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女性的职业路径经常会因为生育、抚育子女而被中断,传统性别观念、托幼公共服务短缺导致了照料责任的女性化,生育二孩、有3岁以下婴幼儿的女性职业中断期较长。职业中断对女性职业发展产生了一定的负面影响。育儿不仅是个人和家庭的责任,更是国家和社会的责任。实现育儿与工作的平衡,需要在全社会营造和谐平等的性别文化环境,更需要政府、市场、社会、家庭等多方力量共同参与、协商与合作,建立起完善的生育与就业支持体系。  相似文献   

社会经济地位、社会支持网与农村老年人身心状况   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本研究考察了老年人的社会经济地位、社会支持的数量和质量以及网络变化对其身心状况的影响。研究证明 ,农村老年人的社会经济地位、社会支持和网络变化都对老年人的身心状况有显著的影响。在社会经济地位的三个变量中 ,收入对生活满意度和身体状况都有影响 ,职业地位则只对身体状况有影响。在社会支持的数量中 ,支持网中有无配偶与老年人的生活满意度和身体状况都有显著关系 ,子女的数量只与生活满意度有关。在社会支持的质量方面 ,关系强度与老年人的生活满意度有正向关系 ,网络资本中网络成员经济收入的平均水平则与生活满意度和身体状况都有显著关系。在所有因素中 ,影响最大的是网络的变化 ,失去网络成员对老年人身心状况的负面影响超过了其他任何一个变量的影响  相似文献   

本文认为,亲族关系的社会网络一向是中国传统最基本的深层社会结构基础,亲长的社会权威身份和权力地位是一切社会权威身份和权力地位的基础。作者从云南各民族的生育仪式、回门仪式和报喜仪式中看到,在传统的亲族社会内,亲长角色身份的获得与晋升意味着亲权地位的获得与晋升。而以泛亲族关系为基本社会结构网络、以类亲族权力为基本社会权力系统的华夏古国,也是以亲子长幼的家族关系来维系上下尊卑辖属的国家之序的。  相似文献   

中国传统农村福利体系的构建包括家庭的功能、社会(社区)的组织网络、国家的干预作用和支持这一切的福利思想等。历史上,中国的家庭构成了非常紧密和最基本的福利单位;社区的组织网络承担着基层最基本的福利保护和传送作用;国家(政府)对农村的福利干预一直很强大,政策和措施形成上下和纵横的系统。与西方福利系统的政府、市场和个人主要构成因素不同的是,中国传统福利体系以国家、社会和家庭主要因素构成。而中国的传统文化,诸如大同、民本、和谐等福利思想以及释儒道三家相互补充构成中国传统福利体系的哲学基础。  相似文献   

李明 《天府新论》2010,(2):104-109
社会支持网络理论近年来被大量运用于社会工作研究。通过社会支持、民族、宗教等视角对东乡族人的非正式社会支持网络进行描述,揭示了他们对自身非正式社会支持网络的理解。也使我们看到:东乡族人现有社会支持主要来自基于血缘、地缘的熟人关系网络;制度化的社会支持力量还未进入东乡族人的支持系统;民族、文化因素在东乡族人的社会支持网络中作用远大于汉族。从理论上探讨社会支持的实践形式与工作模式是十分必要的。  相似文献   

性别公平理论认为,家务分工方面的性别平等程度的提升对女性生育有显著的促进作用.本文使用2010-2016年中国家庭追踪调查数据,结合中国的大家庭传统检验了该理论对中国的适用性.研究发现,中国夫妇在家务分工方面的性别不平等程度很高,但是受扩大化家庭传统的影响,中国女性能从父辈那里得到较为充分的育儿支持,且这种育儿支持对女性的生育决策具有重要影响.相比之下,丈夫的家务贡献对妻子生育行为的影响则很小,且仅在父辈无法提供充分育儿支持的情况下才会发挥作用.研究认为,女性日益严重的工作-家庭冲突是制约其生育的重要因素.未来需要从多方面入手,缓解女性的工作-家庭冲突,以积极应对日益严重的低生育率问题.  相似文献   

本文讨论一个行业协会为何能够在地方社会中获得影响力并承载地方社会的再生产。从组织网络的角度来看,作为社会组织的行业协会,其组织活力来源于对市场、行政和社会等多种地方性网络的整合与联通,行会组织因此是在市场网络、行政网络与社会网络交错中产生的“果实”。从理念的角度来看,行业协会介入基层治理所依赖的并不是一般意义上的组织目标,在提供公共品、介入市场治理和市场政策倡导等具体领域,组织的核心理念都是对于“实质公道”的遵循,而非以个体权利为核心的诉求。本文的贡献在于:(1)在组织网络的层面,展现了组织与网络的复杂交融关系;(2)在组织理念的层面,展现了传统与现代的交融关系。尽管行业协会要处理利益冲突和危机管理的情境越来越现代,但是它的核心精神却仍然带有相当程度的传统色彩。  相似文献   

近30年来,中国杜会网络与社会资本研究领域的发展取得了长足的进步.从研究方法来看包括定量和定性两个方面.在定量研究中,主要的测量工具是提名法和定位法.从研究领域来看包括社会地位获得、社会支持、阶级阶层与职业流动等.从研究特征来看主要有:社会网络与社会资本的理论模型和统计技术被应用到社会学、政治学、经济学、管理学和其他社会科学领域;目前正在走向专业化、制度化和规范化;出版了多部社会资本的教材、专著、论文集和译著;在经验研究中,定量和定性分析方法被结合起来.从研究领域的未来趋势来看:"关系社会学"将成为新的学科增长点;社会网络分析与阶级阶层分析将融合为一种新的研究范式;互联网及其他现代通讯工具中的社会资本与人际杜会网络形成互动;社会资本成为构建和谐社会过程中的社会整合与协调手段;风险与全球化社会背景下的社会资本结构与功能发生变迁.  相似文献   

企业家社会资本是指存在于企业家个人和社会单位拥有的关系网络中,通过这些关系网络获得的,并从这些关系网络中衍生出来的现实和潜在的资源的总和.技术动态能力是企业采取综合措施,提高企业自身技术研发能力的能力.中小型民营科技企业家社会资本对技术动态能力的作用以及企业家社会资本影响技术动态能力时,是否受到吸收能力的调节,成为人们关注的问题.实证研究发现,中小型民营科技企业家商业社会资本和技术社会资本对企业的技术动态能力有积极正向作用,企业家制度社会资本对企业的技术动态能力作用不明显.吸收能力在企业家商业社会资本网络规模、网络强度和技术社会资本三个网络指标对企业技术动态能力的影响过程中发挥正向调节作用.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国人口结构特征趋于高龄少子化,“双职工”家庭数量不断增加,社会相关育儿服务滞后,导致隔代抚养情况愈发普遍。但在当前隔代抚养中存在两辈间育儿观念冲突、老年人隔代抚养负面情绪多、老年人隔代抚养能力不足等问题。基于上述背景,为解决现存问题,本文提出要加大宣传力度,树立正确隔代抚养观念;开设专业课程,定期开展多样化教学活动;建设课程资源,搭建线上线下知识体系;借助体系优势,构建以点带面覆盖网络;加强政府扶持,健全政策制度经费保障,确保使得隔代抚养培训能服务于当前家庭需要,切实让老年教育高质量发展落到实处。  相似文献   

社会支持对患者的身心健康有直接促进作用,构建患者的社会支持系统在临床护理实践中具有深刻的现实意义,从公共政策支持、情感支持、陪伴性支持、医疗技术服务支持、社会疏导和信息支持六个方面探讨社会支持系统的构建思路,以期为当今临床护理实践提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Social integration is considered crucially important for understanding the adverse effect of unemployment on mental health. Social integration is assumed to either bring about the health effects of unemployment (causal pathway hypothesis) or shield the unemployed from such effects (buffering hypothesis). However, there is scarce empirical evidence, especially based on panel data, regarding these two hypotheses. In our analysis, we use up to ten waves of the “Labour Market and Social Security” (PASS) German panel study and apply fixed effects panel regressions to account for unobserved confounders. We test several indicators that cover different aspects of social integration (numbers of strong and weak ties, conflict in the household, employed friends, general and job search-specific social support). We find no empirical support for the causal pathway hypothesis and only very limited support for the buffering hypothesis.  相似文献   

“共和构想”是社会包容性政策的核心思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们不能将"社会包容"一词单纯地理解为"社会排斥"的反义词。"社会排斥"强调的是个体正常的社会关联被边缘化的状态,它是一个与社会秩序相关的保守概念。而"社会包容"是一个充满活力和远见的概念,它建立在社会团结的基础之上,它使得个体能够更多、更广地参与到社会生活的各个领域。  相似文献   

Social capital is a resource derived from a person's social network and is important for various outcomes. Social capital declines over time and requires investments to avoid further declines or to increase the stock. However, certain life events can negatively affect social capital. This paper analyzes how informal caregiving, defined as unpaid assistance to persons who cannot perform the usual activities of daily living without help, affects social capital investments. Drawing on the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) with data for 15 years, I apply fixed-effects (FE) regressions to estimate the effect of changing caregiving status (extensive margin) and the effect of an additional hour of caregiving (intensive margin) on social capital investments. The results show that caregiving negatively affects investments in social capital for weak and strong ties unrelated to the care task. Furthermore, caregiving increases investments in strong ties that are care related.  相似文献   

程倩 《河北学刊》2005,25(4):77-82
近代以来,人们之间的信任关系属于一种契约型信任关系的类型,这种类型的信任关系在理论上可以从怀疑主义和社会契约论两大理论传统上得到理解.怀疑主义哲学对陌生人社会普遍怀疑所作出的揭示,为契约型信任关系的确立提供了制度设计和制度安排的思想前提;社会契约论的政治哲学传统在对契约社会的逻辑论证中指出了契约原则是政治和社会生活的基本原则.根据这两大理论传统,可以对近代以来人们之间的契约型信任关系作出合理的解释.  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of state, workplace, and family support on the working hours of employed mothers and how these different support sources interact. Data taken from the European Social Survey 2004/2005 as well as country-specific information were used to estimate several hierarchical models. We find evidence that the availability of supportive workplace arrangements and family support positively impact the working hours of employed mothers and that state policies facilitating the traditional family have a negative effect. There is weak support for a positive relationship between state policies facilitating the dual-earner family and working hours of employed mothers. In addition, most of the sources of support appear to be complementary. Supportive family role models and supportive workplace arrangements have a reinforcing relationship, as do publicly funded child care and supportive workplace arrangements.  相似文献   

Different instruments have been used to measure social support in epidemiological studies of which the most widely used is the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Scale (SSS-MOS). However, these studies lack measures of the level of social support on health risks. We used latent class analysis (LCA) to distinguish subgroups with different levels of perceived social support and tested the consistency of these subgroups by their associations with the prevalence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD). This is a cross-sectional study of 1013 mothers living in the city of Salvador, Brazil in which psychosocial data were collected through home visits using the SSS-MOS and the Self Reporting Questionnaire-20. For each dimension of social support analysed here, we selected models with two classes using LCA. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between participants’ perceived social support and the prevalence of CMD to verify the consistency of the groups defined by LCA. There was a clear difference in the reporting of perceived social support between those classified as high or low using LCA. The probability of perceiving several types of social support was lower in the subgroup classified as low level of social support (13.7–59.8%), and it was much higher in the group classified as high level of social support (84.3–98%). A greater prevalence of CMD was found among mothers with lower levels of social support. LCA seems to be a useful tool to improve measurement of perceived social support by separation into two levels in which the lower level is associated with an increased prevalence of CMD.  相似文献   

社会保障是现代社会的一项基本制度,它对于促进经济发展、改善人民生活、调节收入分配、实现社会公平、保证社会稳定有着极为重要的意义。社会保障制度的健全和发展及其作用的发挥,关键在于建立稳定可靠的资金筹措机制,社会保障事业提供充足的资金来源。  相似文献   

This paper tests predictions of continuity and change in antisocial behavior over time as derived from population heterogeneity and life-course perspectives. These predictions are assessed with respect to a rarely studied form of delinquent/criminal behavior, cocaine use during the late-teenage and young adult years. We first examine the extent to which differential propensities toward antisocial behavior can be detected in a nationally representative sample of youth aged 14-16 in 1979. Based on self-reported delinquent and criminal activities in late adolescense, traditional cross-sectional latent-class analysis identifies three groups of antisocial/rebellious respondents and a group of non-offenders. We then follow these groups into early adulthood, examining age trajectories of cocaine usage between 1984 and 1998. Latent-class trajectory models identify clusters of respondents who show similar age trajectories of cocaine use over time and provide parameter estimates that predict membership in those clusters. In support of the population heterogeneity perspective, we find that antisocial/rebellious youth have higher probabilities of cocaine use throughout early adulthood than non-of-fending youth. There is, however, much variation in drug use patterns among the groups as they aged. In support of a life-course perspective, we find that social ties to schools, families, religion, and the labor market help differentiate youth who refrain from, maintain, or desist from using cocaine through early adulthood.  相似文献   

社会事业是为确保社会转型、维护社会稳定、促进社会和谐和人的全面发展所提供的各种公益性支持与服务活动的总和,也是保障社会可持续发展,实现社会公正,维持社会运行和发展的重要活动。在社会转型期,通过加大和改善对西南边疆多民族地区社会事业的投入和建设,提高西南边疆多民族地区公民文化素质,加强公民法制意识,改善公民精神风貌,完善社会安全体系,使西南边疆少数民族文化教育事业有了长足发展,农村医疗卫生事业有了新突破,社会保障事业有了新进展。这在很大程度上促进了西南边疆社会和睦,逐步实现社会公平正义,为社会主义和谐社会的建设提供了基础。  相似文献   

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