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Summary. Long-transported air pollution in Europe is monitored by a combination of a highly complex mathematical model and a limited number of measurement stations. The model predicts deposition on a 150 km × 150 km square grid covering the whole of the continent. These predictions can be regarded as spatial averages, with some spatially correlated model error. The measurement stations give a limited number of point estimates, regarded as error free. We combine these two sources of data by assuming that both are observations of an underlying true process. This true deposition is made up of a smooth deterministic trend, due to gradual changes in emissions over space and time, and two stochastic components. One is non- stationary and correlated over long distances; the other describes variation within a grid square. Our approach is through hierarchical modelling with predictions and measurements being independent conditioned on the underlying non-stationary true deposition. We assume Gaussian processes and calculate maximum likelihood estimates through numerical optimization. We find that the variation within a grid square is by far the largest component of the variation in the true deposition. We assume that the mathematical model produces estimates of the mean over an area that is approximately equal to a grid square, and we find that it has an error that is similar to the long-range stochastic component of the true deposition, in addition to a large bias.  相似文献   

Bayesian model building techniques are developed for data with a strong time series structure and possibly exogenous explanatory variables that have strong explanatory and predictive power. The emphasis is on finding whether there are any explanatory variables that might be used for modelling if the data have a strong time series structure that should also be included. We use a time series model that is linear in past observations and that can capture both stochastic and deterministic trend, seasonality and serial correlation. We propose the plotting of absolute predictive error against predictive standard deviation. A series of such plots is utilized to determine which of several nested and non-nested models is optimal in terms of minimizing the dispersion of the predictive distribution and restricting predictive outliers. We apply the techniques to modelling monthly counts of fatal road crashes in Australia where economic, consumption and weather variables are available and we find that three such variables should be included in addition to the time series filter. The approach leads to graphical techniques to determine strengths of relationships between the dependent variable and covariates and to detect model inadequacy as well as determining useful numerical summaries.  相似文献   

We extend the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) framework to dynamic panel data models with endogenous regressors using a Limited Information Bayesian Model Averaging (LIBMA) methodology. Monte Carlo simulations confirm the asymptotic performance of our methodology both in BMA and selection, with high posterior inclusion probabilities for all relevant regressors, and parameter estimates very close to their true values. In addition, we illustrate the use of LIBMA by estimating a dynamic gravity model for bilateral trade. Once model uncertainty, dynamics, and endogeneity are accounted for, we find several factors that are robustly correlated with bilateral trade. We also find that applying methodologies that do not account for either dynamics or endogeneity (or both) results in different sets of robust determinants.  相似文献   

The paper first discusses the autoregressive latent trajectory (ALT) model and presents in detail its improved version, the continuous-time autoregressive latent trajectory (CALT) model. Next, serious problems related to the linear components in the ALT and CALT models are dealt with. As an alternative for the linear component, the first-order derivative in a second-order stochastic differential equation model is proposed. This is applied to Marital Satisfaction data, collected in four consecutive years (2002–2005). It is pointed out that the first-order derivative as explanatory variable has none of the problems associated with the linear component.  相似文献   

The Liu estimator has been developed as an alternative to the ordinary least squares estimator in the presence of collinearity among the elements of regressors in linear regression models. We present the DFFITS and different versions of the Cook distance analogous to the ones given for the ordinary linear regression models of each individual observation on the Liu estimates. We suggest a version of the Cook distance based on one-step approximation. The mean shift outlier model for the Liu regression has also been investigated. Moreover, using the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury theorem, we find approximate versions of the DFFITS and the Cook distance. The proposed diagnostics are evaluated on two data sets and yield promising results.  相似文献   

In a classical measurement error model, true regressors. though unknown, vary stochastically around the true level. In inhalation toxicology, environmental epidemiology. and some other problems, the administered dose mav not be completely absorbed into the system, resulting, in a stochastic compliance where the actual dose intake is smaller in magnitude, so the classical measurement error models may not be tenable. We introduce some logistic models tor stochastic compliance of various types incorporating a Btfn compliance distribution The^e compliance-adjusted models are categorized into t hree types: (i) i.ow (or near zero) dose levels, (ii) moderate dose levels, and (iii) high dose levels, resulting in difTeient forms. The buul-T uin method is incorporated to draw statistical conclusions based on BAN estimatois.  相似文献   

This article derives the large-sample distributions of Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests for parameter instability against several alternatives of interest in the context of cointegrated regression models. The fully modified estimator of Phillips and Hansen is extended to cover general models with stochastic and deterministic trends. The test statistics considered include the SupF test of Quandt, as well as the LM tests of Nyblom and of Nabeya and Tanaka. It is found that the asymptotic distributions depend on the nature of the regressor processes—that is, if the regressors are stochastic or deterministic trends. The distributions are noticeably different from the distributions when the data are weakly dependent. It is also found that the lack of cointegration is a special case of the alternative hypothesis considered (an unstable intercept), so the tests proposed here may also be viewed as a test of the null of cointegration against the alternative of no cointegration. The tests are applied to three data sets—an aggregate consumption function, a present value model of stock prices and dividends, and the term structure of interest rates.  相似文献   


In this paper we introduce continuous tree mixture model that is the mixture of undirected graphical models with tree structured graphs and is considered as multivariate analysis with a non parametric approach. We estimate its parameters, the component edge sets and mixture proportions through regularized maximum likalihood procedure. Our new algorithm, which uses expectation maximization algorithm and the modified version of Kruskal algorithm, simultaneosly estimates and prunes the mixture component trees. Simulation studies indicate this method performs better than the alternative Gaussian graphical mixture model. The proposed method is also applied to water-level data set and is compared with the results of Gaussian mixture model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a nonparametric additive regression model suitable for a wide range of time series applications. Our model includes a periodic component, a deterministic time trend, various component functions of stochastic explanatory variables, and an AR(p) error process that accounts for serial correlation in the regression error. We propose an estimation procedure for the nonparametric component functions and the parameters of the error process based on smooth backfitting and quasimaximum likelihood methods. Our theory establishes convergence rates and the asymptotic normality of our estimators. Moreover, we are able to derive an oracle‐type result for the estimators of the AR parameters: Under fairly mild conditions, the limiting distribution of our parameter estimators is the same as when the nonparametric component functions are known. Finally, we illustrate our estimation procedure by applying it to a sample of climate and ozone data collected on the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

In this article, we first introduce an alternative way for construction of the generalized binomial thinning operator with dependent counting series. Some properties of this thinning operator are derived and discussed. Then, by using this thinning operator, we introduce an integer-valued time-series model with geometric marginals. Some conditional and unconditional properties of this model are derived and discussed. Some estimation methods are considered and for some of them, asymptotic properties of the obtained estimates are derived. Performances of the estimates are discussed through some simulations. Finally, a real data example is considered and the goodness-of-fit of this model is compared with the models based on the binomial, negative binomial, and dependent binomial thinning operators.  相似文献   

The job-matching hypothesis implies that the disturbance of the standard-wage equation is correlated with one of the regressors, tenure, causing an overestimation of the effect of tenure on wages. This hypothesis is tested and consistent estimates of wage-equation parameters obtained using the methods of Hausman (1978). The approach treats job-match quality as a component of the disturbance term, and an error-components estimator is compared to a modified fixed-effects estimator. The results reject the hypothesis of no correlation between the disturbance term and tenure, but the estimated value of the tenure effect is contrary to the matching model. Other models that may be consistent with these results are discussed.  相似文献   

侯晓辉  张国平 《统计研究》2007,24(11):80-84
 摘  要:本文应用蒙特卡罗模拟方法,在定义单次模拟程序时,假设数据产生机制是一个超越对数随机前沿生产函数的10模型,由此创造出模拟样本,并用一个超越对数的00模型(scaling-property模型)计算出有关参数、特别是非效率项的估计值。又进一步判定了所得到的估计值和原来10模型中的“真实”非效率项的一致性。研究发现,真实非效率项与从scaling-property模型中计算出来的非效率估计值之间的各种相关系数均为负值。因此,效率秩估计值和“真实”效率秩是不一致的  相似文献   

This paper suggests a new type of mixture regression model, in which each mixture component is explained by its own regressors. Thus, the dependent variable can be driven by one of several unobservable explanatory mechanisms, each of which has its own distinct variables. An extension of the simulated annealing algorithm is introduced to fit this general mixture model. The paper also suggests a new technique for estimating the covariance matrix of estimators in a mixture model. Finally, empirical studies of a labour supply example show that our proposed model can perform much better than conventional logistic or mixture models.  相似文献   

This article provides the large sample distribution of the iterated feasible generalized least-squares (IFGLS) estimator of an augmented dynamic panel data model. The regressors in the model include lagged values of the dependent variable and may include other explanatory variables that, while exogenous with respect to the time-varying error component, may be correlated with an unobserved time-invariant component. The article compares the finite sample properties of the IFGLS estimator to that of GMM estimators using both simulated and real data and finds that the IFGLS estimator compares favorably.  相似文献   

We model the effect of a road safety measure on a set of target sites with a control area for each site, and we suppose that the accident data recorded at each site are classified in different mutually exclusive types. We adopt the before–after technique and we assume that at any one target site the total number of accidents recorded is multinomially distibuted between the periods and types of accidents. In this article, we propose a minorization–majorization (MM) algorithm for obtaining the constrained maximum likelihood estimates of the parameter vector. We compare it with a gradient projection–expectation maximization (GP-EM) algorithm, based on gradient projections. The performance of the algorithms is examined through a simulation study of road safety data.  相似文献   

Time series which have more than one time dependent variable require building an appropriate model in which the variables not only have relationships with each other, but also depend on previous values in time. Based on developments for a sufficient dimension reduction, we investigate a new class of multiple time series models without parametric assumptions. First, for the dependent and independent time series, we simply use a univariate time series central subspace to estimate the autoregressive lags of the series. Secondly, we extract the successive directions to estimate the time series central subspace for regressors which include past lags of dependent and independent series in a mutual information multiple-index time series. Lastly, we estimate a multiple time series model for the reduced directions. In this article, we propose a unified estimation method of minimal dimension using an Akaike information criterion, for situations in which the dimension for multiple regressors is unknown. We present an analysis using real data from the housing price index showing that our approach is an alternative for multiple time series modeling. In addition, we check the accuracy for the multiple time series central subspace method using three simulated data sets.  相似文献   

Stochastic orders are very useful tools to compare the lifetimes of two systems. Optimum lifetime of a series (resp. parallel) system with general standby component(s) depends on the allocation strategy of standby component(s) into the system. Here, we discuss three different models of one or more standby components. In each model, we compare different series (resp. parallel) systems (which are formed through different allocation strategies of standby component(s)) with respect to the usual stochastic order and the stochastic precedence order. The results related to the cold as well as the hot standby models are obtained as particular cases of the results discussed in this article because the model considered here is a general one.  相似文献   

For the analysis of binary data, various deterministic models have been proposed, which are generally simpler to fit and easier to understand than probabilistic models. We claim that corresponding to any deterministic model is an implicit stochastic model in which the deterministic model fits imperfectly, with errors occurring at random. In the context of binary data, we consider a model in which the probability of error depends on the model prediction. We show how to fit this model using a stochastic modification of deterministic optimization schemes.The advantages of fitting the stochastic model explicitly (rather than implicitly, by simply fitting a deterministic model and accepting the occurrence of errors) include quantification of uncertainty in the deterministic model’s parameter estimates, better estimation of the true model error rate, and the ability to check the fit of the model nontrivially. We illustrate this with a simple theoretical example of item response data and with empirical examples from archeology and the psychology of choice.  相似文献   

Asymptotic stmdard errors in the multinomial log it model are derived for efficient estimates of (A) the probability of choosing an alternative , (B) the change in the probability of choosing an alternative given a change in an explanatory variable , (C) the expected response, and (D) the change in the expected response given a change in an explanatory variable. An empirical example illustrates the usefulness of the concepts developed here.  相似文献   

When prediction intervals are constructed using unobserved component models (UCM), problems can arise due to the possible existence of components that may or may not be conditionally heteroscedastic. Accurate coverage depends on correctly identifying the source of the heteroscedasticity. Different proposals for testing heteroscedasticity have been applied to UCM; however, in most cases, these procedures are unable to identify the heteroscedastic component correctly. The main issue is that test statistics are affected by the presence of serial correlation, causing the distribution of the statistic under conditional homoscedasticity to remain unknown. We propose a nonparametric statistic for testing heteroscedasticity based on the well-known Wilcoxon''s rank statistic. We study the asymptotic validation of the statistic and examine bootstrap procedures for approximating its finite sample distribution. Simulation results show an improvement in the size of the homoscedasticity tests and a power that is clearly comparable with the best alternative in the literature. We also apply the test on real inflation data. Looking for the presence of a conditionally heteroscedastic effect on the error terms, we arrive at conclusions that almost all cases are different than those given by the alternative test statistics presented in the literature.  相似文献   

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