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建设节约型社会需要科学的消费观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学消费观的含义是,要用消费的本来面目认识消费,指导消费,养活无效消费,负效消费和各种非理性消费,减少消费环节对资源的浪费,对环境的污染和对人健康的损害,最大限度地满足人们生理健康和精神健康的需要,科学消费包含了可持续消费和绿色消费的意思,但又不完全等同于可持续消费和绿色消费,科学消费的内容更加完整,更加严谨,也更加合理。  相似文献   

消费需求实质是愿意支付和有足够支付能力的潜在消费。消费需求的不足将影响消费需求对经济的促进作用、并导致货币传导机制不畅。在此基础上,本文提出了要改善消费环境,完善消费政策,拓宽消费领域,以保持消费需求对经济增长的促进作用。  相似文献   

“消费”一词在诞生时就带有一种奢侈化色彩,指过度消耗。由于经济发展和消费活动在生产中的地位越来越重要,这层意思渐渐消失。然而随着生活水平不断提高,“消费”再次烙上了“高消费”、“享受型消费”的印记。科学技术的进步和社会经济的发展,使各国消费者的消费突破了功能性消费的框架,进入炫耀性消费的时代。  相似文献   

孙亚云  钟厦 《科学咨询》2007,(21):63-63
休闲消费是在人们收入水平不断提高的基础上,基本生活消费满足以后更高层次上的消费.其形成的必要条件是要有钱,同时有"闲".同时还取决于消费者是否具有休闲消费的欲望,这就决定了中国古代休闲消费就是少数人的消费.  相似文献   

农户因为收入风险的存在而产生了平滑消费的需求,根据生命周期—持久收入假说为平滑消费提供了理论支持。在农村金融市场上,对农户消费起到平滑作用的主要是非正规金融,本文以农户消费借贷行为为视角,从理论上分析了非正规金融更适合于平滑农户消费。  相似文献   

通过对波德里亚的名著《消费社会》的解读, 我们了解到了消费社会的发展过程以及消费社会的根本任务。本文通过对《消费社会》书中一些理论的理解,来解释当今中国社会的消费观。  相似文献   

<正> 《国华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》自1994年1月1日施行以来,消费者权益保护和消费教育事业得到迅速发展,特别是消费教育从无到有, “明明白白消费”成为广大消费者的共识。近年我国消费教育出现了下列新特点:一是营造良好的消费环境迫切需要开展消费教育,让广大消费者获得有关消费  相似文献   

在分析了我国居民消费特征的基础上研究了我国在不同消费特征下的宏观经济政策的消费传导机制,即分析了可支配收入渠道和边际消费倾向渠道的两种传导机制。这种从我国实际消费特征出发,然后以此为基础研究宏观政策的消费传导机制的研究方法,弥补了从单一方向对宏观经济政策研究的缺陷。实证结果验证了在我国改革中存在经济不确定性和流动性约束情况下经济政策对消费存在平减效应。  相似文献   

推行低碳消费的建议——基于低碳行为研究理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球环境的持续恶化,尤其是全球气候的变暖,发展低碳经济,推行低碳消费模式已经成为世界未来发展的必然趋势。对此,国内外学者就消费者低碳消费的行为和如何推行低碳消费等问题进行了大量研究,提出了很多建设性的理论与措施。本文阐述了低碳行为研究理论,分析了我国推行低碳消费的不足和人们对推进低碳消费的一些认识误区,提出了一些引导消费者低碳消费和低碳生活方式的建议。  相似文献   

本文首先对党政领导干部职务消费制度的形成、演变进行了回顾和梳理,在此基础上,分析探讨了党政领导干部职务消费制度存在的消费标准差异过大、消费性质难分公私、消费全程不够透明、消费期间缺乏限制等突出问题,并就推进党政领导干部职务消费制度改革提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

基于典则相关分析的制造业知识性投入与产出效率评估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
建立基于典则相关分析的评价产业知识性投入与产出效率的模型,利用该模型评估了不同产业的知识投入与产出效率,同时分析了制造业各产业科技资源配置与知识产出之间的关系,得出若干关于产业发展的建议。最后还分析了与其它方法相比,这种新的效率评估方法的特点。  相似文献   

基于Leontief提出的投入产出分析和华罗庚的正特征向量法,对直接消耗系数矩阵的特征值进行研究。根据中国多年的实际消耗系数数据计算,得出矩阵特征值具有很好的规律性。根据推广的有消费的华氏开放模型,矩阵特征值的经济含义是它表示一个界限,总投入系数必须大于矩阵的最大正特征值,是保证国民经济总产出不断增长的条件之一。中国的国民经济从1987年开始,到2007年,总产出不断增加的原因之一是因为总投入系数不断增大。  相似文献   

Fish consumption rates play a critical role in the assessment of human health risks posed by the consumption of fish from chemically contaminated water bodies. Based on data from the 1989 Michigan Sport Anglers Fish Consumption Survey, we examined total fish consumption, consumption of self-caught fish, and consumption of Great Lakes fish for all adults, men, women, and certain higher risk subgroups such as anglers. We present average daily consumption rates as compound probability distributions consisting of a Bernoulli trial (to distinguish those who ate fish from those who did not) combined with a distribution (both empirical and parametric) for those who ate fish. We found that the average daily consumption rates for adults who ate fish are reasonably well fit by lognormal distributions. The compound distributions may be used as input variables for Monte Carlo simulations in public health risk assessments.  相似文献   

一种新的双目标DEA模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在经济系统的分析研究中,由于资源的有限性,我们总想以最少的投入获得最多的产出。本文给出了决策单元输入总量最小且输出总量最大时的一种双准则DEA模型,并用线性加权和法对其进行了求解,该模型能使所有决策单元同时达到相对效率最优。  相似文献   

数据包络分析中变量分类研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据包络分析的研究历史与研究者对于变量特性的认知历史是紧密联系在一起的。在数据包络分析的早期研究中,所有的投入或者产出变量都被视为可数量化、可自由处置、单角色的等。研究者逐渐认识到有些变量是不可数量化的、非自由处置的、双角色的,因此,不同目的的DEA模型被提出并加以研究。本文对数据包络分析中有关变量分类的研究进行系统性评述。  相似文献   

在探讨城镇化进程及物流业能源消费现状的基础上,根据柯布——道格拉斯生产函数,将能源要素进行单列,提出了物流业能源需求理论,对物流业能源消费的替代效用和城镇化效用进行了理论分析。然后,建立计量方程并进行了参数估计。实证结果表明,物流业电力消费能显著替代汽柴油消费,减轻了其对汽柴油的依赖。城镇化、物流路网增长、内贸发展也显著地促进了物流业汽柴油消费。案例研究表明,鉴于客户对于物流环保与低碳的高要求,杭州汤氏物流有限公司总部2014年初以来就全部使用电动叉车替代柴油叉车,较好地实现了电力消费替代柴油消费,即环保又节省了成本。建议政府:改善物流业能源消费结构,走低能耗之路;建议大力推广电动车辆应用于物流业中;建议合理推进城镇化的发展并加强内外贸与物流业的协同发展。  相似文献   

炼钢热轧一体化生产与物流计划模型及求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理的板坯与热轧卷库存、缩短产品的生产周期、降低能源消耗、按合同交货以提高客户满意度已成为钢铁生产管理的要求.为了降低生产与物流成本,本文针对炼钢与热轧生产及其衔接方式的特点,考虑能力和两个阶段冲突约束条件下构建生产与物流计划层次的一体化模型.分析了无能力约束和允许延迟条件下热轧批量的极点特征,对原问题采用Dantzi...  相似文献   

Roger H Bezdek 《Omega》1978,6(3):211-225
This paper utilizes input—output techniques to analyze postwar technological and structural change in the American economy, focusing on the subperiods 1947–1958, 1958–1963 and 1963–1966. The relationship between technological change, changes in input—output relationships and structural change is discussed. Postwar changes in total output requirements as measured by inverse coefficients and in intermediate output requirements as measured by inverse and by direct coefficients are summarized, and the variability in individual input—output coefficients is analyzed. It is found that postwar changes in the structure of the American economy have been highly uneven, unpatterned and erratic and that the accurate forecasting of these changes is extremely difficult given the data which are presently available. The indications of these findings for interindustry research are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Jan F. Van Impe 《Risk analysis》2011,31(8):1295-1307
The aim of quantitative microbiological risk assessment is to estimate the risk of illness caused by the presence of a pathogen in a food type, and to study the impact of interventions. Because of inherent variability and uncertainty, risk assessments are generally conducted stochastically, and if possible it is advised to characterize variability separately from uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis allows to indicate to which of the input variables the outcome of a quantitative microbiological risk assessment is most sensitive. Although a number of methods exist to apply sensitivity analysis to a risk assessment with probabilistic input variables (such as contamination, storage temperature, storage duration, etc.), it is challenging to perform sensitivity analysis in the case where a risk assessment includes a separate characterization of variability and uncertainty of input variables. A procedure is proposed that focuses on the relation between risk estimates obtained by Monte Carlo simulation and the location of pseudo‐randomly sampled input variables within the uncertainty and variability distributions. Within this procedure, two methods are used—that is, an ANOVA‐like model and Sobol sensitivity indices—to obtain and compare the impact of variability and of uncertainty of all input variables, and of model uncertainty and scenario uncertainty. As a case study, this methodology is applied to a risk assessment to estimate the risk of contracting listeriosis due to consumption of deli meats.  相似文献   

The numeral unit spread assessment pedigree (NUSAP) system was implemented to evaluate the quality of input parameters in a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) model for Salmonella spp. in minced pork meat. The input parameters were grouped according to four successive exposure pathways: (1) primary production (2) transport, holding, and slaughterhouse, (3) postprocessing, distribution, and storage, and (4) preparation and consumption. An inventory of 101 potential input parameters was used for building the QMRA model. The characteristics of each parameter were defined using a standardized procedure to assess (1) the source of information, (2) the sampling methodology and sample size, and (3) the distributional properties of the estimate. Each parameter was scored by a panel of experts using a pedigree matrix containing four criteria (proxy, empirical basis, method, and validation) to assess the quality, and this was graphically represented by means of kite diagrams. The parameters obtained significantly lower scores for the validation criterion as compared with the other criteria. Overall strengths of parameters related to the primary production module were significantly stronger compared to the other modules (the transport, holding, and slaughterhouse module, the processing, distribution, and storage module, and the preparation and consumption module). The pedigree assessment contributed to select 20 parameters, which were subsequently introduced in the QMRA model. The NUSAP methodology and kite diagrams are objective tools to discuss and visualize the quality of the parameters in a structured way. These two tools can be used in the selection procedure of input parameters for a QMRA, and can lead to a more transparent quality assurance in the QMRA.  相似文献   

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