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A woman worker in Shanghai recently wrote to the Shanghai Municipal Women's Federation: "With the deepening of the economic reform, our factory has started to make huge reductions in the staff and has made it a rule that all women workers aged 45 or older must leave their posts and wait for retirement. I am one of them. Of course, society won't progress if we don't carry out the reform. But don't the interests of society and the interests of women coincide? Where is the answer out for China's women workers?" At the end of 1992 an investigation by the Women Workers Department under  相似文献   

SINCE more and more rural women have become involved in commercial production, they have become more and more eager to learn about scientific technology. The Women's Federation of Beijing had long been looking for a direct and effective way to help them. Luo Xiaolu, vicedirector of the Federation, found in her investigation of the present conditions of intellectual women in Beijing that women students were also eager to get in touch with society. Then she had an idea that women students in universities and colleges should go to the countryside. Thus, an activity developed called "women college students and rural women, hand in hand."  相似文献   

TIMES have changed. Now rather than seeking a good husband, women find solace in good careers and self-reliance, according to a recent Beijing University survey. A 1995 questionnaire of women graduates of Beijing University indicated that more than half the graduates believe women work in order to gain self-reliance in person and economy; 36 percent of these students agreed that women work in order to show their power, make a contribution to society and realize their own value. The survey of 1,254 people was conducted by Beijing University's "Women's Issues Research Center."  相似文献   

THE degree of women's participation in politics is a good indicator of women's emancipation. Chinese women have been concerned about the number of women in politics after they gained economic independence as a whole. In 1986, no woman was elected a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; the next year, some women leading cadres lost their reelections at all governmental levels. Since there were only a few women cadres, these events caused wide repercussions in society and the press considered Chinese women's emancipation movement challenged and the future of women's participation in politics was an anxious issue.Afterwards, governments and women's federations at all levels have made great efforts to train more women cadres and have made headway. Because of these efforts, Peng Peiyun became a State Councillor, two women have become Vice-Chairmen of the National People's Congress, one women has become Vice-Chairman of the Chine  相似文献   

In March, there is an important day that concerns all women throughout the world: March 8, International Women's Day. The day commemorates women's struggle for peace, equality and development. On this day, Chinese women also reflect on their gains over the years, and plan future movements. The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), the largest non-governmental women's organization in China, has, in the past year, made great efforts in  相似文献   

WHEN the market economy took the place of the planned economy, Chinese society entered a stage of transformation. This transformation brought about the reform of the labor management system. And with it, the contradiction hidden within the old mode of "full employment for women" was exposed. Market competition is doomed to be a competition of talent. A considerable number of women factory workers who can't adapt to a competitive workforce have been sifted out. These women who had immersed themselves in their jobs for many years and had gotten used to connecting their individual lives with the destiny of the enterprise couldn't accept this reality. Chinese women have made tremendous efforts to leave their homes in favor of working in factories;  相似文献   

ON November 12, 1993, the Chinese Women Lawyers Society was established in Beijing. The more than 10,000 women lawyers in the country were excited to have their own organization. Xu Weihua, secretary-general of the society and a lawyer working in the All-China Women's Federation, said: "The society's establishment will promote the participation of  相似文献   

This is a translation of a speech delivered by Rita Fan at the All-China Women's Federation on 28 September 1996. Ms. Fan is a member of the SAR Preparatory Committee and Vice President of the Hong Kong Women's Association. JUDGING from the current situation in Hong Kong, it is difficult for women to take an active role in public affairs. This is probably due to two factors. The  相似文献   

University for Elderly Women Established in Beijing中国第一所妇女老年大学在北京成立The China Women's Development Foundation established the country's first university for elderly women on February 21,2008.The university is in Beijing. The purpose of the university is to offer elderly women a favorable place in which they can enrich their lives,expand their knowledge,cultivate their interests and make friends, Gu Xiulian,Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All...  相似文献   

AT the intersection of the old and new centuries, the Eighth National Women's Congress is being convened so that Chinese women of all professions and all ethnicities can review the distance travelled in the past five years since the last congress, assess the gains made, and then define the direction to head in the future.  相似文献   

IN July, 1993, an international seminar titled "Chinese Women and Development—Status, Health and Employment" was sponsored by the Women's Studies Center at Tianjin Normal University. More than 100 international and domestic specialists and workers who deal with women's issues attended. At the conference, the Women's Research Institute of the All-China Women's Federation disclosed the results of an investigation about the status of women in China, which was launched in the early 1990s on a nationwide scale. The results showed that China's economic reform has greatly affected women. As a result, many researchers who began their research by considering China's present economic situation, tried to determine the influences the state's  相似文献   

These ancient beds shown here usually consist of two parts: a base for the mattress and a frame for hanging a mosquito net. The structure of the bed in the north is more complicated than southern designs, and can include an impressive amount of carved timber. The carvings either depict Beijing opera or folk legends. The bed as a whole is a piece of great artistry. In the Chinese feudal society, women were not allowed to show their faces in public or to participate in important family activities. So the bed became a place where women spent  相似文献   

The phrase "iron girl" is symbolic of an era. Widely used in the 1960s and the early 1970s, it was a term that described women who, in the spirit of sexual equality, found in themselves a physical strength that surpassed their psychologi cal expectations. With their might and power, they proved to society that women could do everything that men could. The title of "iron girl" was their pride.The well-known writer Fan Xiaoqing, was one such iron girl. She says the "iron girls" were nothing less than a quest for perfection.  相似文献   

Rural Woman Makes Donation Hao Fuxia made a special trip from her home to Changchun, Jilin's capital, to ask the Jilin Provincial Women's Federation to pass her donation of ¥2,000 on to the FWCW China Organizing Committee in Beijing. Hao Fuxia is an ordinary rural women living in Dongxia Village, Meihekou, Jilin. For the past eight years, she has  相似文献   

March 8 is International Women's Day,the day when women around the world come together to reflect on their struggle for equality.The day is of special significance to Women of China,so,for the March issue,we focus on an issue that is important to all women:Work.Everybody wants a rewarding career,  相似文献   

IN any society, the degree to which women receive education is always linked with their social status. Up to the first half of the 20th century Chinese women were still not able to attend school. In the old China, 90 percent of women were illiterate, and the enrollment rate for girls was only 20 percent. After the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, the government established that women legally enjoyed equal rights with men in politics, the economy and education. After 45 years, women have considerably improved  相似文献   

THE problems of laid-off women have become a common concern in Shanghai. Laid-off women believe they should be able to find employment instead of returning to their kitchens. Women's organizations, which are called women's parents' home, are also helping laid-off women return to their jobs by every possible means. Chen Xiaoli was a worker at a knitting mill which employed several hundred workers in Shanghai. She is tall, healthy and open-minded. During the "cultural revolution," teaching work was stopped in  相似文献   

"The reestablishment of diplomatic relations between China and Senegal in 2005 has presented new opportunities for women of the two countries to develop their friendly contacts with each other." Gu Xiulian (right), Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), made the remarks while talking to Viviane Wade, wife of Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, at the  相似文献   

According to international research only when the percentage of women with decision-making power reaches 30 percent can their effect on policy making be seen. In 1994, women accounted for an average of 5.7 percent of state cabinet seats throughout the world. Authoritative thinking is that in the past decade almost no progress was made in realizing the 30  相似文献   

THE employment of women living in towns is a substantial problem in China. Introduction to Town Women's Employment Issues Today, the Chinese workforce is undergoing tremendous changes. When rural residents poured into the cities or shifted to the local manufacturing and service industries, the number of unemployed people and town-dwellers without a state-run unit increased. The employment of women also has become a serious issue. According to  相似文献   

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