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For the first time, we propose a five-parameter lifetime model called the McDonald Weibull distribution to extend the Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, beta Weibull and Kumaraswamy Weibull distributions, among several other models. We obtain explicit expressions for the ordinary moments, quantile and generating functions, mean deviations and moments of the order statistics. We use the method of maximum likelihood to fit the new distribution and determine the observed information matrix. We define the log-McDonald Weibull regression model for censored data. The potentiality of the new model is illustrated by means of two real data sets.  相似文献   

We propose a new three-parameter continuous model called the McDonald arcsine distribution, which is a very competitive model to the beta, beta type I and Kumaraswamy distributions for modelling rates and proportions. We provide a mathematical treatment of the new distribution including explicit expressions for the density function, moments, generating and quantile functions, mean deviations, two probability measures based on the Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, Shannon entropy, Rényi entropy and cumulative residual entropy. Maximum likelihood is used to estimate the model parameters and the expected information matrix is determined. An application of the proposed model to real data shows that it can give consistently a better fit than other important statistical models.  相似文献   

Skew normal distribution is an alternative distribution to the normal distribution to accommodate asymmetry. Since then extensive studies have been done on applying Azzalini’s skewness mechanism to other well-known distributions, such as skew-t distribution, which is more flexible and can better accommodate long tailed data than the skew normal one. The Kumaraswamy generalized distribution (Kw ? F) is another new class of distribution which is capable of fitting skewed data that can not be fitted well by existing distributions. Such a distribution has been widely studied and various versions of generalization of this distribution family have been introduced. In this article, we introduce a new generalization of the skew-t distribution based on the Kumaraswamy generalized distribution. The new class of distribution, which we call the Kumaraswamy skew-t (KwST) has the ability of fitting skewed, long, and heavy-tailed data and is more flexible than the skew-t distribution as it contains the skew-t distribution as a special case. Related properties of this distribution family such as mathematical properties, moments, and order statistics are discussed. The proposed distribution is applied to a real dataset to illustrate the estimation procedure.  相似文献   


We propose a new model called the McDonald Gumbel distribution, the major advantage of which is its ability to fit asymmetric real data that can not be properly adjusted by existing distributions. This model contains as special models the Gumbel, exponentiated Gumbel (Persson and Rydén, 2010 Persson, K., Rydén, J. (2010). Exponentiated Gumbel distribution for estimation of return levels of significant wave height. J. Environ. Statist. 1:112. [Google Scholar]), beta Gumbel (Nadarajah and Kotz, 2004 Nadarajah, S., Kotz, S. (2004). The beta Gumbel distribution. Mathemat. Prob. Eng.323332.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), Kumaraswamy Gumbel distributions, among others. We obtain the ordinary moments, quantile and generating functions and mean deviations. The method of maximum likelihood is used to fit the proposed distribution. The applicability of the new model is illustrated by means of two real data sets.  相似文献   

Cooray and Ananda (2008 Cooray, K., Ananda, M.M.A. (2008). A Generalization of the half-normal distribution with applications to lifetime data. Commun. Stat. - Theory Methods 37:13231337.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) pioneered a lifetime model commonly used in reliability studies. Based on this distribution, we propose a new model called the odd log-logistic generalized half-normal distribution for describing fatigue lifetime data. Various of its structural properties are derived. We discuss the method of maximum likelihood to fit the model parameters. For different parameter settings and sample sizes, some simulation studies compare the performance of the new lifetime model. It can be very useful, and its superiority is illustrated by means of a real dataset.  相似文献   


Statistical distributions are very useful in describing and predicting real world phenomena. In many applied areas there is a clear need for the extended forms of the well-known distributions. Generally, the new distributions are more flexible to model real data that present a high degree of skewness and kurtosis. The choice of the best-suited statistical distribution for modeling data is very important.

In this article, we proposed an extended generalized Gompertz (EGGo) family of EGGo. Certain statistical properties of EGGo family including distribution shapes, hazard function, skewness, limit behavior, moments and order statistics are discussed. The flexibility of this family is assessed by its application to real data sets and comparison with other competing distributions. The maximum likelihood equations for estimating the parameters based on real data are given. The performances of the estimators such as maximum likelihood estimators, least squares estimators, weighted least squares estimators, Cramer-von-Mises estimators, Anderson-Darling estimators and right tailed Anderson-Darling estimators are discussed. The likelihood ratio test is derived to illustrate that the EGGo distribution is better than other nested models in fitting data set or not. We use R software for simulation in order to perform applications and test the validity of this model.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose an extension of the Maxwell distribution, so-called the extended Maxwell distribution. This extension is evolved by using the Maxwell-X family of distributions and Weibull distribution. We study its fundamental properties such as hazard rate, moments, generating functions, skewness, kurtosis, stochastic ordering, conditional moments and moment generating function, hazard rate, mean and variance of the (reversed) residual life, reliability curves, entropy, etc. In estimation viewpoint, the maximum likelihood estimation of the unknown parameters of the distribution and asymptotic confidence intervals are discussed. We also obtain expected Fisher’s information matrix as well as discuss the existence and uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimators. The EMa distribution and other competing distributions are fitted to two real datasets and it is shown that the distribution is a good competitor to the compared distributions.  相似文献   

We derive explicit expressions for the moments, incomplete moments, quantile function and generating function of the additive Weibull model pioneered by Xie and Lai (1995 Xie, M., Lai, C.D. (1995). Reliability analysis using an additive Weibull model with bathtub-shaped failure rate function. Reliab. Eng. Syst. Safety 52:8793.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), which is a quite flexible distribution for fitting lifetime data with bathtub-shaped failure rate function. In addition, we estimate the model parameters by maximum likelihood and determine the observed information matrix. The flexibility of the additive Weibull distribution is illustrated by means of one application to real data.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new generalization of the transmuted exponentiated modified Weibull distribution introduced by Eltehiwy and Ashour in 2013, using Kumaraswamy distribution introduced by Cordeiro and de Castro in 2011. We refer to the new distribution as Kumaraswamy-transmuted exponentiated modified Weibull (Kw-TEMW) distribution. The new model contains 54 lifetime distributions as special cases such as the KumaraswamyWeibull, exponentiated modified Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, exponentiated exponential, transmuted Weibull, Rayleigh, linear failure rate, and exponential distributions, among others. The properties of the new model are discussed and the maximum likelihood estimation is used to evaluate the parameters. Explicit expressions are derived for the moments and examine the order statistics. This model is capable of modeling various shapes of aging and failure criteria.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new generalization of the transmuted Weibull distribution introduced by Aryal and Tsokos in 2011. We refer to the new distribution as exponentiated transmuted Weibull geometric (ETWG) distribution. The new model contains 22 lifetime distributions as special cases such as the exponentiated Weibull geometric, complementary Weibull geometric, exponentiated transmuted Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, and Weibull distributions, among others. The properties of the new model are discussed and the maximum likelihood estimation is used to evaluate the parameters. Explicit expressions are derived for the moments and examine the order statistics. To examine the performance of our new model in fitting several data we use two real sets of data, censored and uncensored, and then compare the fitting of the new model with some nested and nonnested models, which provides the best fit to all of the data. A simulation has been performed to assess the behavior of the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters under the finite samples. This model is capable of modeling various shapes of aging and failure criteria.  相似文献   

A five-parameter extended fatigue life model called the McDonald–Birnbaum–Saunders (McBS) distribution is proposed. It extends the Birnbaum–Saunders and beta Birnbaum–Saunders [G.M. Cordeiro and A.J. Lemonte, The β-Birnbaum–Saunders distribution: An improved distribution for fatigue life modeling. Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 55 (2011), pp. 1445–1461] distributions and also the new Kumaraswamy–Birnbaum–Saunders distribution. We obtain the ordinary moments, generating function, mean deviations and quantile function. The method of maximum likelihood is used to estimate the model parameters and its potentiality is illustrated with an application to a real fatigue data set. Further, we propose a new extended regression model based on the logarithm of the McBS distribution. This model can be very useful to the analysis of real data and could give more realistic fits than other special regression models.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a flexible extension of the Gumbel distribution called the odd log-logistic exponentiated Gumbel distribution. The new model was implemented in GAMLSS package of R software and a brief tutorial on how to use this package is presented throughout the paper. We provide a comprehensive treatment of its general mathematical properties. Further, we propose a new extended regression model considering four regression structures. We discuss estimation methods based on censored and uncensored data. Two simulation studies are presented and four real data sets are applied to illustrating the usefulness of the new model.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new lifetime distribution is defined and studied. We refer to the new distribution as alpha power Weibull distribution. The importance of the new distribution comes from its ability to model monotone and non monotone failure rate functions, which are quite common in reliability studies. Various properties of the proposed distribution are obtained including moments, quantiles, entropy, order statistics, mean residual life function, and stress-strength parameter. The maximum likelihood estimation method is used to estimate the parameters. Two real data sets are used to illustrate the importance of the proposed distribution.  相似文献   

In this article, a new three-parameter extension of the two-parameter log-logistic distribution is introduced. Several distributional properties such as moment-generating function, quantile function, mean residual lifetime, the Renyi and Shanon entropies, and order statistics are considered. The estimation of the model parameters for complete and right-censored cases is investigated competently by maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). A simulation study is conducted to show that these MLEs are consistent in moderate samples. Two real datasets are considered; one is a right-censored data to show that the proposed model has a superior performance over several existing popular models.  相似文献   

For any continuous baseline G distribution, Zografos and Balakrishnan [On families of beta- and generalized gamma-generated distributions and associated inference. Statist Methodol. 2009;6:344–362] introduced the generalized gamma-generated distribution with an extra positive parameter. A new three-parameter continuous model called the gamma-linear failure rate (LFR) distribution, which extends the LFR model, is proposed and studied. Various structural properties of the new distribution are derived, including some explicit expressions for ordinary and incomplete moments, generating function, probability-weighted moments, mean deviations and Rényi and Shannon entropies. We estimate the model parameters by maximum likelihood and obtain the observed information matrix. The new model is modified to cope with possible long-term survivors in lifetime data. We illustrate the usefulness of the proposed model by means of two applications to real data.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the potential usefulness of the three-parameter transmuted generalized exponential distribution for analyzing lifetime data. We compare it with various generalizations of the two-parameter exponential distribution using maximum likelihood estimation. Some mathematical properties of the new extended model including expressions for the quantile and moments are investigated. We propose a location-scale regression model, based on the log-transmuted generalized exponential distribution. Two applications with real data are given to illustrate the proposed family of lifetime distributions.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a modified version of logarithmic series distribution and study some of its properties. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the modified distribution is discussed and the distribution has been fitted to certain real life data sets. Tests are also carried out for justifying the significance of the additional parameter of the modified distribution.  相似文献   

Here we consider an exponentiated version of the reduced Kies distribution and discuss some of its properties. The parameters of the distribution are estimated by the method of maximum likelihood and illustrated with the help of certain real-life data sets. Asymptotic behavior of the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters of the distribution is also studied by using certain simulated data sets.  相似文献   

We introduce a new class of distributions called the Burr XII system of densities with two extra positive parameters. We provide a comprehensive treatment of some of its mathematical properties. We estimate the model parameters by maximum likelihood. We assess the performance of the maximum likelihood estimators in terms of biases and mean squared errors by means of a simulation study. We also introduce a new family of regression models based on this system of densities. The usefulness of the proposed models is illustrated by means of three real data sets.  相似文献   

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