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Summary . A fairly general procedure is studied to perturb a multivariate density satisfying a weak form of multivariate symmetry, and to generate a whole set of non-symmetric densities. The approach is sufficiently general to encompass some recent proposals in the literature, variously related to the skew normal distribution. The special case of skew elliptical densities is examined in detail, establishing connections with existing similar work. The final part of the paper specializes further to a form of multivariate skew t -density. Likelihood inference for this distribution is examined, and it is illustrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

Azzalini and Dalla Valle have recently discussed the multivariate skew normal distribution which extends the class of normal distributions by the addition of a shape parameter. The first part of the present paper examines further probabilistic properties of the distribution, with special emphasis on aspects of statistical relevance. Inferential and other statistical issues are discussed in the following part, with applications to some multivariate statistics problems, illustrated by numerical examples. Finally, a further extension is described which introduces a skewing factor of an elliptical density.  相似文献   

Testing symmetry under a skew Laplace model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We develop tests of hypothesis about symmetry based on samples from possibly asymmetric Laplace distributions and present exact and limiting distribution of the test statistics. We postulate that the test statistic derived under the Laplace model is a rational choice as a measure of skewness and can be used in testing symmetry for other, quite general classes of skew distributions. Our results are applied to foreign exchange rates for 15 currencies.  相似文献   

A simple approximation for the doubly noncentral t-distribution, based upon the Fieller-Geary Theorem (1930) and approximate normality of the square root of the noncentral chi-square variable observed by Patnaik (1949), is developed, This approximation and an Edgeworth series expansion associated with it are evaluated. The simple approximation is seen to be reasonably accurate for most practical purposes.  相似文献   

Arjun K. Gupta  J. Tang 《Statistics》2013,47(4):301-309
It is well known that many data, such as the financial or demographic data, exhibit asymmetric distributions. In recent years, researchers have concentrated their efforts to model this asymmetry. Skew normal model is one of such models that are skew and yet possess many properties of the normal model. In this paper, a new multivariate skew model is proposed, along with its statistical properties. It includes the multivariate normal distribution and multivariate skew normal distribution as special cases. The quadratic form of this random vector follows a χ2 distribution. The roles of the parameters in the model are investigated using contour plots of bivariate densities.  相似文献   

Hea-Jung Kim 《Statistics》2013,47(1):89-106
This article introduces a class of weighted multivariate t-distributions, which includes the multivariate generalized Student t and multivariate skew t as its special members. This class is defined as the marginal distribution of a doubly truncated multivariate generalized Student t-distribution and studied from several aspects such as weighting of probability density functions, inequality constrained multivariate Student t-distributions, scale mixtures of multivariate normal and probabilistic representations. The relationships among these aspects are given, and various properties of the class are also discussed. Necessary theories and two applications are provided.  相似文献   

The skew normal distribution family is an attractive distribution family due to its mathematical tractability and inclusion of the normal distribution as the special case. It has wide applications in many applied fields such as finance, economics, and medical research. Such a distribution family has been studied extensively since it was introduced by Azzalini in 1985 Azzalini, A. (1985). A class of distributions which includes the normal ones. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 12:171178. [Google Scholar] for the first time. Yet, few work has been done on the study of change point problem related to this distribution family. In this article, we propose the likelihood ratio test (LRT) to detect changes in the parameters of the skew normal distribution associated with some asymptotic results of the test statistic. Simulations have been conducted under different scenarios to investigate the performance of the proposed method. Comparisons to some other existing method indicate the comparable power of the method in detecting changes in parameters of the skew normal distribution model. Applications on two real data: Brazilian and Tanzanian stock returns illustrate the detection procedure.  相似文献   

This work presents a new linear calibration model with replication by assuming that the error of the model follows a skew scale mixture of the normal distributions family, which is a class of asymmetric thick-tailed distributions that includes the skew normal distribution and symmetric distributions. In the literature, most calibration models assume that the errors are normally distributed. However, the normal distribution is not suitable when there are atypical observations and asymmetry. The estimation of the calibration model parameters are done numerically by the EM algorithm. A simulation study is carried out to verify the properties of the maximum likelihood estimators. This new approach is applied to a real dataset from a chemical analysis.  相似文献   

In recent literature, the truncated normal distribution has been used to model the stochastic structure for a variety of random structures. In this paper, the sensitivity of the t-random variable under a left-truncated normal population is explored. Simulation results are used to assess the errors associated when applying the student t-distribution to the case of an underlying left-truncated normal population. The maximum errors are modelled as a linear function of the magnitude of the truncation and sample size. In the case of a left-truncated normal population, adjustments to standard inferences for the mean, namely confidence intervals and observed significance levels, based on the t-random variable are introduced.  相似文献   

Abstract: The authors develop a new class of distributions by introducing skewness in multivariate elliptically symmetric distributions. The class, which is obtained by using transformation and conditioning, contains many standard families including the multivariate skew‐normal and t distributions. The authors obtain analytical forms of the densities and study distributional properties. They give practical applications in Bayesian regression models and results on the existence of the posterior distributions and moments under improper priors for the regression coefficients. They illustrate their methods using practical examples.  相似文献   

This paper examines the least squares estimator of the autoregressive coefficient in a first-order sta¬tionary autoregressive model. Exact lower-order moments are computed by numerical integrations. From the study of moment values, it is found that the exact distribution of the least squares estimator may be well approximated by a beta distribution.  相似文献   

We examine tail behavior of skew t-copula in the bivariate case. The tail dependence coefficient is calculated for different skewing parameter values and compared with the corresponding coefficient for the t-copula. It is shown that depending on skewing parameter values, the tail dependence coefficient can differ considerably from the tail dependence of the t-copula. The speed of convergence of the estimator of tail dependence coefficient to its theoretical value is examined in a simulation experiment. Method of moments and maximum likelihood method are compared by simulation either. In the considered cases, maximum likelihood method converged faster to the theoretical value.  相似文献   

The characteristic function of the multivariate Student t-distribution is obtained, and it is shown that this characteristic function has the pedogogical virtue of reducing the multivariate problem to the analogous univariate problem. Applications of the characteristic function are discussed.  相似文献   

A single parametric form is given for the symmetric distributions in the Pearson system with finite variance. In effect, these are Student's t-distributions with ν > 2 and all centered symmetric beta distributions. A different parametrization allows the inclusion of the t-distributions with ν ≤2 at the expense of symmetric beta distributions with a low shape parameter.  相似文献   

In this article, a new three-parameter extension of the two-parameter log-logistic distribution is introduced. Several distributional properties such as moment-generating function, quantile function, mean residual lifetime, the Renyi and Shanon entropies, and order statistics are considered. The estimation of the model parameters for complete and right-censored cases is investigated competently by maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). A simulation study is conducted to show that these MLEs are consistent in moderate samples. Two real datasets are considered; one is a right-censored data to show that the proposed model has a superior performance over several existing popular models.  相似文献   


A confidence interval and test are obtained for the mean of an asymmetric distribution using a random sample of size n. The method is based on N. J. Johnson's (1978 Johnson , N. J. ( 1978 ). Modified, t tests and confidence intervals for asymmetrical populations. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 73 ( 363 ): 536544 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) modified t-test, where terms of Cornish–Fisher expansions involving the third moment are used to adjust the conventional statistic to have more closely a Student's t-distribution with n ? 1 degrees of freedom. Johnson's (1978 Johnson , N. J. ( 1978 ). Modified, t tests and confidence intervals for asymmetrical populations. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 73 ( 363 ): 536544 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) test cannot be inverted uniquely, so a corresponding confidence interval for the mean may be disjointed. However, an artificial term of small order can be added to make inversion of the test a uniquely defined operation, which prevents such disjointedness. The resulting one-sided and two-sided intervals perform better than others in the literature with skewed distributions, and have good performance with a normal distribution. The two-sided interval may be recommended for general use if the sample size is 10 or more and the nominal confidence coefficient is 95% or less, or if the sample size is 30 or more and the confidence coefficient is 99% or less.  相似文献   

In this study, a new extension of generalized half-normal (GHN) distribution is introduced. Since this new distribution can be viewed as weighted version of GHN distribution, it is called as weighted generalized half-normal (WGHN) distribution. It is shown that WGHN distribution can be observed as a single constrained and hidden truncation model. Therefore, the new distribution is more flexible than the GHN distribution. Some statistical properties of the WGHN distribution are studied, i.e. moments, cumulative distribution function, hazard rate function are derived. Furthermore, maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters is considered. Some real-life data sets taken from the literature are modelled using the WGHN distribution. It is seen that for these data sets the WGHN distribution provides better fitting than the GHN and slashed generalized half-normal (SGHN) distributions.  相似文献   

Birnbaum-Saunders models have largely been applied in material fatigue studies and reliability analyses to relate the total time until failure with some type of cumulative damage. In many problems related to the medical field, such as chronic cardiac diseases and different types of cancer, a cumulative damage caused by several risk factors might cause some degradation that leads to a fatigue process. In these cases, BS models can be suitable for describing the propagation lifetime. However, since the cumulative damage is assumed to be normally distributed in the BS distribution, the parameter estimates from this model can be sensitive to outlying observations. In order to attenuate this influence, we present in this paper BS models, in which a Student-t distribution is assumed to explain the cumulative damage. In particular, we show that the maximum likelihood estimates of the Student-t log-BS models attribute smaller weights to outlying observations, which produce robust parameter estimates. Also, some inferential results are presented. In addition, based on local influence and deviance component and martingale-type residuals, a diagnostics analysis is derived. Finally, a motivating example from the medical field is analyzed using log-BS regression models. Since the parameter estimates appear to be very sensitive to outlying and influential observations, the Student-t log-BS regression model should attenuate such influences. The model checking methodologies developed in this paper are used to compare the fitted models.  相似文献   

The particular bivariate noncentral t-distribution associated with two univariate noncentral t variates having a correlation coefficient of one is considered. Some applications and properties are presented together with tables in the same form as Johnson and Welch's tables for a univariate noncentral t-distribution.  相似文献   

The power of Student's t-test is partitioned to determine* the proportion of time the sample standard deviation is too small or the mean is misestimated given that rejection of the hypothesis under test has occurred  相似文献   

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