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大多数研究认为,善于利用社会关系网络的创业者更可能收获更高的新企业绩效,但对关系资源在促进新企业绩效中的角色并没有引起足够重视.针对这一问题,本文考察了创业者所利用的关系强度、关系资源与新企业绩效之间的逻辑联系,以及资源获取行为对该作用过程的中介作用.研究发现:在创业过程中,越丰富利用关系资源的创业者更容易整合到更丰裕的创业资源,从而提升新企业绩效.尽管所利用关系强度更高的创业者往往能以更快的速度获取创业资源,但并不能确保创业者能够迅速应付创业初期的资源需求,并不会改善新企业绩效.本文的主要理论贡献在于嵌入到行为层面揭示了社会资本改善新企业绩效的作用机制及资源获取的中介作用,发现网络嵌入性资源是有助于解释新企业绩效差异的重要变量,这是对已有文献的重要补充.  相似文献   

本文在母子公司管理日益成为影响我国大公司(企业集团)今后几年发展中面临的最大问题之一的背景下,运用企业资源关系理论界定了企业的性质,通过不同类型公司间关系行为差异的对比分析,剖析了母子公司的性质,并因此导出了母子公司间的五大特征表现:母子公司中存在坚实的资源扩散管道层;母子公司管理的利益共享性;母子公司管理主体与目标取向的对立统一性;母子公司管理的网络性特征;母子公司管理的双重性。从而对母子公司间的实质有了进一步的认识。  相似文献   

本文建立在这样一个全新的观念基础之上,即营销资源和活动必须与企业所面临的目标顾客相互一致,同时,顾客价值不是由制造商或服务提供者创造的,而是由顾客在其价值创造过程中创造的.企业的资源、流程和能力并不是企业的生产(如产品)、管理(如网站)、财务(如结算)、法律(如顾客申述的处理)及其它活动过程的结果,而应当被视为顾客价值创造过程的投入要素.因此,供应商的作用是通过向顾客提供恰当的资源要素,如产品、服务、信息、服务补救、个性化关怀等来支持顾客价值创造过程,并与顾客资源形成互动,惟此,顾客才会感知到价值被创造出来.要以此方式运营,企业必须将自己看作是服务企业,而且真正地为顾客服务.为强化顾客价值的生成,企业必须将其客户关系中的所有要素"服务化"(Servicizing),无论是与制造或服务相关的,还是管理、财务或者法律等常规活动.这些常规活动通常属于"隐性服务"(HiddenService),它们在价值创造中的潜力没有得到应有重视.相反,这些要素对顾客价值的生成过程常常起到破坏而不是支撑作用."服务化"意味着要将所有与顾客关系相关的要素,不管它们的类型和特性如何,转化为顾客价值创造过程中的投入要素.最后,本文还探讨了在顾客关系管理时代,如何配置企业营销资源及营销规划等问题.  相似文献   

关系特征、资源获取与初创企业绩效关系实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络关系在新企业创建和成长过程中具有关键作用,但究竟何种网络特征能够促进新企业资源获取和绩效提高尚不明晰.本文以初创企业为对象,构建了关系特征、资源获取与新企业绩效之间的理论模型,利用322家成立时间在42个月内初创企业的调研数据,对理论模型和假设进行实证分析.分析结果表明,关系强度对知识资源和运营资源获取具有正影响;关系信任对知识资源和运营资源获取具有正影响;网络规模对知识资源获取具有正影响,知识资源获取对新企业财务和成长绩效具有正影响;知识资源获取对运营资源获取具有正影响;知识资源获取对运营资源获取与新企业绩效间关系具有正向的调节作用.但网络规模对运营资源获取的影响不显著,运营资源对初创企业财务和成长绩效的影响不显著.  相似文献   

医院客户关系管理是借助信息平台,在医院内部实现信息和资源的共享,从而降低医院运营成本;借鉴CRM管理理念,树立“以病人为中心”的营销理念,为病人提供更经济、快捷、周到和安全的服务。医院中CRM 的建设会随着数据的积累而日益深化,在提高医疗质量, 提升医院管理水平等各方面起到积极的推动作用。本文对医院实施HCRM系统的营销体系及业务流程进行探讨。  相似文献   

揭开关系营销的神秘面纱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙健  赵平 《管理评论》2000,(7):32-35

现代管理理念中的矩阵式管理,是一种先进管理模式.它的核心是以矩阵式组织结构为基础,将建制部门的垂直管理与横向业务部门的协调管理紧密结合,达到科学有效管理的目的.对于企业信息资源集成就是把分散的、独立的信息通过不同方式的组合而实现对企业管理更加优化.  相似文献   

<正> 关系营销是由西方的营销学者对大量企业的营销理念、营销策略、营销行为进行整合后提出的一种新的营销理论。它契合了现代企业营销的实践活动。基本内容是:企业着眼于未业的利益,营销活动应致力于妥善处理对企业产生直接影响的严重行为者的关系。包括供应商、消费者、中介机构、政府、同行和社区大众。关系营销的基本点,一是认识到企业的营销活动受制于上述各种行业者的行为;二是相信企业通过关系营销,使企业由受制度为受动,企业在商海中如鱼得水,给自己营造一个理想的拓展空间。  相似文献   

建设以人为中心的企业文化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
<正> 企业文化是指企业全体员工在长期的生产经营活动中培育形成并共同遵循的最高目标,价值标准,基本信念及行为规范。其中,价值观是企业文化的核心,企业要努力培育“生死与共”的价值观,使全体员工增强主人翁意识,实现“人企合一”。即在建立现代企业制度的过程中,注重建设以人为中心的企业文化,转变经营观念,提高自身的亲和力、凝聚力和竞争力,从而最大限度地提高企业经济效益。  相似文献   

We deal with the question whether estimating heterogeneous multiplicative sales response models without carry over effects by either ordinary least squares or Gibbs sampling makes a difference if resources (like advertising budgets, sales budgets, sales force sizes, sales calls) have to be allocated to sales units (like sales districts, customer groups, individual costumers or prospects) in a profit maximizing way and only short time series are available. To this end we generate artificial series on sales and allocations by stochastic simulation. These series are used to estimate multiplicative models whose coefficients are either specific to individual sales units or follow a hierarchical Bayesian framework. Ordinary least squares and Gibbs sampling serve as appropriate estimation methods. Performance of the two estimation methods is measured by recovery of optimal profits which are computed on the basis of the known true parameter values. We start to determine optimal allocations based on the plug-in method which uses average coefficients to determine expected profits. Gibbs sampling always leads to profits nearer to the true optima. This advantage of Gibbs sampling is especially pronounced for combinations with high average elasticity, high variation of elasticity and high number of sales units. On the other hand, differences between Gibbs sampling and OLS become smaller the more observations are available. Optimization with expected profits taking parameter uncertainty (i.e., the distribution of parameters) into account leads to higher profits than the plug-in method, but relative increases turn out to be rather small.  相似文献   

Traditional applications of management science aiming at solving specific decision-making problems are claimed to be often of an aggressive nature. They represent an intrusion into the life space of the managers who are supposed to use them and in many cases are consequently rejected. In the light of the evolution of marketing and corporate modelling over the last twenty years, the authors propose a new supportive approach for management science applications which is user-oriented rather than task-oriented. The characteristics of the aggressive and supportive approaches are contrasted, and an example of a supportive management science application for marketing strategy formulation is described.  相似文献   

The authors argue that there are trends currently present in industry and management which require human resource (HR) managers to have much higher levels of competence and skills. Concepts and techniques from marketing can provide means by which HR managers can be more effective.It is also pointed out that Chief Executive Officers have failed to recognize the importance of HR managers in their organizations — a weakness for which HR managers must also carry some blame.  相似文献   

JRC Wensley 《Omega》1979,7(1):15-23
A number of analytical techniques have potential applications in marketing management. A questionnaire survey of marketing managers reveals that although the level of awareness of such techniques is high the usage made of many of them is low. Optimising techniques are generally less widely used than those concerned with aggregation of judgements. Associations in the usage of techniques appear and although limited differences between types of industry are apparent in this respect, organizational differences appear to be less significant.  相似文献   

The authors look at the role of computers in marketing management, examining some current literature on computers and marketing decision support systems (MDSS). They then present the results of a survey to gauge the extent to which computers are being used by marketing management in Europe, and explore the potential for accelerating the process of integrating computer technology into the marketing manager's job. Specifically they examine the current personal computers (PCs) usage patterns of 50 marketing executives in a selection of high-performing industrial corporations in Europe.The article then briefly highlights areas of greatest PC applications by these executives and the benefits they have brought in practice. It also identifies the problems they have experienced and their views on how better and more effective utilization can be made of the technology in order to enhance their managerial capabilities.  相似文献   

This study analyzes how firms transform resources into performance, and proposes that dynamic capabilities serve as a link for transforming internal and external resources first into firm competitiveness, and then into financial performance. One hundred and ninety-six Taiwanese technology-based firms are adopted as a research sample. The resource-based view of the firm, social capital theory, and dynamic capabilities are integrated to formulate a comprehensive framework for explaining the performance variation of technological-based firms. Analytical results demonstrate that technological-based firms can transform their resources into profit via dynamic capabilities and competitiveness.  相似文献   

The relation of personal resources, participation, influence, interpersonal relationships and coping strategies to occupational stress, job strains and health: a multivariate analysis  相似文献   

"关系营销是对传统营销理论的革命"质疑   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
关系营销被认为是对传统营销理论的一次革命.其实不然!关系营销与传统营销(交易营销)之间虽有一定的差异,但并无本质的区别,它们在基本属性、运作原则、相互关系、应用范围、赢利模式和服务理念等许多方面,有着紧密的联系.传统营销是关系营销的基础,关系营销则是传统营销的衍生和拓展.二者相互渗透,相互兼容,既不是两种对立的营销模式,更不是一场营销理论上的革命.  相似文献   


Research on the determinants of coping behaviour has focused primarily on stressor-specific influences and on personal attributes and skills that serve as coping resources. However, coping resources can also include aspects of the organizational and social environment. This study investigates the role of supportive work relationships and of participation and influence in decision-making in determining the coping behaviour of employees in a manufacturing plant. Since the relationships between worksite coping resources and employee coping behaviours may be causally reciprocal, longitudinal models were analysed to sort out causal priorities. Results showed that organizational and social coping resources did influence subsequent coping behaviour. Perceiving oneself to have influence over decision-making at work predicted increases in active, problem-solving coping attempts and decreases in resignation in response to worksite stressors. Also, employees who perceived their co-workers and supervisors to be supportive were more likely to increase their mobilization of that support when faced with worksite stress. In addition, the use of certain employee coping behaviours influenced subsequent levels of participation in decision-making, as well as the quality of relationships with co-workers and supervisors.  相似文献   

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