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Since Skinner's [40] landmark article depicting the manufacturing function as the “missing link” in corporate strategic processes, a portion of the blame for inferior performance in many firms has been attributed to the subordinate strategic position of manufacturing. It has been argued that part of the solution to misalignments between the capabilities possessed by manufacturing and the requirements dictated by customers is for manufacturing to take a more proactive stance. However, little research has been reported which examines manufacturing proactiveness empirically. In this paper, we address this gap by developing an operational definition of manufacturing proactiveness and testing empirically whether a link exists between proactiveness and performance based on data collected from a sample of manufacturers. Based on the manufacturing strategy literature, we identify two major dimensions of manufacturing proactiveness: (1) the degree of manufacturing's involvement in the strategic processes of the business unit; and (2) the degree of commitment to a long-term program of investments in manufacturing structure and infrastructure aimed at building capabilities in anticipation of their need. We develop reliable scales for measuring each of the dimensions of proactiveness and use the data to provide evidence of a clear link between manufacturing proactiveness and business performance. We show that investments in structural programs coupled with either high levels of manufacturing involvement in strategic processes or planned investments in infrastructural programs correlate with higher than average performance.  相似文献   

Performance measures are everywhere, but they are filled with errors, and these errors are likely to cause faulty inferences. We should distrust performance measures, but we cannot ignore them because they are powerful motivators that can produce dramatic improvements in human and organizational performance.  相似文献   

Based on likely future changes in faculty evaluation practices, this paper examines how institutions of higher education might operationalize performance evaluation as related to research, teaching, and service. A model is developed that allows coupling performance evaluation and relevant market considerations with merit pay, tenure, and promotion decisions. The approach is specifically applicable to tenure-track faculty members in colleges and universities.  相似文献   

Recent analytical and empirical research in budgeting has focused on conditions under which participation may or may not prove beneficial to the firm. The present study seeks to examine (in a budget setting) the impact on firm returns of managerial participation, private state information, and relative skill. Experimental results indicate a significant improvement in firm and managerial welfare across favorable and unfavorable private state information with budgetary participation. A significant interaction between the type of state information and participation is reported for managers but not firm returns. Finally, relative skill signals are shown to lead to improved managerial performance.  相似文献   

Supply chain management is a central and important area for academic research due to its impact on firms competing in today's global economy. Managing the flow of materials from supply sources to the ultimate customer represents a major challenge for today's managers. To assist managers, the concept of supply chain management has been adopted by many business leaders as an important way to assist in designing, planning, and controlling the network of facilities and tasks that comprise the many stages of the supply chain. In turn, the flow of academic research in the area has increased to provide a better set of guidelines for effective implementation and execution. This article sets the stage for recently completed research concentrating on supply chain management issues. First, a definition of supply chain management is provided and compared to recent usage in this area and logistics management. Also, a framework is provided that structures this dynamic and complex management task. Second, a review of past research is presented to illustrate the many paths supply chain management has traveled, and important contributions to supply management understanding and decision making. Third, recently completed research articles are introduced that have been selected to be part of this special issue of Decision Sciences. And fourth, future research directions for supply chain management that need to be pursued by interested investigators are discussed.  相似文献   

德鲁克论21世纪管理挑战——信息挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彼得·德鲁克在其新著中解释,一个新信息革命正在进行中,它将彻底改变信息对企业和个人的意义。它不是技术革命,而是概念革命。至今,信息技术集中在数据,聚焦在“IT”中的“T”;新信息革命聚焦在“I”。 德鲁克论述了15世纪印刷技术的历史教训,对比了传统成本会计与基于活动的成本核算,说明企业需要的信息,具体提出了管理现行企业所需要的四套诊断工具与战略所要求的外部信息,明确了主观人员工作所需的信息观念,其形成必须由主管提出两个问题开始“我给什么?”“我要什么?”然后论述了组织信息问题,提出若干方法学概念。德鲁克敦促企业与个人必须学会组织信息作为它们的关键性资源,以迎接21世纪的管理挑战。  相似文献   

Today, many American firms are demanding a high level of performance from their major suppliers while at the same time reducing the number of them. Vendor performance is an important aspect of maintaining low production costs and high product quality. In this study, we examine the effects of poor vendor quality and vendor lead time uncertainty in a variety of manufacturing environments using a comprehensive simulation model. The results indicate that the effect of poor vendor performance on various manufacturing firms depends on the number of stocking points and the degree of component commonality. Moreover, disruption of the manufacturing system caused by poor vendor performance can be manifested in higher levels of inventory and order backlogs. We introduce the concept of supplyside uncertainty, as it relates to component-part commonality, to demonstrate that in certain environments commonality reduces order backlogs but increases total inventories and creates an environment that is very sensitive to vendor quality problems. Finally, several conjectures are posited for future research.  相似文献   

Organizations invest in technology with the expectation that it will contribute to performance, and members of the organization must use technology for it to make a contribution. For this reason, it is important for managers and designers to understand and predict system use. This paper develops a model of workstation use in a field setting where the use of the system is an integral part of the user's job. The model is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which we extended to include social norms, user performance, and two control variables. Brokers and sales assistants in the privateclient group of a major investment bank provided data to test our extended model. The core perception variables in TAM do not predict use in this study. Social norms and one's job requirements are more important in predicting use than workers' perceptions about ease of use and usefulness. The paper discusses the implications of these findings and suggests directions for future research.  相似文献   

本文从多角度梳理了影响营销绩效评价的主要因素,基于市场导向提出了营销绩效评价指标体系构建概念模型.并在实证研究的基础上,进行了模型的假设检验.该模型证实了市场导向、管理者认知等因素对营销绩效评价的显著影响,强调了进行非财务评价、以及向企业高层报告营销绩效评价指标的必要性.这种框架性的路径对于营销绩效评价的理论研究和企业中营销评价指标体系的构建都是十分必要的.  相似文献   

Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is an important and effective energy conservation mechanism, under which an energy service company (ESCO) provides an energy‐saving service to its client and shares the resulting energy cost savings. Using a game‐theoretic model, we investigate the impacts of EPC on two competing manufacturers, of which one is more energy‐efficient in production than the other. The less energy‐efficient firm first proposes an energy‐saving sharing contract to the more energy‐efficient firm, who, if accepting the contract, acts as an ESCO that decides the energy‐saving target and helps realize it for the client. Then the firms engage in Cournot competition by producing/selling substitutable products. By solving the equilibrium solutions, we show that under an EPC project, the total production quantity of both firms increases (so the market price of the product decreases) with the ESCO producing less while its client producing more, which also leads to a higher consumer surplus. Meanwhile, both manufactures are better off under EPC and would obtain strictly higher profits when the service cost rate is high. Nevertheless, EPC may not result in a better environmental performance in that the total energy consumption of both firms may be higher under EPC, which happens when the market size is small and the ESCO has not much energy‐efficiency advantage over its client. We also study four extensions: When the energy saving service and production decisions are made separately, we find the more energy‐efficient firm is worse off when implementing EPC; when the energy‐saving sharing ratio is determined by the ESCO instead of the client, the ESCO extracts all the surplus derived from the EPC project while the total energy consumption of both firms is always reduced; when the energy‐saving sharing ratio is determined via Nash bargaining, the main insights from the base model remain valid; finally, when the client sets the target of overall cost reduction, it extracts all the surplus derived from the EPC project.  相似文献   

上市公司业绩的二次相对评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用一种能够消除企业间客观基础条件优劣的影响,真正反映它们主观有效努力程度及能力对业绩贡献的二次相对评价模型,对沪深50家医药类上市公司的业绩进行评价.  相似文献   

供应链绩效评价指标体系与评价方法研究   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
供应链管理(SCM)与现行企业模式有较大区别,其绩效评价指标体系的建立与评价方法也就有其特殊性,目前这方面的研究还略显不足。本文在综合分析现有的SCM评价指标体系的基础上,初步建立了一套适合我国SCM绩效评价的指标体系。同时,给出了SCM绩效评价的多级动态模糊综合评价方法。  相似文献   

A large-scale random sample is used to empirically examine the relationships between implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) and three organization-level measures that have historically been attributed to AMT, but not fully tested along the AMT spectrum: market-oriented flexibility of the production process, organizational integration of production processes, and administrative intensity of the organization. Results indicate that as an organization moves along the technology scale from stand-alone AMT (e.g., CNC machines) through functionally oriented AMT (FMS and CAM) toward CIM, not only do its production processes become more integrated with each other, but those processes become more integrated with other functional systems of the organization, and the quality and timeliness of production information increase. Furthermore, this relationship becomes stronger as companies increase their level of implementation for the latter two technologies. Conversely, market-oriented flexibility decreases and administrative intensity is not observed to change as companies move along the technology spectrum. Future research should examine how organizational redesign and implementation strategies that accompany AMT implementation can concomitantly enhance organizational integration of the production process and market-oriented flexibility.  相似文献   

Current opinion holds that Internet‐based supply chain integration with upstream suppliers and downstream customers (called “e‐integration” in this paper) is superior to traditional ways of doing business. This proposition remains untested, however, and similarly we know little about what are the upstream, internal, and downstream barriers to implementing e‐integration. This paper empirically addressed these questions using data from a large single nation study, and found (1) a positive link between e‐integration and performance, and (2) that internal barriers impeded e‐integration more than either upstream supplier barriers or downstream customer barriers. Findings from this study contribute to our theoretical understanding of implementing change in contemporary supply chains, and have important implications for manufacturers interested in improving their supply chain's performance using the Internet.  相似文献   

This article develops and examines an empirical typology of entrepreneurial firms, based on organizational and life cycle characteristics. Results indicate five entrepreneurial configurations representing the essential contingent features of age, size, innovation, and governance structure (Elders, Giants, Innovators, and Owners) and one configuration representing a mix of all features (Balanced). We found that (i) outsourcing affected financial performance in entrepreneurial firms and (ii) configurations moderated this relationship. Results support the use of salient contingent features of age, size, innovation, and governance structure to predict outsourcing effectiveness in the entrepreneurial configurations. That is, entrepreneurial firms that aligned their configurational characteristics with outsourcing tended to have greater gains in financial performance. From a resource dependency perspective, managing these alignments has important implications for entrepreneurial firm performance.  相似文献   

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