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母亲的受教育水平对儿童的健康发展具有重要影响,但鲜有研究针对其影响路径进行深入分析。本文基于1991-2015年中国营养与健康调查数据,利用母亲的兄弟姐妹个数作为母亲受教育水平的工具变量,采用两阶段最小二乘法(2SLS),探讨了母亲受教育水平对儿童健康的影响及其路径。研究表明,母亲受教育水平每提高1年,儿童的年龄别身高Z评分和年龄别体重Z评分分别平均显著提高0.129和0.14个标准差,具体来说,5岁儿童身高和体重对应是提高约0.6厘米和0.3千克。使用九年义务教育的实施作为母亲受教育水平的工具变量时,结果仍然稳健。影响路径的研究结果说明,母亲的受教育水平可通过提高其膳食知识水平和家庭资产指数来影响其儿童的健康发展。进一步的异质性分析发现,农村母亲受教育水平对家庭资产指数和儿童健康的影响显著大于城市,但对膳食知识水平的影响不存在城乡差异。基于以上分析,提高女性的教育投入,尤其是农村女性的教育投入可以显著改善儿童的健康状况。  相似文献   

流动人口的社会特征及其收入影响因素分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
文章作者通过实际调查和分析结果证明,在经济发达地区打工的流动人口的性别、年龄、受教育年限、在本单位工作年限等基本社会特征均对其收入水平存在显著性影响。男性比女性、已婚者比未婚者年龄大、收入高。受教育年限、在本单位工作时间和年龄的增长能不同程度地提高流动就业人口的收入水平。流动人口只有在经历了一段时间的尝试,掌握了生产技术并积累起工作经验后,就业岗位和收入水平才能相对稳定下来。一部分流动人口已明确表示愿意在打工地区定居下来,且收入相对较高或家乡与就业地区生活水平差距较大的流动人口更倾向于正式迁移,男性和受教育年限较长者移民经济发达地区的愿望也更明显。  相似文献   

杨威 《西北人口》2012,33(2):98-102
利用"人口迁移与儿童发展的跟踪研究"基期数据,本文讨论了流动儿童家长对其子女的教育期望及影响因素,旨在回答流动儿童家长的教育期望是否存在差异,以及家长的个人生活经历与社会态度是否会影响到家长的教育期望这两个问题。结果发现,希望子女能够接受更高层次的教育仍然是中国社会较为普遍的现象;就读于不同学校儿童的家长,其教育期望的确存在差异,但这与家庭的经济条件无关;儿童的学习成绩、家长的受教育程度、家长对家庭教育的重视程度、对学历重要性的认识程度等家庭的文化背景及家长的社会态度乃是影响家长教育期望的主要因素;并且,父亲和母亲对子女的教育期望是不同的。但教育选择(就读何种类型的学校)与教育期望之间的因果关系等问题尚需进一步讨论。  相似文献   

农村人口受教育水平的决定因素--以赤峰农村地区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国中西部农村地区,大部分人口的受教育水平还处于初中甚至小学以下。本文应用个人受教育水平决定模型估计了影响农村人口受教育水平的因素。结果表明,年龄、性别、地区差异及家庭经济条件是影响农村人口受教育水平的重要因素;在代际关系上,父亲受教育水平对子女受教育水平的获得有显著影响,而母亲的受教育水平与此关系不大。  相似文献   

梁宏 《南方人口》2011,26(2):24-30,23
本文在描述广州市老年人的收入来源、收入水平及其差异的同时发现,受教育程度、地区因素和职业背景对老年人的绝对收入和相对收入都有显著的影响。本研究强调城乡分布和职业背景对老年人收入差距的影响,并建议将其作为解决老年人经济供养问题政策制订的参照标准。  相似文献   

本文从劳动力市场多重分割视角出发,将部门因素、行业因素和职业因素统合起来,作为表示个体职业地位的综合测量指标.并利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2010年数据对改革以来城市居民的职业地位获得的影响路径进行分析.研究发现:(1)无论是整个时期还是改革的三个阶段,家庭背景最主要由父亲受教育水平和父亲所在部门来决定;(2)随着改革的深入,家庭背景对子代教育的直接效应在增强;(3)总体上子代教育对子代初职地位和现职地位都有显著影响,且伴随改革的深化其影响在增大;(4)无论在哪个时期,子代初职地位对子代现职地位的直接效应都十分显著,这表明中国城镇居民的代内不流动现象十分普遍.这说明伴随改革深入,家庭背景通过教育进行隐性传递的趋势日趋明显,教育不平等问题需引起重点关注.  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化进程的加速,老年健康成为学界关注的一大领域。探究老年健康不平等及其影响机理,准确理解老年人健康指标的变化趋势,对于实现健康老龄化的目标具有积极的意义。本文采用中国健康与养老追踪调查(China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,CHARLS)数据,运用分层线性模型考察老年人健康水平的影响因素和群际差异。本文还利用SF-36量表,基于主成分分析方法构建涵盖主客观健康指标,在地区和社区层面重点探究教育程度、个人收入等因素对于健康不平等的影响机理。分析结果显示,个人和家庭的社会经济条件对于老年健康有积极的作用,物质资源越丰富的老人越健康;地区层面,经济发展给健康带来了正向的外部性,经济越发达老年人健康指数越高;社区层面,老年人生活的社区经济水平越高,其健康水平分化越严重。从受教育水平来看,老年健康体现为社区层面"低度平均,高度不均",个体层面"低度不均,高度平均",收入水平在个体层面和社区层面产生了相反的影响。  相似文献   

刘米娜 《西北人口》2010,31(1):71-74
本文利用2004年中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)数据,分析了个人因素、家庭因素以及社会因素对中国已婚女性意愿生育数的影响。结果显示,个人因素如年龄、受教育程度、工作单位类型及月均收入水平对其意愿生育数的影响具有显著的统计学意义;社会因素如城乡、所在省份亦对意愿生育数有影响;但家庭因素,被调查者有无兄弟姐妹对其意愿生育数影响的统计学意义不显著。  相似文献   

通过对中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2012年的数据研究发现,独生子女(第一胎)性别可以影响父母的二胎生育意愿,独生男孩对父母的二胎生育意愿产生显著的负向影响,而这种影响对城市居民和父亲更显著。本文通过交互项分析得出收入、父亲抚育子女时间、教育开支和房价是独生子女性别影响居民二胎生育意愿的因素,居民收入和父亲抚育子女时间的提高可以显著促进独生男孩家庭的二胎生育意愿,教育支出和房价则会抑制二胎生育意愿,其中教育支出的抑制效应随着年龄增大而增大,房价只对45岁以上群体才产生显著影响。因此,提高收入、增加育龄人群闲暇时间、稳定房价、减轻育儿成本特别是教育支出有利于二胎政策的全面顺利实施。  相似文献   

当前我国已处于深度低生育水平时期,家庭规模缩减、少子化特征愈发突出。同时,生育政策进一步调整优化,优生优育的观念获得普遍认同,在较高的教育期望驱使下,越来越多的家庭开始在孩子的教育方面花费更多的时间和金钱。本文基于2019年全国人口与家庭动态监测调查数据,利用多层线性模型、似不相关回归等分析方法,研究低生育率背景下中国家庭孩子的教育成本投入状况及其影响因素。研究发现:宏观层次的地区经济、教育发展差异和微观层次的家庭社会经济资源都是影响教育成本差异的原因。地区之间家庭教育成本差异大多源自家庭及个体层次特征构成的不同,仅有地区平均受教育年限具有独立影响。宏观因素还会对微观因素的影响产生调节作用,使稀释效应、家庭资源优势等各种效应更加凸显。资源稀释效应在低生育率背景下仍然成立,但出现了女孩的教育经济成本投入超过男孩的现象。经济成本和时间成本的影响因素存在共性和差异。在家庭内部分工方面,母亲承担了更多的陪伴和教育子女的责任,父亲的时间成本投入有明显的城乡差异。为了改善家庭面临的教育成本问题,应针对不同地区、不同阶段家庭教育成本的差异化特点,制定更具针对性的家庭支持政策;应倡导父母双方共同参与孩...  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of intercohort changes in social background composition on changes in grade progression rates at selected schooling levels. It presents formal arguments that the relative and absolute effects of background composition on grade progression rates should decline over levels of schooling, and using data for white males born beteen 1907 and 1951, offers empirical support for these arguments. Whereas twentieth century increases in average educational attainment are primarily due to increases in grade progression rates at the elementary and secondary levels, future growth must occur through increases in transition rates beyond high school, given the near universality of high school graduation for cohorts born at midcentury. Our analysis shows that postsecondary progression rates are much less responsive to changes in family background composition than rates in the schooling process. Despite intercohort changes in background composition that are increasingly favorable to educational attainment, future educational growth may be slower than past growth because compositional effects on average attainment will be through progression rates where the effects are weak.  相似文献   

王二朋 《南方人口》2011,26(4):16-21
基于2006年中国营养与健康调查截面数据中农村教育阶段儿童样本的研究,本文发现,儿童性别、教育阶段、母亲最高教育年限及父亲身体健康状况是影响儿童辍学的重要因素,然而,随着儿童年龄增长性别歧视和家庭财富状况的影响逐渐减弱,并且会在一定年龄阶段改变影响方向。儿童辍学行为的影响因素中家庭财富状况由家庭父母教育程度和职业内生决定。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effect of mother’s time spent out of the labor force, and presumably in the home, on the “production” of child quality, where child quality is measured by intelligence (IQ), level of schooling attained, and market earning power. The results indicate that mother’s home time is most effective in producing (male) child quality for mothers who have attained relatively high levels of schooling. The results suggest that education programs which devote equal school resources to all (male) children do not necessarily provide equal educational opportunity and that the influence of family background on economic success is indirect, operating through home investments in children.  相似文献   

An intergenerational model is developed, nesting heritable earning abilities and credit constraints limiting human capital investments in children. Estimates on a large, Finnish data panel indicate very low transmission from parental earnings, suggesting that the parameter of inherited earning ability is tiny. Family income, particularly during the phase of educating children, is shown to be much more important in shaping children’s lifetime earnings. This influence of parental incomes on children’s earnings rises as the children age because the returns to education rise. Despite Finland’s well-developed welfare state, persistence in economic status across generations is much higher than previously thought.  相似文献   

传统明瑟收入函数中收入取决于个人受教育程度、潜在市场工作经验和潜在市场工作经验平方项,其中受教育程度由受教育年限代表,不包含在校读书期间工作经验,然而,学生在毕业前往往能积累一定工作经验.因此,教育收益估计值包含了在校工作经验收益,导致教育收益估计值存在偏差.为了消除教育收益率估计偏差,使用哈尔滨市就业市场问卷调查数据,估算了两个收入方程——含在校工作经验变量的收入方程和不含有在校工作经验变量的收入方程.估算结果显示,后者较前者在教育投资回报系数上高出28%-44%(取决于对能力偏差的控制程度),这些结果表明传统明瑟收入函数过分夸大了个人受教育程度对收入的影响.  相似文献   

Contemporary stratification research on developed societies usually views the intergenerational transmission of educational advantage as a one-way effect from parent to child. However, parents’ investment in their offspring’s schooling may yield significant returns for parents themselves in later life. For instance, well-educated offspring have greater knowledge of health and technology to share with their parents and more financial means to provide for them than do their less-educated counterparts. We use data from the 1992–2006 Health and Retirement Study (HRS) to examine whether adult offspring’s educational attainments are associated with parents’ survival in the United States. We show that adult offspring’s educational attainments have independent effects on their parents’ mortality, even after controlling for parents’ own socioeconomic resources. This relationship is more pronounced for deaths that are linked to behavioral factors: most notably, chronic lower respiratory disease and lung cancer. Furthermore, at least part of the association between offspring’s schooling and parents’ survival may be explained by parents’ health behaviors, including smoking and physical activity. These findings suggest that one way to influence the health of the elderly is through their offspring. To harness the full value of schooling for health, then, a family and multigenerational perspective is needed.  相似文献   

Cohen Y  Haberfeld Y 《Demography》2007,44(3):649-668
Drawing on U.S. decennial census data and on Israeli census and longitudinal data, we compare the educational levels and earnings assimilation of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union (FSU) in the United States and Israel during 1968-2000. Because the doors to both countries were practically open to FSU immigrants between 1968 and 1989, when FSU immigrants were entitled to refugee visas in the United States, the comparison can be viewed as a natural experiment in immigrants' destination choices. The results suggest that FSU immigrants to the United States are of significantly higher educational level and experience significantly faster rates of earnings assimilation in their new destination than their counterparts who immigrated to Israel. We present evidence that patterns of self-selection in immigration to Israel and the United States--on both measured and unmeasured productivity-related traits--is the main reason for these results. When the immigration regulations in the United States changed in 1989, and FSU Jewish immigrants to the United States had to rely on family reunification for obtaining immigrant visas, the adverse effects of the policy change on the type of FSU immigrants coming to the United States were minor and short-lived As early as 1992, the gaps in the educational levels between FSU immigrants coming to Israel and to the United States returned to their pre-1989 levels, and the differences in earnings assimilation of post-1989 immigrants in the United States and Israel are similar to the differences detected in the 1980s.  相似文献   

This paper investigates long-term earnings differentials between African American and white men using data that match respondents in the Survey of Income and Program Participation to 30 years of their longitudinal earnings as recorded by the Social Security Administration. Given changing labor market conditions over three decades, we focus on how racial differentials vary by educational level because the latter has important and persistent effects on labor market outcomes over the course of an entire work career. The results show that the long-term earnings of African American men are more disadvantaged at lower levels of educational attainment. Controlling for demographic characteristics, work disability, and various indicators of educational achievement does not explain the lower long-term earnings of less-educated black men in comparison to less-educated white men. The interaction arises because black men without a high school degree have a larger number of years of zero earnings during their work careers. Other results show that this racial interaction by educational level is not apparent in cross-sectional data which do not provide information on the accumulation of zero earnings over the course of 30 years. We interpret these findings as indicating that compared to either less-educated white men or highly educated black men, the long-term earnings of less-educated African American men are likely to be more negatively affected by the consequences of residential and economic segregation, unemployment, being out of the labor force, activities in the informal economy, incarceration, and poorer health.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that living in a non-intact family is associated with educational disadvantages. This paper compares the relationships between childhood family structure, schooling, and earnings in Sweden and the USA. This comparison is interesting because both family structure and public policies differ significantly. We find a negative relationship between living in a non-intact family and child outcomes, and the estimates are remarkably similar in both countries. After using sibling-difference models, the correlation with family structure is no longer significant. These results cast doubt on the causal interpretation of the negative relationship between non-intact family structures and child outcomes.  相似文献   

We build a model of migration that considers both observable and unobservable individual characteristics and their returns across locations. We focus on the interprovincial migration patterns of Canadian physicians, in part, because physicians are paid on a fee-for-service basis. Because fees are exogenous, we can estimate a mixed conditional-logit model to determine the effects of individual- and destination-specific characteristics (particularly earnings differentials) on physician location decisions. We find, among other things, that individuals with greater earnings potential based on unobservables are more likely to migrate to provinces where the returns to such unobservables are greater.   相似文献   

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