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跨文化传播中,文化对翻译活动中的译者、读者、译本等要素存在诸多影响,只有在翻译活动中消除或弱化这些影响,才能提高翻译质量。  相似文献   

This article extends research on the consequences of mass imprisonment and the factors shaping population health and health inequalities by considering the associations between imprisonment and population health—measured as life expectancy at birth and the infant mortality rate—and black-white differences in population health using state-level panel data from the United States (= 669), 1980-2004. Results show that imprisonment is significantly associated with poorer population health, though associations between imprisonment and infant mortality and female life expectancy are somewhat more consistently statistically significant than are associations with male life expectancy, and associations are more pronounced and statistically significant for blacks than they are for whites. Results also show, however, that increases in imprisonment are associated with decreases in the mortality rates of young black men. Thus, though imprisonment tends to be associated with higher mortality risk and greater black-white differences in mortality, it may, in the short-run, have some paradoxical mortality benefits for young black men.  相似文献   

无论从个体角度还是社会层面来看,健康的重要性都是毋庸置疑的。它既影响着个体的生存状况和生活质量,也是一个社会发展的重要资源。本研究运用中国10城市大规模随机问卷调查的数据,试图揭示对居民自评健康产生影响的社会因素。研究结果发现:(1)居民的社会经济地位对其自评健康状况有着积极的影响;(2)居民的社会资本质量对其自评健康状况发挥着重要的促进作用;(3)性别、年龄、移民身份、户籍身份、出生地、患慢性疾病的数量、抑郁指数和吸烟习惯等因素对居民的自评健康产生了显著的影响。  相似文献   

企业承担必要的社会责任是企业自身伦理道德的内在要求。肺炎疫情这一重大突发公共卫生事件给中国及世界经济造成了极大的冲击和影响,这就更需要中小企业在这个特殊时期肩负起更大的社会责任。梳理了企业社会责任的相关文献,并从社会、员工、消费者、供应商等维度研究了中小企业在重大突发公共卫生事件时期应当承担的社会责任。  相似文献   

信任能导致合作,信任度的下降使得商品交易和社会交往的成本大大增加,社会成员的沟通减少,社会关系趋于冷漠化。人的本性是趋于利己的,因此,社会信任不会从人性中产生,只能由法律规范和道德规范来培育。提高社会信任度需要法律和道德相结合。以德治国和依法治国都是建立法治国家的手段,统一于法治国家的目标之中。  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来,随着改革开放和市场经济的发展,我国逐步形成了多种经济成分并存的局面,从而涌现出包括私营经济在内的多种经济形式.随着多种经济成分共同发展和市场要素组织的发育壮大,我国阶级、阶层情况发生了新的变化.为描绘我国社会转型期的城市社会阶层结构现状,我们在合肥市辖区进行全面调查,对合肥市社会阶层结构现状进行了分析.  相似文献   

本文基于实地调查统计数据 ,从总经理本人从业至今动态情况、总经理当前基本静态状况及其公司—同行—协会评价、总经理的经营困惑和前景观望等三个方面对江西南昌广告公司总经理竞争力问题做了深入的分析研究 ,并在此基础上提出了相应的对策性探讨 ,希冀能籍此推动江西广告业的发展 ,也试图为中西部广告业的提升提供管窥之见。  相似文献   

When people form beliefs about the trustworthiness of others with respect to particular matters (i.e., when individuals trust), theory suggests that they rely on preexistent cognitive schemas regarding the general cooperativeness of individuals and organizations (i.e., social trust). In spite of prior work, the impact of social trust on relational trust—or what Russell Hardin (2002) calls trust as a three-part relation where actor A trusts actor B with reference to matter Y—is not well established. Four vignette experiments were administered to Amazon.com Mechanical Turk workers (N = 1388 and N = 1419) and to public university undergraduate students (N = 995 and N = 956) in order to investigate the relationship between social trust and relational trust. Measures of general social trust and particular social trust produced statistically equivalent effects that were positively associated with relational trust. Political trust, however, was statistically unrelated to relational trust. These results support the idea that people rely on schemas and stereotypes concerned with the general cooperativeness and helpfulness of others when forming beliefs about another person's trustworthiness with respect to a particular matter at hand.  相似文献   

本文指出经济社会双转型的核心是人的转型,并针对东莞市经济社会双转型期间人口素质的相关问题加以论述。  相似文献   

This study examines inmates’ core discussion network prior to their incarceration. The core discussion network consists of the immediate social circle of relatively strong ties. The aims of the study are twofold: (1) to describe inmates’ core discussion network prior to their incarceration in terms of network structure, relationship quality and embedded socioeconomic resources; (2) to compare inmates’ core discussion network with the core discussion network of the general Dutch population. Data are analyzed from the Prison Project (n = 1909) and the Survey of the Social Networks of the Dutch (n = 394). Compared with the general Dutch population, prior to incarceration, prisoners generally have a core discussion network that is similar to or even better with respect to network structure and relationship quality. However, prisoners’ core discussion network members seem to lack socioeconomic resources.  相似文献   

构建社会普遍服务体系 完成现代化多元复合转型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代中国正在迈向现代社会,进入一个以多元复合社会转型为特征的战略机遇期。中国社会转型所呈现出的多元复合特征更加剧了中国现代化进程的复杂性。正确认识社会转型的特征是政府制定正确政策的前提,只有加快构建社会普遍服务体系,才能避免陷入挫折与断裂的现代化陷阱,顺利完成中国现代化的多元复合转型。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that indirect measures of occupational status such as the Duncan Socioeconomic Index (SEI) are more valid than direct measures of occupational prestige, such as those developed by the National Opinion Research Center and by Treiman, for analyses of social mobility. The Professional, Technical, and Kindred (PTK) occupations available for the SEI are a biased sample of all PTK occupations. Do findings on the validity of the SEI pertaining to the general population hold for special populations, such as college graduates? Confirmatory factor analysis comparing the validities of four measures of occupational SES—the SEI, a 1960 counterpart of the SEI developed by Siegel and based on all Census occupations, the NORC prestige scale, and the Treiman international prestige scale—showed that the indirect measure developed by Siegel was clearly more valid than the other three measures. Since these findings indicate that the predictors in a regression equation are more valid than the criterion, there is some question as to what the criterion should really be.  相似文献   

本文基于实地调查资料,论述了一个回族村落城市化进程中的社会变迁。研究发现,该村落社会转型的动力是城市化和市场化;转型机制是职业分工、生产关系、权力等级分化等因素的合力作用;其社会政治结果便是总体型社区向分化型社区转型。  相似文献   

人口、资源、环境、经济、社会能否全面、协调、可持续发展,是迫切需要解决的课题,根本的出路是:以控制、提高、优化、开发并重的方针解决人口问题,珍爱环境、保护生态、节约资源,发展循环经济,坚持以人为本,构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

伴随着中国改革开放,中国社会阶层的分化开始出现,并逐渐在政策性、渐进性、规模大、阶层分化职业性、刚性弱化而弹性增强、不均衡性和不规范性等方面表现出独有的特点。正确认识这些特点对于制定相应政策、实现社会主义政治现代化具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

社会结构的本质是历史时间,社会结构变迁乃是历史时间的流动。在历史时间中不存在永恒不变的历史单元。从社会结构变迁的视角来看,“人民群众是历史的创造者”这一唯物史观的基本原理在具体的历史发展阶段中有着具体而丰富的表现形态,作为历史主体的“人民群众”具体化地表现为对历史前进承担着不同角色的社会成员。在当代中国社会结构变迁急剧发生的时代,这个主体被分化为不同的社会阶层。抽象的社会基本矛盾并不能引导发展具体问题的解决,对处于特定历史发展阶段的社会而言,社会基本矛盾往往表现为现存经济体制中错综复杂的矛盾形态,在中国现阶段则表现为体制转型的具体运作。  相似文献   

The effects of two interviewing procedures, Instructions and Verbal Modeling, on the reporting of health information in a survey interview setting were evaluated. The theoretical basis for selecting these procedures was derived from a conceptualization of the cognitive requirements for effective reporting. Two main dependent variables were used: number of health conditions reported, and number of ideas reported. An experimental sample design was employed, with the sample restricted to white females aged 18–64 yr, living in several towns and cities of a large metropolitan area.Results indicate various mediating effects of educational level and subjective health rating; and implications of the study for research on interviewing methodology, as well as on the cognitive and motivational aspects of reporting performance, are discussed.  相似文献   

对社会科学、人文科学、人文学科、哲学社会科学、人文社会科学等术语在中国的发生与流变作粗略的梳理,并针对其互用和混用非规范现象,从文献保障和用户保障的角度,提出应将人文科学、社会科学作为与自然科学并举的概念区分开来,以动态的、客观的方法来把握学科范畴,并采用“人文社会科学”作为通称概念。  相似文献   

政治、经济因素导致了中国城乡"二元社会"的现状,也因此分立了我国的社会保障制度.文章通过分析这种状况的深层原因,强调社会分层与保障对城镇社会稳定的重要性,为我国社会保障制度的健康运行提供参考.  相似文献   

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