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孔雀东南飞只为寻觅温巢,然而这千里牵得的姻缘能否躲避人生的风风雨雨?择地而嫁的姑娘为沿海地区的大龄“小伙子”们带来的是人生的春天,还是“真情总被无情恼”的冬季?  相似文献   

是人口红利?还是人口问题?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
背景“人口红利”是舶来品,并于近几年在国内迅速流传。“人口红利”所指的就是有利于经济发展的人口年龄结构,即劳动年龄人口占总人口比重较大,抚养比较低,为经济发展创造了有利的人口条件。尽管“人口红利”这一概念在西方是新近产生的,但是早在1980年代,国内学者已经关注中国人口年龄结构的变化对经济发展的影响,讨论中国的快速人口转变将产生人口年龄结构的“黄金时期”,从而对经济发展产生有利影响。“人口红利”是一个人口学概念,更是一个经济学术语。如何理解“人口红利”,“人口红利”如何能够促进经济发展,中国多大程度存在“人口…  相似文献   

在校大学生结婚:利大?弊大?   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
背景1990年教育部发布的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》有这样的表述:在校学习期间擅自结婚而未办退学手续的学生,作退学处理;并且被退学的学生,均不得申请复学。在这种规定下,实际上大学生在校期间结婚的权利被剥夺了,尽管这种权利对在校大学生不存在普遍的实际意义。2005年3月29日,教育部正式公布了新修订的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》。在新《规定》中取消了一些涉及学生婚恋的强制性规定,最显著的是撤销了原规定中“在校学习期间擅自结婚而未办理退学手续的学生,作退学处理”的条文,对学生能否结婚不再作特殊规定。此外,新《规定》取消…  相似文献   

背景1997年10月国际人口科学联盟第23届国际人口科学大会在北京召开,来自80多个国家的千余名代表参加了此次大会,这是国际最高级别的人口科学大会。半年后,1998年5月中国人口学会在北京召开了第7次全国人口科学讨论会,200多位代表出席了这次大会,这是国内最高级别的人口学术会议。这两次大会是对国际和国内近年来人口研究成果的检验,是世纪末人口学发展的展示一人口学将以怎样的姿态进入21世纪。然而一种明显的迹象是,无论从国际还是国内的人口研究成果的水平来看,人口学似乎已走过了昨日的辉煌,中国的人口学…  相似文献   

穆光宗 《人口研究》2003,27(1):41-45
生育权利是人类最基本的权利之一 ,在我们上承祖先下传后世的生育活动中 ,无论是重视或漠视 ,都昭示着一种最基本的人生态度。 2 0 0 1年 1 2月《中华人民共和国人口与计划生育法》的颁布 ,中国人的生育权利问题引起了国内外前所未有的关注。随后各省地方性法规的制定更将大众对这个问题的关注不断细化和深化 ,各种具体而微的规定引发了传媒热烈的讨论并最终导致了学界的关注因为 ,问题升温的时候最有助益的往往是冷静的思考。首先要讨论的是“两性生育权”问题。由于女性地位的逐渐提高 ,女性在行使自己独立生育权的时候很自然就提出了一个…  相似文献   

The paper focuses theoretically and methodologically on the analysis of narrative constructions of gender from the perspective of sociology of science. It contributes to discussions about extending discourse analytical perspectives by impulses from theories of social practice. Thus it suggests analyzing scientific narratives as routinized ??strategic fictions?? in the context of gendered boundary work. Additionally, it draws on recent discussions on the concept of ??hegemonic masculinity?? as a generative principle and asks theoretically about practices in the course of which multiple, complex and context-specific versions of hegemonic masculinity are drafted as the outcome of discursive struggles and also of the competition among men. The empirical analysis thus reconstructs narrative practices of symbolically distinguishing and situating gendered actors in the social field of science. This is illustrated at the example of the professionalization of modern German engineering in the time period from the 1870ies until the turn of the century. In their writings engineering scholars initially composed the ??scientist of machinery?? as the symbolically neutralized position of objectivity by following a narrative of progress. Later the engineer as the ??man of action?? displaced the former concept by now stressing a narrative of a prehistorical origin of technological man whose competence is a gift of the nature of his sex. Both narratives are interpreted as an, in each case, specific mode of masculinity construction in order to struggle for a dominant position not only with respect to women but also to other social groups of men.  相似文献   

最惠国待遇是指在国际贸易条约中,缔约国双方在通商、航海、关税、公民法律地位等方面相互给予的不低于现时或将来给予任何第三国的优惠、特权或豁免待遇。根据关贸易协定的原则,最惠国待遇是缔约国之间贸易自由的核心,是规范缔约国之间贸易关系的基石。 按优惠待遇的给予是否附有条件,最惠国待遇可以分为“无条件”和“有条件”两种。 “无条件”是指不得附加条件,避免因附加条件而使最惠国待遇失效。因此,最惠国待遇  相似文献   

人工授精是指用专门器械将精液输入生殖道内,以取代性交繁殖后代的一种方法。一般来说,根据精液来源的不同,人工授精可分为两种:一种是用丈夫的精液;另一种是用供精者的精液。为了防止男性遗传病的传代以及解决男性不育症带来的苦恼,加之对女性排卵时间判断的准确性提高,人工授精的应用日渐广泛。人工授精技术如下:1.精液准备:采精者须事前禁欲5~7天,然后将精液收集在消毒广口瓶内,在保温条件下1小时内使用。2.精液冷冻储存:精液液化后以4∶1比例和冷冻保护剂混合,再以液氮蒸气化低温储存,这样可储存5年。授精前将…  相似文献   

Starting with the beginning of feminist and gender studies, the paper asks for the relations between them and sociology. It can be shown that, on the one hand, they are moving and, on the other hand, a pattern already found at the beginning is persistent. This pattern is the distinction between the universal and the particular, which takes up the consideration of the human being as implicitly male and women as gender. How it shapes the relations between feminist or gender studies and sociology and what nevertheless is changing is shown for three fields of actual research: the development of the disciplinary profile of gender studies and their issues; the gender sensible sociology in relation to feminist theory and intersectionality; the actual mapping of the field of gender studies and the sociology of work.  相似文献   

With a focus on the United States, this paper addresses the basic social indicators question: How are we doing? More specifically, with respect to children, how are our kids (including adolescents and youths) doing? These questions can be addressed by comparisons: (1) to past historical values, (2) to other contemporaneous units (e.g., comparisons among subpopulations, states, regions, countries), or (3) to goals or other externally established standards. The Child and Youth Well-Being Index (CWI), which we have developed over the past decade, uses all three of these points of comparison. The CWI is a composite index based on 28 social indicator time series of various aspects of the well-being of children and youth in American society that date back to 1975, which is used as a base year for measuring changes (improvements or deterioration) in subsequent years. The CWI is evidence-based not only in the sense that it uses time series of empirical data for its construction, but also because the 28 indicators are grouped into seven domains of well-being or areas of social life that have been found to define the conceptual space of the quality of life in numerous studies of subjective well-being. Findings from research using the CWI reported in the paper include: (1) trends in child and youth well-being in the United States over time, (2) international comparisons, and (3) best-practice analyses.  相似文献   

胎教之说,古今中外有之。所谓胎教,是指利用外界环境直接或间接通过母体的生理、心理变化,影响胎儿的生长发育,使之达到有益于胎儿智力和身体发育的一种手段。这种特殊微妙的教育是通过各种能刺激感官的因素如声音、光亮、震动等进行的,而母体的情绪则是最为重要的因...  相似文献   

One of the most prominent positions within German sociological discussions of recent social changes in the structures and processes reproducing gender differences and gender hierarchies is the concept of de-institutionalization. Heintz and Nadai, the authors of this concept, observe a fundamental shift in the dominating mode of reproducing gender, and claim that as a consequence of this shift gender is no longer a structuring principle of social order but has become a principle of disorder. The following article confronts this thesis with the empirical findings of the research programme “Professionalization, Organizations, and Gender” funded by the DFG from 1998 to 2004 and follows two questions: (1) Which professional and/or organizational contexts provide opportunities to de-gender professional work, which contribute to an ongoing gendering of and within professions and organizations? (2) Which developments, and contradictions come into view if we look at different social levels: the everyday knowledge of professionals, the interactive ways of doing or undoing gender, the gendered or degendered (sub)structure of organizations, and the macro structures of the gender system? In answering both questions the article comes to the conclusion that the everyday gender knowledge of professionals has undergone a process of rhetorical modernization but that social practices and (sub)structures are still dominated by the ‘old’ modes of reproducing gender, and the gender order.  相似文献   

We investigate the level and selectivity of emigration from the United States among foreign-born adults. We use the CPS Matching Method (Van Hook et al. 2006) to estimate the probability of emigration among foreign-born adults aged 18–34, 35–64 and 65+ from 1996 to 2009 (N = 92,852). The results suggest higher levels of emigration than used in the production of official population estimates. Also, indicators of economic integration (home ownership, school enrollment, poverty) and social ties in the U.S. (citizenship, having young children, longer duration in the United States) deter emigration. Conversely, having connections with the sending society, such as living apart from a spouse, was associated with emigration, particularly among Mexican men. Health was least strongly related to emigration. Simulations suggest that selective emigration may alter the home ownership and marital status, but not health, composition of immigrant cohorts. The implications for public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in the living arrangements of children have implications for social policy and children’s well-being. Understanding who gets custody on divorce—mother, father, or both sharing custody—can also inform our understanding of family organization and the merits of alternative theories of marriage and divorce. We examine physical-custody outcomes among recent Wisconsin divorces in an effort to understand the factors associated with shared custody as well as mother-sole custody and father-sole custody. Although mother-sole custody remains the dominant arrangement, shared custody has increased over a nine-year period. We find that the probability of shared custody increases with parent’s income. Prior marital history. parents’ ages, the age and gender of children, and the legal process also have an impact on the probability of shared custody. In contrast to shared custody, the probability of father-sole custody decreases with parent’s income, while the relationship with other significant factors is generally similar. The notable exception is that, unlike shared custody, we find no evidence for an increase over time in the probability of father-sole custody. We also find that when the father has a higher proportion of the Couple’s total income, both shared custody and father-sole custody are more likely.  相似文献   

Is happiness relative?   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The theory that happiness is relative is based on three postulates: (1) happiness results from comparison, (2) standards of comparison adjust, (3) standards of comparison are arbitrary constructs. On the basis of these postulates the theory predicts: (a) happiness does not depend on real quality of life, (b) changes in living-conditions to the good or the bad have only a shortlived effect on happiness, (c) people are happier after hard times, (d) people are typically neutral about their life. Together these inferences imply that happiness is both an evasive and an inconsequential matter, which is at odds with corebeliefs in present-day welfare society. Recent investigations on happiness (in the sense of life-satisfaction) claim support for this old theory. Happiness is reported to be as high in poor countries as it is in rich countries (Easterlin), no less among paralyzed accident victims than it is among lottery winners (Brickman) and unrelated to stable livingconditions (Inglehart and Rabier). These sensational claims are inspected but found to be untrue. It is shown that: (a) people tend to be unhappy under adverse conditions such as poverty, war and isolation, (b) improvement or deterioration of at least some conditions does effect happiness lastingly, (c) earlier hardship does not favour later happiness, (d) people are typically positive about their life rather than neutral. It is argued that the theory happiness-is-relative mixes up ‘overall happiness’ with contentment’. Contentment is indeed largely a matter of comparing life-as-it-is to standards of how-life-should-be. Yet overall hapiness does not entirely depend on comparison. The overall evaluation of life depends also on how one feels affectively and hedonic level of affect draws on its turn on the gratification of basic bio-psychological needs. Contrary to acquired ‘standards’ of comparison these innate ‘needs’ do not adjust to any and all conditions: they mark in fact the limits of human adaptability. To the extend that it depends on need-gratification, happiness is not relative.  相似文献   

地球能养活多少人?   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1998年2月 5日,原国务委员、国家计生委主任彭珮云访问了美国哈佛大学并与哈佛大学的人口学家们举行了座谈。在座谈中,正在哈佛大学访问的美国洛克菲勒大学的人口学家科恩(JoelE. Cohen)教授介绍了他对地球承载力问题的研究。众所周知,“地球承载力”问题是在对人口发展变化的规律性的探索中的一个十分敏感又十分重要的问题。对“地球承载力”的认识将影响到人口态势的认识、对人口与计划生育政策的制定和实施、对人口与社会经济发展规划的确定、对人口与环境、资源协调发展和社会经济可持续发展的认识和努力。科恩教授对400年来众多的关于地球承载力的研究进行了分析,并提出了自己的见解。感谢中国人民大学人口所陈卫博士对科恩教授的研究进行归纳翻译成中文,他的丰富的人口学知识和娴熟的语言能力保证了译文的通畅和达意。我们推荐《人口研究》把陈卫博士翻译的科恩教授关于地球承载力的研究成果发表出来,以飨读者,相信对中国人口学界和政府部门增强对人口发展变化规律性的认识和可持续发展在中国的实现,都会有启示意义。在译文的最后列出了科恩教授的有关出版物(译文也是在这些研究成果的基础上归纳翻译而成的),供对这一问题有兴趣的读者进一步研究时参考。  相似文献   

首先,要做好胎教音乐的选择。用于音乐胎教和调节孕妇情绪的音乐是要认真加以选择的。显然,音量巨大近乎噪声的摇滚乐和迪斯科是不适宜给孕妇和胎儿听的。起伏迭宕的交响乐也于孕妇和胎儿不宜。孕妇应经常听一些曲调优美、轻松柔和、意境美丽的轻音乐,以愉悦身心,平和...  相似文献   

<正> 在一次人口理论讨论会上,有一篇名叫《试论马克思的过剩人口增长规律》的论文展现在人们的面前。它的基本论点是:人口生产和物质生产相互依存、相互制约,它们之间在运动过程中必然出现相互适应和相互矛盾,“过剩人口就是在两种生产的矛盾发展中产生的。”就是说,只要有两种生产及其相互适应、相互矛盾现象存在,过剩人口就成为一种必然性。其结论是,“马克思的过剩人口增长规律理论是普遍地适用于各社会形态的”。既然是“普遍”的,当然也适用于社会主义社会形态。这是一个既关系到理论,又关系到实践的重要观点,我们认为,有进行商榷的必要。  相似文献   

BackgroundThere is evidence that a significant number of women are fearful about birth but less is known about the fears of maternity health providers and how their fear may impact on the women they care for.AimThe aim of this study was to determine the top fears midwives in Australia and New Zealand hold when it comes to caring for childbearing women.MethodFrom 2009 to 2011, 17 workshops were held in Australia and New Zealand supporting over 700 midwives develop skills to keep birth normal. During the workshop midwives were asked to write their top fear on a piece of paper and return it to the presenters. Similar concepts were grouped together to form 8 major categories.FindingsIn total 739 fears were reported and these were death of a baby (n = 177), missing something that causes harm (n = 176), obstetric emergencies (n = 114), maternal death (n = 83), being watched (n = 68), being the cause of a negative birth experience (n = 52), dealing with the unknown (n = 36) and losing passion and confidence around normal birth (n = 32). Student midwives were more concerned about knowing what to do, while homebirth midwives were mostly concerned with being blamed if something went wrong.ConclusionThere was consistency between the 17 groups of midwives regarding top fears held. Supporting midwives with workshops such as dealing with grief and loss and managing fear could help reduce their anxiety. Obstetric emergency skills workshops may help midwives feel more confident, especially those dealing with shoulder dystocia and PPH as they were most commonly recorded.  相似文献   

Much of the literature on post-feminism concerns the “Western” world and variously conceptualizes post-feminism as “Western culture.” This article argues that, as a result, feminist cultural scholars have not sufficiently imagined, theorized, or empirically researched the possibility of post-feminism in non-Western cultural contexts. By briefly reviewing what has been said in the literature about post-feminism and the non-West, and by putting this in dialogue with transnational feminist cultural scholarship, this article makes a case for a transnational analytic and methodological approach to the critical study of post-feminism. It argues that such an approach provides an understanding of post-feminism as a transnationally circulating culture, and thus can better account for the fact that the culture interpellates not only women in the West but also others elsewhere. The article concludes by outlining what it means and could afford feminist cultural scholars to work with a new conceptual view of post-feminism as transnational culture.  相似文献   

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