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This article is concerned with the parameter estimation in linear regression model. To overcome the multicollinearity problem, a new two-parameter estimator is proposed. This new estimator is a general estimator which includes the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator, the ridge regression (RR) estimator, and the Liu estimator as special cases. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the new estimator over the OLS, RR, Liu estimators, and the two-parameter estimator proposed by Ozkale and Kaciranlar (2007 Ozkale , M. R. , Kaciranlar , S. ( 2007 ). The restricted and unrestricted two-parameter estimators . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 36 : 27072725 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in the mean squared error matrix (MSEM) sense are derived. Furthermore, we obtain the estimators of the biasing parameters and give a numerical example to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A new kernel distribution function (df) estimator based on a non-parametric transformation of the data is proposed. It is shown that the asymptotic bias and mean squared error of the estimator are considerably smaller than that of the standard kernel df estimator. For the practical implementation of the new estimator a data-based choice of the bandwidth is proposed. Two possible areas of application are the non-parametric smoothed bootstrap and survival analysis. In the latter case new estimators for the survival function and the mean residual life function are derived.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a principal component Liu-type estimator (LTE) by combining the principal component regression (PCR) and LTE to deal with the multicollinearity problem. The superiority of the new estimator over the PCR estimator, the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) and the LTE are studied under the mean squared error matrix. The selection of the tuning parameter in the proposed estimator is also discussed. Finally, a numerical example is given to explain our theoretical results.  相似文献   

We propose kernel density estimators based on prebinned data. We use generalized binning schemes based on the quantiles points of a certain auxiliary distribution function. Therein the uniform distribution corresponds to usual binning. The statistical accuracy of the resulting kernel estimators is studied, i.e. we derive mean squared error results for the closeness of these estimators to both the true function and the kernel estimator based on the original data set. Our results show the influence of the choice of the auxiliary density on the binned kernel estimators and they reveal that non-uniform binning can be worthwhile.  相似文献   


The maximum likelihood approach to the proportional hazards model is considered. The purpose is to find a general approach to the analysis of the proportional hazards model, whether the baseline distribution is absolutely continuous, discrete, or a mixture. The advantage is that ties are treated without pain, while the performance for continuous data is almost the same as Cox's partial likelihood. The potential disadvantage with many nuisance parameters is taken care of by profiling them out for risk sets containing only one failure.  相似文献   

Özkale and Kaciranlar (2007 Özakle , M. R. , Kaciranlar , S. ( 2007 ). The restricted and unrestricted two-parameter estimators . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 36 : 27072725 . [Google Scholar]) proposed a two-parameter estimator (TPE) for the unknown parameter vector in linear regression when exact restrictions are assumed to hold. In this article, under the assumption that the errors are not independent and identically distributed, we introduce a new estimator by combining the ideas underlying the mixed estimator (ME) and the two-parameter estimator when stochastic linear restrictions are assumed to hold. The new estimator is called the stochastic restricted two-parameter estimator (SRTPE) and necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the SRTPE over the ME and TPE are derived by the mean squared error matrix (MSEM) criterion. Furthermore, selection of the biasing parameters is discussed and a numerical example is given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The seminal work of Stein (1956 Stein, C. (1956). Inadmissibility of the usual estimator for the mean of a multivariate normal distribution. Proc. Third Berkeley Symp. Mathemat. Statist. Probab., University of California Press, 1:197206. [Google Scholar]) showed that the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the mean vector of a p-dimensional multivariate normal distribution is inadmissible under the squared error loss function when p ? 3 and proposed the Stein estimator that dominates the MLE. Later, James and Stein (1961 James, W., Stein, C. (1961). Estimation with quadratic loss. Proc. Fourth Berkeley Symp. Mathemat. Statist. Probab., University of California Press, 1:361379. [Google Scholar]) proposed the James-Stein estimator for the same problem and received much more attention than the original Stein estimator. We re-examined the Stein estimator and conducted an analytic comparison with the James-Stein estimator. We found that the Stein estimator outperforms the James-Stein estimator under certain scenarios and derived the sufficient conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper the van Trees inequality is applied to obtain lower bounds for the quadratic risk of estimators for the variance function and its derivatives in non–parametric regression models. This approach yields a much simpler proof compared to previously applied methods for minimax rates. Furthermore, the informative properties of the van Trees inequality reveal why the optimal rates for estimating the variance are not affected by the smoothness of the signal g . A Fourier series estimator is constructed which achieves the optimal rates. Finally, a second–order correction is derived which suggests that the initial estimator of g must be undersmoothed for the estimation of the variance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Several old and new density estimators may have good theoretical performance, but are hampered by not being bona fide densities; they may be negative in certain regions or may not integrate to 1. One can therefore not simulate from them, for example. This paper develops general modification methods that turn any density estimator into one which is a bona fide density, and which is always better in performance under one set of conditions and arbitrarily close in performance under a complementary set of conditions. This improvement-for-free procedure can, in particular, be applied for higher-order kernel estimators, classes of modern h 4 bias kernel type estimators, superkernel estimators, the sinc kernel estimator, the k -NN estimator, orthogonal expansion estimators, and for various recently developed semi-parametric density estimators.  相似文献   

Large Deviations Limit Theorems for the Kernel Density Estimator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We establish pointwise and uniform large deviations limit theorems of Chernoff-type for the non-parametric kernel density estimator based on a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables. The limits are well-identified and depend upon the underlying kernel and density function. We derive then some implications of our results in the study of asymptotic efficiency of the goodness-of-fit test based on the maximal deviation of the kernel density estimator as well as the inaccuracy rate of this estimate  相似文献   

The traditional confidence interval associated with the ordinary least squares estimator of linear regression coefficient is sensitive to non-normality of the underlying distribution. In this article, we develop a novel kernel density estimator for the ordinary least squares estimator via utilizing well-defined inversion based kernel smoothing techniques in order to estimate the conditional probability density distribution of the dependent random variable. Simulation results show that given a small sample size, our method significantly increases the power as compared with Wald-type CIs. The proposed approach is illustrated via an application to a classic small data set originally from Graybill (1961 Graybill, F.A. (1961). Introduction to Linear Statistical Models. Vol. 1. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

The kernel method of estimation of curves is now popular and widely used in statistical applications. Kernel estimators suffer from boundary effects, however, when the support of the function to be estimated has finite endpoints. Several solutions to this problem have already been proposed. Here the authors develop a new method of boundary correction for kernel density estimation. Their technique is a kind of generalized reflection involving transformed data. It generates a class of boundary corrected estimators having desirable properties such as local smoothness and nonnegativity. Simulations show that the proposed method performs quite well when compared with the existing methods for almost all shapes of densities. The authors present the theory behind this new methodology, and they determine the bias and variance of their estimators.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Given an i.i.d. sample drawn from a density f on the real line, the problem of testing whether f is in a given class of densities is considered. Testing procedures constructed on the basis of minimizing the L 1-distance between a kernel density estimate and any density in the hypothesized class are investigated. General non-asymptotic bounds are derived for the power of the test. It is shown that the concentration of the data-dependent smoothing factor and the 'size' of the hypothesized class of densities play a key role in the performance of the test. Consistency and non-asymptotic performance bounds are established in several special cases, including testing simple hypotheses, translation/scale classes and symmetry. Simulations are also carried out to compare the behaviour of the method with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and an L 2 density-based approach due to Fan [ Econ. Theory 10 (1994) 316].  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of adaptive density or survival function estimation in an additive model defined by Z=X+Y with X independent of Y, when both random variables are non‐negative. This model is relevant, for instance, in reliability fields where we are interested in the failure time of a certain material that cannot be isolated from the system it belongs. Our goal is to recover the distribution of X (density or survival function) through n observations of Z, assuming that the distribution of Y is known. This issue can be seen as the classical statistical problem of deconvolution that has been tackled in many cases using Fourier‐type approaches. Nonetheless, in the present case, the random variables have the particularity to be supported. Knowing that, we propose a new angle of attack by building a projection estimator with an appropriate Laguerre basis. We present upper bounds on the mean squared integrated risk of our density and survival function estimators. We then describe a non‐parametric data‐driven strategy for selecting a relevant projection space. The procedures are illustrated with simulated data and compared with the performances of a more classical deconvolution setting using a Fourier approach. Our procedure achieves faster convergence rates than Fourier methods for estimating these functions.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In this paper, we consider a stochastic volatility model ( Y t , V t ), where the volatility (V t ) is a positive stationary Markov process. We assume that ( ln V t ) admits a stationary density f that we want to estimate. Only the price process Y t is observed at n discrete times with regular sampling interval Δ . We propose a non-parametric estimator for f obtained by a penalized projection method. Under mixing assumptions on ( V t ), we derive bounds for the quadratic risk of the estimator. Assuming that Δ=Δ n tends to 0 while the number of observations and the length of the observation time tend to infinity, we discuss the rate of convergence of the risk. Examples of models included in this framework are given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analytically derive the exact formula for the mean squared error (MSE) of two weighted average (WA) estimators for each individual regression coefficient. Further, we execute numerical evaluations to investigate small sample properties of the WA estimators, and compare the MSE performance of the WA estimators with the other shrinkage estimators and the usual OLS estimator. Our numerical results show that (1) the WA estimators have smaller MSE than the other shrinkage estimators and the OLS estimator over a wide region of parameter space; (2) the range where the relative MSE of the WA estimator is smaller than that of the OLS estimator gets narrower as the number of explanatory variables k increases.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a theoretical contribution to the pointwise mean squared error of an adaptive multidimensional term-by-term thresholding wavelet estimator. A general result exhibiting fast rates of convergence under mild assumptions on the model is proved. It can be applied for a wide range of non parametric models including possible dependent observations. We give applications of this result for the non parametric regression function estimation problem (with random design) and the conditional density estimation problem.  相似文献   

The concept of reciprocal coordinate subtangent (RCST) has been used as a useful tool to study the monotone behavior of a continuous density function and for characterizing probability distributions. In this paper, we propose a non-parametric estimator for RCST based on the censored dependent data. Asymptotic properties of the estimator are established under suitable regularity conditions. A simulation study is carried out to examine the performance of the estimator. The usefulness of the estimator is also examined through a real data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the adaptation of the non linear wavelet-based estimator of the regression function for the biased data setup under strong mixing. We provide an asymptotic sharp bound for the mean integrated squared error (MISE) of the estimator, that is nearly optimal in the minimax sense over a large range of Besov function classes.  相似文献   

Huang (1999 Huang , J. C. ( 1999 ). Improving the estimation precision for a selected parameter in multiple regression analysis: an algebraic approach . Econ. Lett. 62 : 261264 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposed a feasible ridge regression (FRR) estimator to estimate a specific regression coefficient. Assuming that the error terms follow a normal distribution, Huang (1999 Huang , J. C. ( 1999 ). Improving the estimation precision for a selected parameter in multiple regression analysis: an algebraic approach . Econ. Lett. 62 : 261264 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) examined the small sample properties of the FRR estimator. In this article, assuming that the error terms follow a multivariate t distribution, we derive an exact general formula for the moments of the FRR estimator to estimate a specific regression coefficient. Using the exact general formula, we obtain exact formulas for the bias, mean squared error (MSE), skewness, and kurtosis of the FRR estimator. Since these formulas are very complex, we compare the bias, MSE, skewness, and kurtosis of the FRR estimator with those of ordinary least square (OLS) estimator by numerical evaluations. Our numerical results show that the range of MSE dominance of the FRR estimator over the OLS estimator is widen under a fat tail distributional assumption.  相似文献   

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