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前言 全球气候变化及其不利影响是人类共同关心的问题.工业革命以来的人类活动,尤其是发达国家在工业化过程中大量消耗能源资源,导致大气中温室气体浓度增加,引起全球气候近50年来以变暖为主要特征的显著变化,对全球自然生态系统产生了明显影响,对人类社会的生存和发展带来严重挑战.  相似文献   

当前,能源问题与气候变化问题高度融合,全球能源系统正在发生结构性转变.与此同时,新冠肺炎疫情冲击世界经济,加剧了能源转型的不确定性和石油市场供需失衡的影响,世界能源前景面临巨变.高度依赖石油财政的海湾国家亟需寻求适应性战略,以应对经济难局.财政紧缩政策和产油国联合减产等纾困措施虽然能够在一定程度上缓解财政压力,但要实现经济自主和可持续发展,还需要加快重塑地区国家经济结构.长期来看,经济多元化仍应是海湾产油国应对全球能源变局的战略方向,而重视发挥石油产业在转型期间的战略作用,将碳循环经济作为多元化转型跨越发展的基石,依然是海湾产油国实现经济良性发展的重大战略机遇.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖,将会给人类带来空前的灾难,首当其冲就是低洼的岛国、河口洼地和港口。 气候变暖,导致海平面上升,各国都在想方设法积极应对,但这是一个全球化的难题,不是一两个国家和地区就能控制住气候变化,没有哪个国家有足够的能力能制止或控制南北两极冰川融化。笔者航海多年,见证了世界众多港口城市现状,如果海平面继续上升,将会给这些港口带来不可估量的损失。  相似文献   

埃及是全球气候变化敏感区和影响显著区,水资源问题、粮食安全、卫生安全和社会经济发展等均受到气候变化的负面影响。自20世纪90年代起,埃及对气候变化和气候治理的认知逐渐深化,在参与全球气候治理中坚持发展中国家的立场,秉持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,以实现可持续发展为目标。从国内行动来看,气候治理已融入埃及的国家发展战略,动员和协调各界的气候治理网络正在形成,能源转型和产业升级步入轨道,气候变化意识得到传播和普及。从对外合作来看,埃及维护以联合国及《联合国气候变化框架公约》为核心的全球气候治理体系,广泛开展应对气候变化的南北合作与南南合作,在实践中初步探索出一条符合国情、积极有为的气候外交之路。国际社会的绿色发展趋势和国内发展与安全利益,为埃及采取气候行动注入了强大动力。总体而言,埃及对全球气候治理的参与在观念、制度和实践上取得了阶段性进展,但来自治理环境和自身资源与能力方面的困难及挑战仍有待克服和解决。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国发展的挑战与机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气候变化所带来的挑战,正从日益严峻的环境问题,演变成一个涉及全球环境、国际政治、世界经济、国际贸易问题的复杂议题。那么,我们如何判断全球变暖对中国经济的影响?如何积极应对并采取科学的决策?中国企业如何做到在实现可持续发展的过程中不断增强竞争力与经济效益?11日在北京召开的搜狐公司年度品牌活动“2008·新视角”高峰论坛上,高端智慧为中国应对全球变暖建言献策。  相似文献   

正张高丽:坚决控制能源消费总量建立碳交易市场国家主席习近平特使、国务院副总理张高丽23日在纽约联合国总部出席联合国气候峰会,在峰会全会上发表题为《凝聚共识落实行动构建合作共赢的全球气候治理体系》的讲话。口口张高丽在讲话中说,中国高度重视应对气候变化.愿与国际社会一道.积极应对气候变化的严峻挑战。中国国家主席习近平指出,应对气候变化是中国可持续发展的内在要求.也是负责任大国应尽的国际义务,这不是别人要我们做,而  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖的背景下,埃及近年来年平均气温居高不下,海平面不断上升,尼罗河三角洲备受威胁,干旱程度加重,水资源短缺加剧,多种疾病的患病率增高,危害公众健康。为了应对气候变化,埃及成立环境部门与气候机构,制定相应的气候政策,出台相关法律法规,非政府组织及其社会各界付出了一定程度的努力,埃及与国际组织和世界各国也不断加强气候治理合作。埃及应对气候变化虽然取得了一定成效,但治理效果却十分有限。埃及应对气候变化面临的困境包括:气候问题长期处于政府决策的边缘地位,且财政支持不足;气候立法缓慢;人口众多,国民环保意识普遍薄弱;全球气候治理的不公平现象对埃及气候治理产生了负面影响等。从长远来看,埃及因受限于各种条件,在应对气候变化领域仍将面临严峻挑战。  相似文献   

应对气候变化南南合作是全球气候治理的重要内容。气候治理的本质是发展治理,发展中国家是气候变化的主要受害者,同时又是温室气体排放的主要贡献者。因此,成功应对气候变化的关键之一,是实现主要发展中国家的经济发展方式低碳转型。中国和沙特阿拉伯都是发展中大国,各自又是化石能源的主要生产国和消费国,同时具有强烈的低碳转型意愿以及较好的科技和资本基础,属于全球气候治理和应对气候变化南南合作的关键国家。中沙两国基于双赢动力开展了一系列应对气候变化的合作,同时也存在问题。在两国“双碳”目标约束下,更加符合各自资源和技术禀赋特点的提升化石能源能效、氢能、碳捕捉与封存技术,将成为未来双方合作的重点。伴随两国合作从产能向联合研发核心技术等关键领域拓展,中国与沙特阿拉伯应对气候变化合作也将在应对气候变化南南合作领域发挥示范效应。  相似文献   

近年来,海湾阿拉伯国家纷纷提出各自的绿色发展战略,普遍制定了气候治理、能源转型等系统行动规划,相关建设项目取得一定成效。海湾阿拉伯国家开启绿色发展之路具有多重考量,既是其能源转型与经济多元化愿景的题中之义,也是其建构新型社会契约的必然要求,同时也为这些国家在国际竞争中赢得发展先机。受技术制约等基础性困难、传统化石能源经济模式惯性、乌克兰危机长期化等因素的影响,未来海湾阿拉伯国家绿色发展将面临不少挑战。但从长远来看,全球能源绿色低碳化转型将是主流趋势,海湾地缘经济与政治形势总体向好,乌克兰危机潜藏绿色转型新萌芽,这些因素都将给海湾绿色发展带来新机遇。  相似文献   

卡塔尔天然气产业的发展历程,充斥着阿拉伯国家间紧张局势和地区政治不稳定等能源地缘政治因素.其能源出口结构逐渐转向天然气,实际上是将天然气作为优势产品出口而最终成为世界天然气市场上举足轻重角色的战略意图的体现.面对美国天然气革命带来的冲击和亚欧天然气市场价格“溢价”,卡塔尔积极调整天然气出口战略,将天然气出口到经济增长较快、需求旺盛、价格较高的亚洲市场.卡塔尔的战略调整,符合其能源地缘政治和经济利益目标.  相似文献   

Satirical television news programs provide the public with potential sources of information about climate change. This study uses a segment from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver as a test case for exploring how coverage from such programs that features consensus messaging may influence viewers’ perceptions of global warming. The segment presents a “statistically representative climate change debate” to affirm the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change and satirize television news coverage “balancing” this consensus with skeptics’ arguments. Results from a randomized experiment demonstrate that watching the segment increased viewers’ own belief in global warming, as well as viewers’ perceptions that most scientists believe in global warming. The latter effect was stronger among participants with low interest in the environment and global warming than among those with high interest. The segment’s impact on perceptions of scientists’ views may have mediated its effects on viewers’ own beliefs about global warming.  相似文献   


Samir Amin’s final essay called for the creation of a new international organization of progressive social forces. Here I review evidence from twenty-first century transnational movements germane for understanding the likelihood of the emergence of such an international organization and the issues and sectors most likely to facilitate coalitional unity. More specifically, the ecological crises identified by Amin in the form of global warming and climate change have created an unprecedented global environmental threat capable of unifying diverse social strata across the planet. The climate justice movement has already established a global infrastructure and template to coordinate a new international organization for confronting neoliberal forms of globalization. Pre-existing movement organizing around environmental racism, climate justice in the global South, and recent intersectional mobilizations serve as promising models for building an enduring international organization that will represent subaltern groups and have a substantial impact on world politics.  相似文献   

目前,安全问题和经济模式单一问题直接威胁到了海湾六国的社会稳定和经济发展,是六国政府所面临的首要难题。从经济一体化的角度看,货币统一将扩大海湾六国对世界经济的影响,提升其在国际事务中的地位,对海湾六国解决安全问题有重大影响和积极作用。同时,海湾六国统一货币所带来的经济效应也将促进海湾六国经济多元化发展。  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖危机越来越为世人所认识,国际社会应对气候安全问题的共同意愿愈来愈强烈的今天,我们正在没有选择地走向"低碳发展",低碳已经成为全球经济社会发展的一种新趋势,尤其发达国家在确定低碳发展战略、完善低碳法律框架、加强低碳制度建设、推行低碳产业结构、实行低碳优惠政策、利用低碳市场机制、加大低碳财政投入、发展低碳循环经济、依靠低碳科技创新、形成低碳生活型态等方面积累了许多经验,对我们实现低碳发展、维护气候安全这一人类社会的最终共同愿景有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In a multilevel and multicentric governance arena, pathways and mechanisms of influence are several and non-state capacities for technical leadership and norm entrepreneurship prove more significant than is the case within a strictly multilateral framework. Among actors with such capacities are municipalities, which multiply their influence through horizontal and vertical relationships. Transnational municipal networks present opportunities for both intermunicipal dialogue and the pooling of global influence, highlighting the presence and influence of the city in the world. This paper examines the collective response of some cities to climate change, exploring the place of cities in global environmental politics through analysis of two transnational municipal networks: the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives' Cities for Climate Protection and the International Solar Cities Initiative. The article addresses the following questions: How might municipal efforts toward a climate-stable future be significant to the larger issue of ecological justice in global environmental politics? Might cities be able to redefine the rules of the game and take a stand on ‘inefficient’ norms? After briefly accounting for the relationship between cities and the world, the article characterizes technical leadership as a legitimizing force of and in global environmental governance and norm entrepreneurship as a potential source of contestation and subversion in global environmental politics. The paper describes what cities are globalizing, in terms of pollution, environmental degradation, and risk, and in terms of management and politics. Finally, the article explores the possibility that emerging horizontal and vertical relationships, intermunicipal relationships, and relationships between cities or networks of cities and other scales of governance potentiate legitimizing roles for cities in climate governance and subversive roles in climate politics.  相似文献   

Sociologists have done important research documenting the key role that think tanks play in the climate change denialism movement in the United States, which has sought to mislead the American public about the realities of global warming. Sociologists have not, however, assessed the full range of ways that think tanks are responding to – or planning for – global environmental change. This article proposes a typology of elite responses to global warming, which goes beyond denialism to include (i) limited climate mitigation, (ii) climate adaptation/privileged accommodation, and (iii) climate opportunism. Ultimately, this article provides insights on ways to build upon previous research in both environmental and political sociology to study the interface between elite‐driven policy, climate change, and capitalism.  相似文献   

Climate change and environmental issues have been increasingly in the forefront of the media and government agendas. However, despite much discussion and fanfare, little has been done in the way of serious commitment and clear course of actions since the adoption of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992 to bring carbon emissions to sustainable levels. To tackle the immensity of the climate change challenge, a paradigm shift in understanding is necessary to balance the course of global human development with energy demand and consumption patterns. Accounting for over 40% of global energy demand and more than 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, the building sector offers the greatest mitigation potential for reducing carbon emissions in both the short and long term, with positive implications for a range of associated sectors and industries. Promoting behavioral change among end-users for reduced energy consumption as well as encouraging the building industry to embrace sustainable design, low-carbon construction practices and materials, and renewable technologies, is fundamental to mitigating the impact of the built environment on planetary biospheres and preserving quality of life for generations to come. This paper starts by drawing attention to the building sector and related EU policy, outlining the challenges and opportunities for reducing energy consumption and carbon emission levels. Such policy provides the essential framework to engage stakeholders and allow supporting factors to foster progress in the sector. The paper contends that information on climate change has not led to significant improvements in meeting global targets and that what is needed is behavioral change among individuals and society as a whole. On the basis of research project experiences and literature review, it puts forth and explores five key elements contributing to behavioral change for reduced energy consumption and lower carbon emissions in the building sector, focused on: information and education; financial incentives and energy services; modern technologies and sustainable design; social and community norms; and biophilia (contact with the natural environment). The paper suggests opportunities for further research and concludes with recommendations for policy-makers and related stakeholders.  相似文献   

傅京燕 《城市观察》2010,(2):111-117
气候变化与经济发展方式的关系日益受到重视。本文首先对气候变化的现象及其影响进行了分析,然后阐述了中国当前粗放型经济增长方式对资源环境的影响。本文认为,解决气候变化和粗放经济增长方式的重要途径是借鉴发达国家的经验,大力发展我国的低碳经济以应对气候变化,并促使经济增长方式的转变。  相似文献   

The inadequacies of hegemonic liberal democratic ideas and institutions have been exposed by feminist theorists focusing on the marginalisation of women and by global theorists examining the impact of globalisation. These theorists have developed two distinct sets of reconstructive strategies that, until very recently, have remained in ignorance of each other. Further, both feminist and global democratic schemes have been dogged by problems in terms of their theorisation of power, politics, agency and change. Recent feminist arguments about citizenship and governance go some way to bringing together concerns about gender inequality and globalisation, but they remain centred on states and the states-system as vehicles for democratic representation and participation. This article argues that a more radical reconstructive strategy can be derived from debates about the democratisation of feminism itself. Drawing on the responses of black and third world feminists to racism in the white-dominated feminist movement, and examining their influence on efforts to organise transnationally, the article points to innovative ways of thinking about power, politics, agency and change. Together these amount to a democratic framework which has applicability beyond feminist organising and which confronts the marginalisations of both gender and globalisation.  相似文献   

Rethinking about Civilizations: The Politics of Migration in a New Climate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. Suliman 《Globalizations》2016,13(5):638-652

In this paper, I will lay out some useful conceptual/theoretical markets that will help us to understand, and resolve, significant political challenges to ‘action’ on climate change migration. Thus, while this paper is concerned with climate change and migration responses, it is also concerned with understanding how we understand migration in the context of climate change, and how climate change forces a radical shift in such understandings. To do so, I pick up on the work of Robert W. Cox and push it in a different direction. In particular, I am interested in his work on civilizations, and how this civilizational account of world politics opens up space for thinking about climate change broadly, and climate change migration specifically. I argue that Cox’s account of ‘inter-civilizational’ politics helps us to solve a pressing analytical problem: how to rethink the coordinates of contemporary cosmopolitics in the ‘Anthropocene’, and reconsider the frames of analysis that we adopt to understand and respond to climate change migration. I demonstrate this by considering two distinctly different ‘civilizational’ accounts of migration and mobility in the Asia-Pacific/Oceania region (one territorial and the other maritime), and consider how these might reveal an important source of future change. By sketching out this approach, my intention is to mobilize the resources offered by Cox in order to further his project of envisaging alternative world orders, and post-hegemonic political relations therein.  相似文献   

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