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The one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test was originally designed to test for a specified median, under the assumption that the distribution is symmetric, but it can also serve as a test for symmetry if the median is known. In this article we derive the Wilcoxon statistic as the first component of Pearson's X 2 statistic for independence in a particularly constructed contingency table. The second and third components are new test statistics for symmetry. In the second part of the article, the Wilcoxon test is extended so that symmetry around the median and symmetry in the tails can be examined seperately. A trimming proportion is used to split the observations in the tails from those around the median. We further extend the method so that no arbitrary choice for the trimming proportion has to be made. Finally, the new tests are compared to other tests for symmetry in a simulation study. It is concluded that our tests often have substantially greater powers than most other tests.  相似文献   


Suppose F and G are two life distribution functions. It is said that F is more IFRA (increasing failure rate average) than G (written by F ? *G) if G? 1F(x) is star-shaped on (0, ∞). In this paper, the problem of testing H0: F = *G against H1: F ? *G and F*G is considered in both cases when G is known and when G is unknown. We propose a new test based on U-statistics and obtain the asymptotic distribution of the test statistics. The new test is compared with some well-known tests in the literature. In addition, we apply our test to a real data set in the context of reliability.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a class of non‐parametric test procedures for testing the null hypothesis that two distributions, F and G, are equal versus the alternative hypothesis that F is ‘more NBU (new better than used) at specified age t0’ than G. Using Hoeffding's two‐sample U‐statistic theorem, it establishes the asymptotic normality of the test statistics and produces a class of asymptotically distribution‐free tests. Pitman asymptotic efficacies of the proposed tests are calculated with respect to the location and shape parameters. A numerical example is provided for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an affine‐invariant test extending the univariate Wilcoxon signed‐rank test to the bivariate location problem. It gives two versions of the null distribution of the test statistic. The first version leads to a conditionally distribution‐free test which can be used with any sample size. The second version can be used for larger sample sizes and has a limiting χ22 distribution under the null hypothesis. The paper investigates the relationship with a test proposed by Jan & Randles (1994). It shows that the Pitman efficiency of this test relative to the new test is equal to 1 for elliptical distributions but that the two tests are not necessarily equivalent for non‐elliptical distributions. These facts are also demonstrated empirically in a simulation study. The new test has the advantage of not requiring the assumption of elliptical symmetry which is needed to perform the asymptotic version of the Jan and Randles test.  相似文献   

Summary In the literature on encompassing [see e.g. Mizon-Richard (1986), Hendry-Richard (1990), Florens-Hendry-Richard (1987)] there is a basic contradiction: on the one hand it is said that it is not possible to assume that the true distribution belongs to one of two competing modelM 1 andM 2, but, on the other hand, this assumption is made in the study of encompassing tests. In this paper we first propose a formal definition of encompassing, we then briefly examine the properties of this notion and we propose encompassing tests which do not assume that the true distribution belongs toM 1 orM 2; these tests are based on simulations. Finally, generalizing an idea used in the definition of an encompassing test (the GET test) we propose a new kind of inference, called indirect inference, which allows for estimation and test procedures when the model is too complicated to be treated by usual methods (for instance maximum likelihood methods); the only assumption made on the model is that it can be simulated, which seems to be a minimal requirement. This new class of inference methods can be used in a large number of domains and some examples are given. The present paper is based on Gouriéroux-Monfort (1992), and Gouriéroux-Monfort-Renault (1993), respectively GM and GMR hereafter. Invited paper at the Conference on ?Statistical Tests: Methodology and Econometric Applications?, held in Bologna, Italy, 27–28 May 1993.  相似文献   

We define the Wishart distribution on the cone of positive definite matrices and an exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone as exponential dispersion models. We show that these two distributions possess a property of exact decomposition, and we use this property to solve the following problem: given q samples (yil,… yiNj), i = l,…,q, from a N(μii,) distribution, test H1 = Σ2 = … = σq. Using the exact decomposition property, the classical test statistic for H, involving q parameters pi = (Ni, - l)/2, i = 1,…,q, is replaced by a sequence of q - l test statistics for the sequence of tests Hi,:σ12 = … =σi given that Hi-1 is true, i = 2,…,q. Each one of these test statistics involves two parameters only, p.i-1 = p1 + … + pi-1 and pi. We also use the exact decomposition property to test equality of the “direction parameters” for q sample points from the exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone. We give a table of critical values for the distribution on the three-dimensional Lorentz cone. Tables of critical values in higher dimensions can easily be computed following the same method as in dimension three.  相似文献   

R.M. Hollander, D.H. Park and F. Proschan [A class of life distributions for aging, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 81 (1986) 91–95] introduced the concept of the larger class of life distributions called new better than used of specified age. In practice, one might be interested in the new better than used behaviour at an unknown but estimable age t0. Here, we investigate the testing of new better than used of specified age t0 (NBU-t0) alternatives. A class of test statistics for testing NBU-t0 (t0 is known) based on a U-statistic whose kernel depends on sub-sample minima is proposed. A member of the class of tests proposed by N. Ebrahimi and M. Habbibullah [Testing whether the survival distribution is new better than used of specified age, Biometrika 77 (1990) 212–215] for this problem belongs to the class of tests proposed here. The distributional properties of the class of test statistics are studied. The performances of a few members of the proposed class of tests are studied in terms of Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency. The Pitman ARE values show that the members of the class perform well in comparison with the N. Ebrahimi and M. Habbibullah [Testing whether the survival distribution is new better than used of specified age, Biometrika 77 (1990) 212–215] tests. The proposed class of tests is shown to be consistent for NBU-t0 alternatives.  相似文献   

The importance of the normal distribution for fitting continuous data is well known. However, in many practical situations data distribution departs from normality. For example, the sample skewness and the sample kurtosis are far away from 0 and 3, respectively, which are nice properties of normal distributions. So, it is important to have formal tests of normality against any alternative. D'Agostino et al. [A suggestion for using powerful and informative tests of normality, Am. Statist. 44 (1990), pp. 316–321] review four procedures Z 2(g 1), Z 2(g 2), D and K 2 for testing departure from normality. The first two of these procedures are tests of normality against departure due to skewness and kurtosis, respectively. The other two tests are omnibus tests. An alternative to the normal distribution is a class of skew-normal distributions (see [A. Azzalini, A class of distributions which includes the normal ones, Scand. J. Statist. 12 (1985), pp. 171–178]). In this paper, we obtain a score test (W) and a likelihood ratio test (LR) of goodness of fit of the normal regression model against the skew-normal family of regression models. It turns out that the score test is based on the sample skewness and is of very simple form. The performance of these six procedures, in terms of size and power, are compared using simulations. The level properties of the three statistics LR, W and Z 2(g 1) are similar and close to the nominal level for moderate to large sample sizes. Also, their power properties are similar for small departure from normality due to skewness (γ1≤0.4). Of these, the score test statistic has a very simple form and computationally much simpler than the other two statistics. The LR statistic, in general, has highest power, although it is computationally much complex as it requires estimates of the parameters under the normal model as well as those under the skew-normal model. So, the score test may be used to test for normality against small departure from normality due to skewness. Otherwise, the likelihood ratio statistic LR should be used as it detects general departure from normality (due to both skewness and kurtosis) with, in general, largest power.  相似文献   

We propose a test for the equality of the autocovariance functions of two independent and stationary time series. The test statistic is a quadratic form in the vector of differences of the first J + 1 autocovariances. Its asymptotic distribution is derived under the null hypothesis, and the finite-sample properties of the test, namely the bias and the power, are investigated by Monte Carlo methods. A by-product of this study is a new estimator of the covariance between two sample autocovariances which provides a positive definite covariance matrix. We establish the convergence of this estimator in the L1 norm.  相似文献   

Let X1,…, Xn be random variables symmetric about θ from a common unknown distribution Fθ(x) =F(x–θ). To test the null hypothesis H0:θ= 0 against the alternative H1:θ > 0, permutation tests can be used at the cost of computational difficulties. This paper investigates alternative tests that are computationally simpler, notably some bootstrap tests which are compared with permutation tests. Of these the symmetrical bootstrap-f test competes very favourably with the permutation test in terms of Bahadur asymptotic efficiency, so it is a very attractive alternative.  相似文献   

We study the efficiency properties of the goodness-of-fit test based on the Q n statistic introduced in Fortiana and Grané [Goodness-of-fit tests based on maximum correlations and their orthogonal decompositions, J. R. Stat. Soc. B 65 (2003), pp. 115–126] using the concepts of Bahadur asymptotic relative efficiency and Bahadur asymptotic optimality. We compare the test based on this statistic with those based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov, the Cramér-von Mises criterion and the Anderson–Darling statistics. We also describe the distribution families for which the test based on Q n is locally asymptotically optimal in the Bahadur sense and, as an application, we use this test to detect the presence of hidden periodicities in a stationary time series.  相似文献   

We describe some simple methods for improving the performance of stationarity tests (i.e., tests that have a stationary null and a unit-root alternative). Specifically, we increase the rate of convergence of the test under the unit-root alternative from O p(T) to O p (T 2), then suggest an optimal method of selecting the order of the autoregressive component in the fitted autoregressive integrated moving average model on which the test is based. Simulation evidence suggests that these modifications work well. We apply the modified procedure to U.S. monthly macroeconomic data and uncover new evidence of a unit root in unemployment.  相似文献   

We consider the test based on theL 1-version of the Cramér-von Mises statistic for the nonparametric two-sample problem. Some quantiles of the exact distribution under H0 of the test statistic are computed for small sample sizes. We compare the test in terms of power against general alternatives to other two-sample tests, namely the Wilcoxon rank sum test, the Smirnov test and the Cramér-von Mises test in the case of unbalanced small sample sizes. The computation of the power is rather complicated when the sample sizes are unequal. Using Monte Carlo power estimates it turns out that the Smirnov test is more sensitive to non stochastically ordered alternatives than the new test. And under location-contamination alternatives the power estimates of the new test and of the competing tests are equal.  相似文献   

Early investigations of the effects of non-normality indicated that skewness has a greater effect on the distribution of t-statistic than does kurtosis. When the distribution is skewed, the actual p-values can be larger than the values calculated from the t-tables. Transformation of data to normality has shown good results in the case of univariate t-test. In order to reduce the effect of skewness of the distribution on normal-based t-test, one can transform the data and perform the t-test on the transformed scale. This method is not only a remedy for satisfying the distributional assumption, but it also turns out that one can achieve greater efficiency of the test. We investigate the efficiency of tests after a Box-Cox transformation. In particular, we consider the one sample test of location and study the gains in efficiency for one-sample t-test following a Box-Cox transformation. Under some conditions, we prove that the asymptotic relative efficiency of transformed t-test and Hotelling's T 2-test of multivariate location with respect to the same statistic based on untransformed data is at least one.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two new tests to test the symmetry of a distribution. These tests are built up on the asymptotic normality of the L1-distance to the symmetry of the Kernel and histogram density estimates. A simulation study is carried out to evaluate performances of the kernel based test.  相似文献   

In this paper the non-null distribution of Hotelling's T2 and the null distribution of multiple correlation R2 are derived when the sample is taken from a mixture of two p-component multivariate normal distributions with mean vectors μ1 and μ2 respectively and common covariance matrix ∑, ∑. In a special case the non-null distribution of R2 is a l s o given, while the general noncentral distribution is given i n Awan (1981). These results have been used to study the robustness of T2 and R2 tests by Srivastava and Awan (1982), and Awan and Srivastava (1982) respectively.  相似文献   

Outlier detection has always been of interest for researchers and data miners. It has been well researched in different knowledge and application domains. This study aims at exploring the correctly identifying outliers using most commonly applied statistics. We evaluate the performance of AO, IO, LS, and TC as vulnerability to spurious outliers by means of empirical level of significance (ELS), power of the test indicating the sensitivity of the statistical tests in detecting changes and the vulnerability to masking of outliers in terms of misspecification frequencies are determined. We have observed that the sampling distribution of test statistic ηtp; tp = AO,?IO,?LS,?TC in case of AR(1) model is connected with the values of n and φ. The sampling distribution of ηTC is less concentrated than the sampling distribution of ηAO, ηIO, and ηLS. In AR(1) process, empirical critical values for 1%, 5%, and 10% upper percentiles are found to be higher than those generally used. We have also found the evidence that the test statistics for transient change (TC) needs to be revisited as the test statistics ηTC is found to be eclipsed by ηAO,?ηLS and ηIO at different δ values. TC keeps on confusing with IO and AO, and at extreme δ values it just gets equal to AO and LS.  相似文献   

We define a test statistic C n based on the sum of the likelihood ratio statistics for testing independence in the 2 × 2 tables defined at n sample cut-points (X i , Y i ). The asymptotic distribution of C n , given the cut-points, is sum of dependent χ2 variables with one degree of freedom. We use the bootstrap to obtain the distribution of C n . We compare the performance of several tests of bivariate independence, including Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall correlations, Blum-Kiefer-Rosenblatt statistic, and C n under several copulas and given marginal distributions.  相似文献   

A new procedure for testing the H 0: μ1 = ··· = μ k against the alternative H u 1 ≥ ··· ≥μ r  ≤ ··· ≤ μ k with at least one strict inequality, where μ i is the location parameter of the ith two-parameter exponential distribution, i = 1,…, k, is proposed. Exact critical constants are computed using a recursive integration algorithm. Tables containing these critical constants are provided to facilitate the implementation of the proposed test procedure. Simultaneous confidence intervals for certain contrasts of the location parameters are derived by inverting the proposed test statistic. In comparison to existing tests, it is shown, by a simulation study, that the new test statistic is more powerful in detecting U-shaped alternatives when the samples are derived from exponential distributions. As an extension, the use of the critical constants for comparing Pareto distribution parameters is discussed.  相似文献   

Two independent random samples are drawn from two multivariate normal populations with mean vectors μ1 and μ2 and a common variance-covariance matrix Σ. Ahmed and Saleh (1990) considered preliminary test maximum likelihood estimator (PMLTE) for estimating μ1 based on the Hotelling's T N 2, when it is suspected that μ1=μ2. In this paper, the PTMLE based on the Wald (W), Likelihood Ratio (LR) and Lagrangian Multiplier (LM) tests are considered. Using the quadratic risk function, the conditions of superiority of the proposed estimator for departure parameter are derived. A max-min rule for the size of the preliminary test of significance is presented. It is demonstrated that the PTMLE based on W test produces the highest minimum guaranteed efficiencies compared to UMLE among the three test procedures.  相似文献   

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