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Connections are established between the theories of weighted logrank tests and of frailty models. These connections arise because omission of a balanced covariate from a proportional hazards model generally leads to a model with non-proportional hazards, for which the simple logrank test is no longer optimal. The optimal weighting function and the asymptotic relative efficiencies of the simple logrank test and of the optimally weighted logrank test relative to the adjusted test that would be used if the covariate values were known, are expressible in terms of the Laplace transform of the hazard ratio for the distribution of the omitted covariate. For example if this hazard ratio has a gamma distribution, the optimal test is a member of the G class introduced by Harrington and Fleming (1982). We also consider positive stable, inverse Gaussian, displaced Poisson and two-point frailty distribution. Results are obtained for parametric and nonparametric tests and are extended to include random censoring. We show that the loss of efficiency from omitting a covariate is generally more important than the additional loss due to misspecification of the resulting non-proportional hazards model as a proportional hazards model. However two-point frailty distributions can provide exceptions to this rule. Censoring generally increases the efficiency of the simple logrank test to the adjusted logrank test.  相似文献   


In this paper, we introduce a class of location and scale estimators for the p-variate lognormal distribution. These estimators are obtained by applying a log transform to the data, computing robust Fisher consistent estimators for the obtained Gaussian data and transforming those estimators for the lognormal using the relationship between the parameters of both distributions. We prove some of the properties of these estimators, such as Fisher consistency, robustness and asymptotic normality.  相似文献   

We propose the L1 distance between the distribution of a binned data sample and a probability distribution from which it is hypothetically drawn as a statistic for testing agreement between the data and a model. We study the distribution of this distance for N-element samples drawn from k bins of equal probability and derive asymptotic formulae for the mean and dispersion of L1 in the large-N limit. We argue that the L1 distance is asymptotically normally distributed, with the mean and dispersion being accurately reproduced by asymptotic formulae even for moderately large values of N and k.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the limiting behavior of generalized method of moments (GMM) sample moment conditions and point out an important discontinuity that arises in their asymptotic distribution. We show that the part of the scaled sample moment conditions that gives rise to degeneracy in the asymptotic normal distribution is T-consistent and has a nonstandard limiting distribution. We derive the appropriate asymptotic (weighted chi-squared) distribution when this degeneracy occurs and show how to conduct asymptotically valid statistical inference. We also propose a new rank test that provides guidance on which (standard or nonstandard) asymptotic framework should be used for inference. The finite-sample properties of the proposed asymptotic approximation are demonstrated using simulated data from some popular asset pricing models.  相似文献   

In biomedical research, weighted logrank tests are frequently applied to compare two samples of randomly right censored survival times. We address the question how to combine a number of weighted logrank statistics to achieve good power of the corresponding survival test for a whole linear space or cone of alternatives, which are given by hazard rates. This leads to a new class of semiparametric projection tests that are motivated by likelihood ratio tests for an asymptotic model. We show that these tests can be carried out as permutation tests and discuss their asymptotic properties. A simulation study together with the analysis of a classical data set illustrates the advantages.  相似文献   


In this article, empirical likelihood is applied to the linear regression model with inequality constraints. We prove that asymptotic distribution of the adjusted empirical likelihood ratio test statistic is a weighted mixture of chi-square distribution.  相似文献   

We discuss the robustness and asymptotic behaviour of τ-estimators for multivariate location and scatter. We show that τ-estimators correspond to multivariate M-estimators defined by a weighted average of redescending ψ-functions, where the weights are adaptive. We prove consistency and asymptotic normality under weak assumptions on the underlying distribution, show that τ-estimators have a high breakdown point, and obtain the influence function at general distributions. In the special case of a location-scatter family, τ-estimators are asymptotically equivalent to multivariate S-estimators defined by means of a weighted ψ-function. This enables us to combine a high breakdown point and bounded influence with good asymptotic efficiency for the location and covariance estimator.  相似文献   

In comparative clinical trials or animal carcinogenesis studies, the effect of increasing dose levels of an agent or an increasing number of additional modalities are frequently evaluated on the prolonged survival time of patients with a particular disease. It is of particular interest to test the ordered alternative that a treatment level increase leads to better survival. This paper considers an ordered test based on the two–sample weighted Kaplan–Meier statistics (Pepe & Fleming, 1989, 1991). It evaluates asymptotic relative efficiencies of the proposed ordered weighted Kaplan–Meier test, the competing ordered weighted logrank test (Liu et al., 1993) and modified ordered logrank test (Liu & Tsai, 1999) under Lehmann alternatives, for various piecewise exponential survival distributions. Finally, it demonstrates the proposed test on an appropriate dataset.  相似文献   


Suppose that an order restriction is imposed among several p-variate normal mean vectors. We are interested in the problems of estimating these mean vectors and testing their homogeneity under this restriction. These problems are multivariate extensions of Bartholomew's (1959) ones. For the bivariate case, these problems have been studied by Sasabuchi et al. (1983) and (1998) and some others. In the present paper we examine the convergence of an iterative algorithm for computing the maximum likelihood estimator when p is larger than two. We also study some test procedures for testing homogeneity when p is larger than two.  相似文献   

Scholz (1974) proved that the asymptotic variance of an R-estimator of location is no larger than that of an L-estimator when the observations come from a distribution G different from the distribution F for which the two estimators are efficient. This note extends this result to distributions F whose density has a first but no second derivative.  相似文献   

In this paper it will be shown that the exponent p in Lp,-norm P estimation as an explicit function of the sample kurtosis is asymptotically normally distributed. The asymptotic variances of p for two sllch formulae are derived. An alternative formula which implicitly relates p to the sample kurtosis is also discussed.

An adaptive procedure for the selection of p when the underlying error distribution is unknown is also suggested. This procedure is used to verify empirically that the asymptotic distribution of p is normal.  相似文献   

We consider the asymptotic behaviour of L1 -estimators in a linear regression under a very general form of heteroscedasticity. The limiting distributions of the estimators are derived under standard conditions on the design. We also consider the asymptotic behaviour of the bootstrap in the heteroscedastic model and show that it is consistent to first order only if the limiting distribution is normal.  相似文献   

For ergodic ARCH processes, we introduce a one-parameter family of Lp-estimators. The construction is based on the concept of weighted M-estimators. Under weak assumptions on the error distribution, the consistency is established. The asymptotic normality is proved for the special cases p=1 and 2. To prove the asymptotic normality of the L1-estimator, one needs the existence of a density of the squares of the errors, whereas for the L2-estimator the existence of fourth moments is assumed. The asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimator depends on the unknown parameter which can be substituted by consistent estimators. For the L1-estimator we construct a kernel estimator for the unknown density of the square of the errors.  相似文献   


It is a very important topic these days to assessing the lifetime performance of products in manufacturing or service industries. Lifetime performance indices CL is used to measure the larger-the-better type quality characteristics to evaluate the process performance for the improvement of quality and productivity. The lifetimes of products are assumed to have Burr XII distribution. The maximum likelihood estimator is used to estimate the lifetime performance index based on the progressive type I interval censored sample. The asymptotic distribution of this estimator is also developed. We use this estimator to build the new hypothesis testing algorithmic procedure with respect to a lower specification limit. Finally, two practical examples are given to illustrate the use of this testing algorithmic procedure to determine whether the process is capable.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of minimax-variance, robust estimation of a location parameter, through the use of L- and R-estimators. We derive an easily checked necessary condition for L-estimation to be minimax, and a related sufficient condition for R-estimation to be minimax. Those cases in the literature in which L-estimation is known not to be minimax, and those in which R-estimation is minimax, are derived as consequences of these conditions. New classes of examples are given in each case. As well, we answer a question of Scholz (1974), who showed essentially that the asymptotic variance of an R-estimator never exceeds that of an L-estimator, if both are efficient at the same strongly unimodal distribution. Scholz raised the question of whether or not the assumption of strong unimodality could be dropped. We answer this question in the negative, theoretically and by examples. In the examples, the minimax property fails both for L-estimation and for R-estimation, but the variance of the L-estimator, as the distribution of the observation varies over the given neighbourhood, remains unbounded. That of the R-estimator is unbounded.  相似文献   

A truncated sample consists of realizations of two variables L and T subject to the constraint L < T. One simple solution to dependently truncated data is to take L as a covariate of T in the Cox model. We aimed at studying the probability of selection, P(L < T), in this framework. We proposed the point estimator and derived its asymptotic distribution. Both truncated-only data and censored and truncated data were generated in the simulation study. The proposed point and variance estimators showed good performance in various simulated settings. The bone marrow transplant registry data were analyzed as the illustrative example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of testing the hypothesis on whether the density f of a random variable on a sphere belongs to a given parametric class of densities. We propose two test statistics based on the L2 and L1 distances between a non‐parametric density estimator adapted to circular data and a smoothed version of the specified density. The asymptotic distribution of the L2 test statistic is provided under the null hypothesis and contiguous alternatives. We also consider a bootstrap method to approximate the distribution of both test statistics. Through a simulation study, we explore the moderate sample performance of the proposed tests under the null hypothesis and under different alternatives. Finally, the procedure is illustrated by analysing a real data set based on wind direction measurements.  相似文献   

We studied asymptotic distribution and finite sample properties of a randomly weighted permutation statistic. The asymptotic normality and the finite sample simulations derived from our studies provided theoretical and numerical justifications for distributional assumption of many useful test statistics used in identifying spatial autocorrelations of mapped data. We compared a new method in computing the mean and the approximated variance of the randomly weighted D statistic, a special permutation statistic, with the Walter’s conditional method. In the numerical illustration of the method, we calculated the standardized values of the D statistic by subtracting the mean from the D statistic and dividing the difference by the standard deviation for the standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) and the life expectancies among the 48 states of the continental USA. Spatial autocorrelations of the SMRs and the life expectancies were found to be statistically significant.  相似文献   

This article studies the asymptotic properties of the random weighted empirical distribution function of independent random variables. Suppose X1, X2, ???, Xn is a sequence of independent random variables, and this sequence is not required to be identically distributed. Denote the empirical distribution function of the sequence by Fn(x). Based on the random weighting method and Fn(x), the random weighted empirical distribution function Hn(x) is constructed and the asymptotic properties of Hn are discussed. Under weak conditions, the Glivenko–Cantelli theorem and the central limit theorem for the random weighted empirical distribution function are obtained. The obtained results have also been applied to study the distribution functions of random errors of multiple sensors.  相似文献   


We present a new estimator of the restricted mean survival time in randomized trials where there is right censoring that may depend on treatment and baseline variables. The proposed estimator leverages prognostic baseline variables to obtain equal or better asymptotic precision compared to traditional estimators. Under regularity conditions and random censoring within strata of treatment and baseline variables, the proposed estimator has the following features: (i) it is interpretable under violations of the proportional hazards assumption; (ii) it is consistent and at least as precise as the Kaplan–Meier and inverse probability weighted estimators, under identifiability conditions; (iii) it remains consistent under violations of independent censoring (unlike the Kaplan–Meier estimator) when either the censoring or survival distributions, conditional on covariates, are estimated consistently; and (iv) it achieves the nonparametric efficiency bound when both of these distributions are consistently estimated. We illustrate the performance of our method using simulations based on resampling data from a completed, phase 3 randomized clinical trial of a new surgical treatment for stroke; the proposed estimator achieves a 12% gain in relative efficiency compared to the Kaplan–Meier estimator. The proposed estimator has potential advantages over existing approaches for randomized trials with time-to-event outcomes, since existing methods either rely on model assumptions that are untenable in many applications, or lack some of the efficiency and consistency properties (i)–(iv). We focus on estimation of the restricted mean survival time, but our methods may be adapted to estimate any treatment effect measure defined as a smooth contrast between the survival curves for each study arm. We provide R code to implement the estimator.


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