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谭明珠 《社会福利》2010,(12):54-55
家,是爱的源泉,是温馨的港湾。每个人都有享受家庭温暖的权利和需要,每个孩子都应该有父母的呵护。家庭的温暖对儿童的人格发展和社会化的作用无可替代。近年来,南昌市儿童福利院严格遵循"儿童利益优先"的原则,以"让每一个孩子都能拥有一个属于自己的家"为理念,通过大力进行城市家庭寄养,开办院内爱心家庭、用心开展残儿送养等工作,  相似文献   

时下,国人都在谈论中国梦。其实中国梦不是抽象的理论,她与每个中国人都息息相关。怎样使中国梦和每一个国人的梦想结合起来,使每个人都具有出彩的人生,使每一个人都成为"梦之队"中的一员,都成为中国梦的参与者、书写者呢?由作家倪学礼创作,发表于2009年《十月》第三期上的长篇小说《追赶与呼喊》中主人公王小麦从失败走向胜利的30年生活经历为我们做了诠释。该书以故事性强、人物性格鲜明、富于幽默风趣的语言赢得了读者的喜爱,随后改变成电视剧《小麦进城》后更为轰动。本文旨在透过王小麦从失败走向胜利的30年生活经历来看王梦想实现的艰辛及其当代意义。  相似文献   

<正>日月不肯迟,四时相催迫。在这个属于奋斗者的新时代,每个治黄人都是梦想的铸造者,也是奋跃而上、激扬黄河力量的实干者。近年来,乘着黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展重大国家战略的东风,东营黄河河务局全体干部职工锚定目标、砥砺奋进,将宏伟蓝图化作开拓、创新、发展的实干、实效。思想定盘厚植家国情怀  相似文献   

贺中 《青岛画报》2015,(3):86-87
用脚丈量地球,用心感悟沧桑,用生命行走,用心灵书写……关于旅行的书,总是层出不穷而又屡屡得宠,或许缘于人类都有一颗渴望漂泊的心,"环游世界"四个字总是闪耀着"梦想"的光环,是能让人嘴角上扬、眼神放远,脑海中漂浮起一片彩色的云。然而当身未能行,唯一的慰藉就是让心灵跟谁别人的脚步飞一会儿。从14座8000米山峰到雪域圣地,再到东南亚的热带雨林,让我们跟随图书,开启一段美妙的旅程。《雪域圣境:最美的香巴拉》,精神的指引从2012年到2014年,在不到两年的时间里,作者之一张祚臣先后三次入藏,并对藏传佛教发生了浓厚的兴趣。他说:"西藏这片神奇的土地仿佛有一种  相似文献   

正《二手时间》作者:S.A.阿列克谢耶维奇出版社:中信出版社《二手时间》是2015年诺贝尔文学奖获得者阿列克谢耶维奇的最新作品。通过口述采访的形式,讲述了苏联解体后,1991年到2012年20年间痛苦的社会转型中,身处关键历史时刻的普通人的生活,以及他们为梦想破碎付出的代价。在书中,从学者到清洁工,每个人都在重新寻找生活的意义。他们的真实讲述同时从宏观和微观上呈现出一个重大的时代,一个社会的变动,为这一段影响深远的历史赋予了人性的面孔。  相似文献   

每个人的心底都潜伏着关乎幸福的梦想,也许是写本书、独立创业,也许是独自旅行、做手工艺人……但它们往往被我们延期到永远,日常忙碌的生活让我们总是在逃避这些可以实现的梦想,其实你的内心一直有个声音在说:"我想要更好的生活"。现在,就让我们跟随心理学家,看看怎样能让梦想变为现实,让幸福主动来敲门!  相似文献   

一、哲学是什么?哲学是什么以及它的价值如何,这个问题一直是有争议的.有的人怀着一种敬而远之的态度,把哲学看成是特殊人物所从事的大事业;有的人则蔑视它,认为它是梦幻者的胡思乱想,有的人认为哲学是同每个人都有关系的一种事业,因此它从本质上来说必须是简明易懂的;有的人则不然,把哲学看成是高不可攀的、令人不敢问津的东西.千百年来,哲学一直都在致力于获得为大家都能接受的知识,但总是收效甚微,难偿宿愿;可是科学却获得了一定的成功.  相似文献   

白昊天 《生存》2020,(5):0225-0225
对于喜欢画画的人而言,如果会有梦想,那个梦想会是什么呢?那定然都是美好的东西吧!我的哥哥姐姐已经去实现她的梦想去了,而我还在织梦……  相似文献   

什么样的生活方式是我们想要的?怎么来创造理想的生活方式.生活本来就是多姿多彩的,工作、居家、户外、社交等等都是在生活.每个人都有自己的生活方式,怎么工作,如何来设计规划自己的工作进而来提升自己的生活品质,这个过程和构思显的尤为重要.设计是构思、设想、布局、谋划.设计的过程更是一种设计,一个好的设计方案必须经过一个好的设计过程才能有保障有质量的完成与实现.当我们接触到一个新的方案怎么入手来规划这个项目,就体现了每个人不同的设计方式和工作生活方式.  相似文献   

正纽约展示商业,米兰展示技艺,伦敦展示胆色,只有巴黎,展示梦想。每个人心中都有一座以幻想建造的巴黎,也许是《巴黎圣母院》的非典型浪漫,也许是《人间喜剧》的末世繁华,也或许是塞纳河两岸的极致优雅……作为全球公认的时尚之都,巴黎不再只是影星名流的度假圣地和衣帽间,巴黎时装周也不再是小部分人的狂欢,而成为全球的时尚指南。每年时装周期间,不同语言和肤色的  相似文献   

刘青的家如同她的个性,是复杂多变的,并没有一个主体的风格,只不过,有个鲜明的特点——用色大胆,仿佛打翻了调色板。加之满室油画和氤氲的玫瑰花茶,隐隐有暗香浮动。  相似文献   


After several years of intensive parental skills training for parents of adolescents, extra topics were arising that were not covered in the program’s curriculum. Stress, uncertainness, and strong emotions in dealing with adolescents and how to make positive contact were important issues that parents were still concerned about when leaving the group. This article describes the experiences of how extramindful parenting group training was used after the formal parenting skills training group ended. Parents were then learning to listen to the child with full attention, emotional awareness of the self and child, self-regulation in the parenting relationship, and self-compassion.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a small pilot study with Anglo‐Australian children aged 6 to 8 years. The children expressed through stories of what it meant for them when parents love and care for their children, and when they do not. Themes from stories of parental love and care included: relationships, shared special times, being safe and protected, and physical affection. Stories about parents who did not love or care for their children covered themes of abandonment, isolation and sadness. The study contributes an approach that can improve professional practice with children and early outcomes showing the importance of seeking children's perspectives in decision‐making about their welfare.  相似文献   

惠百团 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):100-101
当代文坛上 ,女作家们在作品中心甘情愿地放弃了对爱情实现可能性的追求 ,默默品尝那种刻骨铭心的情感和因此而带来的孤独感 ,她们对这种理智姿态不无自豪亦不无自赏 ;属“灵”的精神之恋是他们爱情的辉煌内容 ,而颇带崇高色彩的奉献精神又为“精神之恋”罩上一层神圣的光环。  相似文献   

从当代人际交往的实际看,我国公民间的友爱关系包含相互依存的三个层次:道德情感、道德规范和道德理想,它们与社会主义制度相联系,从不同侧面反映着公民道德建设的基本要求。以情感为动力、规范为导向,创建互助友爱的和谐的人际关系是公民道德建设的目标。  相似文献   

刘利侠 《唐都学刊》2002,18(3):39-41
汉代情诗在继承《诗》、《骚》传统的同时 ,也形成了自己独特的气质 :一是乐观的心态 ,完美的感情 ;二是坦露的表达 ,热烈的追求 ;三是纯洁的心灵 ,刚烈的性情 ;四是对夫妻之情的倾诉 ,对家庭幸福的歌颂  相似文献   

Antiques Roadshow Events are held in historic locations across the United Kingdom. On site, experts evaluate objects brought in by attendees, who are often cast as passive recipients, while edited highlights make up the long-running BBC TV program. Through Collaborative Event Ethnography at one Roadshow Event we show how object stories are navigated through “value talk” between attendees and experts in front of live audiences. Value is not a measurement but a dimension of the thing and its context. Stories and money are both integral in understanding worth, and final valuations are only partially shaped by given expertise.  相似文献   

Linguists have often remarked upon the polysemous nature of love, whereby the term encompasses a wide diversity of emotional relationships. Several typologies have been constructed to account for this diversity. However, these tend to be restricted in scope, and fail to fully represent the range of experiences signified by the term ‘love’ in discourse. In the interest of generating an expanded typology of love, encompassing its varied forms, an enquiry was conducted into relevant concepts found across the world's cultures, focusing on so‐called untranslatable words. Through a quasi‐systematic search of published and internet sources, 609 relevant words were identified. These were organised through a version of grounded theory into 14 categories, representing 14 different forms or ‘flavours’ of love. The result is an expanded theoretical treatment of love, allowing us to better appreciate the nuances of this most cherished and yet polysemous of concepts.  相似文献   

This article discusses and deconstructs the myth of ‘motherly love’ by contrasting it with fieldwork on Israeli parents' reactions to their appearance-impaired child. The ethnography of these reactions presents a common pattern of rejection—alternatively consisting of both the abandonment of the child at the hospital and of various forms of abuse at home. The article concludes by re-thinking the issue of ‘motherly love’ and ‘bonding’ as conditioned on some deeply-ingrained parental expectations regarding the appearance of their child.  相似文献   

The erosion and dismantling of the post‐war welfare settlement has entailed an expanded role for the community sector, as a complex ‘mixed economy of service provision’ has developed. Critiques from both right and left have undermined the legitimacy of a statist model of welfare; state funding of non‐government community organisations is one aspect of the move away from centralised delivery. Despite their important role in this process, the distinctive perspectives of community sector organisations are rarely considered in broader theoretical and political debates. These organisations face significant dilemmas in struggling to maintain their viability and independence. Analysis of three major arguments for funding shows how organisations challenge the state's legitimacy by insisting on their own independent role but precariously rely on traditional sources of welfare state funding. This analysis draws into question the possibility of satisfactory non‐statist theories of welfare. It also suggests that the community sector might need to reposition itself as part of a broader public system of welfare, rather than in opposition to government, but that this strategy entails obvious risks for organisations' independence.  相似文献   

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