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One approach to defining models for circular data and processes has been to take a standard Euclidean model and to wrap it around the circle. This generates rich families of circular models but creates difficulties for inference. Using data augmentation ideas which have previously been applied to this problem in the framework of an EM algorithm, we demonstrate the power and flexibility of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to fit such classes of models to circular data. The precision of the technique is confirmed through simulated examples, and then applications are given to multivariate and time series data of wind directions.  相似文献   

Riccardo Gatto 《Statistics》2013,47(4):409-421
The broad class of generalized von Mises (GvM) circular distributions has certain optimal properties with respect to information theoretic quantities. It is shown that, under constraints on the trigonometric moments, and using the Kullback–Leibler information as the measure, the closest circular distribution to any other is of the GvM form. The lower bounds for the Kullback–Leibler information in this situation are also provided. The same problem is also considered using a modified version of the Kullback–Leibler information. Finally, series expansions are given for the entropy and the normalizing constants of the GvM distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the robustness of the directional mean (a.k.a. circular mean) for different families of circular distributions. We show that the directional mean is robust in the sense of finite standardized gross error sensitivity (SB-robust) for the following families: (1) mixture of two circular normal distributions, (2) mixture of wrapped normal and circular normal distributions and (3) mixture of two wrapped normal distributions. We also show that the directional mean is not SB-robust for the family of all circular normal distributions with varying concentration parameter. We define the circular trimmed mean and prove that it is SB-robust for this family. In general the property of SB-robustness of an estimator at a family of probability distributions is dependent on the choice of the dispersion measure. We introduce the concept of equivalent dispersion measures and prove that if an estimator is SB-robust for one dispersion measure then it is SB-robust for all equivalent dispersion measures. Three different dispersion measures for circular distributions are considered and their equivalence studied.  相似文献   

Very often, the likelihoods for circular data sets are of quite complicated forms, and the functional forms of the normalising constants, which depend upon the unknown parameters, are unknown. This latter problem generally precludes rigorous, exact inference (both classical and Bayesian) for circular data.Noting the paucity of literature on Bayesian circular data analysis, and also because realistic data analysis is naturally permitted by the Bayesian paradigm, we address the above problem taking a Bayesian perspective. In particular, we propose a methodology that combines importance sampling and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) in a very effective manner to sample from the posterior distribution of the parameters, given the circular data. With simulation study and real data analysis, we demonstrate the considerable reliability and flexibility of our proposed methodology in analysing circular data.  相似文献   


Fernández-Durán [Circular distributions based on nonnegative trigonometric sums. Biometrics. 2004;60:499–503] developed a new family of circular distributions based on non-negative trigonometric sums that is suitable for modelling data sets that present skewness and/or multimodality. In this paper, a Bayesian approach to deriving estimates of the unknown parameters of this family of distributions is presented. Because the parameter space is the surface of a hypersphere and the dimension of the hypersphere is an unknown parameter of the distribution, the Bayesian inference must be based on transdimensional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms to obtain samples from the high-dimensional posterior distribution. The MCMC algorithm explores the parameter space by moving along great circles on the surface of the hypersphere. The methodology is illustrated with real and simulated data sets.  相似文献   

The author introduces new statistics suited for testing uniformity of circular distributions and powerful against multimodal alternatives. One of them has a simple expression in terms of the geometric mean of the sample of chord lengths. The others belong to a family indexed by a continuous parameter. The asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis are derived. We compare the power of the new tests against Stephens's alternatives with those of Ajne, Watson, and Hermans‐Rasson's tests. Some of the new tests are the most powerful when the alternative has three or four modes. A heuristic justification of this feature is given. An application to the analysis of archaeological data is provided. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38:80–96; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The number ofl-overlapping success runs of lengthk inn trials, which was introduced and studied recently, is presently reconsidered in the Bernoulli case and two exact formulas are derived for its probability distribution function in terms of multinomial and binomial coefficients respectively. A recurrence relation concerning this distribution, as well as its mean, is also obtained. Furthermore, the number ofl-overlapping success runs of lengthk inn Bernoulli trials arranged on a circle is presently considered for the first time and its probability distribution function and mean are derived. Finally, the latter distribution is related to the first, two open problems regarding limiting distributions are stated, and numerical illustrations are given in two tables. All results are new and they unify and extend several results of various authors on binomial and circular binomial distributions of orderk.  相似文献   

Minimum Message Length (MML) is an invariant Bayesian point estimation technique which is also statistically consistent and efficient. We provide a brief overview of MML inductive inference (Wallace C.S. and Boulton D.M. 1968. Computer Journal, 11: 185–194; Wallace C.S. and Freeman P.R. 1987. J. Royal Statistical Society (Series B), 49: 240–252; Wallace C.S. and Dowe D.L. (1999). Computer Journal), and how it has both an information-theoretic and a Bayesian interpretation. We then outline how MML is used for statistical parameter estimation, and how the MML mixture modelling program, Snob (Wallace C.S. and Boulton D.M. 1968. Computer Journal, 11: 185–194; Wallace C.S. 1986. In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Australian Computer Science Conference (ACSC-9), Vol. 8, Monash University, Australia, pp. 357–366; Wallace C.S. and Dowe D.L. 1994b. In: Zhang C. et al. (Eds.), Proc. 7th Australian Joint Conf. on Artif. Intelligence. World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 37–44. See http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/-dld/Snob.html) uses the message lengths from various parameter estimates to enable it to combine parameter estimation with selection of the number of components and estimation of the relative abundances of the components. The message length is (to within a constant) the logarithm of the posterior probability (not a posterior density) of the theory. So, the MML theory can also be regarded as the theory with the highest posterior probability. Snob currently assumes that variables are uncorrelated within each component, and permits multi-variate data from Gaussian, discrete multi-category (or multi-state or multinomial), Poisson and von Mises circular distributions, as well as missing data. Additionally, Snob can do fully-parameterised mixture modelling, estimating the latent class assignments in addition to estimating the number of components, the relative abundances of the parameters and the component parameters. We also report on extensions of Snob for data which has sequential or spatial correlations between observations, or correlations between attributes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two multimodal circular distributions which are suitable for modeling circular data sets with two or more modes. Both distributions belong to the regular exponential family of distributions and are considered as extensions of the von Mises distribution. Hence, they possess the highly desirable properties, such as the existence of non-trivial sufficient statistics and optimal inferences for their parameters. Fine particulates (PM2.5) are generally emitted from activities such as industrial and residential combustion and from vehicle exhaust. We illustrate the utility of our proposed models using a real data set consisting of fine particulates (PM2.5) pollutant levels in Houston region during Fall season in 2019. Our results provide a strong evidence that its diurnal pattern exhibits four modes; two peaks during morning and evening rush hours and two peaks in between.  相似文献   

A divergence measure between discrete probability distributions introduced by Csiszar (1967) generalizes the Kullback-Leibler information and several other information measures considered in the literature. We introduce a weighted divergence which generalizes the weighted Kullback-Leibler information considered by Taneja (1985). The weighted divergence between an empirical distribution and a fixed distribution and the weighted divergence between two independent empirical distributions are here investigated for large simple random samples, and the asymptotic distributions are shown to be either normal or equal to the distribution of a linear combination of independent X2-variables  相似文献   

A technique is proposed which allows for the fitting of and testing for asymmetric tolerance distributions in quantal assays. The implementation of the technique in statistical packages is discussed and is illustrated by an application to a simple data set.  相似文献   

Inflated beta distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the issue of modeling fractional data observed on [0,1), (0,1] or [0,1]. Mixed continuous-discrete distributions are proposed. The beta distribution is used to describe the continuous component of the model since its density can have quite different shapes depending on the values of the two parameters that index the distribution. Properties of the proposed distributions are examined. Also, estimation based on maximum likelihood and conditional moments is discussed. Finally, practical applications that employ real data are presented.  相似文献   

As a sequel to khinchine's definition of unimodality a multimodal distribution function is defined. A characterization for such a distribution is given. The convolution of two such distributions is studied.  相似文献   

The method of MML estimation for a univariate normal (Tiku 1967, 1973) is extended to a bivariate normal population. Thus, a theoretical foundation is given to the robust correlation coefficient proposed by Tiku and Balakrishnan (1986).  相似文献   

The family of skew distributions introduced by Azzalini and extended by others has received widespread attention. However, it suffers from complicated inference procedures. In this paper, a new family of skew distributions that overcomes the difficulties is introduced. This new family belongs to the exponential family. Many properties of this family are studied, inference procedures developed and simulation studies performed to assess the procedures. Some particular cases of this family, evidence of its flexibility and a real data application are presented. At least 10 advantages of the new family over Azzalini's distributions are established.  相似文献   

The class of Lagrangian probability distributions ‘LPD’, given by the expansion of a probability generating function ft’ under the transformation u = t/gt’ where gt’ is also a p.g.f., has been substantially widened by removing the restriction that the defining functions gt’ and ft’ be probability generating functions. The class of modified power series distributions defined by Gupta ‘1974’ has been shown to be a sub-class of the wider class of LPDs  相似文献   

We consider tests of the hypothesis that the tail of size distributions decays faster than any power function. These are based on a single parameter that emerges from the Fisher–Tippett limit theorem, and discriminate between leading laws considered in the literature without requiring fully parametric models/specifications. We study the proposed tests taking into account the higher order regular variation of the size distribution that can lead to catastrophic distortions. The theoretical bias corrections realign successfully nominal and empirical test behavior, and inform a sensitivity analysis for practical work. The methods are used in an examination of the size distribution of cities and firms.  相似文献   

Families of multivariate geometric distributions with flexible correlations can be constructed by applying inverse sampling to a sequence of multinomial trials, and counting outcomes in possibly overlapping categories. Further multivariate families can be obtained by considering other stopping rules, with the possibility of different stopping roles for different counts, A simple characterisation is given for stopping rules which produce joint distributions with marginals having the same form as that of the number of trials. The inverse sampling approach provides a unified treatment of diverse results presented by earlier authors, including Goldberg (1934), Bates and Meyman (1952), Edwards and Gurland (1961), Hawkes (1972), Paulson and Uppulori (1972) and Griffiths and Milne (1987). It also provides a basis for investigating the range of possible correlations for a given set of marginal parameters. In the case of more than two joint geometric or negative binomial variables, a convenient matrix formulation is provided.  相似文献   

The main object of Bayesian statistical inference is the determination of posterior distributions. Sometimes these laws are given for quantities devoid of empirical value. This serious drawback vanishes when one confines oneself to considering a finite horizon framework. However, assuming infinite exchangeability gives rise to fairly tractable a posteriori quantities, which is very attractive in applications. Hence, with a view to a reconciliation between these two aspects of the Bayesian way of reasoning, in this paper we provide quantitative comparisons between posterior distributions of finitary parameters and posterior distributions of allied parameters appearing in usual statistical models.  相似文献   


In this article, we introduce the Gompertz power series (GPS) class of distributions which is obtained by compounding Gompertz and power series distributions. This distribution contains several lifetime models such as Gompertz-geometric (GG), Gompertz-Poisson (GP), Gompertz-binomial (GB), and Gompertz-logarithmic (GL) distributions as special cases. Sub-models of the GPS distribution are studied in details. The hazard rate function of the GPS distribution can be increasing, decreasing, and bathtub-shaped. We obtain several properties of the GPS distribution such as its probability density function, and failure rate function, Shannon entropy, mean residual life function, quantiles, and moments. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure via a EM-algorithm is presented, and simulation studies are performed for evaluation of this estimation for complete data, and the MLE of parameters for censored data. At the end, a real example is given.  相似文献   

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