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李莹 《领导科学》2020,(3):31-33
发现问题是巡察工作的生命线,发现真问题能帮助被巡察单位和个人从根子上解决问题。要着力克服发现真问题方法应用过程中专题汇报缺站位、个别谈话不深入、反映问题少依据、调阅资料存失真、问卷测评不客观、提请协助不治本、专项检查不聚焦等七难,通过汇总问题、筛查问题、查出问题、比对问题、鉴别问题、分析问题、深挖问题等七策提高党内监督科学化水平。  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2002,13(5):493-504
This article focuses heavily on overviewing and analyzing the seven articles in this special issue on emotions and leadership. The articles are discussed in terms of four key leadership issues. The first issue concerns the traits necessary for leadership. Empathy is shown to be an important variable that is central to both emotional intelligence and leadership emergence. The second issue concerns the relationship of emotions to the leadership process. It is argued that a key leadership function is to manage the emotions of group members, especially with regard to feelings related to frustration and optimism. The third issue involves our perceptions about leaders. Leaders' emotional displays are demonstrated to have a larger impact on perceptions of leaders than the content of the leaders' messages, at least in some circumstances. The fourth area involves the relationship between leadership and performance. Leaders' influences upon emotional process variables are found to have a large impact on performance. The article develops several propositions that summarize the content of this special issue and, in addition, develops new propositions that suggest future areas of research. The article concludes by touching on the review process and acknowledges the reviewers for this special issue.  相似文献   

In more than 15 years of functioning as a medical director, addressing the needs and wants of patients, physicians, hospitals, and ancillary health care suppliers, I have accumulated pieces of ?wisdom? that I now feel I should share with others in medical management. The concepts are fairly simple, but they are of significant value in the ?real-life? management of people. The seven simple ideas outlined in this article are not meant to be the end-all to management philosophy. Books have been written about each idea, and there are hundreds of good ideas in many sources I do not touch on here. However, I have found these seven items of significant value in dealing with others and hope others find them similarly useful.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship in business and leadership strongly suggests that integrity is not fundamentally a moral concept. This paper presents an account of leadership integrity that defends its ethical meaning while identifying important cognitive structures that clarify the confusion surrounding integrity attributions. The paper begins with a brief review of historical, philosophical, and business discussions of integrity. Using the insights from these discussions, I argue that integrity is fundamentally, but not exclusively, a moral concept that supports the ethical claims of leadership theories. I then review current leadership theories and derive a definition of integrity as a moral concept. Using this definition, I explain how a leader's integrity is founded on identity-conferring commitments to values and then describe three types of leadership integrity to better understand these constructs. I conclude with a few research questions that seek to advance leadership integrity research with the goal of advancing our understanding of ethical leadership.  相似文献   

当下属的都渴望被上司赏识,但上司却不会无缘无故地赏识某个下属.在众多的竞争者中,要让上司赏识你而不是别人,关键在于你必须具有值得上司赏识你的"本钱",即要给上司提供足够赏识你的理由.从实践来看,最能引起上司赏识的理由有以下七个方面.  相似文献   

提升部属执行力的七大要领   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对领导者及其组织来说,拥有卓越的智慧和宏大的构想是应该的和必需的,但是,不懂得执行,就不会获得成功。提升部属的执行力至少要掌握七大要领。一、做正确的事情,更要正确地做事情决策是追求目标的学问,是要“做正确的事情”。执行是追求结果的学问,是要“正确地做事情”。这两个关键环节相辅相成,同等重要。只有都做好了,领导工作才是完整的。领导者只有像重视决策一样重视执行,才能促使执行者提升执行力。如何才能正确地做事情?从执行层面上讲,最重要的就是要遵循一个基本原则:凡是决定了的就是对的。对此,不能作形而上学的理解。它并不等…  相似文献   

从引进模仿起步,历经微创新、错位创新、越位创新、包容创新、巨创新、塔尖创新等过程这是一个自主创新的时代,也是一个跟风模仿的时代。这是一个微创新的时代,也是一个巨创新的时代。创新好像活力四射,创新似乎杂乱无章。中国管理到底有没有创新?2011年,《经理人》总结最近一年来中国企业管理,包括商业模式、领导力、战略、组织、资本运作、营销、公司治理、全球化等8个领域的创新实践。  相似文献   

There are two types of change that can occur via federal health care legislation: expansion in access and cost containment. Without passing judgment on the advisability of legislative change, I will argue that federal legislation is unlikely to occur unless both the executive and the legislative branches of government are controlled by the Democratic party. I am not suggesting that the change is necessarily an "improvement," only that Democratic Party control is necessary, particularly as the change pertains to access.  相似文献   

You've just been, or are about to be, named to a management position, your first. Success will not be easy, but it can be achieved. Just avoid seven common assumptions that are the chief culprits in the demise of many a physician executive: All human beings make rational decisions, so the way to resolve conflicts is by giving people more data. Clinical teams are the same as management teams. Your new title confers all the decision-making authority, trust, and power needed to do the job. Bedside communication techniques are the same ones used in the board room. A financial statement is pretty much the same as a checking account statement. There are no politics in management. Just reading every important management text will make you a great manager.  相似文献   

Review of Managerial Science - In making decisions about strategic and operational actions, managers commonly need to consider dualities such as long-term versus short-term, innovation versus...  相似文献   

For any natural number \(n\) we define \(f(n)\) to be the minimum number with the following property. Given any arrangement \(\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{L})\) of \(n\) blue lines in the real projective plane one can find \(f(n)\) red lines different from the blue lines such that any edge in the arrangement \(\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{L})\) is crossed by a red line. We define \(h(n)\) to be the minimum number with the following property. Given any arrangement \(\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{L})\) of \(n\) blue lines in the real projective plane one can find \(h(n)\) red lines different from the blue lines such that every face in the arrangement \(\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{L})\) is crossed in its interior by a red line. In this paper we show \(f(n)=2n-o(n)\) and \(h(n)=n-o(n)\).  相似文献   

For a Coxeter system (W,S), the subgroup W J generated by a subset J?S is called a parabolic subgroup of W. The Coxeterhedron PW associated to (W,S) is the finite poset of all cosets {wW J } wW,J?S of all parabolic subgroups of W, ordered by inclusion. This poset can be realized by the face lattice of a simple polytope, constructed as the convex hull of the orbit of a generic point in ? n under an action of the reflection group W. In this paper, for the groups W=A n?1, B n and D n in a case-by-case manner, we present an elementary proof of the cyclic sieving phenomenon for faces of various dimensions of PW under the action of a cyclic group generated by a Coxeter element. This result provides a geometric, enumerative and combinatorial approach to re-prove a theorem in Reiner et al. (J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 108:17–50, 2004). The original proof is proved by an algebraic method that involves representation theory and Springer’s theorem on regular elements.  相似文献   

Risk Analysis, Systems Analysis, and Covey's Seven Habits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article relates problem solving to the common approaches of the gestalt-holistic philosophies of systems analysis, risk analysis, and Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Guiding principles developed on the basis of these philosophies provide the foundations for methodological frameworks that build on a plethora of theory, methods, tools, and techniques. Although systems analysis and risk analysis differ in their historical evolution and technical maturity, both study and solve problems using methodological frameworks that share a holistic vision.  相似文献   

党的十七大明确提出要继续解放思想,并作了解放思想是发展中国特色社会主义的一大法宝的重要论断.继续解放思想与深化改革开放、推进科学发展,都是党的十七大精神的重要内容,都是我们贯彻落实的重要方面,必须统一起来,系统把握,整体推进,以思想的新解放推动新跨越新崛起.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that people form impressions of potential leaders from their faces and that certain facial features predict success in reaching prestigious leadership positions. However, much less is known about the accuracy or meta-accuracy of face-based leadership inferences. Here we examine a simple, but important, question: Can leadership domain be inferred from faces? We find that human judges can identify business, military, and sports leaders (but not political leaders) from their faces with above-chance accuracy. However, people are surprisingly bad at evaluating their own performance on this judgment task: We find no relationship between how well judges think they performed and their actual accuracy levels. In a follow-up study, we identify several basic dimensions of evaluation that correlate with face-based judgments of leadership domain, as well as those that predict actual leadership domain. We discuss the implications of our results for leadership perception and selection.  相似文献   

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