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The mental health field is increasingly integrating and growing a teletherapy presence, and couple and family therapists are uniquely situated to offer these services based on our history of innovative approaches to therapeutic services. To do so successfully, careful consideration of training and education must occur. To evaluate current teletherapy training and education opportunities of COAMFTE accredited couple, marriage, and family therapy programs, an inductive qualitative content analysis was conducted on the responses of 95 faculty at COAMFTE accredited programs. Findings indicate that more than two thirds of the participants were in favor of teletherapy integration in training programs; however, most programs currently do not offer such opportunities. Barriers that prevent such integration were highlighted as well as existing concerns to training graduate students in teletherapy. Implications for training programs, policies, and regulations are discussed.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - The rise of citizens’ initiatives is changing the relation between governments and citizens. This paper contributes...  相似文献   


Using a community-engaged participatory research approach, this study identified surrounding community residents’ expectations for how a HOPE VI (Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere) housing initiative might affect their community and individual health and physical activity. Fifty-nine women and men engaged in concept mapping, which is a mixed-methods approach, where participants generate, sort, and rate ideas. Participants generated 197 unique statements. Thirteen thematic clusters related to expected changes for the community, health, and physical activity emerged. Residents’ rated increased pride in the neighborhood and increased safety as the most important factors related to HOPE VI, whereas drawbacks of HOPE VI was rated as least important. This research provides insight into the potential impacts of housing initiatives from the perspective of those most affected by such initiatives. The findings also highlight environmental changes as potential mechanisms that may improve residents’ perceptions of the community and encourage healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   

This study argues that different cities in China have different resource environments available for NGOs. Organizations react to these resource environments by constructing appropriate resource strategies, which in turn shape the characteristics and structures of the NGOs of that city. It further examines how these characteristics and structures influence the construction and performance of citizenship in an authoritarian environment. Specifically, some types of NGOs encourage Chinese citizens to be passive, while others offer a model for people to actively engage with social issues. This is aptly demonstrated in an analysis of NGOs operating across four cities—Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming, and Nanjing—which reveals three different types of resource environments and behavioral models for NGOs. We subsequently discuss the implications of each model for citizen engagement.  相似文献   

The author describes a model that can enhance professional learning and awareness, assisting appropriate responsibility‐taking in interactions. It has been effectively applied over 10 years with managers and practitioners in public sector settings across social work, health, education and housing, and more recently also in the private sector. The model is first explained in the context of family relationships to facilitate generalisability. Applications in social work management and practice roles are described. They are seen to demonstrate greater effectiveness, personally and professionally, within the context of day to day challenges. The result is to assist collaborative and organisational learning in behaviours similar to those associated with the language of emotional intelligence.  相似文献   

Through provision of design, planning and advocacy services, university-based community design centers have a long history of community service and engagement. Utilizing Giddens’ structuration framework and through a comparative case-study analysis, this study examined whether and how community design centers transform over time responding to the changes in social, political, professional and economic contexts. Administrative support, external funding environment, reputation gained by successful projects, changes in human capital, and the trends in the profession and the higher education surfaced as rule- and resource-related factors enabling or constraining organizational changes. The lessons learned from these centers, regarding multidisciplinary collaborations, capitalizing on intellectual resources, and filling in the existing community niches, have the potential to inform others on how to institutionalize and sustain university-community partnerships.  相似文献   

This article describes and critically analyzes the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), the most significant community organizing endeavor in the nation. Examination of the IAF is valuable to academic social work because of the contradiction between social work's commitment to group change efforts and the limited amount of related social work employmeny. Social work can benefit from a fuller understanding of non-academic, community organizing activity. The IAF's strategic model, structure, underlying ideologies and organizing mechanics are detailed. Its training processes as well as transmitted concepts and skills are described. Lastly a critique of the IAF's methodology is presented.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the growing amount of literature on co-production, focusing on co-production of public outcomes and taking the perspective of local government and public managers. A model for explaining the dynamics of outcomes’ creation at the community level is provided. The core argument of the article is that community outcomes result from a sum of peer production, co-production and inter-organizational collaboration processes promoted and activated at individual, organizational and network level across the public, third and private sectors. Institutional, managerial and organizational implications are discussed. The article argues that local government and public managers are asked to play new roles and to employ a new ethos grounded in a citizens capabilities’ approach.  相似文献   

This paper examines how businessmen and educators in Hawai'i have semiotically ‘translated’ sustainability to promote sustainability practices. Using data gathered from an educational institute that was co-founded by a corporation and a college, I analyse how the source discourse was, using Silverstein's term, ‘transformed’ so that the target discourse (or the signs used in the target discourse) invokes Hawaiian imageries rather than imageries of capitalism. Analyses reveal that changes to keywords of sustainability occur in a way that shifts possible local interpretations of them as cultural heritage, that is, as something ‘of Hawaiian’ and not ‘of white capitalists’. I argue that this translation effort assisted the concept's transmission by making ‘sustainability’ an inhabitable category of identity and by providing a model of a future in which locals can participate because it is now interpretable as having been modelled on the narrated past.  相似文献   

Public sociology in a community college setting offers great possibilities for the advancement of our discipline. As open access institutions whose stakeholders range from high school students dually enrolled in college to retirees epitomizing the ethos of lifetime learning, community colleges attract a diverse populace whose stock of life experiences resonates with sociological concepts. In this article I discuss how a well-known sociologist impacted a diverse audience, illustrating both the promise and the pitfalls of sociology for the public. I then situate “public sociology” within the context of my role as a college president and discuss how I have utilized a sociological imagination to structure the central themes of a successful capital campaign.  相似文献   

The recent emergence of ‘transnational business feminism’ [Roberts, A. (2014). The political economy of ‘transnational business feminism’. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 17(2), 209–231] accompanied by numerous ‘transnational business initiatives for the governance of gender’ [Prügl, E., &; True, J. (2014). Equality means business? Governing gender through transnational public–private partnerships. Review of International Political Economy, 21(6), 1137–1169] constitutes a significant area of debate in the feminist political economy literature. In this paper I focus on the confluence of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) agenda with the visibility of gender issues in development and the resultant corporate agenda for the promotion of women and girls’ empowerment. The paper draws on two gender-focused World Bank collaborations with private sector actors: the Global Private Sector Leaders Forum and the Girl Effect campaign. The paper argues that the dominant model of corporate citizenship inscribed within the discourse of transnational business initiatives is framed in terms of capitalizing on the potential power of girls and women, achieving an easy convergence between gender equality and corporate profit. I suggest that the construction of an unproblematic synergy between these goals serves to moralize corporate-led development interventions and therefore does not challenge corporate power in the development process, but instead allows corporations to subscribe to voluntary, non-binding codes and cultivate a socially conscious brand image.  相似文献   


The paper examines the review process currently in vogue in the social sciences and contends that the process is in need of reform. The authors propose multiple submissions of extended abstracts as a possibility. The paper tests this alternative and presents an analysis of the results.  相似文献   

This article investigates connections between climate justice and cultural sustainability through the case of Etëtung, or ‘Vanuatu Women’s Water Music’, as it is found in the ni-Vanuatu community of Leweton. Drawing on existing literature, interviews and field visit observations, I consider how and why Etëtung is proving increasingly important in local efforts toward cultural sustainability and climate justice (social justice as it relates to climate change). Specifically, I focus on three ways in which community members are employing the practice of Etëtung to progress both climate justice and cultural sustainability concerns: first, through the use of Etëtung to maintain and transmit cultural and environmental knowledge; second, through featuring Etëtung in cultural tourism; and third, through drawing on Etëtung to enable greater participation in the regional and international climate change discourse. As such, this article presents and reflects on one multifaceted approach to advancing dual cultural sustainability and climate justice interests, with potential relevance to other contexts in the Pacific and beyond.  相似文献   

Autistic adults may be at increased risk of homelessness due to the association between autism spectrum disorders and poor socio-economic outcomes. In particular, social vulnerability, unemployment, and difficulty interacting with services can be catalysts for homelessness, compounded by lack of diagnosis and appropriate support. This article presents the narratives of two autistic adults, known as ‘Max’ and ‘Peter’, who had experienced homelessness. They explain the factors which led them to become homeless and those that aided their rehabilitation. The article argues that whilst Max and Peter were susceptible to the socio-economic disadvantages which affect adults with autism in various ways, the resilience and determination displayed in their narratives countered traditional stereotypes of resistance to change. Furthermore, it is suggested that homelessness is not an outcome of autism, but of the disabling barriers autistic adults face throughout their lives.  相似文献   

Social work has a long history of involvement in urban development policy, dating to the settlement house movement. This article explores a neglected part of this history by analyzing the role of social work in urban renewal programs. The functions of social work in urban renewal—including relocating families displaced by slum clearance and community organizing to foster resident input in planning—reflect enduring tensions in practice between social justice and social control. Implications for current practice are explored as the profession continues to define its part in urban redevelopment policies.  相似文献   

Traditionally, research on romantic and sexual relationships has focused on one-night stands and monogamous pairs. However, as the result of men and women pursuing their ideal relationship types, various compromise relationships may emerge. One such compromise is explored here: the “booty call.” The results of an act-nomination and frequency study of college students provided an initial definition and exploration of this type of relationship. Booty calls tend to utilize various communication mediums to facilitate sexual contact among friends who, for men, may represent low-investment, attractive sexual partners and, for women, may represent attractive test-mates. The relationship is discussed as a compromise between men's and women's ideal mating strategies that allows men greater sexual access and women an ongoing opportunity to evaluate potential long-term mates.  相似文献   

We examined the interplay between friendship (best friend) and antipathy (dislike) relationships among adolescents (N = 480; 11–14 years) in two US middle schools over three years (grades 6, 7, and 8). Using longitudinal multivariate network analysis (RSiena), the effects of friendships on antipathies and vice versa were tested, while structural network effects (e.g., density, reciprocity, and transitivity) and individual (age, gender, and ethnicity) and behavioral (prosocial and antisocial behavior) dispositions were controlled for. Based on (structural) balance theory, it was expected that friendships would be formed or maintained when two adolescents disliked the same person (shared enemy hypothesis), that friends would tend to agree on whom they disliked (friends’ agreement hypothesis), that adolescents would tend to dislike the friends of those they disliked (reinforced animosity hypothesis), and, finally, that they would become or stay friends with dislikes of dislikes (enemy's enemy hypothesis). Support was found for the first three hypotheses, and partially for the fourth hypothesis. Results are discussed in light of adolescents’ peer relationships.  相似文献   

The responsibility for children's services is disseminated between a multitude of advocacy organizations, social service agencies, and numerous departments within our government. A lack of conceptual integration and fiscal commitment is evident at the federal, state, and local levels. The examination of poverty and children's lack of economic security, inadequate medical care, homelessness, and nutrition inadequacies reveals a portrait of America's children that is both unsettling and alarming. The paper concludes with a call for action and the commitment that will be required to rectify this problem.  相似文献   

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