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This paper discusses the sensitivity of the sequential normal-based triple sampling procedure for estimating the population mean to departures from normality. We assume that the underlying population has finite absolute sixth moment and find that asymptotically the behavior of the estimator and of the sample size depend on the skewness and kurtosis of the underlying distribution when using a squared error loss function with linear sampling cost. These results enable the effects of non-normality easily to be assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. We supplement our asymptotic results with a simulation experiment to study the performance of the estimator and the sample size in a range of conditions.  相似文献   


In this work, we proposed an adaptive multivariate cumulative sum (CUSUM) statistical process control chart for signaling a range of location shifts. This method was based on the multivariate CUSUM control chart proposed by Pignatiello and Runger (1990 Pignatiello, J.J., Runger, G.C. (1990). Comparisons of multivariate CUSUM charts. J. Qual. Technol. 22(3):173186.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), but we adopted the adaptive approach similar to that discussed by Dai et al. (2011 Dai, Y., Luo, Y., Li, Z., Wang, Z. (2011). A new adaptive CUSUM control chart for detecting the multivariate process mean. Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int. 27(7):877884.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), which was based on a different CUSUM method introduced by Crosier (1988 Crosier, R.B. (1988). Multivariate generalizations of cumulative sum quality-control schemes. Technometrics 30(3):291303.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The reference value in this proposed procedure was changed adaptively in each run, with the current mean shift estimated by exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) statistic. By specifying the minimal magnitude of the mean shift, our proposed control chart achieved a good overall performance for detecting a range of shifts rather than a single value. We compared our adaptive multivariate CUSUM method with that of Dai et al. (2001 Dai, Y., Luo, Y., Li, Z., Wang, Z. (2011). A new adaptive CUSUM control chart for detecting the multivariate process mean. Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int. 27(7):877884.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the non adaptive versions of these two methods, by evaluating both the steady state and zero state average run length (ARL) values. The detection efficiency of our method showed improvements over the comparative methods when the location shift is unknown but falls within an expected range.  相似文献   

Phase I of control analysis requires large amount of data to fit a distribution and estimate the corresponding parameters of the process under study. However, when only individual observations are available, and no a priori knowledge exists, the presence of outliers can bias the analysis. A relatively recent and successful approach to address this situation is Tukey's Control Chart (TCC), a charting method that applies the Box Plot technique to estimate the control limits. This procedure has proven to be effective for symmetric distributions. However, when skewness is present the average run length performance diminishes significantly. This article proposes a modified version of TCC to consider skewness with minimum assumptions on the underlying distribution of observations. Using theoretical results and Monte Carlo simulation, the modified TCC is tested over several distributions proving a better representation of skewed populations, even in cases when only a limited number of observations are available.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new family of asymmetric distributions, which depends on two parameters namely, α and β, and in the special case where β = 0, the skew-normal (SN) distribution considered by Azzallini [Azzalini, A., 1985, A class of distributions which includes the normal ones. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 12, 171–178.] is obtained. Basic properties such as a stochastic representation and the derivation of maximum likelihood and moment estimators are studied. The asymptotic behaviour of both types of estimators is also investigated. Results of a small-scale simulation study is provided illustrating the usefulness of the new model. An application to a real data set is reported showing that it can present better fit than the SN distribution.  相似文献   


The effect of parameters estimation on profile monitoring methods has only been studied by a few researchers and only the assumption of a normal response variable has been tackled. However, in some practical situation, the normality assumption is violated and the response variable follows a discrete distribution such as Poisson. In this paper, we evaluate the effect of parameters estimation on the Phase II monitoring of Poisson regression profiles by considering two control charts, namely the Hotelling’s T2 and the multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) charts. Simulation studies in terms of the average run length (ARL) and the standard deviation of the run length (SDRL) are carried out to assess the effect of estimated parameters on the performance of Phase II monitoring approaches. The results reveal that both in-control and out-of-control performances of these charts are adversely affected when the regression parameters are estimated.  相似文献   


In this article we propose three distribution-free (or nonparametric) statistical quality control charts for monitoring a process center when an in-control target center is not specified. These charts are of the Shewhart-type, the exponentially moving average-type, and the cumulative sum-type. The constructions of the proposed charts require the availability of an initial reference sample taken when the process was operating in-control to calculate an estimator for the unknown in-control target process center. This estimated center is then used in the calculation of signed-rank-like statistics based on grouped observations taken periodically from the process output. As long as the in-control process underlying distribution is continuous and symmetric, the proposed charts have a constant in-control average run length and a constant false alarm rate irrespective of the process underlying distribution. Other advantages of the proposed distribution-free charts include their robustness against outliers and their superior efficiency over the traditional normal-based control charts when applied to processes with moderate- or heavy-tailed underlying distributions, such as the double exponential or the Cauchy distributions.  相似文献   

A new control chart is proposed by using the belief statistic for the exponential distribution. The structure of the proposed control chart is given to measure the average run length for the shifted process. The comparison of the proposed chart is given with the existing charts in terms of the average run lengths, which shows the outperformance of the proposed chart. The performance of the proposed control chart is also discussed with the help of simulated data.  相似文献   


The EWMA control chart is used to detect small shifts in a process. It has been shown that, for certain values of the smoothing parameter, the EWMA chart for the mean is robust to non normality. In this article, we examine the case of non normality in the EWMA charts for the dispersion. It is shown that we can have an EWMA chart for dispersion robust to non normality when non normality is not extreme.  相似文献   

The von Mises distribution is widely used for modeling angular data. When such data are seen in a quality control setting, there may be interest in checking whether the values are in statistical control or have gone out of control. A cumulative sum (cusum) control chart has desirable properties for checking whether the distribution has changed from an in-control to an out-of-control setting. This paper develops cusums for a change in the mean direction and concentration of angular data and illustrates some of their properties.  相似文献   

A control chart is an ever-popular tool for monitoring the production process. The early detection of a process shift, if any, is the desire of the quality control personnel. In this article, an effective alternative control charting procedure has been developed for the monitoring of exponentially distributed quality characteristic using the double moving average combined with EWMA statistic. The performance of the proposed control chart is examined for different combinations of the shift constant, the EWMA smoothing parameter, the moving average span, and the target in-control average run lengths. It has been observed that the proposed control chart is more efficient in the detection of process shifts as compared to control chart suggested by Khoo and Wang for the same purpose. The proposed control chart is illustrated for practical usage with the help of a synthetic and a real dataset.  相似文献   

This paper (i) discusses theR-chart with asymmetric probability control limits under the assumption that the distribution of the quality characteristic under study is either exponential, Laplace, or logistic, (ii) examines the effect of the estimated probability limits on the performance of theR-chart, and (iii) obtains the desired probability limits of theR-chart that has a specified false alarm rate when probability limits must be estimated from preliminary samples taken from either the exponential, Laplace, or logistic processes.  相似文献   

In batch processing, the Three-Way control chart has been offered for controlling the mean of a process when the batch-to-batch variation is much greater than the within-batch variation. These two sources of variation are typically monitored along with usual batch sample means. Although the Three-Way chart was originally developed for normally distributed process data, its robustness to violations of the normality assumption is the central theme of this study. For data streams with heavy tails or displaying skewness, the in-control average run lengths (ARLs) for the Three-Way chart are seen to be significantly shorter than expected. On the other hand, out-of-control ARLs are much longer than the normal theory benchmarks for symmetric non-normal distributions. The Three-Way chart is not robust to moderate or strong skewness.  相似文献   


The MaxEWMA chart has recently been introduced as an improvement over the standard EWMA chart for detecting changes in the mean and/or standard deviation of a normally distributed process. Although this chart was originally developed for normally distributed process data, its robustness to violations of the normality assumption is the central theme of this study. For data distributions with heavy tails or displaying strong skewness, the in-control average run lengths (ARLs) for the MaxEWMA chart are shown to be significantly shorter than expected. On the other hand, out-of-control ARLs are comparable to normal theory values for a variety of symmetric non-normal distributions. The MaxEWMA chart is not robust to skewness.  相似文献   

In a process, the deviation from location or scale parameters affects the quality of the process and waste resources. So it is essential to monitor such processes for possible changes due to any assignable causes. Control charts are the most famous tool used to meet this intention. It is useless to monitor process location until the assurance that process dispersion is in-control. This study proposes some new two-sided memory control charts named as progressive variance (PV) control charts which are based on sample variance to monitor changes in process dispersion assuming normality of quality characteristic to be monitored. Simulation studies are made, and an example is discussed to evaluate the performance of the proposed charts. The comparison of the proposed chart is made with exponentially weighted moving average- and cumulative sum-type charts for process dispersion. The study shows that performance of the proposed charts are uniformly better than its competitors for detecting positive shifts while for detecting negative shift in the variance their performance is better for small shifts and reasonably good for moderated shifts.  相似文献   

A control chart for monitoring process variation by using multiple dependent state (MDS) sampling is constructed in the present article. The operational formulas for in-control and out-of-control average run lengths (ARLs) are derived. Control constants are established by considering the target in-control ARL at a normal process. The extensive ARL tables are reported for various parameters and shifted values of process parameters. The performance of the proposed control chart has been evaluated with several existing charts in regard of ARLs, which empowered the presented chart and proved far better for timely detection of assignable causes. The application of the proposed concept is illustrated with a real-life industrial example and a simulation-based study to elaborate strength of the proposed chart over the existing concepts.  相似文献   


Recently considerable research has been devoted to monitoring increases of incidence rate of adverse rare events. This paper extends some one-sided upper exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts from monitoring normal means to monitoring Poisson rate when sample sizes are varying over time. The approximated average run length bounds are derived for these EWMA-type charts and compared with the EWMA chart previously studied. Extensive simulations have been conducted to compare the performance of these EWMA-type charts. An illustrative example is given.  相似文献   

Control charts designed for the properties of non conformities, also called p control charts, are powerful tools used for monitoring a performance of the fraction of non conforming units. Constructing a p chart is often based on the assumption that the in-control proportion of non conforming items (p 0) is known. In practice, the value of p 0 is rarely known and is frequently replaced by an estimate from an in-control reference sample in Phase I. This article investigates the effects of sample sizes in both Phase I and Phase II on the performance of p control charts. The conditional and marginal run length distributions are derived and the corresponding numerical studies are conducted. Moreover, the minimal sample sizes required in Phases I and II to ensure adequate statistical performance are proposed when p 0 = 0.1 and 0.005.  相似文献   

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