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Happiness in the form of pleasant moods and emotions, well‐being, and positive attitudes has been attracting increasing attention throughout psychology research. The interest in happiness has also extended to workplace experiences. This paper reviews what is known about the definition, causes and consequences of happiness at work, drawing also on insights from the expanding positive psychology literature on happiness in general. Many discrete organizational behavior constructs arguably belong to a larger family of happiness‐related constructs, and share some common causes and consequences. Happiness at work includes, but is far more than, job satisfaction. A comprehensive measure of individual‐level happiness might include work engagement, job satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment. Aspects of happiness have been (and should be) conceptualized and measured at multiple levels, including transient experiences, stable person‐level attitudes, and collective attitudes, and with respect to multiple foci, such as discrete events, the job, and the organization. At all levels, there is evidence that happiness has important consequences for both individuals and organizations. Past research has tended to underestimate the importance of happiness at work.  相似文献   

本文以2010—2017年我国A股上市公司为样本,探讨了经济政策不确定性如何影响企业社会责任。实证结果显示,经济政策不确定性越高,企业履行社会责任的程度越高。经过内生性处理和稳健性检验后结论依然成立。这一关系在内部控制水平较低和盈余波动性较大的企业更加显著,在国有企业、有政治关联和政府干预程度较高地区的非国有企业更加显著。经济政策不确定性通过影响企业面临的系统性风险进而影响企业社会责任的履行程度。研究结论表明,面对外部经济政策不确定性时,一方面,企业可能会根据自身经营管理的风险,将社会责任履行作为应对风险的一种工具;另一方面,政府有动机引导企业积极履行社会责任,以在经济政策不确定性上升时更好实现政府目标。  相似文献   

高层管理者的工作压力、社会支持及二者关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究编制了“经理人工作压力源”量表,并以此对全国21个省的303名高层管理者进行了调查。结果表明,该量表具有良好的信度和效度;高层管理者各类工作压力总体上均处于“轻度”和“中度”之间,位居前两位的是“企业发展”和“下属滞后”;高层管理者的社会支持系统呈现出“支持系统良好,但利用程度较低”的特点;年龄、学历、所有制性质对工作压力和社会支持均有显著的主效应,民营企业、低学历者、中青年高层管理者是工作压力最大的亚群体;“支持利用”能够显著缓解各类工作压力,它和主观支持均对工作压力有显著的直接效应,而组织支持和客观支持则对工作压力仅具有间接效应。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of perceived compatibility between nested organizational units in identification and work motivation. A survey was conducted in German pharmaceutical stores that had joined a large cooperative network several months before the investigation. Employees judged how compatible the network was with their individual stores on four dimensions (ensuring future, preserving tradition, preserving distinctiveness, and maintaining autonomy). Further, employees indicated their identifications with store and network and their intentions to exert effort on behalf of these units (store motivation and network motivation, respectively). As predicted, perceived compatibility correlated positively with both network identification and network motivation. It also moderated the correlations between store identification and network identification as well as between store motivation and network motivation. Several underlying mechanisms are discussed (e.g. evaluation of store and network, social projection). Overall, perceived compatibility between organizational units appears to be a crucial but under‐researched factor affecting identification and motivation at work.  相似文献   

县级领导班子如何适应社会主义市场经济新形势、新任务的要求,改进和创新领导机制,加快县级经济的发展,是当前亟须探讨的一个重大课题.联系我们吉县近年来的实践,我就县级班子成员对经济工作的领导实行按县域产业分工的思路,谈几点认识和体会.  相似文献   

仲琨 《领导科学》2004,(22):30-31
《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》指出:“提高党的执政能力,首先是提高党领导发展的能力。”这就对我们组织部门和组织工作提出了新的更高的要求。组织部门作为党委的重要职能部门,必须适应新形势、新任务的要求,打破传统的思维定式,紧紧围绕发展中心,在服务发展大局中找准组织工作与中心工作的结合点和切入点,使组织工作在服务经济建设中不断求得新发展,取得新突破。一、要融入大局,进一步拓展组织工作的内涵与外延组织工作要在服务经济建设中求得新发展,实现新突破,首先要在全局中找准位置,始终围绕经济建设这个中心,主动地融…  相似文献   

This article discusses the definitions of the term “work” which could be applied to advanced industrial societies, and which cover an increasingly complex range of activities. The authors' definition can be viewed as an attempt to forge a significant link between economic and sociological analysis, in order to understand the complex connections, typical only of industrial societies, between different forms of work and employment, and the variety of patterns of social reproduction of diverse groups in different periods and contexts.  相似文献   

Organizational leaders and scholars have long regarded social sexual behavior in the workplace as deviant, harassing in nature, and something that organizations must eliminate to ensure maximal performance. Regardless of this perspective, however, social sexual behavior is an inescapable feature of human interaction that cannot be completely controlled in organizations. Moreover, there are many aspects of social sexual behavior that have not been considered or granted enough research attention to entirely warrant the broad assumption that social sexual behavior is always problematic to organizations and individuals. In the current paper, we highlight these under-researched or ignored facets of social sexual behavior. First, we consider the potential buffering effects that consensual social sexual behavior at work can offer to those involved, in terms of protecting them from the negative impact of workplace stressors. Next, we discuss the ways in which social sexual behavior is used as a tool of social influence at work. Finally, we consider the role of social sexual behavior at work as a precursor to the development of romantic relationships among employees. Throughout this discussion, we highlight both the potential benefits and drawbacks of engaging in social sexual behavior at work rather than adopting the perspective that all social sexual behavior at work is harmful. We encourage future research to consider all angles when investigating social sexual behavior at work, so as not to be completely detached from the reality that social sexual behavior can be consensual and sometimes enjoyed.  相似文献   

将经济和层级结构资源嵌入企业家的社会关系网络中,结合企业家偏好和资源再生产建立一个资源交换模型.利用模型均衡,分析了社会网络、资源现状和企业家特征对企业经济业绩的影响,讨论了企业家特征与企业之间经济业绩增长方向的关系,给出了交换导致整体经济增长的条件.结果表明,(1)信息成本(企业家讨价还价能力、对层级结构资源的偏好程度、层级结构资源的再生产能力、经济资源的再生产能力)对企业经济业绩具有反向(正向、反向、反向、正向)影响;(2)企业家之间的对层级结构资源的偏好程度、层级结构资源的再生产能力和经济资源的再生产能力的较大差异导致企业间经济业绩增长方向相反;(3)交换导致整体经济业绩增长的条件是,向经济资源再生产能力强的一方配置较多的经济资源.这些结果在一定程度上回答了"企业家用什么方式来从社会关系网络中获取自己偏好的什么资源,从而如何影响企业经济业绩"这一理论问题.  相似文献   

Public perception of risk is being cited as a documented reason to rethink a very contentious congressionally mandated process for siting interim storage and permanent disposal facilities for high-level radioactive waste. Rigorous survey research has shown that the public holds intense, negative images of "nuclear" and "radioactive" technologies, activities, and facilities. Potential host states and opponents claim that these negative images, coupled with an amplification of negative risk events, will potentially stigmatize the area surrounding such facilities and result in significant economic losses. At issue is whether a supporting social amplification of risk model is applicable to communities hosting facilities that are part of the U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Weapons Complex. An initial assessment of high-profile discrete and cumulative key negative risk events at such nuclear facilities does not validate that there has been stigmatization or substantial social and economic consequences in the host areas. Before any changes to major national policy are implemented, additional research is required to determine if the nearby public's "pragmatic logic," based on practical knowledge and experience, attenuates the link between public opinion and demographic and economic behaviors.  相似文献   

诱因和压力激励相互关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文关注了诱因和压力激励的差异及其关系问题,探讨了诱因激励与压力激励的关系,以及在形成员工行为动力机理方面的不同。  相似文献   

在领导工作中,变是绝对的,不变是相对的。对于一个领导者来说,他的思想、工作方法只有在变中不断提高、不断成熟,才能最终取得事业的成功。领导者在工作中不论是改变别人的规矩,还是改变自己的规矩,都是正常现象,完全搞“萧规曹随”在许多情况下是行不通的。但……  相似文献   

加入世贸组织,是中国经济逐步融入世界经济的必然选择,是我国对外开放进入一个新阶段的重要标志,同时也预示着我们的经济工作将面临全新的挑战和机遇.  相似文献   

我是从镇长的位置上过渡到镇党委书记的,初当“班长”时遇到了一些问题。比如:如何在更高层次上定位招商引资这一经济主导工作,打好全镇各项社会事业的物质基础;如何进一步加强班子内部团结,提升其整体合力;如何充分发挥全镇党员干部的先锋模范作用,为人民群众办实事等。抓惯了经济工作,面对这些工作难题,我总是自然而然地想用经济方法去解决,结果往往也能获得一种“他山之石,可以攻玉”的效果。其实,万事万物总是有相通之处的。我把自己在这方面的一些粗浅想法作些总结,与读者共商。把握投资原则,引来遍地万紫千红。招商引资工作作为区域经…  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore an organizational issue of gender inequality in labour, represented in visual arts, and illustrated by critical artistic practice of Lucy McKenzie, Julita Wójcik and Mary Kelly. The paper seeks alternatives to patriarchal constructions of the gendered identity at work and the associated notions of the idealized managerial masculinities. I attend to working strategies and art making processes that reflect managerial otherness. The artists discussed engage in relational activities that have replaced dominant masculine values of managing and producing by a focus on collectivism, play and relational transmission. Work here is envisaged as a political and cultural category that alters a meaning of value and is considered crucial in formation of identity and a lifestyle choice. The paper reflects on invisibility of alternative ways of working, contributing to on-going multidisciplinary debate, challenging disadvantage and discrimination at work context and a disproportionate participation and representation of women in arts, management and in society as a whole. In a dim corner of my room for longer than my fancy thinks A beautiful and silent Sphinx has watched me through the shifting gloom. Inviolate and immobile she does not rise she does not stir For silver moons are naught to her and naught to her the suns that reel (From The Sphinx by Oscar Wilde)  相似文献   

祝学华  霍国庆 《管理学报》2012,9(10):1470-1474
分析了科技外交人员社会资本及其与工作绩效的相互影响,在此基础上,采用社会资本评价指标体系对我国现有科技外交人员群体进行了测度;然后,对社会资本水平与工作绩效的相关性进行了分析,并证明了两者之间存在正相关关系;最后,提出了提升我国科技外交人员队伍整体实力的根本途径.  相似文献   

江传明 《领导科学》2002,(23):17-17
作为"当家人"的基层领导,总是面对大量的工作任务要安排,众多的日常事务要处理,复杂的矛盾问题要解决,有时忙得团团转,结果却不够理想.基层单位尽管任务繁重,关系复杂,头绪较多,但还是有重有轻,有急有缓,有大有小.  相似文献   

科学发展观,在马克思主义世界观和方法论的指导下,准确反映了我国经济社会发展规律,深刻总结和借鉴了围外发展实践的经验教训,并针对我国经济社会发展过程中呈现的新的阶段性特征提出了实现又好又快发展的要求.因此,党的十七大报告指出,科学发展观是我国经济社会发展的重要指导方针.  相似文献   


In this study, the impact of psychosocial work characteristics on illness and work absenteeism has been examined. The study group consisted of 133 civil servants (33 men and 100 women) with a mean age of 43 years (range 21-65 years). Psychosocial work characteristics, social support, quality of life, work absenteeism, psychosomatic and gastrointestinal symptoms were assessed by means of questionnaires. Five different work support or functions were identified by factor analysis: appraisal support, belonging support, instrumental support, emotional support and supportive atmosphere. The analysis showed that work absenteeism was associated with lower belonging support and a less supportive atmosphere. Furthermore, psychosomatic symptoms were associated with lack of support at work, measured as belonging support, instrumental support and supportive atmosphere. Gastrointestinal symptoms were associated with lack of belonging support and lack of social integration outside work. A bad general health status was associated with lack of insrumental support. The association between work absenteeism and social support at work was confirmed in multivariate analysis with control for confounding factors. In this analysis, high work strain and low social support were associated with a lower quality of life, which in turn was associated with increased absenteeism. Although there are well-known difficulties in drawing causal conclusions from cross-sectional studies, it seems reasonable to conclude that social support at work is an important factor to take into consideration when analysing illness and absenteeism from work.  相似文献   

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