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This paper characterizes welfarist social evaluation in a multi-profile setting where, in addition to multiple utility profiles, there may be more than one profile of non-welfare information. We prove a new version of the welfarism theorem in this alternative framework, and we demonstrate that adding a plausible and weak anonymity property to the welfarism axioms generates welfarist social-evaluation orderings that are anonymous.This is a revised version of our earlier paper “Welfarism with multiple non-welfare profiles.” We thank François Maniquet, Kotaro Suzumura, John Weymark, an editor and two referees for comments and discussions. The paper was presented at the International Symposium on Intergenerational Equity in Tokyo, December 2001 and at the Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare in Pasadena, July 2002. Financial support through a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

A welfarist way of allocating resources consists in 1) equipping individuals with comparable indices of their well-being and 2) applying a unique aggregation rule to individual well-being levels. An equality of opportunity way of allocating resources consists in 1) making the distinction between personal characteristics which are under and beyond individuals control, and 2) decreasing inequalities due to differences in characteristics beyond individuals control. We show that under the proviso that indifferent individuals should not influence social judgements, welfarist and equal opportunity judgements on resource allocation are equivalent.This paper presents research results of the Belgian Program on Interuniversity Poles of Attraction initiated by the Belgian State, Prime Ministers Office, Science Policy Programming. I thank seminar participants at the Institute for Advanced Study and especially Eric Maskin for their comments, Louis Gevers and Yves Sprumont for stimulating discussions, and Walter Bossert, Marc Fleurbaey and two anonymous referees for detailed remarks and suggestions.  相似文献   

Nonconscious processing of sexual information: a generalization to women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexually competent stimuli may nonconsciously activate sexual memory and set up sexual responding. In men, subliminally presented sexual pictures facilitated recognition of sexual information. The goal of the two experiments reported here was to investigate to what extent this result can be generalized to women. A direct replication in women failed in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, besides the male-oriented sexual picture set, pictures of two other sets were presented: female-oriented sexual pictures and baby pictures. Effects of the menstrual cycle were also examined. In Experiment 2 only male-oriented pictures showed a facilitation effect. Sensitivity for reproductive stimuli was enhanced during the midluteal phase. Like men, women may nonconsciously recognize a stimulus as sexual. This recognition process seems unrelated to the potential of the stimulus to elicit subjective arousal.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to extend the findings of recombinative generalization research in alphabetical reading and spelling to the context of musical reading. One participant was taught to respond discriminatively to six two-note sequences, choosing the corresponding notation on the staff in the presence of each sequence. When novel three- and four-note sequences were presented, she selected the corresponding notation. These results suggest the generality of previous research to the context of musical teaching.  相似文献   

Measurement of inequality: An attempt at unification and generalization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews and extends the theory of ethical inequality indices. It presents a novel axiom (strict separability of social welfare orderings in rank-ordered subspaces). This axiom allows to provide joint characterizations of the most important inequality measures (Atkinson family, Kolm-Pollak family and Generalized Ginis) and of some new more general classes of indices. The whole derivation is based on weak assumptions. In an ordinal framework only continuity of the underlying ordering is required and no cardinal properties are employed.I thank two anonymous referees for helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

Sexually competent stimuli may nonconsciously activate sexual memory and set up sexual responding. In men, subliminally presented sexual pictures facilitated recognition of sexual information (Spiering, Everaerd, & Janssen, 2003). The goal of the two experiments reported here was to investigate to what extent this result can be generalized to women. A direct replication in women failed in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, besides the male‐oriented sexual picture set, pictures of two other sets were presented: female‐oriented sexual pictures and baby pictures. Effects of the menstrual cycle were also examined. In Experiment 2, only male‐oriented pictures showed a facilitation effect. Sensitivity for reproductive stimuli was enhanced during the midluteal phase. Like men, women may nonconsciously recognize a stimulus as sexual. This recognition process seems unrelated to the potential of the stimulus to elicit subjective arousal.  相似文献   

A typology of migration is presented that extends the one originally developed by William Petersen, which was based on ecological push, migration policy, people's aspirations, and social momentum. The proposed typology considers both the migrant's state of mind and two points in time. Examples of 36 migrant types are provided using data for Canada and selected other countries. (SUMMARY IN FRE AND SPA)  相似文献   

Kocher et al. (2008) find that conditional willingness to contribute to a public good is considerably stronger at a U.S. research site, Appalachian State University, than at sites in Europe and Asia. I find that the willingness at Brown University, in Rhode Island, is not significantly different from that in Europe and Asia in Kocher et al. (2008). Clear evidence on significantly different demographic statistics between these two U.S. research sites is provided. This implies that in the experimental study of societies, or more generally in empirical studies, we need exercise care to generalize from results at a specific research site to geographically broader conclusions.  相似文献   

 We consider social preferences over infinite horizon intergenerational consumption paths. We use the Mackey topology to define continuity of social preferences. Our main objective is to generalize one of Diamond’s impossibility theorems. First, we show that the trivial preference relation is the only asymmetric social preference relation satisfying equity and continuity. Second, we compare Campbell’s impossibility theorem with ours. Finally we use an order-based notion of myopia and establish another impossibility result. Received: 26 August 1994/Accepted: 5 June 1996  相似文献   

A simple algorithm is proposed which defines the Bonferroni as the product of a row vector of individual population shares, a linear mathematical operator called the Bonferroni matrix and a column vector of income shares. This algorithm greatly simplifies the decomposition of the Bonferroni index by income sources or classes and population subgroups. The proposed algorithm links also the Bonferroni index to the concepts of relative deprivation and social welfare and leads to a generalization where the traditional Bonferroni and Gini indices are special cases. The paper ends with an empirical illustration based on EU-SILC data for the year 2008.  相似文献   

The Analysis of Verbal Behavior - Although the acquisition of selection-based verbal behavior can be ascribed to the acquisition of a conditional discrimination, such an account cannot explain any...  相似文献   

Successful treatment outcome and maintenance for families with aggressive children by means of social learning family therapy were reported by Sayger, Horne, Walker, and Passmore (1988). The present study examined the generalization of treatment effects to the child's classroom, the parental level of marital satisfaction, the general family relationship environment, and the parental level of depression. Results of this study show that teachers reported improved child behavior following treatment. Parental level of marital satisfaction was increased and sustained for those parents who were experiencing low levels of marital satisfaction prior to treatment. The participating families also became more cohesive and expressive, and less conflictual. Although pretreatment levels of parental depression were moderately low, these levels were alleviated.  相似文献   

Stimulus generalization and contextual control affect the development of equivalence classes. Experiment 1 demonstrated primary stimulus generalization from the members of trained equivalence classes. Adults were taught to match six spoken Icelandic nouns and corresponding printed words and pictures to one another in computerized three-choice matching-to-sample tasks. Tests confirmed that six equivalence classes had formed. Without further training, plural forms of the stimuli were presented in tests for all matching performances. All participants demonstrated virtually errorless performances. In Experiment 2, classifications of the nouns used in Experiment 1 were brought under contextual control. Three nouns were feminine and three were masculine. The match-to-sample training taught participants to select a comparison of the same number as the sample (i.e., singular or plural) in the presence of contextual stimulus A regardless of noun gender. Concurrently, in the presence of contextual stimulus B, participants were taught to select a comparison of the same gender as the sample (i.e., feminine or masculine), regardless of number. Generalization was assessed using a card-sorting test. All participants eventually sorted the cards correctly into gender and number stimulus classes. When printed words used in training were replaced by their picture equivalents, participants demonstrated almost errorless performances.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new method for studying local and global clustering in networks employing random walk pairs. The method is intuitive and directly generalizes standard local and global clustering coefficients to weighted networks and networks containing nodes of multiple types. In the case of two-mode networks the values obtained for commonly considered social networks are in sharp contrast to those obtained, for instance, by the method of Opsahl (2013), and provide a different viewpoint for clustering. The approach is also applicable in questions related to the general study of segregation and homophily. Applications to existent data sets are considered.  相似文献   

近年来,在长三角地区城市群泛化的趋势下,区域内城市一体化发展遇到了前所未有的挑战。城市间群散性倾向进一步扩大;多层治理模式的发展滞后于区域一体化发展;有利益冲突的城市合作项目难以得到实质性推进。借鉴基金工具在欧盟区域政策实施中所发挥的作用,其给予我们的启示是:以基金工具为调节手段,使区域政策目标更趋于聚集;以基金工具为连接纽带,使区域合作主体间形成更紧密的制度安排;以基金工具为执行保障使合作项目的设立、实施更有效率。  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2005,19(3):327-347
This article explores the understudied phenomenon of legacy as a component of the aging experience. Against a backdrop of almost exclusive prior focus on transmission of material possessions as the primary form of legacy, the concept is critically examined in developing an expanded, theoretically and empirically grounded perspective. In-depth interviews conducted with 14 adults, ranging in age from 31 to 94 and representing diverse marital, parental and health statuses, reveal multiple dimensions of leaving a legacy in terms of content, creation and transmission. A typology of three distinct but overlapping categories of legacy was identified: biological legacy, material legacy and a legacy of values. Sub-types were identified within each category. Each participant clearly articulated and identified with at least one form of legacy and the majority expressed all three types but with varying degrees of intensity and with the legacy of values viewed as more important than other forms of legacy The findings suggest the need and potential for developing deeper insight into a component of the aging experience that may assume particular significance toward the end of life.  相似文献   

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