong is taken as an example, shows that they have gone for universal social welfare, largely as a result of the growing prosperity and the rising expectations of the people. This trend has, however, been reversed since the start of the Asian financial crisis in the latter part of 1997, with the resultant slowing down of the economy, rising unemployment and surging fiscal deficits. Governments of the compact, mature economies in East and Southeast Asia found that they must rethink their social commitments and in order to return to balanced budgets, the former selective approach is now adopted by concentrating social welfare resources on the most needy people. While it is not in dispute that there is a close and positive relationship between industrialization and social welfare, the case of the compact, mature economies in East and Southeast Asia shows that as they are more vulnerable to world economic vicissitudes, the relationship may not be as steady as it has been in the Western industrial states.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, intra‐Asia cross‐border marriage immigration has become a significant phenomenon. This study collected questionnaire data from Bachelor of Social Work students (= 1,232) in Taiwan to explore the influences of multicultural education, intergroup contact experience, and demographic characteristics on students' attitudes toward female Southeast Asian marriage migrants. Regression analysis revealed that students' attitudes are improved by direct contact with female Southeast Asian marriage migrants but are not correlated with students' demographic characteristics. Although pre‐college multicultural education improves students' attitudes, college‐level multicultural education adversely affects the attitudes of students who perform poorly in multicultural courses. These findings have valuable implications for social work educators.  相似文献   

A new approach to understanding hegemony is developed based on the method of critical realism. Breaking from the traditional interpretations that emphasise inter-subjective, superstructural and cultural aspects of hegemony, this article looks at hegemony's structural context and the conditions for its possibility. A realist conception of hegemony relates hegemonic projects to structural reproduction and transformation via Bhaskar's transformational model of social activity. In doing so this model is itself modified to incorporate hegemony as the political moment of social reproduction. A distinction is made between hegemony in its structural aspect, and specific hegemonic projects as emergent possibilities.  相似文献   

王勤 《创新》2008,2(1):46-49
近年来,随着全球服务外包的迅速发展,东南亚国家的服务外包市场不断扩大,马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南等已经逐渐成为跨国公司服务外包的重要地区。通过对东南亚服务外包市场发展的现状、原因与前景的分析,加深对东南亚的认识。  相似文献   

马孆 《创新》2007,2(2):10-14
民进党当局出于地缘战略的考虑,在东南亚重点推行“台独外交”。一些东南亚国家由于历史、地理、经济、文化等诸多因素的考虑,采取的是一种在大陆和台湾之间搞平衡的实用主义政策,因而在台湾问题上不断突破对中国的承诺,使双边关系受到影响。东南亚国家应与中国联手遏制“台独”,这不仅有利于地区的和平、稳定与繁荣,也符合东南亚各国的根本利益。  相似文献   

Monoracial and multiracial individuals are likely to have different conceptualizations of race and subsequently different approaches toward racial ambiguity. In particular, monoracial individuals may be more likely to rely on categories when processing ambiguous faces, whereas multiracial individuals may tend to ignore such categorizations due to a reduced tendency to essentialize race. We compared monoracial (White and Asian) and biracial (Asian/White) individuals' memory patterns. Specifically, we examined participants' memory for White, Asian, and biracial faces labelled as either White or Asian. Both White and Asian participants relied on the labels, remembering faces labeled as the in-group better than faces labeled as the out-group. Biracial participants relied less on the labels, exhibiting better recognition memory overall. Biracial participants' memory performance was also highly correlated with a less essentialist view of human traits. This cognitive flexibility may serve an adaptive function for biracial individuals and contribute to enhanced facial recognition.  相似文献   

The issue of race has long cast a shadow on the founding mythology of the United States, but today some scholars argue race is declining in significance, as evidenced by the rise of interracial unions and the fact that the offspring of such unions can now officially acknowledge their mixed-race backgrounds. However, the sizeable growth of the Asian and Latino populations in the United States through immigration complicates the issue. Seemingly neither black nor white, the new immigrants are generating increased diversity and raising questions about whether today's color line replicates the old Black–White demarcation. The research results introduced in this article suggest the contemporary color line in the United States more reflects a Black/non-Black division than a White/non-White one.  相似文献   

Studies on welfare state regimes have been dominated by consideration of rich OECD/European and increasingly East Asian countries/territories, leaving South Asian cases such as Indonesia underexplored. The few existing studies that have explicitly tried to conceptualize the Indonesian welfare regime have resulted in little consensus. To address the resulting lack of clarity, this article reviews scholarly articles relevant to bringing Indonesia into the global welfare regime debate, specifically encapsulating how the country has been classified compared with its East Asia counterparts. Accordingly, we find that existing studies have mainly concentrated on the Indonesian health care and social protection expansion, which has led authors to conclude that this evolution demonstrates Indonesia's transition away from welfare productivism. By contrast, we argue that Indonesia's productivist characteristics have largely prevailed while informal networks, clientelism, strong families, and the limited effectiveness of the civil society movement created a specific social politics in Indonesia. We thus conclude that the causal mechanisms typically attributed to welfare development in more developed welfare geographies, including East Asia, cannot fully explain the evident institutional formation in the Indonesian case. The future research agenda for studying the welfare regimes in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries is discussed.  相似文献   

徐长文 《创新》2007,1(1):12-16
10+3,即东盟加中国、日本、韩国,是东亚地区最富活力和潜力的合作机制,集聚了东亚区域合作的主要力量。几年来,经过东亚国家的共同努力,东亚的区域经济合作已经取得了令人注目的成就。展望未来,实现东亚经济一体化,建立东亚共同体将是东亚区域经济合作的发展趋势。  相似文献   

金新 《太平洋学报》2013,21(6):46-55
在东盟一体化进程中,主导性认同归属的转换以及基于此的效忠转移,并非像新功能主义所设想的那样可以轻易实现。地区认同与民族认同之间的内在矛盾和冲突,使新功能主义所预期的效忠转移陷入理论上的困境。东盟一体化既建构了地区认同,又建构了东盟各国内部的民族认同,某种程度上强化了两种认同之间的矛盾。随着一体化的深入发展,东南亚地区结构会不断演进,民族国家的政治权威也会逐渐开始转移,使认同之间的冲突逐渐弱化,进而使效忠转移在东盟未来的一体化进程中最终成为可能。  相似文献   


This study examined the glass ceiling phenomenon and its effects on Asian Americans' careers in social work. A model was tested that explored utilizing a national sample of 192 Asian American social workers. Structural equation modeling techniques were employed to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed model's appropriateness to the collected data. Results indicated that the model successfully explained the glass ceiling phenomenon and organizational fairness as mediating variables. This study adds to the literature by investigating the theoretical and observed (or not observed) link between the glass ceiling literature and social justice theory. Recommendations for further study are highlighted along with the call for theory development and empirical work on race and ethnic differences as they relate to organizational behavior, with special attention to the effects of ethnicity and gender.  相似文献   

澳大利亚在安全领域提出的"印-太战略弧"一词是对美国"重返亚太"战略的呼应,透露出澳大利亚未来安全战略的视野指向。澳大利亚在参与"印-太战略弧"地区的国际博弈中,面临着在中美之间、既有强国与新兴大国之间、太平洋次区域组织与泛太平洋组织之间的"选边困境",其战略空间也受到来自这三方面的共同挤压。澳大利亚未来安全战略空间的拓展总体表现出"三向性"特征,努力寻求安全战略转型中的战略增长点,为中国把握太平洋安全形势的发展方向、投放力量和谋篇布局提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

The explosion in the number of people coming from a multiracial heritage has generated an increased need for understanding the experiences and consequences associated with coming from a multiracial background. In addition, the emergence of a multiracial identity challenges current thinking about race, forcing scholars to generate new ideas about intergroup relations, racial stigmatization, social identity, social perception, discrimination, and the intersectionality of race with other social categories such as social class. The present issue brings together research and theory in psychology, sociology, education, culture studies, and public policy surrounding multiracial identity and introduces new advances in thinking about race, intergroup relations, and racial identity. In exploring multiracial identity, the issue will reexamine conceptualization of race and racial identification by examining the social experiences of multiracial individuals.  相似文献   

通过建立东南亚国家代表性居民效用最大化的跨期均衡货币替代模型,我们发现人民币升值预期是东南亚人民币化的重要机遇。在此基础上,本文结合人民币持续升值的现实和不断强化的升值预期,进一步探讨了基于人民币升值预期背景的东南亚人民币化的可行策略。  相似文献   

This paper explores how multicultural social work responds to the needs and structural issues faced by South Asian migrants in Hong Kong. Three working approaches, namely, the problem-solving approach, the strengths-based approach, and the rights-based approach are identified from our empirical data. The analyses demonstrate the generally insufficient awareness of the practice in critically addressing existing policies and power relations based on race. Moreover, there is a lack of critical reflection on the notion of culture and social workers’ ethnocentric biases. This paper argues that this insufficient awareness could lead to reinforcement of the existing social exclusion of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Using Hong Kong as an example, this paper reflects on the implications of applying Western-based literature and practice model in a non-Western society.  相似文献   

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