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教育用户使用环境的多样性决定了笔记本电脑在使用中可能会有更多故障发生的可能,对产品的可靠性提出了更高的要求,对维修保障服务也更为重视。对此,方正笔记本电脑在保证质量的基础上,也考虑到教育用户的实际需要,对方正品牌的笔记本电脑的主要部件(主板)承诺三年保修,对键盘、屏幕等易损部件为两年保修,并指定8个城市(北京市、上海市、广州市、南京市、成都市、沈阳市、郑州市、西安市)的笔记本产品硬件故障一年内免费上门取送服务。  相似文献   

本文应用Berry等(1995)[2]提出的离散选择需求模型和差异产品的伯川德竞争模型,并利用淘宝网上的交易数据,对声誉、消费者保障计划、保修服务及信息披露四种信号策略在网上交易中的作用进行了实证研究。需求估计结果表明消费者保障计划中的"7天无理由退换货"计划以及保修服务可以作为产品质量的信号;而在其他有效信号策略存在的情况下,消费者保障计划中的"先行赔付"计划以及卖家声誉作为质量信号的作用则被削弱。成本分析表明,信息披露虽然可以提高消费者购买的可能性,但是由于发出信号的成本太低,容易被低质量卖家所模仿,因此并不能作为有效的质量信号。本文首次从供给和需求两个方面分析了信号机制在信息不对称情况下的效应及其作用机制。  相似文献   

按单装配系统中的协同补货问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多库存品的库存系统中各库存品具有需求相关性在现实中很常见,但许多关于库存的文献并没有考虑这一点.针对按单装配系统的特性,本文研究了不同部件需求具有相关性的情况下的库存控制问题,分析了不同部件独立补货和不同部件协同补货两种补货策略.数值分析表明,按单装配系统中部件协同补货策略比部件独立补货策略具有更低的总成本.  相似文献   

研究制造商和医院在医疗设备延期保修策略和定价问题上的博弈和最优决策.与现有研究相比,本文提出了更加灵活多样的延保策略,并考虑了设备的预防性检修这一重要的售后服务选项.本研究将医院分成两种类型,即大型医院和中小型医院.制造商提供6种延期保修方案供医院选择.由于受到各种现实条件的制约,在医疗设备售后服务市场上,医院依赖于制造商提供延期保修服务,因此本文采用了Stackelberg模型分析制造商和医院之间的博弈和决策,构建了Weibull/M/S/∞/M_1+M_2/FCFS服务排队模型,并基于制造商利润最大化和医院效用最大化求得均衡解,最后采用仿真优化技术进行数值分析.研究发现,制造商的最优策略是在自己维保队伍的能力范围内尽可能服务更多的大型医院以提高自己的利润;而两类医院作为博弈的跟随者,他们的最优策略是选择享有维修优先权的高级全保方案,其中包含定期的预防性检修和故障维修服务,以实现效用最大化.另一方面,对于医疗设备的延保服务,包含预防性检修和故障维修的策略相对于仅提供故障维修的策略来说是一个帕累托改进,他能同时提高制造商的利润并降低医院的延保成本.鉴于此,对医疗设备进行预防性检修应该作为一项标准实践来推广.  相似文献   

政府在住宅专项维修资金管理中应发挥怎样的作用?住宅专项维修资金(以下简称"维修资金")是指专项用于住宅公用部分、公共设施设备保修期满后的维修、更新、改造的资金,俗称业主房屋的"养老钱",由政府要求在业主购买住房时强制性收取。2008年,我国实施了《住宅专项维修资金管理办法》(以下简称《办法》),为"维修资金"的管理提供了法律依据和指南。"维修资金"产权归属全体业主,其管理从本质上讲应属于业主  相似文献   

吕振华 《经营管理者》2009,(21):382-383
对外汉语教学中的汉字教学是面向外国人的,是对现代汉字的形、音、义的全面教学活动。部件是现代汉字字形中具有独立组字能力的构字单位,它大于或等于笔画,小于或等于整字。依据一定的标准可以把部件分为全表义部件、示音部件和记号部件三类。在对外汉字教学中牢固树立"部件意识"有助于破解汉字难学这一命题。  相似文献   

叶青 《管理工程学报》2012,26(3):22-27,101
本文考虑一个由单个制造商和多个供应商群体组成的供应链——该制造商需要采购多个部件,对于每个部件在市场上均存在多个供应商。不同于传统的从各供应商群体分别采购各个部件,制造商考虑将所有部件的采购整体外包给某个供应商。在第一阶段,制造商使用一级价格密封投标的逆向拍卖来确定赢得整体采购合约的供应商。接下来,第一阶段投标的获胜者生产其所能供应的部件,并使用逆向拍卖向第一阶段中未获胜的其他竞标者采购其余部件。我们分析了供应商在两个阶段的均衡竞价策略,并比较了制造商在亲自逐件采购和外包整体采购两种情况下的期望采购成本。我们证明了在两种机制下制造商的总的期望采购成本相等。  相似文献   

二手电子产品市场中产品的质量信息在零售商与消费者之间、零售商与第三方保修商(the third warranty provider-3WP)之间均存在着严重的不对称现象,且由于消费者个体决策的分散性,很难以其为激励主体进行有效激励策略的设计。针对这一问题,在分析二手电子产品质量信息的真实性与准确性对第三方保修商收益影响的基础上,考虑零售商拥有产品检测质量及检查努力的私有信息下,以3WP为激励主体,结合利润分享契约机制,构建3WP与零售商之间的委托-代理模型,以激励零售商披露产品质量的真实信息。研究发现,3WP通过适当设定分享计划中的激励参数,可以对零售商产品质量信息的真实披露起到有效激励作用,从而促进二手电子产品市场的健康发展。最后用数值算例验证了理论结论。  相似文献   

非对称信息供应链质量信号传递博弈分析   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
基于博弈论和委托代理理论,研究了非对称信息条件下供应链节点企业间如何进行质量信号传递的问题。供应商对生产过程投资水平进行决策并采取质量预防策略,为获得最优质量契约可将其生产过程水平类型以信号传递给生产商,其对接收到的中间部件或原材料进行质量评价决策和加工处理决策。运用最优化原理,构建了生产商产品质量决策控制模型,并对生产商支付的"信息租金"进行了量化的描述并进行了仿真检验,结果证明:供应商有激励性动机将其生产过程水平类型以信号传递给生产商,并提高中间部件或原材料质量水平;当生产商观测到供应商所提供的产品质量信号后,将降低其产品质量检验水平、提高加工处理水平,增加向供应商的前向支付,作为对供应商提高产品质量水平的质量奖励,同时整个供应链的联合期望收益将显著增加,并使生产商为获取供应商产品质量水平向其支付的"信息租金"减少。最后论证了供应商进行产品质量信号传递过程中"棘轮效应"的成因,并给出了以上各结论相应的定量分析与证明。  相似文献   

要提高工业素质和工业实力,制造技术上不去是不行的。机床业作为机械工业的基础之一,一定要在各个方面做好工作以服务好中国的现代化建设。本文从企业产品的营销策略来探讨了组合机床和通用部件产品的各种战略  相似文献   

The relationship between machining speed and the process mean for a manufacturing process has received little attention. This paper presents an analytical model and its solution procedure to simultaneously determine the optimal machining speed and process mean when the objective is to minimize the total cost per part. The total cost of the model includes replacement (resetting), production and quality costs. A global optimization algorithm is used to solve the proposed unconstrained model. Numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model are given and an extensive sensitivity analysis of the proposed model parameters is also provided. It has been concluded that machining speed and process mean are highly related. Therefore, the machining conditions should be taken into account when solving process mean targeting problems.  相似文献   

基于业务流程技术的企业过程性知识获取方法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
企业的知识管理正在成为人们关注的热点,本文针对如何获取企业中过程性知识的问题进行了研究。在讨论了知识分类及业务流程技术的基础之上,给出了利用业务流程技术获取企业过程性知识的方法。  相似文献   

Faced with demand uncertainty across multiple product lines, many companies have recourse to flexible capacities which can process different products in order to better balance the trade‐off between capacity utilization and cost efficiency. Many studies demonstrated the potential benefit of using flexible capacity at the aggregate level by treating a whole plant or a whole process as a single stage. This paper extends these analyses by studying the benefits of flexible capacity while considering the multi‐stage structure of processes and consequently determining which stages should be flexible, which should be dedicated, and how much capacity to assign to each stage. We consider a two‐product firm which operates in a process‐to‐order environment and faces uncertain demand. Each stage of the process can be designed as dedicated or flexible. Dedicated resources are highly cost efficient but limited to the single product they are exclusively designed for, whereas flexible resources are versatile to handle several products but are more expensive. Using a general mathematical formulation our analysis shows that the optimal design may have some dedicated and some flexible stages along the process. Interestingly, this decision should be decoupled from the chronological order of the stages along the process.  相似文献   

业务流程再造(BPR) 是当前管理学研究领域内的热点问题,如何在错综复杂的企业系统 中识别出过程,是实施BPR 的首要前提,在对BPR 研究的基础上,分析了企业过程识别的重要 性,而过程的组成元素是活动,活动与活动之间的相互作用和相互联系则构成了企业过程系 统,所以首先提出了基于CIMOSA 的活动识别方法,在活动识别的基础上给出了过程识别算法 和过程之间关系的确定并进行了案例研究.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to identify key management decisions that enable the sustainment of a continuous improvement (CI) initiative. To accomplish this aim, we examine the procedures and practices used by two manufacturing companies for the management of their CI initiatives; one that is successfully sustaining the effectiveness of its CI initiative and another failing to do the same. This research makes two contributions to the conceptual understanding of CI programme management. First, we identify five CI programme management factors that enable the sustainment of a CI initiative. Second, the five factors are incorporated into a new CI programme management model. The model details a ‘bottom-up’ procedure for the generation of manufacturing performance improvement ideas and the management of their implementation.  相似文献   

In this paper an approach to model-based batch process quality control and optimization using flexible production recipes is presented. Unlike the fixed recipes traditionally used in process industries, a flexible recipe depends on externally provided data from the process as well as the market. In order to manipulate a flexible recipe in a proper and convenient way, the information system FRIS—containing modules for experiment design, recipe initialization and correction, on-line process and off-line experiment evaluation, model development and recipe improvement—is being developed. Each of these functions will be discussed further.  相似文献   

Common foundations which underlie thinking in the supply chain management (SCM), Business process re-engineering (BPR) and business process improvement (BPI) philosophies are highlighted. The view that BPR is a new concept is argued against by highlighting die work performed in other fields, namely SCM from the systems perspective. It is argued that those who have already implemented the SCM philosophy will have already travelled the same path as BPR and indeed re-engineered their own processes. Once businesses have integrated their supply chain the greatest benefits will have already been achieved, however system dynamics analysis does show significant on-cost differences dependent on the redesign strategy implemented. A generic structured model for SCM is enhanced through this comparison with BPR with the following characteristics being added; do not be afraid to be radical with respect to internal integration and continually search for step change improvement ideas which can be strategically phased in to positively impact the marketplace.  相似文献   

基于抑制弧Petri网的移动商务过程建模及重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔爽  顾宏  王伟 《管理工程学报》2009,23(1):88-92,127
针对引入无线信息技术的移动商务过程数学描述和过程重构问题,从信息的决策作用以及信息与实体区分入手,构建了一种颜色抑制弧时间Petri网过程模型.模型适于描述无线信息的决策作用对商务过程的影响,在分析Petri网信息获取组件以及相关子网串行、并行结构变化的基础上,提供一种过程重构方法,并评估分析过程绩效在时间方面的改进.用无线自动售货机物流配送过程重构实例验证了模型和方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Lessons learned from environmental and occupational hazard risk management practices over the past 30 years have led the Department of Defense to explore alternative risk management approaches. Policies for cleanup of environmentally hazardous waste sites are undergoing examination and are being reframed. A Demonstration Risk Communication Program is described which incorporates principles that integrate risk-based scientific information as well as community values, perceptions, and needs in a democratic process that includes the public as an active participant from the earliest stages. A strong scientific foundation for assessment and characterization of risk is viewed as necessary but not sufficient; the public's values must be actively integrated into the negotiated criteria. The Demonstration Program uses a model to prepare the participants and to guide them through the process. A five-step process is presented: (1) create risk communications process action team including at least one member of the specific site audience; (2) professionally train participants on team dynamics including interpersonal communication skills; (3) train risk communicators to deliver a cogent presentation of the message to secure a decision acceptable to both the government and the public; (4) identify existing biases, perceptions, and values held by all participants; and (5) develop risk message incorporating science and values. The process action team approach assumes the participants enter into the effort with the goal of improved environment and safeguarded public health. The team approach avoids confrontational or adversarial interactions and focuses on a dialogue from which a negotiated team response develops. Central to the program is the recognition that communication is only effective when the dialogue is two-way.  相似文献   

Application of software for manufacturing processes is one of the resolutions many enterprises have resorted to in the 21st century. This has been a result of increased complexity of products, globalization, rapid changes in technology and so on. The idea was that application of software especially for product development would increase the competitive advantage of industry nevertheless the irony has been that most of the investment in software has not achieved the expected results. We carry out a case study to introduce a methodology, the analytical network process as a multiattribute strategic decision making approach to help in the selection of appropriate software to suit the product development process of a particular product.  相似文献   

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