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According to Dr. Somboon Vacharothai, Director General of the Ministry of Public Health, the number of people in Thailand who practiced family planning exceeded last year's target. 664,895 individuals used family planning services; this was 62.2% above the planned target for 1976. It was further predicted that 700,000 persons would be recruited by the family planning program in 1977. The preferred method of birth control was the oral contraceptive; it is the method of 800,000 acceptors. Service outlets have been extended rapidly with 5836 medical centers providing family planning services throughout Thailand. Government allocations for family planning have increased from 0.9 million dollars in 1975 to 2.47 million dollars in 1977.  相似文献   

In this interview, deputy executive director Ester B. Sy-Quimsiam of the Commission on Population talks on Depo-Provera, the latest method officially accepted by the Philippine Population Program. Medically, Depo has been proven to be safe, effective, long-acting, and reversible. A single dose of this drug can prevent a woman from pregnancy for 3 months. In clinics where the nurse or the midwife is trained in comprehensive family planning technology the drug will be introduced. Clinics in areas where prevalence of the more effective method is low must be targeted. Managers, supervisors, trainers of service providers, and fieldworkers will be trained to implement the information and education campaign and generate demand among married couples of reproductive age who are most eligible for Depo. Family planning services will continue to be subsidized by the program, but the cost of contraceptive supplies will be shared by the user. But there will still be subsidized supplies for those who cannot afford them. Service providers must be well informed; they must not only at the contraceptive, they must also consider a prospective client as a total person.  相似文献   

G Xong 《人口研究》1989,(5):59-61
Since 1986, China has experienced another baby boom which is expected to last till 1997. If no effective measure is implemented to check population growth, the population target of around 1.2 billion will not be achieved. The author proposed four population regulation mechanisms that need to be strengthened. First, ideological education needs to be used to change people's perceptions about family size, so that couples would willingly accept small families. Second, financial incentives and penalties need to be used to direct people to regulate their fertility. The incentive and penalty technique directly affect the interests of the family and is likely to produce rapid results. Third, legislation can be used to regulate reproductive behavior, the laws and legislation which restrict social behavior should be utilized for population control purposes. Once legislation on fertility regulation is passed, those who violate the law can be penalized. Furthermore, legislation gives family planning (FP) workers legitimacy in implementing the program and can help avoid disputes in the process of FP program implementation. Fourth, provision of contraception and abortion services is an important mechanism to ensure the realization of the objectives of population growth control. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of contraceptive methods and the acceptance of abortion depends on the research and development of contraceptive technology and on abortion techniques. These fertility regulatory mechanisms have not be adequately established, and their functions have not been fully utilized. The current FP program is hampered by simplistic ideological education, abusive use of incentives and penalties, lack of legislation, and unmet needs in contraceptive development. To achieve the population targets, these mechanisms need to be strengthened.  相似文献   

Malaysia has implemented an integrated approach in providing family planning services to eligible couples. In 1964 the government of Malaysia adopted a national family planning program, and implementation began in the urban areas and extended into the rural areas. Other agencies are involved in providing family planning services and information including the Federation of Family Planning Associations, the Ministry of Health, the National Family Planning Board, and the Federal Land Development Authority. The number of women practicing contraception has increased from 20,726 in 1967 to 533,646 by 1976. and other methods, 3.9%, respectively. There has been an increase in the percentage of acceptors between ages 15-29 from 56% in 1968 to 71.3% in 1975. The 2nd Malaysian national plan will use a multidisciplinary approach to the problem.  相似文献   

A recent review of the Philippine Population Program's 5-year plan, ended in December 1982, showed that in 1980, natural family planning (NFP) users were only about 12.5% of couples practicing family planning. This figure doubled by 1982. Based on these responses the decision was made to intensify the NFP program as early as 1982. The 1st step was to put more money into the NFP program. The program includes the modern scientific techniques such as cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and sympto-thermal. The program also will fund the training of doctors and other clinic personnel and the production and distribution of appropriate training and information material. Other family planning methods, such as sterilization, oral contraception (OC) and the condom, also will be promoted. Promotion of NFP will depend on the choice of the family planning practitioners themselves. The program's community based services are being intensified. NFP, together with the other family planning methods such as sterilization and OC, will always be made available to couples in the community based services. All agencies in the population and family planning program will be promoting NFP. Knights of Columbus doctors have been invited to assist the program and share their own training modules for the training of trainers. An agreement has been entered into with the Gabriel M. Reyes Memorial Foundation based in Aklan. The goal is for trainers who need further knowledge and skills in NFP to learn from the foundation's wealth of organized orientation and training techniques in NFP. NFP is emphasized at this time because it is acceptable to a great number of couples.  相似文献   

The Ago General Hospital in Legaspi City of the Philippines was opened in 1965, antedating the national family planning movement by 5 years. The 180 bed hospital integrates family planning into the overall hospital service; sterilization is the main method used. Of the 3600 patients per year, 15% are family planning acceptors. The hospital employs 3 family planning strategies: inhospital, out patient and supportive. Inhospital strategies center on sterilization counseling and motivation. The counseling sessions include patient education. Primary targets include high risk pregnancies and young couples with a lot of children. Outpatient strategies include a referral system involving hospitals and agencies with family planning programs, lectures for community organizations and personal visits to other clinics and rural health units. The hospital's mobile clinic, staffed mainly by students, provides information, deworming, and pediatric services to the community. Supportive program strategies consist of mass communication, and an acceptor's club for previous acceptors of sterilization. These clubs meet regularly to share and discuss experiences.  相似文献   

This publication summarizes the findings of the National Indonesia Contraceptive Prevalence Survey (NICPS), which revealed a rapid decline in Indonesia's fertility rate. This article also describes how the successful Indonesia family planning program is designed and maintained. Since 1975, fertility rates have dropped from 5.5 to 3.3 children per woman. Those practicing contraception during the same period has risen from 400,000 couples to 17 million. Contraceptive education is high (e.g. 95% of all married Indonesian woman are familiar with a modern contraceptive method). The Indonesia family planning program cooperates with other government activities designed to improve people's health and welfare. It emphasizes access to contraceptive methods and promoting the idea small family. The program was structured to us extensive community involvement, and cultural beliefs were incorporated into program policy; Islamic leaders were consulted before program implementation. The program is flexible so that the differing needs of each region can be effectively met by the family planning program. The future main goal will be to contain a potential population boom when the 40% of the present population which is under 15 years of age becomes reproductively mature.  相似文献   

This article describes the Bohol Province Maternal Child Health/Family Planning Project, a 5-year project financed by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities and the Philippines Department of Health. The objectives of the project are to improve general health services, introduce family planning services in the context of the MCH program, improve training of personnel and evaluated the results of the program. 88 barrio health centers have been established, offering a range of maternal, child health and family planning services. 34 boticas (drugstores) have been set up in local variety stores, dispensing drugs at low cost. A strong research unit collects data for program evaluation and has so far published 23 reports, which are listed at the end of this article. Community acceptance of the program has, in general, been good; midwives have been welcomed. The program has encountered problems of religious conservatism and insufficient contraceptive supplies and has learned the need for good relations with the barrio leaders and residents. The 5-year limit needs to be extended. Progress in health services has been excellent. The effect on family planning, while encouraging, cannot yet be evaluated.  相似文献   

The Population Council's Expanding Contraceptive Choice program works to increase the contraceptive options available to women and men in developing countries. To achieve this goal, the Council is pursuing a new approach, one which begins with an assessment of contraceptive needs from which recommendations for upgrading contraceptive services are based. This new approach was tested in four countries including Zambia in which Stage I--contraceptive needs assessment--was completed. Results of the assessment indicated that despite the efforts of the national family planning program, 33% of Zambian women who do not want to get pregnant do not practice contraception. Only 9% of women use a modern contraceptive method. These results suggest that there is a need for introducing new contraceptive technologies and for expanding utilization of existing methods in the country. Also, stage I assessment yielded other positive outcomes which are enumerated in this paper. In response to this report, the Zambian government decided to proceed with stage II research on the viability of introducing new and underutilized contraceptive methods into the national family planning program.  相似文献   

Desai J  Tarozzi A 《Demography》2011,48(2):749-782
The impact of community-based family planning programs and access to credit on contraceptive use, fertility, and family size preferences has not been established conclusively in the literature. We provide additional evidence on the possible effect of such programs by describing the results of a randomized field experiment whose main purpose was to increase the use of contraceptive methods in rural areas of Ethiopia. In the experiment, administrative areas were randomly allocated to one of three intervention groups or to a fourth control group. In the first intervention group, both credit and family planning services were provided and the credit officers also provided information on family planning. Only credit or family planning services, but not both, were provided in the other two intervention groups, while areas in the control group received neither type of service. Using pre- and post-intervention surveys, we find that neither type of program, combined or in isolation, led to an increase in contraceptive use that is significantly greater than that observed in the control group. We conjecture that the lack of impact has much to do with the mismatch between women’s preferred contraceptive method (injectibles) and the contraceptives provided by community-based agents (pills and condoms).  相似文献   

Doctors from private clinics have responded to an effort by the Planned Parenthood Federation of Thailand (PPAT) to enlist their voluntary services in support of family planning goals. The private doctors will provide contraceptive services at a nominal cost to the public or free to those who cannot pay. Representatives of PPAT, the Labor Department, the Health Department, and 31 industrial factories in Parthum Thani province met last year to work to find ways of including family planning services as part of workers' welfare in every factory. The participants recommended that family planning services should be officially included as part of workers' welfare. The National Population Clearinghouse/Documentation Center has established its home office at Bangkok. Documentary collection activity is focusing on 5 subject areas: family planning, population/demogrpahy, maternal/child health, nutrition, and primary health care. The Center has already begun to translate selected materials from English into Thai.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of media messages about family planning, and attitudes toward media promotion of family planning, on contraceptive behavior of married women in Ghana. It also examines the problem of reverse causation that arises in studies of this nature when the data used provide no information on the temporal order of the actual time that respondents were exposed to family planning information in the mass media and the time of adoption of contraceptive behavior. The results show that exposure to media messages on contraception exerts strong impact on current practice of, and intention to use, contraception. Women who had heard or seen advert on contraceptive brands, and women who favor broadcast of family planning messages in the media, are significantly more likely to adopt birth control behavior than women who had not heard or seen, and women who do not favor broadcast of such media messages, respectively. Regarding the problem of reverse causation, the study demonstrates that while being exposed to media messages significantly affects a woman's contraceptive behavior, the reverse does not seem to be the case. The policy implications of these results and how mass media could be used to promote family planning in Ghana are discussed.  相似文献   

Little research has been done on social-psychological variables related to the use of natural family planning. The objective of this study was to analyze variables that differentiated between continuers and discontinuers of natural family planning (NFP). Questionnaires were obtained from couples who had received instruction in the sympto-thermal method of natural family planning at a large urban hospital. Subjects who were attempting to become pregnant or who were using other methods of contraception in conjunction with NFP were deleted from the analysis, leaving N of 74. With Pearson correlation, variables significantly related (p<.05) to NFP continuance were: religiosity, planning more children, perceived severity of pregnancy, support from spouse and relatives, dissatisfaction with other contraceptive methods, attitudes toward NFP, perceived effectiveness of NFP, attitudes toward abstinence, and importance of intercourse.  相似文献   

Over the past 3 decades, the number of women using family planning has increased 6-fold to over 400 million married women of childbearing age. The evolution of behavior and attitudes toward using birth control among third world couples reflects the goals and hard work of an international network of individuals, governments and organizations. This article follows the progression of this movement, from early opposition in developed as well as developing countries, to the present day, when birth control is practiced by a slight majority of the world's women of childbearing age. Among world regions, contraceptive use ranges from about 17% in Africa to 75% in Asia. In some African countries, however, family planning is still a foreign concept, and fewer than 5% of women use any birth control. International organizations played a crucial role in spread of family planning by providing training for developing country professionals, funding actual family planning programs and helping to evaluate programs. But the success of a country's family planning program also was dependent upon a national commitment, and often on a strong socioeconomic setting. The private sector has had a limited role except in some countries, notably in Latin America, but its involvement is likely to expand in the future. Also, as financial support from the US and international organizations wanes, national governments will cover a larger share of the cost. The worldwide increase in the practice of family planning has led to fertility declines in many third world countries, slowing rapid population growth rates. For individuals, family planning has been a liberating influence, allowing them to participate more fully in the shift from traditional to modern society.  相似文献   

Researchers used life table rates from study and comparison groups from rural and urban areas of Cagayan de Oro City, the Philippines to test a simplified method of teaching natural family planning (NFP) defined by calendar, mucus, and cervix indicators. This method included a 6 page booklet, 2 30-minute training sessions, and a question and answer period. Fear of side effects from other contraceptive methods was the leading reason for using NFP (79.4% urban, 85.8% rural). Religious motivation and fear of side effects followed for urban couples, but the percentage was low (14.6%). In rural areas, religious motivation place 3rd (4.1%) preceded by other reasons (6.9%). User error resulted in low accidental pregnancy rates (.8%). Method failure was responsible for higher failure rates than user error, but they were still relatively low (3.4% total). In rural areas, the reason for failure was unclear in 2.6% of couples, but it was only .9% among urban couples. Rural couples who used NFP to space births (spacers) had 2 times the failure rate of those rural couples who used NFP to limit births (limiters) [69% vs. 31%]. Urban spacers had a higher failure rate than urban limiters, but the difference was smaller than it was for rural couples (54.8% vs. 45.2%). Lactation did not have a clear effect on failure rates. For example, in urban areas, partially lactating women had a lower failure rate than nonlactating women (41.9% vs. 58.1%), but in rural areas, lactation had the opposite effect (63.6% for lactating women and 36.4% for nonlactating women). Risk taking resulted in more 6 month pregnancy rates among urban couples than rural couples (12.3% vs. 8.2%). At the end of 6 months, 67.5% of all couples still used the new simplified NFP method (70.3% rural vs. 64.7% urban). Therefore the new simplified NFP method was an effective method for spacing or limiting births.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relative importance of access to family planning and the motivation to restrict fertility in determining contraceptive use in three countries that have led the fertility transitions in their regions: Colombia, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. A structural equations model is estimated where endogenous fertility intentions are allowed to affect contraceptive method use. Simulation methods are then used to quantify the size of the impact of intentions and access on method choice for the three countries. The results demonstrate that even after controlling for fertility intentions, family planning program variables still have important effects in all three countries.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of a family planning program in Pakistan since 1965 and widespread knowledge among Pakistanis about contraception, there is a high level of unmet need for family planning. One recent survey found that while 53% of married women express the desire to avoid pregnancy, less than 20% use contraception. A recent Population Council study conducted in urban and rural areas of Punjab province investigated personal beliefs, family circumstances, social norms, and gender relations among 1310 married women and 554 of their husbands. The unmet need for contraception was highest among women over age 30 years, those with more living children, less educated women, and women living in rural areas. The study found that while most Pakistanis approve of family planning, obstacles to contraceptive use exist in most marriages. 97% of respondents who wanted another child wished for a boy. That preference for sons influences contraceptive use behavior. The fear of social disapproval of contraceptive use, perceived opposition from in-laws and husbands, and fear of health side effects and divine punishment were major reasons identified against contraceptive use. Female contraceptive users were more autonomous and likely to make domestic decisions without consulting their husbands, while husbands defer to social and cultural norms.  相似文献   

Indonesia's fertility has declined to an average of slightly more than 3 children/woman. The islands of Java and Bali have the lowest birth rates. Indonesia's family planning program has been a model of innovation, flexibility, and community involvement, and has been effective in reducing fertility, changing family preferences, and increasing contraceptive use. Fertility decline is also determined by factors other than contraceptive use, as provinces in Jakarta and East Java has low fertility and low contraceptive use. Recent research by Suyono and Palmore found that among cohorts of women in Jakarta lowest fertility rates were explained by greater nonexposure to pregnancy in an unmarried state or by a divorced or widowed status, and by infecundity. In East Java, fertility determinants were the same with the possible addition of lower coital frequency. The study estimated nonexposure due to marriage, infecundity, and contraceptive use. Policy considerations, however, are concerned with the exposed state of the percentage of time women are currently married, fecund, not using contraceptive, and sexually active. Suyono and Palmore also calculated the percentage of time spent in the exposed state by province. The estimates ranged from 12% in Yogyakarta to 25% in West Java and the Outer Islands. Exposed was further divided into groups with a manifest, latent, and no current need. Women with a manifest need for family planning are those who are aware of their contraceptive needs to stop or postpone childbearing and not using. Manifest need was highest in high fertility areas: 12% in Central Java, 13% in West Java, and 12% in the Outer Islands. Programs targeting these women should focus on wider availability of information and services. Women with latent needs are unaware of their need for family planning and are not using contraception. These women were also concentrated in high fertility areas. The percentage of years spent in the latent unmet need state was estimated at 23-24% in West Java and the Outer Islands. Program emphasis should be on education and motivation to show how family size can be controlled. Women with current need can be educated toward future acceptance.  相似文献   

Jiang Sannu, a physician in China's Jiang Jia Village (Shaanxi Province), opened a family planning clinic in her own home in March 1987 to increase accessibility to contraceptive supplies and information among rural couples. Jiang was the elected head of the village women's federation. During the day, Jiang Sannu travels door-to-door throughout the village, providing information on issues such as prenatal care, breastfeeding, and family planning policy and methods. She provides gynecologic and pediatric medical services as well as midwifery. The nearest maternity hospital is 2-3 kilometers from the village, so Jiang has to date delivered over 20 infants. In the evenings, she disseminates Communist Party Central Committee documents on family planning regulations through the village tweeter. There is widespread agreement among villagers that this family planning facility is well suited to the needs of the local community.  相似文献   

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