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服务型制造是基于制造的服务和面向服务的制造的新产业融合形态。山寨机是当前在消费电子领域的一种特殊的产业现象。本文从当前流行的产业现象——山寨机现象出发,结合服务型制造的观点,分析了山寨机产业出现和繁荣发展背后深刻的产业和市场的原因。文章认为,山寨机的出现和发展正是世界范围内涌现的服务型制造这一新的生产模式和产业浪潮在特殊的市场环境下(中国),特殊的产业内(消费电子)所出现的萌芽和典型事例。基于山寨机现象,本文着重分析了政府管制对促进服务型制造发展能够产生的积极影响,提出了政府在服务型制造发展中的定位和努力方向应该是确保降低市场的交易成本,实现服务型制造网络的有效运行。  相似文献   

王超凡 《经理人》2014,(10):96-99
正发展高端制造产业,一方面要大力发展具有较高附加值和高技术含量的装备制造产业和战略性新兴产业;另一方面还要立足制造业的基础,着力推动基础制造产业,由传统加工制造向价值链的高端延伸。高端制造产业是衡量一个国家核心竞争力的重要标志。我国发展高端制造产业的目标是通过产业升级,实现核心技术自主化、高端产品国产化、出口产品高附加值化。发展高端制造产业,一方面要瞄准全球生产体系的高端,大力发展具有较高附加值和高技术含量的装备制造产业和  相似文献   

苏南地区的传统制造业集群在整个苏南地区的经济发展中担当着核能发动机的角色,不断推动区域经济的快速发展.随着经济全球化的加剧,制造产业分工逐步细化,从生产型制造向服务型制造转变成为当前发展的一个基本趋势.本文采用层次分析法与模糊综舍评价相结合的方式,对苏南模式传统制造业集群的服务型制造网络结构的绩效进行了评估模拟,模拟结果与实际情况基本相符,表明采用这种模拟方式在集群的对服务型网络的绩效评估中是可行的.  相似文献   

王忠宏  李杨帆 《决策》2013,(6):54-56
当前已经出现了新工业革命的端倪,由于其蕴含的一系列革命性变化,将有可能对不同国家、不同产业的竞争力产生深远影响,对此应给以高度重视和动态跟踪。当前,全球正在兴起新一轮数字化制造浪潮。发达国家面对近年来制造业竞争力的下降,大力倡导"再工业化、再制造化"战略,提出智能机器人、人工智能、3D打印是实现数字化制造的关键技术,并希望通过这三大数字化制造技术的突破,巩固和提升制造业的主导  相似文献   

虽然世界已进入高科技和信息化时代,但制造业的规模和水平仍是衡量一个国家综合实力和现代化程度的主要标志。制造业在我国经济增长中的作用同样不可低估。我国过去20多年的经济增长主要依赖于制造业,制造业在国内生产总值中的比重一直保持在40%以上,出口一直保持在80%以上,创造了近四分之三的外汇收入。“中国制造”面临内忧外患“中国制造”仅仅是我国经济在21世纪参与全球分工的基础,在未来的全球产业价值链中,纯制造业环节的边际利润会越来越薄,它不能支撑我国成为经济强国,“中国制造”面临内忧外患的夹击。1.内忧一是缺乏核心技术。我…  相似文献   

美国<洛杉矶时报>近日发表评述,认为"中国制造"开始让位于"越南制造".近年来,越南正在利用廉价劳动力和税收等方面的优势大力发展制鞋和服装等产业.  相似文献   

国际代工背景下我国制造企业生产运营战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对生产运营战略的发展历程进行了回顾,对精益生产和敏捷制造进行了探讨。在此基础上,运用国际价值链理论对我国制造企业的国际定位进行分析,认为中国制造业应将低成本和敏捷相结合,发展高端OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)是我国制造业国际运营的主要战略选择。  相似文献   

本文首先分析以光伏产业为主的可再生能源大力发展的背景,阐述了世界光伏产业和我国光伏产业发展现状。列举光伏能源生产、使用过程中存在的污染问题。横向梳理了国内外光伏产业激励和生态政策:国外选取光伏制造和应用大国日本,德国和美国。国内选取江苏、河北和青海三个代表省份,对上述光伏产业政策进行分析、评价。最后提出我国光伏产业绿色制造的建议措施。  相似文献   

本文简要地介绍了产业转型与升级的概念,以及相关的产业链与微笑曲线理论,讨论了产业转型与升级中的认识问题.对信息服务业在企业内部创新中的应用作了一些分析,指出信息服务产业对自身的升级、国际贸易产业的转型升级、创意产业的转型升级、传统制造业的转型升级都可以起到积极的作用.对促进城市产业转型与发展的综合性信息服务平台和专业性信息服务平台作了介绍.  相似文献   

中国制造业的内外部环境已发生了很大变化,在生产制造环节中的利润已变得越来越小。越来越多的利润来自于产品服务环节(客户参与设计和生产、预防性维修等),仅仅依靠节约成本已经不足以维系企业生存和发展的需要。中国制造企业要想持续发展只能靠服务拓展和向市场端延伸以寻求新的利润增长点。  相似文献   

随着我国金融业对外开放程度的逐渐提高,如何提升我国金融企业的竞争力已成为一个被广泛讨论的话题。根据欧美等发达国家CRM的发展趋势和表现形式,分别从电子商务对金融企业运营的冲击和影响、优化渠道管理、重视关系管理以及把握对企业的整体协调这4个方面进行了分析,认为实施CRM是提高我国金融企业竞争力的重要途径。  相似文献   

In recent years the role of research and development has been examined with great interest to determine its causal relation to economic growth. Emerging from a number of studies is a realization that the process of innovation is the key variable. Innovation refers to that complex chain of events and processes which stretches from the conception of a new idea (often in an R & D lab) through to the acceptance in the market place of a new or improved good or service. This article sets out to examine the impact on the innovative potential of the corporate structure of a country when multinational corporations are active in such a country. In particular, the emphasis is on high technology manufacturing industries. The host country most often referred to will be Canada.  相似文献   

云制造环境下的智能服务单元具有自适应学习能力,并通过社会关系与其他服务进行资源传递、信息共享交互,协作完成复杂制造项目。根据云平台上制造任务关联性与服务协同性的新特征,提出考虑学习与协同效应的制造任务双边匹配决策方法。由于云交易的重复性、动态性,服务通过多次参与任务积累知识提升服务质量,构造基于学习效应模型的主体动态能力计算方法,运用期望效用理论聚合双方满意度。同时,应用协同网络刻画服务社会关系,基于社会网络理论计算服务间协同满意度。从而构建以任务、服务满意度、服务间协同满意度最大化的一对一双边匹配多目标模型。通过汽车云制造实例运算得到最优匹配方案,验证本文模型的有效性,并与一般双向匹配、考虑学习、考协同效应的3类模型比较,证明本文模型的优势,更符合实际制造场景要求。  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential factors that might influence U.S. biotechnology holders’ licensing decisions regarding whom to choose as foreign licensing partners in the context of a global environment. The important explanatory factors relate to the knowledge appropriability regime of the licensee country (i.e. strength of IPR protection), familiarity through prior interaction, business similarity between partners, and prior independent experience as a licensor. U.S. biotechnology firms also license technology more to partners who have joint manufacturing, marketing, and research and development (R&D) experience. The results show that transaction cost considerations weigh heavily when choosing international licensing partners.  相似文献   

We describe our experience of developing models in which the principles of design for supply chain management (DFCM) have been implemented for new product development at Hewlett-Packard Company (HP). This experience arises from the development of a new product that is scheduled to be released in 1995. A key design decision faced by the product development team was whether to use a universal module or regionally dedicated modules to satisfy global market requirements. We describe a wide range of factors—including manufacturing and logistics costs—that could be used to support the design decision; these factors associated with product and process design contribute to tolal supply chain costs. We review the analytical model used to evaluate the cost and service implications of the two design alternatives. Finally, we discuss qualitative considerations that might influence the eventual decisions as well as the lessons learned from this real world experience.  相似文献   

目前,全球制造业竞争格局正面临重构,为了提升我国制造业国际竞争力,需要进一步提高制造业能源生态效率。本文考虑生产过程中的非期望产出,将制造业废气、废水、固体废物排放量纳入产出变量,首先构建SBM模型对我国2000-2016年30个省市的制造业能源生态效率进行测算,接着对制造业能源生态效率地区差异进行深入分析,最后采用Tobit模型对全国及东中西地区制造业能源生态效率的影响因素进行实证分析。结果显示全国历年制造业能源生态效率均值为0.44,总体处于中低等发展水平,省际差异显著。制造业能源生态效率整体上呈现上升趋势,纯技术效率较低是制约制造业能源生态效率上升的主要原因。统计期内东部地区综合效率值明显高于中西部地区,但规模效率显著低于中西部地区。经济发展水平对全国及东中西部制造业能源生态效率的影响最为显著,其影响效应分别为0.079、0.123、0.172和0.104。除经济发展水平外,研发投入、能源消费结构等因素对全国及东中西部制造业能源生态效率影响程度均不相同。为了提高我国制造业整体能源生态效率,缩小空间差异,总体上应采取优化制造业产业结构、实施创新驱动战略、提升清洁能源消费比重、改善国企公司治理等,而各地区应依据综合效率分解结果及各因素影响效应采用相适用的对策。  相似文献   

MNEs can learn from the foreign investment experiences of other firms when evaluating their own foreign entry strategies. We argue that other firms' experiences reduce investment barriers arising from formal and informal institutional environments in host countries that are dissimilar from an MNE's home country, thereby encouraging new entry. Our empirical analysis of foreign entries by Japanese public manufacturing firms over more than a thirty-year period indicates that the prior experiences of other firms in a host country mitigate the negative effect of formal and informal institutional distance on entry decisions: as other firms' experiences in a host country increase, a firm is less deterred by greater institutional distance from entering the country. We also find that the distance-mitigating effect of other firms' experiences in different industries is less significant when a larger body of same-industry firm experience exists in a country, implying a substitution effect between different types of vicarious experience.  相似文献   

This article examines international country location choices for equity investment undertaken by global hotel chains. Why do certain host countries attract more hotel investment than others? A second underlying issue that we tackle in this article is whether the traditional foreign direct investment determinants used in past studies on manufacturing also apply to services—or whether service sector-specific determinants are better explanatory variables for understanding the distribution of service foreign direct investment across countries.  相似文献   

The choice of a mode of market entry is a critical component of the internationalization strategy, and numerous empirical studies have focused on this topic. Prior research, however, has provided mixed empirical evidence and thus, is difficult to interpret and review.This study examines the external antecedents of the choice of entry mode by meta-analyzing data from 72 independent primary studies. We focus on the decision between wholly owned subsidiaries and cooperative entry modes. For each variable, hypotheses about the theoretically expected direction of effect are posited and tested.We find a strong positive relationship between power distance as a cultural trait of the firm's home country and the propensity to establish a wholly owned subsidiary. On the other hand, we find a negative association between country risk, legal restrictions, market growth, and market size and the preference for wholly owned subsidiaries. We extensively discuss the implications of the meta-analytical results and investigate moderating effects of industry type and the time of the study. The relationship between income level of the host country and entry mode depends, to some degree, on the industry type. Service companies exhibit a negative relationship between income level and wholly owned subsidiaries, while manufacturing companies show a positive relationship.  相似文献   

Recent experience of unsuccessful implementation of integrated advanced manufacturing technology suggests that much of the problem is due to a lack of innovation in organizational in parallel with the technological dimension. Discussion of this issue argues the need for some kind of ‘organizational learning’ to obtain the full benefits of AMT. This paper reviews the topic of organizational learning in technology and explores its relevance to the problem of AMT implementation through the case example of computer-aided production management systems.  相似文献   

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