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In the multinomial regression model, we consider the methodology for simultaneous model selection and parameter estimation by using the shrinkage and LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operation) [R. Tibshirani, Regression shrinkage and selection via the LASSO, J. R. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 58 (1996), pp. 267–288] strategies. The shrinkage estimators (SEs) provide significant improvement over their classical counterparts in the case where some of the predictors may or may not be active for the response of interest. The asymptotic properties of the SEs are developed using the notion of asymptotic distributional risk. We then compare the relative performance of the LASSO estimator with two SEs in terms of simulated relative efficiency. A simulation study shows that the shrinkage and LASSO estimators dominate the full model estimator. Further, both SEs perform better than the LASSO estimators when there are many inactive predictors in the model. A real-life data set is used to illustrate the suggested shrinkage and LASSO estimators.  相似文献   

We introduce in this paper, the shrinkage estimation method in the lognormal regression model for censored data involving many predictors, some of which may not have any influence on the response of interest. We develop the asymptotic properties of the shrinkage estimators (SEs) using the notion of asymptotic distributional biases and risks. We show that if the shrinkage dimension exceeds two, the asymptotic risk of the SEs is strictly less than the corresponding classical estimators. Furthermore, we study the penalty (LASSO and adaptive LASSO) estimation methods and compare their relative performance with the SEs. A simulation study for various combinations of the inactive predictors and censoring percentages shows that the SEs perform better than the penalty estimators in certain parts of the parameter space, especially when there are many inactive predictors in the model. It also shows that the shrinkage and penalty estimators outperform the classical estimators. A real-life data example using Worcester heart attack study is used to illustrate the performance of the suggested estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the shrinkage and penalty estimation procedures in the linear regression model with autoregressive errors of order p when it is conjectured that some of the regression parameters are inactive. We develop the statistical properties of the shrinkage estimation method including asymptotic distributional biases and risks. We show that the shrinkage estimators have a significantly higher relative efficiency than the classical estimator. Furthermore, we consider the two penalty estimators: least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and adaptive LASSO estimators, and numerically compare their relative performance with that of the shrinkage estimators. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment is conducted for different combinations of inactive predictors and the performance of each estimator is evaluated in terms of the simulated mean-squared error. This study shows that the shrinkage estimators are comparable to the penalty estimators when the number of inactive predictors in the model is relatively large. The shrinkage and penalty methods are applied to a real data set to illustrate the usefulness of the procedures in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the estimation problem of the weighted least absolute deviation (WLAD) regression parameter vector when there are some outliers or heavy-tailed errors in the response and the leverage points in the predictors. We propose the pretest and James–Stein shrinkage WLAD estimators when some of the parameters may be subject to certain restrictions. We derive the asymptotic risk of the pretest and shrinkage WLAD estimators and show that if the shrinkage dimension exceeds two, the asymptotic risk of the shrinkage WLAD estimator is strictly less than the unrestricted WLAD estimator. On the other hand, the risk of the pretest WLAD estimator depends on the validity of the restrictions on the parameters. Furthermore, we study the WLAD absolute shrinkage and selection operator (WLAD-LASSO) and compare its relative performance with the pretest and shrinkage WLAD estimators. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators relative to that of the unrestricted WLAD estimator. A real-life data example using body fat study is used to illustrate the performance of the suggested estimators.  相似文献   

This article considers the shrinkage estimation procedure in the Cox's proportional hazards regression model when it is suspected that some of the parameters may be restricted to a subspace. We have developed the statistical properties of the shrinkage estimators including asymptotic distributional biases and risks. The shrinkage estimators have much higher relative efficiency than the classical estimator, furthermore, we consider two penalty estimators—the LASSO and adaptive LASSO—and compare their relative performance with that of the shrinkage estimators numerically. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment is conducted for different combinations of irrelevant predictors and the performance of each estimator is evaluated in terms of simulated mean squared error. Simulation study shows that the shrinkage estimators are comparable to the penalty estimators when the number of irrelevant predictors in the model is relatively large. The shrinkage and penalty methods are applied to two real data sets to illustrate the usefulness of the procedures in practice.  相似文献   

Estimators of the intercept parameter of a simple linear regression model involves the slope estimator. In this article, we consider the estimation of the intercept parameters of two linear regression models with normal errors, when it is a priori suspected that the two regression lines are parallel, but in doubt. We also introduce a coefficient of distrust as a measure of degree of lack of trust on the uncertain prior information regarding the equality of two slopes. Three different estimators of the intercept parameters are defined by using the sample data, the non sample uncertain prior information, an appropriate test statistic, and the coefficient of distrust. The relative performances of the unrestricted, shrinkage restricted and shrinkage preliminary test estimators are investigated based on the analyses of the bias and risk functions under quadratic loss. If the prior information is precise and the coefficient of distrust is small, the shrinkage preliminary test estimator overperforms the other estimators. An example based on a medical study is used to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider James–Stein shrinkage and pretest estimation methods for time series following generalized linear models when it is conjectured that some of the regression parameters may be restricted to a subspace. Efficient estimation strategies are developed when there are many covariates in the model and some of them are not statistically significant. Statistical properties of the pretest and shrinkage estimation methods including asymptotic distributional bias and risk are developed. We investigate the relative performances of shrinkage and pretest estimators with respect to the unrestricted maximum partial likelihood estimator (MPLE). We show that the shrinkage estimators have a lower relative mean squared error as compared to the unrestricted MPLE when the number of significant covariates exceeds two. Monte Carlo simulation experiments were conducted for different combinations of inactive covariates and the performance of each estimator was evaluated in terms of its mean squared error. The practical benefits of the proposed methods are illustrated using two real data sets.  相似文献   


This article addresses the problem of parameter estimation of the logistic regression model under subspace information via linear shrinkage, pretest, and shrinkage pretest estimators along with the traditional unrestricted maximum likelihood estimator and restricted estimator. We developed an asymptotic theory for the linear shrinkage and pretest estimators and compared their relative performance using the notion of asymptotic distributional bias and asymptotic quadratic risk. The analytical results demonstrated that the proposed estimation strategies outperformed the classical estimation strategies in a meaningful parameter space. Detailed Monte-Carlo simulation studies were conducted for different combinations and the performance of each estimation method was evaluated in terms of simulated relative efficiency. The results of the simulation study were in strong agreement with the asymptotic analytical findings. Two real-data examples are also given to appraise the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   

In this article, we have developed asymptotic theory for the simultaneous estimation of the k means of arbitrary populations under the common mean hypothesis and further assuming that corresponding population variances are unknown and unequal. The unrestricted estimator, the Graybill-Deal-type restricted estimator, the preliminary test, and the Stein-type shrinkage estimators are suggested. A large sample test statistic is also proposed as a pretest for testing the common mean hypothesis. Under the sequence of local alternatives and squared error loss, we have compared the asymptotic properties of the estimators by means of asymptotic distributional quadratic bias and risk. Comprehensive Monte-Carlo simulation experiments were conducted to study the relative risk performance of the estimators with reference to the unrestricted estimator in finite samples. Two real-data examples are also furnished to illustrate the application of the suggested estimation strategies.  相似文献   


Adaptive choice of smoothing parameters for nonparametric Poisson regression (O'Sullivan et al., 1986 O'Sullivan , F. , Yandell , B. S. , Raynor , W. J., Jr. ( 1986 ). Automatic smoothing of regression functions in generalized linear models . J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 81 : 96103 . [CSA] [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) is considered in this article. A computable approximation of the unbiased risk estimate (AUBR) for Poisson regression is introduced. This approximation can be used to automatically tune the smoothing parameter for the penalized likelihood estimator. An alternative choice is the generalized approximate cross validation (GACV) proposed by Xiang and Wahba (1996 Xiang , D. , Wahba , G. ( 1996 ). A generalized approximate cross validation for smoothing splines with non-Gaussian data . Statist. Sinica 6 (3): 675692 .[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Although GACV enjoys a great success in practice when applying for nonparametric logisitic regression, its performance for Poisson regression is not clear. Numerical simulations have been conducted to evaluate the GACV and AUBR based tuning methods. We found that GACV has a tendency to oversmooth the data when the intensity function is small. As a consequence, we suggest tuning the smoothing parameter using AUBR in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop marginal analysis methods for longitudinal data under partially linear models. We employ the pretest and shrinkage estimation procedures to estimate the mean response parameters as well as the association parameters, which may be subject to certain restrictions. We provide the analytic expressions for the asymptotic biases and risks of the proposed estimators, and investigate their relative performance to the unrestricted semiparametric least-squares estimator (USLSE). We show that if the dimension of association parameters exceeds two, the risk of the shrinkage estimators is strictly less than that of the USLSE in most of the parameter space. On the other hand, the risk of the pretest estimator depends on the validity of the restrictions of association parameters. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators relative to that of the USLSE. A real data example is applied to illustrate the practical usefulness of the proposed estimation procedures.  相似文献   

A new modified Jackknifed estimator for the Poisson regression model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Poisson regression is very popular in applied researches when analyzing the count data. However, multicollinearity problem arises for the Poisson regression model when the independent variables are highly intercorrelated. Shrinkage estimator is a commonly applied solution to the general problem caused by multicollinearity. Recently, the ridge regression (RR) estimators and some methods for estimating the ridge parameter k in the Poisson regression have been proposed. It has been found that some estimators are better than the commonly used maximum-likelihood (ML) estimator and some other RR estimators. In this study, the modified Jackknifed Poisson ridge regression (MJPR) estimator is proposed to remedy the multicollinearity. A simulation study and a real data example are provided to evaluate the performance of estimators. Both mean-squared error and the percentage relative error are considered as the performance criteria. The simulation study and the real data example results show that the proposed MJPR method outperforms the Poisson ridge regression, Jackknifed Poisson ridge regression and the ML in all of the different situations evaluated in this paper.  相似文献   

The parametric bootstrap tests and the asymptotic or approximate tests for detecting difference of two Poisson means are compared. The test statistics used are the Wald statistics with and without log-transformation, the Cox F statistic and the likelihood ratio statistic. It is found that the type I error rate of an asymptotic/approximate test may deviate too much from the nominal significance level α under some situations. It is recommended that we should use the parametric bootstrap tests, under which the four test statistics are similarly powerful and their type I error rates are all close to α. We apply the tests to breast cancer data and injurious motor vehicle crash data.  相似文献   

The improved large sample estimation theory for the probabilities of multi¬nomial distribution is developed under uncertain prior information (UPI) that the true proportion is a known quantity. Several estimators based on pretest and the Stein-type shrinkage rules are constructed. The expressions for the bias and risk of the proposed estimators are derived and compared with the maximum likelihood (ml) estimators. It is demonstrated that the shrinkage estimators are superior to the ml estimators. It is also shown that none of the preliminary test and shrinkage estimators dominate each other, though they perform y/ell relative to the ml estimators. The relative dominance picture of the estimators is presented. A simulation study is carried out to assess the performance of the estimators numerically in small samples.  相似文献   

Likelihood ratio tests about the intensity function are obtained by confining the estimated intensity function of a Poisson process to a sample-dependent, left-continuous step function class. These tests have relatively simple test statistics and their distributions are stochastically maximized when the process is homogeneous.  相似文献   

Shrinkage pretest nonparametric estimation of the location parameter vector in a multivariate regression model is considered when nonsample information (NSI) about the regression parameters is available. By using the quadratic risk criterion, the dominance of the pretest estimators over the usual estimators has been investigated. We demonstrate analytically and computationally that the proposed improved pretest estimator establishes a wider dominance range for the parameter under consideration than that of the usual pretest estimator in which it is superior over the unrestricted estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper, the semi varying coefficient zero-inflated generalized Poisson model is discussed based on penalized log-likelihood. All the coefficient functions are fitted by penalized spline (P-spline), and Expectation-maximization algorithm is used to drive these estimators. The estimation approach is rapid and computationally stable. Under some mild conditions, the consistency and the asymptotic normality of these resulting estimators are given. The score test statistics about dispersion parameter is discussed based on the P-spline estimation. Both simulated and real data example are used to illustrate our proposed methods.  相似文献   

We consider the testing problems of the structural parameters for the multivariate linear functional relationship model. We treat the likelihood ratio test statistics and the test statistics based on the asymptotic distributions of the maximum likelihood estimators. We derive their asymptotic distributions under each null hypothesis respectively. A simulation study is made to evaluate how we can trust our asymptotic results when the sample size is rather small.  相似文献   

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