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The effects of the changing spatial distribution of the population in the United States are examined. "Hypotheses concerning the changing relationship of sustenance organization components and nonmetropolitan net migration rates between the 1960s and 1970s are tested. Multiple regression analysis reveals the following changes in the demographic impact of five types of economic activity from the 1960s to the 1970s: manufacturing--positive to insignificant; agriculture and mining--negative to positive; service--positive effect increases; and retail--insignificant for both periods." The author notes that "the introduction of settlement pattern characteristics as control variables does not change these relationships. The [R squared] for all the sustenance activity variables taken as a whole is 21 percent for 1960 and six percent for 1970, suggesting that alternatives to the traditional explanations of nonmetropolitan demographic change should be more fully developed."  相似文献   

陈阳 《职业时空》2012,(4):134-136
当今社会人口问题已成为世界三大难题,尤其在我国十分突出。为解决日益严重的人口问题、建设人口均衡型社会,促进人口均衡发展已成为我国发展道路上的重要战略。马尔萨斯《人口论》中的适度人口思想与人口均衡有着一定的联系,其中一些思想对我们实现人口均衡和可持续发展具有借鉴作用。通过阐述《人口论》中一些积极因素,以期为构建人口均衡型社会提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Mao Zedong was not only a great statesman and revolutionist, but also a great poet. Loushan Pass is one of his great works, and this paper is going to make a contrast between two different English translation versions according to relevance theory by the well-known translators: Gu Zhengkun and Zhao Yanchun.  相似文献   

春回大地,万物竞发。全国两会如期召开。从这个春天出发,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,14亿中国人民信心满怀,斗志昂扬,在新征程上阔步前进。各行各业妇女同胞将继续以奋斗者的姿态,书写更加灿烂的篇章。  相似文献   

Abstract Since the late 1950s and 1960s, New Hampshire has experienced unprecedented growth. During the past two decades, this growth has begun to be felt in the state's North Country, particularly among its many small communities. As a result of developmental pressures in this region, numerous local problems related to the environment and socioeconomic conditions surfaced. The responsibility for meeting the challenges of such growth and development often fell on amateur bureaucrats. Relatively little is known about how representative such officials are of their local citizenry in terms of attitudes and opinions or sociodemograph-ics. This paper presents the results of a study comparing demographic characteristics and assesses the congruence of attitudes of citizens and local government officials in the North Country of New Hampshire.  相似文献   

This article places an episode in the history of sociological theory into intellectual history in the twentieth century. The perspective is chronological as well as contextual. The themes are two theoretical approaches, both embedded in both American and German history, Parsonian Systems Theory and “Frankfurt School” Critical Theory. The chronology shown spanned mainly from the 1940s to the 1960s. The context of the two theories is a period that is crucial in twentieth century history. The protagonists of the two approaches were, in the 1940s, Americans and Germans exiled in the United States. In the 1950s, both approaches were affected by McCarthyism in different ways. The 1960s, however, were the culmination. The dynamics of the two approaches led into a schism which came into the open on the occasion of the 1964 German Sociology Conference in Heidelberg celebrating Max Weber. The article shows the stages in the evolution of the schism, emulating three acts in a drama. The final split was over whether Weber or Marx should be the classic whose oeuvre was to influence sociological thinking today. My aim is to exemplify how these two authoritative approaches in sociological theory, far from escaping the vagaries and vicissitudes of their times, were embedded in twentieth-century history.  相似文献   

To analyze the history of the marriage and birth of Chinese women and to inspect the results of family planning work, to do well the jobs of demographic forecasting and formulating demographic plans, to provide a reliable basis for strengthening the scientific management of family planning work, the state Family Planning Commission organized and carried out a nationwide 1-person-in-1-thousand survey of birthrates in 28 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions. The following are survey results: 1) 24.77% of the total survey population were women between 15 and 49 years of age; 2) among the women of childbearing age, 31.46% were unmarried, 64.53% were in 1st marriages, 2.89% were remarried; .19% were divorced but not remarried, and .94% were widows; 3) the average age of first marriage was 18.4 in the 1940s, 19 in the 1950s, 19.8 in the 1960s, 21.6 in the 1970s, and 23 in the late 1970s; and 4) the average number of births was 5.44 in the 1940s, 5.87 in the 1950s, 5.8 in the 1960s, and 4.01 in the 1970s. The survey reveals that education level and occupation have a strong relation to childbearing among Chinese women. The survey found that China and 170 million married childbearing aged women and that 118 million or 69.46% used birth control measures. 33 million couples had 1 child only, among them 42.3% has officially committed themselves to maintaining a 1 child family. The data reveal that major achievements in family planning work have been obtained, but the mission ahead is still arduous.  相似文献   

The rapid decrease in South Korea's fertility rate since the 1960s has often been noted as an extraordinary case of a demographic transition due to an extremely successful state population policy. This common observation fails to address how women actively and deliberately negotiated with different kinds of authorities within social and material constraints. The two most glaring examples of women's agency in reproductive decision making are (1) the consistently high abortion rate in a country where abortion has never been legal and (2) the persistent boy preference. The persistent boy preference combined with sex discerning technology, which became readily available in the 1980s, produced a skewed sex ratio at birth. Using Guttentag and Secord's theoretical model, this article explores how a broad range of cultural norms relating to women's roles, marriageable age, ethnic exogamy/endogamy and homosexuality will be affected when the birth cohorts of twenty years with the skewed sex ratio begin to enter the marriage market. This article also suggests a different way of thinking about the issues of women's reproductive behavior and state control. Population research often overlooks the thinking processes of individual women, and consequently misses how women negotiate with complex local conditions. This article discusses women' s reasoning and decision-making processes, their world views and values and dynamics within their intimate environments. Oftentimes women's own accounts defy clichéd understanding and popular imaginations.  相似文献   


In response to his country's need for rapid economic development and social change, Mao Zedong transformed orthodox Marxist ideology into a quasi‐religious ethic similar to that of early Calvinist Christianity. The goal of national salvation lay at the core of his belief system, and its adherents looked for collective immortality, justification, and atonement Maoism put forward a vision of irresistible grace in the form of certain salvation for the elect, the vast majority of the Chinese people. In addition, revolutionaries were able to gain assurance of election through faith in the sacred order, lifelong work within a calling, and rational worldly asceticism. Even though there has been a radical disenchantment with Maoist doctrine since the death of Mao, the Weberian thesis still goes far in providing a sociological explanation for the major thrusts of China's recent history.  相似文献   

"This article tests the assumption that recent cohorts of migrants from Puerto Rico to the United States are a more select portion of the population, i.e., more educated and professional, than earlier cohorts. In this analysis, the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of three cohorts of Puerto Rican migrants over the last 30 years are compared utilizing data from the 1960, 1970, and 1980 censuses."  相似文献   


Previous research has suggested that a recapitulation of developmental stages occurs during periods of readjustment in situations involving significant contextual or environmental change. The purpose of this paper is to examine if evidence exists for developmental recapitulation among middle-age and older adults adapting to recent vision impairment. Psychosocial development was operationalized in accordance with Erikson's stage theory (Erikson, 1963, 1980) and measured using the Inventory of Psychosocial Balance (Domino & Affonso, 1990). Data were obtained from 99 middle-age and 96 older adult vision rehabilitation service applicants and compared with normative scale data for these age groups. Results found significantly lower Trust, Initiative, Industry, and Intimacy scores for middle-age adults and lower Initiative and Industry scores for older adults. Unexpectedly, middle-age adults who were visually impaired had significantly higher Integrity scores compared to the normative group. Findings provide preliminary evidence for developmental recapitulation of psychosocial stages in the process of adaptation to vision loss in middle age and older adults. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of social work practice with this population and future research.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of Indian immigration on the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), popularly known as "Hare Krishnas." After its emergence and initial growth as a new religious movement in the 1960s, ISKCON entered a period of decline and withdrawal in the 1980s because of second-generation problems and a series of financial and sexual scandals. A case study of the Chicago ISKCON temple shows that, since then, Indian immigration has provided ISKCON with new resources and a new target population for conversion. This has led to the reemergence of ISKCON as a religious movement, but one that differs in both its membership and its actions from the "seeker" movement of the 1960s and 1970s. The resurgence of ISKCON's movement activities is a product of congregational-level transnational interactions. The emergence of new religious movements, thus, must be seen in the context of broader historical dynamics as well as local microcosmic interactions. To the extent that these interactions are transnational in character, we should expect new religious movements to have an impact on the global "religious economy" with more rapid diffusion of religious innovations.  相似文献   

To solve complex problems such as poverty, nonprofit leaders must think in increasingly complex ways. Research on philanthropy has not yet explored the complexity of philanthropists’ thinking while making philanthropy‐related decisions. Developmental psychology indicates that adults develop an increasingly complex mental map over the course of a lifetime and that this map emerges as a series of successive stages. This study asked: How, if at all, does this mental map inform philanthropy? This four‐phase mixed‐methods multi‐case study (n = 11) used constructive developmental theory to empirically assess philanthropists’ developmental levels and, then, compare identified levels with data about the donor's philanthropic activities such as donations and board memberships. The contributions of the study are twofold: (a) the findings suggest philanthropists’ developmental levels are related to their thinking processes about charitable giving and the rationales they employ to make decisions about their philanthropic activities (specifically, how they form ideas about the problem and how they engage in empathy), and (b) this study makes a methodological contribution by demonstrating a novel (and apparently useful) approach to researching philanthropic giving. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Developmental psychology has failed to emphasize the historical nature of the phenomena of development. Hence it continues to face a major conceptual problem: the time frame of developmental phenomena is irreversible, whereas our accounts of development assume repetitiveness of different kinds of developmental events across places and times. This problem was addressed by Henri Bergson in his philosophy of time and constructive evolution. Bergson's thinking was the major source of intellectual influence upon the major developmental scientists of this century (e.g., J. Piaget, L. Vygotsky, H. Wallon), and was in its turn based on the psychological, evolutionary and sociogenetic thinking of the turn of the century (J. M. Baldwin, P. Janet, W. James). Despite its later development in the intuitivist direction, Bergson's thinking about the dynamics of life processes deserves careful analysis in a number of specific domains (e.g., concept of time, role of semiotic mediation in the regulation of the stream of consciousness, constructive focus on development, etc.). Many of Bergson's ideas are relevant to the construction of historical psychology, and might lead to a radical reorganization of methodology. It is in the latter realm that contemporary socio‐cultural perspectives need a substantial breakthrough.  相似文献   

The paper examines the context of the first introduction of the concept of 'cultural capital' in the sociology of education analyses undertaken in the early 1960s and published by Bourdieu in collaboration with Jean-Claude Passeron in 'Les etudiants et leurs etudes' (1964a) and Les Heritiers (1964b). It first considers the cultural contexts within which Bourdieu's thinking about culture originated--both in relation to his social origins and in relation to his intellectual training. It then examines the extent to which Bourdieu's early anthropological research in Algeria was influenced by his knowledge of American acculturation theory. It concludes that Bourdieu sought to use acculturation theory in a distinctive way--one which he articulated more confidently as he explored the relationship between agency and structural explanation in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The specific educational researches which stimulated the articulation of the concept of 'linguistic' or 'cultural' capital belonged to the period in which Bourdieu was only just beginning to refine his post-structuralist philosophy of social scientific explanation. To use these concepts now involves deploying them reflexively in accordance with Bourdieu's later thinking rather than at face value as they were first developed during the period in which he and Passeron were 'apprentice' researchers.  相似文献   

My starting point is the claim that developmental psychology has traditionally projected a standardised image of childhood, especially through the emphasis on describing universal stages of psychological growth within what are assumed to be normal childhood environments. These reifications of universality and normality have in turn regulated social action at individual, family and school level. Increasingly, these same images are being idealised and treated as a standard for judging the quality of childhood in contexts far removed from their Euro-American origins. I explore the historical roots of universalistic thinking about children's nature, their needs and what constitutes healthy development and consider the opportunities for a new psychology of childhood to be reconstructed in ways that pay more attention to the cultural dimensions of the subject. I illustrate the growing interest amongst psychologists in studying children's development as a socio-cultural process, as well as the lessons of social constructionist critiques of the developmental paradigm itself. I conclude by reflecting on some of the challenges facing psychological studies of childhood issues that are more reflexive, inclusive and cultural. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Jewish underground movement in the Soviet Union in the second half of the 1960s produced literature that became a part of the counterculture of Soviet dissent. For the first time in decades, Russian Jews identified, to a significant degree, as people of the galut (Jewish Diaspora). The battle for the return to Israel and the new Jewish renaissance in the intellectual sphere of the unofficial led to the emergence of new topographical concepts, which were inspired primarily by the Jewish cultural tradition. In fact, the exodus texts written in the 1960s–1980s represented a new, late Soviet shaping of Zionist prose. They relate to the symbol of the Promised Land as a fundamental projection of aspirations. Late Soviet Zionist texts share the traditional Jewish vision of Israel as an imagined topos of the original homeland that is both retrospective (with reference to the biblical promise of the land and the seizure of Canaan) and prospective (return and redemption). The Exodus story contained in Sefer Shemot becomes a leading poetic, philosophical and at times religiously charged metaphor of liberation and reunification. The re-strengthened collective memory of tradition required biblical symbols to be imbued with new semiotic power.

This paper will show that the historical dimension of the events dealt with in the literature often has strong mystical and mythological traits and displays messianic-apocalyptic hopes of salvation. However, alternative literary space and time models represented in the aliyah literature hereby betray their rootedness in the teleology of the communist regime. The powerful Israel utopia reflects both the eschatological time of the Soviet empire and its phantasms of paradise on earth. Late Soviet Zionism and totalitarian discourse are shown to be two space-time utopias.  相似文献   

This article tracks how self-help literature, from the 19th century through the 20th, has rallied the support of religious, scientific, and spiritual constructions of reality to strengthen the validity of the genre's central concept of positive thinking. Positive thinking claims that people can become healthy and happy by thinking positive thoughts, thereby implying that individuals in isolation can accomplish the restorative healing regularly attributed to social interaction. The genre's history provides an index of the struggle between religious and scientific sense making in mediated popular culture. I argue that from 1880 to 1910, self-help books relied on alternative religious notions to argue that individuals should practice positive thinking. From the 1940s through the 1960s, as psychology entered popular culture, some self-help encouraged readers to explore "negative" root causes of ill health and unhappiness. By the 1980s and '90s, positive thinking had incorporated popular psychology into a hybrid "spirituality," a concept that encouraged readers to place negative thoughts in the past and envision only a positive future. The trajectory chronicled here allowed the genre to accomplish two ends: to remain culturally viable by reflecting popular depictions of self and society and to retain the core idea of positive thinking relatively unchanged.  相似文献   

"The authors contend that problems associated with rapid demographic growth in developing countries have to be tackled through comprehensive population and human resource planning. Linkages between population and development are especially close in the area of labour markets. Following a discussion of the impacts of demographic factors on labour supply, labour demand and migration, the article proposes a practical framework in which population and human resource development plans may be operationalised. The concluding section briefly discusses the emerging area of population policy formulation and implementation."  相似文献   

A private commercial real estate firm achieved racial integration in producing private middle-income housing for private capital gains purposes in a publicly espoused urban redevelopment project in Chicago in the 1950s and the 1960s. The effort included critical use of (1) market research (demographic data analysis considered in relation to race-based dominant dwelling types) and (2) sociological principles of white–black ratio tolerance. This paper describes the use of the data analysis and the application of the sociological principles to achieve the results in the face of a public policy ethical question. The urban context within which these efforts, accomplishments, and quandary took place and the central policy and development problems faced by the development firm in relation to these are outlined.  相似文献   

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