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This study considers the small sample performance of approximate but simple two-stage estimators for probit models with two endogenous binary covariates. Monte Carlo simulations show that all the considered estimators, including the simulated maximum-likelihood (SML) estimation, of the trivariate probit model are biased in very small samples (N=100). With moderately small samples (N=500), some of the approximations perform as well as the SML estimator when the degree of endogeneity is not very large. Some of the approximations seem robust with higher correlations and are also promising for testing the exogeneity of binary covariates. The methods are used to estimate the impact of employment-based health insurance and health care (HC) on HC use, where the approximations seem to work at least as well as the SML and in some cases better.  相似文献   

Female labor participation models have been usually studied through probit and logit specifications. Little attention has been paid to verify the assumptions that are used in these sort of models, basically distributional assumptions and homoskedasticity. In this paper we apply semiparametirc methods in order to test the previous hypothesis. We also estimate a Spanish female labor participation model using both parametric and semiparametirc approaches. The parametirc model includes fixed and random coefficients probit specification. The estimation procedures are parametric maximum likelihood for both probit and logit models, and semiparametric quasi maximum likelihood following Klein and Spady (1993). The results depend cricially in the assumed model.  相似文献   

A previously known result in the econometrics literature is that when covariates of an underlying data generating process are jointly normally distributed, estimates from a nonlinear model that is misspecified as linear can be interpreted as average marginal effects. This has been shown for models with exogenous covariates and separability between covariates and errors. In this paper, we extend this identification result to a variety of more general cases, in particular for combinations of separable and nonseparable models under both exogeneity and endogeneity. So long as the underlying model belongs to one of these large classes of data generating processes, our results show that nothing else must be known about the true DGP—beyond normality of observable data, a testable assumption—in order for linear estimators to be interpretable as average marginal effects. We use simulation to explore the performance of these estimators using a misspecified linear model and show they perform well when the data are normal but can perform poorly when this is not the case.  相似文献   

Claims that the parameters of an econometric model are invariant under changes in either policy rules or expectations processes entail super exogeneity and encompassing implications. Super exogeneity is always potentially refutable, and when both implications are involved, the Lucas critique is also refutable. We review the methodological background; the applicability of the Lucas critique; super exogeneity tests; the encompassing implications of feedback and feedforward models; and the role of incomplete information. The approach is applied to money demand in the u.S.A. to examine constancy, exogeneity, and encompassing, and reveals the Lucas critique to be inapplicable to the model under analysis.  相似文献   

Economic modeling in the presence of endogeneity is subject to model uncertainty at both the instrument and covariate level. We propose a Two-Stage Bayesian Model Averaging (2SBMA) methodology that extends the Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) estimator. By constructing a Two-Stage Unit Information Prior in the endogenous variable model, we are able to efficiently combine established methods for addressing model uncertainty in regression models with the classic technique of 2SLS. To assess the validity of instruments in the 2SBMA context, we develop Bayesian tests of the identification restriction that are based on model averaged posterior predictive p-values. A simulation study showed that 2SBMA has the ability to recover structure in both the instrument and covariate set, and substantially improves the sharpness of resulting coefficient estimates in comparison to 2SLS using the full specification in an automatic fashion. Due to the increased parsimony of the 2SBMA estimate, the Bayesian Sargan test had a power of 50% in detecting a violation of the exogeneity assumption, while the method based on 2SLS using the full specification had negligible power. We apply our approach to the problem of development accounting, and find support not only for institutions, but also for geography and integration as development determinants, once both model uncertainty and endogeneity have been jointly addressed.  相似文献   

Claims that the parameters of an econometric model are invariant under changes in either policy rules or expectations processes entail super exogeneity and encompassing implications. Super exogeneity is always potentially refutable, and when both implications are involved, the Lucas critique is also refutable. We review the methodological background; the applicability of the Lucas critique; super exogeneity tests; the encompassing implications of feedback and feedforward models; and the role of incomplete information. The approach is applied to money demand in the u.S.A. to examine constancy, exogeneity, and encompassing, and reveals the Lucas critique to be inapplicable to the model under analysis.  相似文献   

Binary choice models that contain endogenous regressors can now be estimated routinely using modern software. Each of the two packages, Stata 11 [Stata Statistical Software: Release 11, StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, 2009] and Limdep 9 [Econometric Software Inc., Plainview, NY, 2008], contains two estimators that can be used to estimate such a model. This paper compares the performance of maximum likelihood, Newey's Amemiya's generalized least-squares (AGLS) estimator, an instrumental variables plug-in estimator and others in samples of sizes 200 and 1000 using simulation. Specifically, this paper focuses on tests of parameter significance under various degrees of instrument strength and severity of endogeneity. Although the maximum-likelihood estimator performs well in large samples, there is some evidence that the more computationally robust AGLS estimator may perform better in smaller samples when instruments are weak. It also appears that instruments in endogenous probit estimation need to be even stronger than when used in linear instrumental variables (IV) estimation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a robust test of exogeneity. The test statistics is constructed from quantile regression estimators, which are robust to heavy tails of errors. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis of exogeneity at a given quantile. The finite sample properties of the test are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations that exhibit not only good size and power properties, but also good robustness to outliers.  相似文献   

This article develops limit theory for likelihood analysis of weak exogeneity in I(2) cointegrated vector autoregressive (VAR) models incorporating deterministic terms. Conditions for weak exogeneity in I(2) VAR models are reviewed, and the asymptotic properties of conditional maximum likelihood estimators and a likelihood-based weak exogeneity test are then investigated. It is demonstrated that weak exogeneity in I(2) VAR models allows us to conduct asymptotic conditional inference based on mixed Gaussian distributions. It is then proved that a log-likelihood ratio test statistic for weak exogeneity in I(2) VAR models is asymptotically χ2 distributed. The article also presents an empirical illustration of the proposed test for weak exogeneity using Japan's macroeconomic data.  相似文献   

We describe a selection model for multivariate counts, where association between the primary outcomes and the endogenous selection source is modeled through outcome-specific latent effects which are assumed to be dependent across equations. Parametric specifications of this model already exist in the literature; in this paper, we show how model parameters can be estimated in a finite mixture context. This approach helps us to consider overdispersed counts, while allowing for multivariate association and endogeneity of the selection variable. In this context, attention is focused both on bias in estimated effects when exogeneity of selection (treatment) variable is assumed, as well as on consistent estimation of the association between the random effects in the primary and in the treatment effect models, when the latter is assumed endogeneous. The model behavior is investigated through a large scale simulation experiment. An empirical example on health care utilization data is provided.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we analyse the consequences of model overidentification on testing exogeneity, when maximum likelihood techniques for estimation and inference are used. This situation is viewed as a particular case of the more general problem of considering how restrictions on nuisance parameters could help in making inference on the parameters of interest. At first a general model is considered. A suitable likelihood function factorization is used which allows a simple derivation of the information matrix and others tools useful for building up joint tests of exogeneity and overidentifying restrictions both of Wald and Lagrange Multiplier type. The asymptotic local power of the exogeneity test in the justidentified model is compared with that in the overidentified one, when we assume that the latter is the true model. Then the pseudo-likelihood framework is used to derive the consequences of working with a model where overidentifying restrictions are erroneously imposed. The inconsistency introduced by imposing false restrictions is analysed and the consequences of the misspecification on the exogeneity test are carefully examined.  相似文献   

Results from classical linear regression regarding the effects of covariate adjustment, with respect to the issues of confounding, the precision with which an exposure effect can be estimated, and the efficiency of hypothesis tests for no treatment effect in randomized experiments, are often assumed to apply more generally to other types of regression models. In this paper results pertaining to several generalized linear models involving a dichotomous response variable are given, demonstrating that with respect to the issues of confounding and precision, for models having a linear or log link function the results of classical linear regression do generally apply, whereas for other models, including those having a logit, probit, log-log, complementary log-log, or generalized logistic link function, the results of classical linear regression do not always apply. It is also shown, however, that for any link function, covariate adjustment results in improved efficiency of hypothesis tests for no treatment effect in randomized experiments, and hence that the classical linear regression results regarding efficiency do apply for all models having a dichotomous response variable.  相似文献   

Previous time series applications of qualitative response models have ignored features of the data, such as conditional heteroscedasticity, that are routinely addressed in time series econometrics of financial data. This article addresses this issue by adding Markov-switching heteroscedasticity to a dynamic ordered probit model of discrete changes in the bank prime lending rate and estimating via the Gibbs sampler. The dynamic ordered probit model of Eichengreen, Watson, and Grossman allows for serial autocorrelation in probit analysis of a time series, and this article demonstrates the relative simplicity of estimating a dynamic ordered probit using the Gibbs sampler instead of the Eichengreen et al. maximum likelihood procedure. In addition, the extension to regime-switching parameters and conditional heteroscedasticity is easy to implement under Gibbs sampling. The article compares tests of goodness of fit between dynamic ordered probit models of the prime rate that have constant variance and conditional heteroscedasticity.  相似文献   

We strongly reject the full-insurance hypothesis, using testing variables that are not decision variables for the households under investigation. We find that households are not insured against changes in the unemployment rate associated with the household head's occupational category. Using this exogenous information, we also investigate the appropriateness of exogeneity assumptions on idiosyncratic variables that have been used as testing variables in the full-insurance literature. It is shown that several exogeneity assumptions made in the existing literature are potentially problematic.  相似文献   

This article investigates power and size of some tests for exogeneity of a binary explanatory variable in count models by conducting extensive Monte Carlo simulations. The tests under consideration are Hausman contrast tests as well as univariate Wald tests, including a new test of notably easy implementation. Performance of the tests is explored under misspecification of the underlying model and under different conditions regarding the instruments. The results indicate that often the tests that are simpler to estimate outperform tests that are more demanding. This is especially the case for the new test.  相似文献   

In this paper, I study the application of various specification tests to ordered logit and probit models with heteroskedastic errors, with the primary focus on the ordered probit model. The tests are Lagrange multiplier tests, information matrix tests, and chi-squared goodness of fit tests. The alternatives are omitted variables in the regression equation, omitted varaibles in the equation describing the heteroskedasticity, and non-logistic/non-normal errors. The alternative error distributions include a generalized logistic distribution in the ordered logit model and the Pearson family in the ordered.  相似文献   

This paper unifies two seemingly separate approaches to test weak exogeneity in dynamic regression models with Lagrange-mulptiplier statistics. The first class of tests focuses on the orthogonality between innovations and conditioning variables, and thus is related to the Durbin-Wu-Hausman specification test. The second approach has been developed more recently in the context of context of cointegration and error correction models, ad concentrates on the question whether the conditioning variables display error correction behaviour. It is shown that the vital difference between the two approaches stems from the choice of the parmeters of interest. A new test is derived, which encompasses both its predecessors. The test is applied to an error correction model of the demand for money in Switzerland.  相似文献   

This paper unifies two seemingly separate approaches to test weak exogeneity in dynamic regression models with Lagrange-mulptiplier statistics. The first class of tests focuses on the orthogonality between innovations and conditioning variables, and thus is related to the Durbin-Wu-Hausman specification test. The second approach has been developed more recently in the context of context of cointegration and error correction models, ad concentrates on the question whether the conditioning variables display error correction behaviour. It is shown that the vital difference between the two approaches stems from the choice of the parmeters of interest. A new test is derived, which encompasses both its predecessors. The test is applied to an error correction model of the demand for money in Switzerland.  相似文献   

When some explanatory variables in a regression are correlated with the disturbance term, instrumental variable methods are typically employed to make reliable inferences. Furthermore, to avoid difficulties associated with weak instruments, identification-robust methods are often proposed. However, it is hard to assess whether an instrumental variable is valid in practice because instrument validity is based on the questionable assumption that some of them are exogenous. In this paper, we focus on structural models and analyze the effects of instrument endogeneity on two identification-robust procedures, the Anderson–Rubin (1949, AR) and the Kleibergen (2002, K) tests, with or without weak instruments. Two main setups are considered: (1) the level of “instrument” endogeneity is fixed (does not depend on the sample size) and (2) the instruments are locally exogenous, i.e. the parameter which controls instrument endogeneity approaches zero as the sample size increases. In the first setup, we show that both test procedures are in general consistent against the presence of invalid instruments (hence asymptotically invalid for the hypothesis of interest), whether the instruments are “strong” or “weak”. We also describe cases where test consistency may not hold, but the asymptotic distribution is modified in a way that would lead to size distortions in large samples. These include, in particular, cases where the 2SLS estimator remains consistent, but the AR and K tests are asymptotically invalid. In the second setup, we find (non-degenerate) asymptotic non-central chi-square distributions in all cases, and describe cases where the non-centrality parameter is zero and the asymptotic distribution remains the same as in the case of valid instruments (despite the presence of invalid instruments). Overall, our results underscore the importance of checking for the presence of possibly invalid instruments when applying “identification-robust” tests.  相似文献   

We describe methods for constructing bootstrap hypothesis tests, illustrating our approach using analysis of variance. The importance of pivotalness is discussed. Pivotal statistics usually result in improved accuracy of level. We note that hypothesis tests and confidence intervals call for different methods of resampling, so as to ensure that accurate critical point estimates are obtained in the former case even when data fail to comply with the null hypothesis. Our main points are illustrated by a simulation study and application to three real data sets.  相似文献   

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