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This paper suggests a method of determining occupational prestige structures through simulation of transfer of credit processes involving the Markov Chain. The method required recording present and preferred occupations of a representative sample of employed persons. Following the example of Blau (1956) and Empey (1956) the concept “preferred occupation” is suggested as clearly distinct from occupational choice which has been treated by other researchers (Musgrave 1967; Carol and Parry 1968; Kuvlesky and Bealer 1966; Haller and Sewell 1967; Solcum 1956; and Philband and Gregory 1956). A series of Markov Chain interactions transforms the present-preferred occupation matrix, “controls” for structure limitations on ambitions and social distance, and generates a hierarchical model of occupational prestige structures. This paper examines the methodological and theoretical issues implicit in the measurement of prestige and the establishment of prestige hierarchies, and describes the procedures of the application of the Markov Chain to occupational preference responses. It reports the results of the application of this technique to a pilot sample and compares the resulting hierarchy with those derived from NORC measures and the Duncan socioeconomic index.  相似文献   

Unequality of educational opportunity is related to school structure. Comparison of the attainment process in France and the United States reveals the consequences of structure for individuals' attainments. Turner's (1960) typology of educational systems is applied. The French educational system is shown to be closer to Turner's “sponsorship system,” and that of the U. S. closer to the “contest” type. Inequality of educational opportunity, as indicated by the effect of father's occupational status on years of schooling completed, is greater in France than in the U. S. The difference is accounted for by school structural variables, indicating the importance of structure for inequality of opportunity. Other differences concerning the causes of educational attainment in France and the U. S. are also discussed.  相似文献   

The calculations of sophisticated voters who successively eliminate undesirable strategies are analyzed in three-person voting games in which one voter with complete information can, as a deceiver, induce the other two voters with incomplete information to vote in such a way as to ensure a better outcome than the deceiver could ensure in a game of complete information. Deception which is “tacit,” wherein a deceiver votes consistently with his announced preference scale, is distinguished from deception which is “revealed,” wherein a deceiver's action deviates from his announced preference scale. Among the conclusions drawn from the study is that revealed deception is generally a more potent tool than tacit deception in securing a more-preferred outcome, and deception opportunities are greater the more disagreement there is among the nondeceivers.  相似文献   

The three prior criteria for linear recursive causal (path) model evaluation are shown to be equivalent to a more general technique. Hotelling's T2 is introduced as a means of evaluating general hypotheses for the entire model, and some consequences of treating the model as a whole are discussed. The “twice standard error” rule is shown to be misleading for a number of reasons. An example of the application of the procedure and the computational technique is given, and some additional applications are suggested.  相似文献   

The frequency of ordinal data and the importance of attitudinal consensus in social research motivated Leik [Leik, R. L. (1966), Pacific Sociological Review 9, 85–90] to formulate a simple, effective measure of ordinal dispersion, but he did not provide a method for its statistical analysis, and its operational interpretation for nonextremal values is unclear. Leik's D is an equal-interval, “folded” scoring vector inner dot-product, scalar transformation of the vector of ordered relative frequencies. The folding point is the median category. The metric analog of D is the difference between the random variable's expected values above and below the median. An equal-interval, pure variance measure of ordinal dispersion is posited and compared to D. They correlate closely but not perfectly, and D has a serious problem when an extremal category has more than half the total cases. Both formulas are easily generalized to non-equal-interval scorings. A general linear model for categorical data permits easy statistical comparisons of D, but not the variance. D tends to underestimate the degree of significant dispersion in comparison to the variance formula, it is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to further refine the efforts of Coleman (Social Science Research 5, 1–20, 1976) and Igra (Social Science Research 8, 253–264, 1979) to develop summary regressionlike coefficients for causal models involving blocks of conceptually related variables, using Heise's (Sociological Methods and Research 1, 147–173, 1972) strategy of explicitly representing block concepts as unobserved intervening variables in a multiequation model. Such models can be estimated using the maximum-likelihood techniques of Jöreskog and Sörbom (LISREL IV: Analysis of Linear Structural Relationships by the Method of Maximum Likelihood, International Educational Services, Chicago, 1978). The procedure proposed leads to (a) an unambiguous definition of block variables in terms of their constituent variables; (b) a clear definition of effects of conceptual variables on one another, and on single response variables, and a reduced model formulated in terms of conceptual variables only; and (c) a clear decomposition of correlations between conceptual variables into direct effects, indirect effects, and unanalyzed components. Numerical illustration is provided.  相似文献   

“Basic science” and “applied science” are tired labels in the sociology of science due to their use as a priori specifications on empirically nonrecognizable ideal types. A modification of the Thurstone scale construction technique is used to indicate a scientist's attitude toward his work. A continuum is empirically generated and suggests a higher order theoretical concept that subsumes both basic and applied science. The continuum suggests the two-fold concept of the “scientific mission.” A scientist's mission is: (a) his position on the continuum reflecting his interests relative to others in his discipline, and (b) the size of the locus about his position indicating the breadth or diffuseness of his interest-space. Using multiple correlation, the scientist's mission is related to his degree of professional involvement as measured by a seven item index. The seven items are scaled using principal components factor analysis and are shown to be highly related and form a usable index.  相似文献   

丁振中 《北方论丛》2016,(1):126-130
帕菲特的道德哲学是在规范并分析“理由”和“合理性”概念的基础上展开的,其理论“大厦”是在“理由”和“合理性”基石上建立起来的。帕菲特认为,人是宇宙唯一的能够回应理由的理性存在。我们应该接受某些基于价值的、客观的理论,行为的理由从那些给予我们理由去拥有欲望或目标的事实中获取力量。实践合理性与认识论的合理性的关键区分,在于对实践理由的自发回应和对认识论的理由的非自发回应。  相似文献   

刘勰以“清绮”一词概括魏文帝曹丕的文才,但是之后并没有给出明确的解释。对“清”“绮”进行溯源,考察两者的审美意义,并以《文心雕龙》中出现的以“清”“绮”为构成语素的范畴作为内证,将刘勰所论述的有关“魏文帝的文才”作为具体对象进行分析,明确了“清绮”独特而丰富的审美内涵:1.以“清”修饰“绮”,是为了淡化“绮”,消解“绮”的畸形膨胀;2.作者内在气质之“清”表现为作品外在之“绮”;3.作品具备“绮”内容与形式的同时又要以崇“清”(“雅”)尚“简”为原则。  相似文献   

谭世宝 《文史哲》2006,(6):28-34
我们剥除有关苍颉造字传说的层累堆积,论证《荀子》记述之苍颉造字不可能早于尧舜时代。我们认为,“刑名从商”是指象形字及形声字等必须遵从商文字,否定将其释为刑法之名从商;苍颉文字不是原始社会漫长而分散的符号创作的累积,而是一个或几个天才人物为殷朝政治需要而独创的一个文字系统;苍颉文字就是殷商文字,故也就是汉字的始祖。我们考证“苍颉”为殷始祖契的别名,“契”与“颉”本为同音异写,“苍颉”亦即“商契”。我们否定胡适等对《荀子》文字的“约定俗成”的误解。其实书契的本义就是王者制定之国法大约。  相似文献   

《公莫巾舞歌行》是自《宋书·乐志》载录以来长期没人能圆满解读的一篇奇文,几成“千古疑案”。从 新的角度考索发现,《公莫巾舞歌行》实际上是既跳《公莫舞》,又演唱乐府诗《公莫歌行》,同时还包括“歌行”原文的 演出流程记录。原诗确实是感情真挚、音韵和谐的“乐府”佳作。这篇“奇文”可称为“杂录体”。  相似文献   

This paper reports some evidence bearing on the value hypothesis of intergenerational status transmission. The point of departure is the studies of Kohn (1969, Class and Conformity: A Study in Values, Dorsey, Homewood, Ill.) and Wright and Wright (1976, American Sociological Review, 41, 527–537) on the social class related value orientations called “self-direction” and “conformity.” Our research examines whether children's valuations along this dimension are associated with the valuations of their parents, as the value hypothesis would argue. Key associations consistent with the hypothesis are found although there is, overall, considerable variation in children's valuations not related to variation in the valuations of their parents. Implications of the finding for future examination of the value hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

审视古希腊哲学中“立法之我”各种观点之利弊 ,有必要重新提出和研究“哲学之我”如何可能的问题。古希腊哲学家对“哲学之我”观点的阐述留给我们的最大启示是 ,不加反思地接受现代社会对自我的规定不能产生“哲学之我” ,真正的“哲学之我”总是一种立法。当然 ,这是一种“我”与“我”相互尊重的立法。  相似文献   

Subjective social status (SSS), or one’s perceived social standing, is linked robustly to mental and physical health and is thought to be determined in part by a cognitive average of one’s past, present and expected socioeconomic status. However, this averaging principle awaits a formal test. Further, cultures differ with regard to how they perceive and discount time. In this study, I draw upon cross-sectional data from the United States and Japan (2005 MIDUS non-Hispanic whites and 2008 MIDJA), which measured subjective status in terms of one’s perceived standing within a personally defined community. I compare equal and unequal cognitive averaging models for their goodness of fit relative to a traditional present-based model. Socioeconomic status is assessed broadly, in terms of past, present and expected overall work and financial situations. In the United States, averaging models do not fit the data consistently better than a present-based model of SSS. However, in Japan, averaging models do fit SSS consistently better. These fit conclusions are robust to controlling for negative affect.  相似文献   

解放思想是发展中国特色社会主义的精神动力。从邓小平的论述看,解放思想的规律包括:解放思想的根本价值导向是人的发展;解放思想是一个复杂的矛盾运动过程;解放思想需要相应的社会、文化和制度条件。解放思想的方法论原则主要有:思想和客观实际相符合原则;思想和人民利益相符合原则;尊重实践、尊重群众首创精神原则;创新原则;在解放思想中统一思想原则。在新的历史起点上继续解放思想,主要是着力转变不适应不符合科学发展观的思想观念,破除“片面追求 GDP 习惯”、“集中权力习惯”、“绝对一元化习惯”、“行政主导社会习惯”和“人民利益抽象化习惯”,以新的思想解放推动改革的全面深化。  相似文献   

《易经》是一部文学化的哲学著作。结构维域下其具有言、象、意等三个层面的成分构成,具有语音的韵律性音乐性、字词含义的精练性多义性、阐义释理的形象性生动性、载道寓理的蕴藉性丰富性等文学品质。对《易经》进行文学化结构成分分析,可以使人感受《易经》与后世文学的契合和交流关系,彰显其文学品质价值。可以拉近《易经》与读者之间的心理距离,使《易经》获得更多的文化观照。但目前相关方面的研究并不系统充分,对此有探讨研究的空间和必要。  相似文献   

叶梦得将“云门三句”与老杜诗法同参,颇堪玩味。盖杜诗之大气磅礴、混茫无缺,正合云门之“函盖乾坤”;其心随物转、即事而兴,深契云门之“随波逐浪”;其或起而突兀、或结语陡然,恰与云门打破语言执碍之“截断众流”不谋而合。而一诗中或含云门三法,正是杜诗“顿挫”之所在。杜诗与“云门三句”内在气质上的通联暗合,未必自觉地触碰到了诗禅交汇的一个侧面,却使“诗史”有了宽厚的背景、强大的张力和多维的风调,使“诗圣”另有一番大关怀、大自在、大愉悦的非凡气象。唯此,其诗与人方具有超越文学的永恒意义。  相似文献   

Starting from conflictive predictions of hitherto disconnected debates in the natural and social sciences, this article examines the spatial structure of transnational human activity (THA) worldwide (a) across eight types of mobility and communication and (b) in its development over time. It is shown that the spatial structure of THA is similar to that of animal displacements and local-scale human motion in that it can be approximated by Lévy flights with heavy tails that obey power laws. Scaling exponent and power-law fit differ by type of THA, being highest in refuge-seeking and tourism and lowest in student exchange. Variance in the availability of resources and opportunities for satisfying associated needs appears to explain these differences. Over time (1960–2010), the Lévy-flight pattern remains intact and remarkably stable, contradicting the popular notion that socio-technological trends lead to a “death of distance.” Humans have not become more “global” over time, they rather became more mobile in general, i.e. they move and communicate more at all distances. Hence, it would be more adequate to speak of “mobilization” than of “globalization.” Longitudinal change occurs only in some types of THA and predominantly at short distances, indicating regional rather than global shifts.  相似文献   

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