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Multiple imputation has emerged as a widely used model-based approach in dealing with incomplete data in many application areas. Gaussian and log-linear imputation models are fairly straightforward to implement for continuous and discrete data, respectively. However, in missing data settings which include a mix of continuous and discrete variables, correct specification of the imputation model could be a daunting task owing to the lack of flexible models for the joint distribution of variables of different nature. This complication, along with accessibility to software packages that are capable of carrying out multiple imputation under the assumption of joint multivariate normality, appears to encourage applied researchers for pragmatically treating the discrete variables as continuous for imputation purposes, and subsequently rounding the imputed values to the nearest observed category. In this article, I introduce a distance-based rounding approach for ordinal variables in the presence of continuous ones. The first step of the proposed rounding process is predicated upon creating indicator variables that correspond to the ordinal levels, followed by jointly imputing all variables under the assumption of multivariate normality. The imputed values are then converted to the ordinal scale based on their Euclidean distances to a set of indicators, with minimal distance corresponding to the closest match. I compare the performance of this technique to crude rounding via commonly accepted accuracy and precision measures with simulated data sets.  相似文献   


Data sets originating from wide range of research studies are composed of multiple variables that are correlated and of dissimilar types, primarily of count, binary/ordinal and continuous attributes. The present paper builds on the previous works on multivariate data generation and develops a framework for generating multivariate mixed data with a pre-specified correlation matrix. The generated data consist of components that are marginally count, binary, ordinal and continuous, where the count and continuous variables follow the generalized Poisson and normal distributions, respectively. The use of the generalized Poisson distribution provides a flexible mechanism which allows under- and over-dispersed count variables generally encountered in practice. A step-by-step algorithm is provided and its performance is evaluated using simulated and real-data scenarios.  相似文献   

The present paper develops a procedure for simulating multivariate data with count and continuous variables with a pre-specified correlation matrix. The count and continuous variables are assumed to have Poisson and normal marginals, respectively. The data generation mechanism is a combination of the normal to anything principle and a newly established connection between Poisson and normal correlations in the mixture. A step-by-step algorithm is provided and its performance is evaluated using two simulated and one real-data scenarios.  相似文献   

This study considers a fully-parametric but uncongenial multiple imputation (MI) inference to jointly analyze incomplete binary response variables observed in a correlated data settings. Multiple imputation model is specified as a fully-parametric model based on a multivariate extension of mixed-effects models. Dichotomized imputed datasets are then analyzed using joint GEE models where covariates are associated with the marginal mean of responses with response-specific regression coefficients and a Kronecker product is accommodated for cluster-specific correlation structure for a given response variable and correlation structure between multiple response variables. The validity of the proposed MI-based JGEE (MI-JGEE) approach is assessed through a Monte Carlo simulation study under different scenarios. The simulation results, which are evaluated in terms of bias, mean-squared error, and coverage rate, show that MI-JGEE has promising inferential properties even when the underlying multiple imputation is misspecified. Finally, Adolescent Alcohol Prevention Trial data are used for illustration.  相似文献   

Multiple imputation under the multivariate normality assumption has often been regarded as a viable model-based approach in dealing with incomplete continuous data in the last two decades. A situation where the measurements are taken on a continuous scale with an ultimate interest in dichotomized versions through discipline-specific thresholds is not uncommon in applied research, especially in medical and social sciences. In practice, researchers generally tend to impute missing values for continuous outcomes under a Gaussian imputation model, and then dichotomize them via commonly-accepted cut-off points. An alternative strategy is creating multiply imputed data sets after dichotomization under a log-linear imputation model that uses a saturated multinomial structure. In this work, the performances of the two imputation methods were examined on a fairly wide range of simulated incomplete data sets that exhibit varying distributional characteristics such as skewness and multimodality. Behavior of efficiency and accuracy measures was explored to determine the extent to which the procedures work properly. The conclusion drawn is that dichotomization before carrying out a log-linear imputation should be the preferred approach except for a few special cases. I recommend that researchers use the atypical second strategy whenever the interest centers on binary quantities that are obtained through underlying continuous measurements. A possible explanation is that erratic/idiosyncratic aspects that are not accommodated by a Gaussian model are probably transformed into better-behaving discrete trends in this particular missing-data setting. This premise outweighs the assertion that continuous variables inherently carry more information, leading to a counter-intuitive, but potentially useful result for practitioners.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the performance of fice discrimination methods for data consisting of a mixture of continuous and binary variables. The methods are Fisher’s linear discrimination, logistic discrimination, quadratic discrimination, a kernal model and an independence model. Six-dimensional data, consisting of three binary and three continuous variables, are simulated according to a location model. The results show an almost identical performance for Fisher’s linear discrimination and logistic discrimination. Only in situations with independently distributed variables the independence model does have a reasonable discriminatory ability for the dimensionality considered. If the log likelihood ratio is non-linear ratio is non-linear with respect to its continuous and binary part, the quadratic discrimination method is substantial better than linear and logistic discrimination, followed by the kernel method. A very good performance is obtained when in every situation the better one of linear and quardratic discrimination is used.  相似文献   


We propose a multiple imputation method based on principal component analysis (PCA) to deal with incomplete continuous data. To reflect the uncertainty of the parameters from one imputation to the next, we use a Bayesian treatment of the PCA model. Using a simulation study and real data sets, the method is compared to two classical approaches: multiple imputation based on joint modelling and on fully conditional modelling. Contrary to the others, the proposed method can be easily used on data sets where the number of individuals is less than the number of variables and when the variables are highly correlated. In addition, it provides unbiased point estimates of quantities of interest, such as an expectation, a regression coefficient or a correlation coefficient, with a smaller mean squared error. Furthermore, the widths of the confidence intervals built for the quantities of interest are often smaller whilst ensuring a valid coverage.  相似文献   

When an OR is calculated based on data measured on continuous scales, the magnitude of the OR is dependent on the cut-offs chosen for dichotomizing both dependent and independent variables even when the relationship is strictly linear. Cuts away from the median on either or both dependent and independent variables increase the expected OR. This increase is quite substantial when the cut-off is made at the extremes. Illustrations of the consequences of cut-off on OR for populations with varying values of linear correlation are provided in simulated and real data. Potential circumstances and motivations for such dichotomizations are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes a method for simulating n-dimensional multivariate non-normal data, with emphasis on count-valued data. Dependence is characterized by either Pearson correlations or Spearman correlations. The simulation is accomplished by simulating a vector of correlated standard normal variates. The elements of this vector are then transformed to achieve the target marginal distributions. We prove that the method corresponds to simulating data from a multivariate Gaussian copula. The simulation method does not restrict pairwise dependence beyond the limits imposed by the marginal distributions and can achieve any Pearson or Spearman correlation within those limits. Two examples are included. In the first example, marginal means, variances, Pearson correlations, and Spearman correlations are estimated from the epileptic seizure data set of Diggle et al. [P. Diggle, P. Heagerty, K.Y. Liang, and S. Zeger, Analysis of Longitudinal Data, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002]. Data with these means and variances are simulated to first achieve the estimated Pearson correlations and then achieve the estimated Spearman correlations. The second example is of a hypothetical time series of Poisson counts with seasonal mean ranging between 1 and 9 and an autoregressive(1) dependence structure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we translate variable selection for linear regression into multiple testing, and select significant variables according to testing result. New variable selection procedures are proposed based on the optimal discovery procedure (ODP) in multiple testing. Due to ODP’s optimality, if we guarantee the number of significant variables included, it will include less non significant variables than marginal p-value based methods. Consistency of our procedures is obtained in theory and simulation. Simulation results suggest that procedures based on multiple testing have improvement over procedures based on selection criteria, and our new procedures have better performance than marginal p-value based procedures.  相似文献   

We study nonparametric estimation with two types of data structures. In the first data structure n i.i.d. copies of (C, N(C)) are observed, where N is a finite state counting process jumping at time-variables of interest and C a random monitoring time. In the second data structure n i.i.d. copies of (C ∧ T, I (T ≤ C), N(C ∧ T)) are observed, where N is a counting process with a final jump at time T (e.g., death). This data structure includes observing right-censored data on T and a marker variable at the censoring time.In these data structures, easy to compute estimators, namely (weighted)-pool-adjacent-violator estimators for the marginal distributions of the unobservable time variables, and the Kaplan-Meier estimator for the time T till the final observable event, are available. These estimators ignore seemingly important information in the data. In this paper we prove that, at many continuous data generating distributions the ad hoc estimators yield asymptotically efficient estimators of [Formula: see text]-estimable parameters.  相似文献   

A method for inducing a desired rank correlation matrix on multivariate input vectors for simulation studies has recently been developed by Iman and Conover (1982). The primary intention of this procedure is to produce correlated input variables for use with computer models. Since this procedure is distribution free and allows the exact marginal distributions to remain intact it can be used with any marginal distributions for which it is reasonable to think in terms of correlation. In this paper we present a series of rank correlation plots based on this procedure when the marginal distributions are normal, lognormal, uniform and loguniform. These plots provide a convenient tool both for aiding the modeler in determining the degree of dependence among input variables (rather than guessing) and for communicating with the modeler the effect of different correlation assumptions. In addition this procedure can be used with sample multivariate data by sampling directly from the respective marginal empirical distribution functions.  相似文献   

A discrimination procedure, based on the location model is described and suggested for use in situation where the discriminating variables are mixtures of continuous and binary variables. Some procedures that have been previously employed, in a similar situation, like Fisher's linear discriminant function and the logistic regression were compared with this method using error rate (ER). Optimal ERs for these procedures are reported using real and simulated data for the case of varying sample size and number of continuous and binary variables and were used as a measure for assessing the performance of the various procedures. The suggested procedure performed considerably better in the cases considered and never did produce a result that is poor when compared with other procedures. Hence, the suggested procedure might be considered for such situations.  相似文献   

Forecasting with longitudinal data has been rarely studied. Most of the available studies are for continuous response and all of them are for univariate response. In this study, we consider forecasting multivariate longitudinal binary data. Five different models including simple ones, univariate and multivariate marginal models, and complex ones, marginally specified models, are studied to forecast such data. Model forecasting abilities are illustrated via a real-life data set and a simulation study. The simulation study includes a model independent data generation to provide a fair environment for model competitions. Independent variables are forecast as well as the dependent ones to mimic the real-life cases best. Several accuracy measures are considered to compare model forecasting abilities. Results show that complex models yield better forecasts.  相似文献   

Scientific experiments commonly result in clustered discrete and continuous data. Existing methods for analyzing such data include the use of quasi-likelihood procedures and generalized estimating equations to estimate marginal mean response parameters. In applications to areas such as developmental toxicity studies, where discrete and continuous measurements are recorded on each fetus, or clinical ophthalmologic trials, where different types of observations are made on each eye, the assumption that data within cluster are exchangeable is often very reasonable. We use this assumption to formulate fully parametric regression models for clusters of bivariate data with binary and continuous components. The regression models proposed have marginal interpretations and reproducible model structures. Tractable expressions for likelihood equations are derived and iterative schemes are given for computing efficient estimates (MLEs) of the marginal mean, correlations, variances and higher moments. We demonstrate the use the ‘exchangeable’ procedure with an application to a developmental toxicity study involving fetal weight and malformation data.  相似文献   

We propose several diagnostic methods for checking the adequacy of marginal regression models for analyzing correlated binary data. We use a parametric marginal model based on latent variables and derive the projection (hat) matrix, Cook's distance, various residuals and Mahalanobis distance between the observed binary responses and the estimated probabilities for a cluster. Emphasized are several graphical methods including the simulated Q-Q plot, the half-normal probability plot with a simulated envelope, and the partial residual plot. The methods are illustrated with a real life example.  相似文献   

The authors propose a general model for the joint distribution of nominal, ordinal and continuous variables. Their work is motivated by the treatment of various types of data. They show how to construct parameter estimates for their model, based on the maximization of the full likelihood. They provide algorithms to implement it, and present an alternative estimation method based on the pairwise likelihood approach. They also touch upon the issue of statistical inference. They illustrate their methodology using data from a foreign language achievement study.  相似文献   

This work aims at investigating marginal correlation within and between longitudinal data sequences. Useful and intuitive approximate expressions are derived based on generalized linear mixed models. Data from four double-blind randomized clinical trials are used to estimate the intra-class coefficient of reliability for a binary response. Additionally, the correlation between such a binary response and a continuous response is derived to evaluate the criterion validity of the binary response variable and the established continuous response variable.  相似文献   

Using a multivariate latent variable approach, this article proposes some new general models to analyze the correlated bounded continuous and categorical (nominal or/and ordinal) responses with and without non-ignorable missing values. First, we discuss regression methods for jointly analyzing continuous, nominal, and ordinal responses that we motivated by analyzing data from studies of toxicity development. Second, using the beta and Dirichlet distributions, we extend the models so that some bounded continuous responses are replaced for continuous responses. The joint distribution of the bounded continuous, nominal and ordinal variables is decomposed into a marginal multinomial distribution for the nominal variable and a conditional multivariate joint distribution for the bounded continuous and ordinal variables given the nominal variable. We estimate the regression parameters under the new general location models using the maximum-likelihood method. Sensitivity analysis is also performed to study the influence of small perturbations of the parameters of the missing mechanisms of the model on the maximal normal curvature. The proposed models are applied to two data sets: BMI, Steatosis and Osteoporosis data and Tehran household expenditure budgets.  相似文献   

Bayesian dynamic linear models (DLMs) are useful in time series modelling, because of the flexibility that they off er for obtaining a good forecast. They are based on a decomposition of the relevant factors which explain the behaviour of the series through a series of state parameters. Nevertheless, the DLM as developed by West and Harrison depend on additional quantities, such as the variance of the system disturbances, which, in practice, are unknown. These are referred to here as 'hyper-parameters' of the model. In this paper, DLMs with autoregressive components are used to describe time series that show cyclic behaviour. The marginal posterior distribution for state parameters can be obtained by weighting the conditional distribution of state parameters by the marginal distribution of hyper-parameters. In most cases, the joint distribution of the hyperparameters can be obtained analytically but the marginal distributions of the components cannot, so requiring numerical integration. We propose to obtain samples of the hyperparameters by a variant of the sampling importance resampling method. A few applications are shown with simulated and real data sets.  相似文献   

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