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This paper considers the estimation of a probability density function when extra distributional information is available (e.g. the mean of the distribution is known or the variance is a known function of the mean). The standard kernel method cannot exploit such extra information systematically as it uses an equal probability weight n-1 at each data point. The paper suggests using empirical likelihood to choose the probability weights under constraints formulated from the extra distributional information. An empirical likelihood-based kernel density estimator is given by replacing n-1 by the empirical likelihood weights, and has these advantages: it makes systematic use of the extra information, it is able to reflect the extra characteristics of the density function, and its variance is smaller than that of the standard kernel density estimator.  相似文献   

Variance estimation is a fundamental yet important problem in statistical modelling. In this paper, we propose jackknife empirical likelihood (JEL) methods for the error variance in a linear regression model. We prove that the JEL ratio converges to the standard chi-squared distribution. The asymptotic chi-squared properties for the adjusted JEL and extended JEL estimators are also established. Extensive simulation studies to compare the new JEL methods with the standard method in terms of coverage probability and interval length are conducted, and the simulation results show that our proposed JEL methods perform better than the standard method. We also illustrate the proposed methods using two real data sets.  相似文献   

We consider nonparametric estimation of the density function and its derivatives for multivariate linear processes with long-range dependence. In a first step, the asymptotic distribution of the multivariate empirical process is derived. In a second step, the asymptotic distribution of kernel density estimators and their derivatives is obtained.  相似文献   

We present a sharp uniform-in-bandwidth functional limit law for the increments of the Kaplan–Meier empirical process based upon right-censored random data. We apply this result to obtain limit laws for nonparametric kernel estimators of local functionals of lifetime densities, which are uniform with respect to the choices of bandwidth and kernel. These are established in the framework of convergence in probability, and we allow the bandwidth to vary within the complete range for which the estimators are consistent. We provide explicit values for the asymptotic limiting constant for the sup-norm of the estimation random error.  相似文献   

Abstract.  For a class of vector-valued non-Gaussian stationary processes, we develop the Cressie–Read power-divergence (CR) statistic approach which has been proposed for the i.i.d. case. The CR statistic includes empirical likelihood as a special case. Therefore, by adopting this CR statistic approach, the theory of estimation and testing based on empirical likelihood is greatly extended. We use an extended Whittle likelihood as score function and derive the asymptotic distribution of the CR statistic. We apply this result to estimation of autocorrelation and the AR coefficient, and get narrower confidence intervals than those obtained by existing methods. We also consider the power properties of the test based on asymptotic theory. Under a sequence of contiguous local alternatives, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the CR statistic. The problem of testing autocorrelation is discussed and we introduce some interesting properties of the local power.  相似文献   

In this paper, the linear empirical Bayes estimation method, which is based on approximation of the Bayes estimator by a linear function, is generalized to an extended linear empirical Bayes estimation technique which represents the Bayes estimator by a series of algebraic polynomials. The extended linear empirical Bayes estimators are elaborated in the case of a location or a scale parameter. The theory is illustrated by examples of its application to the normal distribution with a location parameter and the gamma distribution with a scale parameter. The linear and the extended linear empirical Bayes estimators are constructed in these two cases and, then, studied numerically via Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations show that the extended linear empirical Bayes estimators have better convergence rates than the traditional linear empirical Bayes estimators.  相似文献   

The procedures of estimating prediction intervals for ARMA processes can be divided into model based methods and empirical methods. Model based methods require knowledge of the model and the underlying innovation distribution. Empirical methods are based on sample forecast errors. In this paper we apply nonparametric quantile regression to empirical forecast errors using lead time as regressor. Using this method there is no need for a distributional assumption. But for the special data pattern in this application a double kernel method which allows smoothing in two directions is required. An estimation algorithm is presented and applied to some simulation examples.  相似文献   

A distribution function is estimated by a kernel method with

a poinrwise mean squared error criterion at a point x. Relation- ships between the mean squared error, the point x, the sample size and the required kernel smoothing parazeter are investigated for several distributions treated by Azzaiini (1981). In particular it is noted that at a centre of symmetry or near a mode of the distribution the kernei method breaks down. Point- wise estimation of a distribution function is motivated as a more useful technique than a reference range for preliminary medical diagnosis.  相似文献   


We study the estimation of a hazard rate function based on censored data by non-linear wavelet method. We provide an asymptotic formula for the mean integrated squared error (MISE) of nonlinear wavelet-based hazard rate estimators under randomly censored data. We show this MISE formula, when the underlying hazard rate function and censoring distribution function are only piecewise smooth, has the same expansion as analogous kernel estimators, a feature not available for the kernel estimators. In addition, we establish an asymptotic normality of the nonlinear wavelet estimator.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We derive the asymptotic distribution of the integrated square error of a deconvolution kernel density estimator in supersmooth deconvolution problems. Surprisingly, in contrast to direct density estimation as well as ordinary smooth deconvolution density estimation, the asymptotic distribution is no longer a normal distribution but is given by a normalized chi-squared distribution with 2 d.f. A simulation study shows that the speed of convergence to the asymptotic law is reasonably fast.  相似文献   

Zhouping Li  Yiming Liu 《Statistics》2017,51(5):1006-1022
In estimation of multiplicative or accelerated failure time models, the relative error criterion has been recognized as an alternative to the squared or absolute error criterion. The general relative error criterion introduced by Chen et al. [Least product relative error estimation. J Multivariate Anal. 2016;144:91–98] is a unified framework for efficient estimation, which includes the least absolute relative error estimation and least product relative error estimation as special cases. In this paper, by combining the empirical likelihood and general relative error criterion in multiplicative model, we develop a new empirical likelihood method for inference on the unknown parameters under high-dimensional setting. Limiting theory is established for the proposed empirical likelihood statistic. We conduct some simulation studies and real data analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Classical omnibus and more recent methods are adapted to panel data situations in order to jointly test for normality of the error components. The test statistics incorporate either the empirical distribution function or the empirical characteristic function, these functions resulting from estimation of the fixed and random components. Monte Carlo results show that the new procedure based on the empirical characteristic function compares favorably with classical methods.  相似文献   

Small‐area estimation of poverty‐related variables is an increasingly important analytical tool in targeting the delivery of food and other aid in developing countries. We compare two methods for the estimation of small‐area means and proportions, namely empirical Bayes and composite estimation, with what has become the international standard method of Elbers, Lanjouw & Lanjouw (2003) . In addition to differences among the sets of estimates and associated estimated standard errors, we discuss data requirements, design and model selection issues and computational complexity. The Elbers, Lanjouw and Lanjouw (ELL) method is found to produce broadly similar estimates but to have much smaller estimated standard errors than the other methods. The question of whether these standard error estimates are downwardly biased is discussed. Although the question cannot yet be answered in full, as a precautionary measure it is strongly recommended that the ELL model be modified to include a small‐area‐level error component in addition to the cluster‐level and household‐level errors it currently contains. This recommendation is particularly important because the allocation of billions of dollars of aid funding is being determined and monitored via ELL. Under current aid distribution mechanisms, any downward bias in estimates of standard error may lead to allocations that are suboptimal because distinctions are made between estimated poverty levels at the small‐area level that are not significantly different statistically.  相似文献   

We consider the blinded sample size re‐estimation based on the simple one‐sample variance estimator at an interim analysis. We characterize the exact distribution of the standard two‐sample t‐test statistic at the final analysis. We describe a simulation algorithm for the evaluation of the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis at given treatment effect. We compare the blinded sample size re‐estimation method with two unblinded methods with respect to the empirical type I error, the empirical power, and the empirical distribution of the standard deviation estimator and final sample size. We characterize the type I error inflation across the range of standardized non‐inferiority margin for non‐inferiority trials, and derive the adjusted significance level to ensure type I error control for given sample size of the internal pilot study. We show that the adjusted significance level increases as the sample size of the internal pilot study increases. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Binary data are often of interest in business surveys, particularly when the aim is to characterize grouping in the businesses making up the survey population. When small area estimates are required for such binary data, use of standard estimation methods based on linear mixed models (LMMs) becomes problematic. We explore two model-based techniques of small area estimation for small area proportions, the empirical best predictor (EBP) under a generalized linear mixed model and the model-based direct estimator (MBDE) under a population-level LMM. Our empirical results show that both the MBDE and the EBP perform well. The EBP is a computationally intensive method, whereas the MBDE is easy to implement. In case of model misspecification, the MBDE also appears to be more robust. The mean-squared error (MSE) estimation of MBDE is simple and straightforward, which is in contrast to the complicated MSE estimation for the EBP.  相似文献   

A local orthogonal polynomial expansion (LOrPE) of the empirical density function is proposed as a novel method to estimate the underlying density. The estimate is constructed by matching localised expectation values of orthogonal polynomials to the values observed in the sample. LOrPE is related to several existing methods, and generalises straightforwardly to multivariate settings. By manner of construction, it is similar to local likelihood density estimation (LLDE). In the limit of small bandwidths, LOrPE functions as kernel density estimation (KDE) with high-order (effective) kernels inherently free of boundary bias, a natural consequence of kernel reshaping to accommodate endpoints. Consistency and faster asymptotic convergence rates follow. In the limit of large bandwidths LOrPE is equivalent to orthogonal series density estimation (OSDE) with Legendre polynomials, thereby inheriting its consistency. We compare the performance of LOrPE to KDE, LLDE, and OSDE, in a number of simulation studies. In terms of mean integrated squared error, the results suggest that with a proper balance of the two tuning parameters, bandwidth and degree, LOrPE generally outperforms these competitors when estimating densities with sharply truncated supports.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of estimating the standard errors of the empirical Bayes estimators in linear regression models. The problem of deriving an exact expression for the standard error of this estimator is generally intractable. We suggest a procedure based on Efron’s bootstrap method as a way of estimating the standard error. It is shown, through simulations, that the bootstrap method provides a more accurate estimate of the standard error of the empirical Bayes estimator than the traditional large sample method.  相似文献   

A general nonparametric imputation procedure, based on kernel regression, is proposed to estimate points as well as set- and function-indexed parameters when the data are missing at random (MAR). The proposed method works by imputing a specific function of a missing value (and not the missing value itself), where the form of this specific function is dictated by the parameter of interest. Both single and multiple imputations are considered. The associated empirical processes provide the right tool to study the uniform convergence properties of the resulting estimators. Our estimators include, as special cases, the imputation estimator of the mean, the estimator of the distribution function proposed by Cheng and Chu [1996. Kernel estimation of distribution functions and quantiles with missing data. Statist. Sinica 6, 63–78], imputation estimators of a marginal density, and imputation estimators of regression functions.  相似文献   

Nonparametric density estimation in the presence of measurement error is considered. The usual kernel deconvolution estimator seeks to account for the contamination in the data by employing a modified kernel. In this paper a new approach based on a weighted kernel density estimator is proposed. Theoretical motivation is provided by the existence of a weight vector that perfectly counteracts the bias in density estimation without generating an excessive increase in variance. In practice a data driven method of weight selection is required. Our strategy is to minimize the discrepancy between a standard kernel estimate from the contaminated data on the one hand, and the convolution of the weighted deconvolution estimate with the measurement error density on the other hand. We consider a direct implementation of this approach, in which the weights are optimized subject to sum and non-negativity constraints, and a regularized version in which the objective function includes a ridge-type penalty. Numerical tests suggest that the weighted kernel estimation can lead to tangible improvements in performance over the usual kernel deconvolution estimator. Furthermore, weighted kernel estimates are free from the problem of negative estimation in the tails that can occur when using modified kernels. The weighted kernel approach generalizes to the case of multivariate deconvolution density estimation in a very straightforward manner.  相似文献   


An exact, closed form, and easy to compute expression for the mean integrated squared error (MISE) of a kernel estimator of a normal mixture cumulative distribution function is derived for the class of arbitrary order Gaussian-based kernels. Comparisons are made with MISE of the empirical distribution function, the infeasible minimum MISE, and the uniform kernel. A simple plug-in method of simultaneously selecting the optimal bandwidth and kernel order is proposed based on a non asymptotic approximation of the unknown distribution by a normal mixture. A simulation study shows that the method provides a viable alternative to existing bandwidth selection procedures.  相似文献   

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