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Scheike and Zhang [An additive-multiplicative Cox-Aalen regression model. Scand J Stat. 2002;29:75–88] proposed a flexible additive-multiplicative hazard model, called the Cox-Aalen model, by replacing the baseline hazard function in the well-known Cox model with a covariate-dependent Aalen model, which allows for both fixed and dynamic covariate effects. In this paper, based on left-truncated and mixed interval-censored (LT-MIC) data, we consider maximum likelihood estimation for the Cox-Aalen model with fixed covariates. We propose expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms for obtaining the conditional maximum likelihood estimators (cMLE) of the regression coefficients for the Cox-Aalen model. We establish the consistency of the cMLE. Numerical studies show that estimation via the EM algorithms performs well.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of fitting a heteroscedastic median regression model from left-truncated and interval-censored data. It is demonstrated that the adapted Efron’s self-consistency equation of McKeague, Subramanian, and Sun (2001) can be extended to analyze left-truncated and interval-censored data. The asymptotic property of the proposed estimator is established. We evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators through simulation studies.  相似文献   

This paper considers the estimation of the regression coefficients in the Cox proportional hazards model with left-truncated and interval-censored data. Using the approaches of Pan [A multiple imputation approach to Cox regression with interval-censored data, Biometrics 56 (2000), pp. 199–203] and Heller [Proportional hazards regression with interval censored data using an inverse probability weight, Lifetime Data Anal. 17 (2011), pp. 373–385], we propose two estimates of the regression coefficients. The first estimate is based on a multiple imputation methodology. The second estimate uses an inverse probability weight to select event time pairs where the ordering is unambiguous. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed estimators. The proposed methods are illustrated using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) Blood Transfusion Data.  相似文献   

This paper considers two-sample nonparametric comparison of survival function when data are subject to left truncation and interval censoring. We propose a class of rank-based tests, which are generalization of weighted log-rank tests for right-censored data. Simulation studies indicate that the proposed tests are appropriate for practical use.  相似文献   

Quantile regression methods have been used to estimate upper and lower quantile reference curves as the function of several covariates. In this article, it is demonstrated that the estimating equation of Zhou [A weighted quantile regression for randomly truncated data, Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 55 (2011), pp. 554–566.] can be extended to analyse left-truncated and right-censored data. We evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators through simulation studies. The proposed estimator β?(q) is applied to the Veteran's Administration lung cancer data reported by Prentice [Exponential survival with censoring and explanatory variables, Biometrika 60 (1973), pp. 279–288].  相似文献   

Failure time data occur in many areas and in various censoring forms and many models have been proposed for their regression analysis such as the proportional hazards model and the proportional odds model. Another choice that has been discussed in the literature is a general class of semiparmetric transformation models, which include the two models above and many others as special cases. In this paper, we consider this class of models when one faces a general type of censored data, case K informatively interval-censored data, for which there does not seem to exist an established inference procedure. For the problem, we present a two-step estimation procedure that is quite flexible and can be easily implemented, and the consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators of regression parameters are established. In addition, an extensive simulation study is conducted and suggests that the proposed procedure works well for practical situations. An application is also provided.  相似文献   

This paper discusses regression analysis of doubly censored failure time data when there may exist a cured subgroup. By doubly censored data, we mean that the failure time of interest denotes the elapsed time between two related events and the observations on both event times can suffer censoring (Sun in The statistical analysis of interval-censored failure time data. Springer, New York, 2006). One typical example of such data is given by an acquired immune deficiency syndrome cohort study. Although many methods have been developed for their analysis (De Gruttola and Lagakos in Biometrics 45:1–12, 1989; Sun et al. in Biometrics 55:909–914, 1999; 60:637–643, 2004; Pan in Biometrics 57:1245–1250, 2001), it does not seem to exist an established method for the situation with a cured subgroup. This paper discusses this later problem and presents a sieve approximation maximum likelihood approach. In addition, the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established and an extensive simulation study indicates that the method seems to work well for practical situations. An application is also provided.  相似文献   

Left-truncated and right-censored (LTRC) data are encountered frequently due to a prevalent cohort sampling in follow-up studies. Because of the skewness of the distribution of survival time, quantile regression is a useful alternative to the Cox's proportional hazards model and the accelerated failure time model for survival analysis. In this paper, we apply the quantile regression model to LTRC data and develops an unbiased estimating equation for regression coefficients. The proposed estimation methods use the inverse probabilities of truncation and censoring weighting technique. The resulting estimator is uniformly consistent and asymptotically normal. The finite-sample performance of the proposed estimation methods is also evaluated using extensive simulation studies. Finally, analysis of real data is presented to illustrate our proposed estimation methods.  相似文献   


Gandy and Jensen (2005 Gandy, A., Jensen, U. (2005). On goodness-of-fit tests for Aalen's additive risk model. Scan. J. Stat. 32:425445.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposed goodness-of-fit tests for Aalen's additive risk model. In this article, we demonstrate that the approach of Gandy and Jensen (2005 Gandy, A., Jensen, U. (2005). On goodness-of-fit tests for Aalen's additive risk model. Scan. J. Stat. 32:425445.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) can be applied to left-truncated right-censored (LTRC) data and doubly censored data. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed tests. The proposed tests are illustrated using heart transplant data.  相似文献   

Interval censoring appears when the event of interest is only known to have occurred within a random time interval. Estimation and hypothesis testing procedures for interval-censored data are surveyed. We distinguish between frequentist and Bayesian approaches. Computational aspects for every proposed method are described and solutions with S-Plus, whenever are feasible, are mentioned. Three real data sets are analyzed.  相似文献   

We study the problem of fitting a heteroscedastic median regression model from left-truncated and right-censored data. It is demonstrated that the adapted Efron's self-consistency equation of McKeague et al. (2001) can be extended to analyze left-truncated and right-censored data. We evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators through simulation studies.  相似文献   


We present here an extension of Pan's multiple imputation approach to Cox regression in the setting of interval-censored competing risks data. The idea is to convert interval-censored data into multiple sets of complete or right-censored data and to use partial likelihood methods to analyse them. The process is iterated, and at each step, the coefficient of interest, its variance–covariance matrix, and the baseline cumulative incidence function are updated from multiple posterior estimates derived from the Fine and Gray sub-distribution hazards regression given augmented data. Through simulation of patients at risks of failure from two causes, and following a prescheduled programme allowing for informative interval-censoring mechanisms, we show that the proposed method results in more accurate coefficient estimates as compared to the simple imputation approach. We have implemented the method in the MIICD R package, available on the CRAN website.  相似文献   


Failure time data occur in many areas and also in various forms and in particular, many authors have discussed regression analysis of failure time data in the presence of interval censoring, a cured subgroup or mismeasured covariates. However, it does not seem to exist an established procedure that can deal with all three issues together. Corresponding to this, we propose a sieve maximum likelihood estimation procedure that takes into account all three issues with the use of the SIMEX algorithm. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established, and an extensive simulation study is also conducted and suggests that the proposed method works well for practical situations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new semiparametric heteroscedastic regression model allowing for positive and negative skewness and bimodal shapes using the B-spline basis for nonlinear effects. The proposed distribution is based on the generalized additive models for location, scale and shape framework in order to model any or all parameters of the distribution using parametric linear and/or nonparametric smooth functions of explanatory variables. We motivate the new model by means of Monte Carlo simulations, thus ignoring the skewness and bimodality of the random errors in semiparametric regression models, which may introduce biases on the parameter estimates and/or on the estimation of the associated variability measures. An iterative estimation process and some diagnostic methods are investigated. Applications to two real data sets are presented and the method is compared to the usual regression methods.  相似文献   

In presence of interval-censored data, we propose a general three-state disease model with covariates. Such data can arise, for example, in epidemiologic studies of infectious disease where both the times of infection and disease onset are not directly observed, or in cancer studies where the time of disease metastasis is known up to a specified interval. The proposed model allows the distributions of the transition times between states to depend on covariates and the time in the previous state. An estimation procedure for the underlying distributions and the model coefficients is suggested with the EM algorithm. The EMS algorithm (Smoothed EM algorithm) is also considered to obtain smooth estimates of the distributions. The proposed method is illustrated with data from an AIDS study and a study of patients with malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the variable selection for the semiparametric regression model with longitudinal data when some covariates are measured with errors. A new bias-corrected variable selection procedure is proposed based on the combination of the quadratic inference functions and shrinkage estimations. With appropriate selection of the tuning parameters, we establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators. Extensive Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite sample performance of the proposed variable selection procedure. We further illustrate the proposed procedure with an application.  相似文献   

Jammalamadaka and Mangalam introduced middle censoring which refers to data arising in situations, where the exact lifetime becomes unobservable if it falls within a random censoring interval. In the present article, we propose an additive risks regression model for a lifetime data subject to middle censoring, where the lifetimes are assumed to follow exponentiated exponential distribution. The regression parameters are estimated using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Asymptotic normality of the estimator is proposed. We report a simulation study to assess the finite sample properties of the estimator. We then analyze a real-life data on survival times of larynx cancer patients studied by Karduan.  相似文献   

Merger and acquisition is an important corporate strategy. We collect recent merger and acquisition data for companies on the China A-share stock market to explore the relationship between corporate ownership structure and speed of merger success. When studying merger success, selection bias occurs if only completed mergers are analyzed. There is also a censoring problem when duration time is used to measure the speed. In this article, for time-to-event outcomes, we propose a semiparametric version of the type II Tobit model that can simultaneously handle selection bias and right censoring. The proposed model can also easily incorporate time-dependent covariates. A nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator is proposed. The resulting estimators are shown to be consistent, asymptotically normal, and semiparametrically efficient. Some Monte Carlo studies are carried out to assess the finite-sample performance of the proposed approach. Using the proposed model, we find that higher power balance of a company is associated with faster merger success.  相似文献   

The interval-censored survival data appear very frequently, where the event of interest is not observed exactly but it is only known to occur within some time interval. In this paper, we propose a location-scale regression model based on the log-generalized gamma distribution for modelling interval-censored data. We shall be concerned only with parametric forms. The proposed model for interval-censored data represents a parametric family of models that has, as special submodels, other regression models which are broadly used in lifetime data analysis. Assuming interval-censored data, we consider a frequentist analysis, a Jackknife estimator and a non-parametric bootstrap for the model parameters. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some techniques to perform global influence.  相似文献   

In transplant studies, the patients must survive long enough to receive a transplant, which induces left-truncation. The assumption of independence between failure and truncation times may not hold since a longer transplant waiting time can be associated with a worse survivorship. To take dependence into consideration, we utilize a semiparametric transformation model, where the truncation time is both a truncated variable and a predictor of the time to failure. Using the inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) approach, we propose an IPW estimator of the marginal distribution of waiting time. Simulation studies are conducted to investigate finite sample performance of the proposed estimator. We also apply our methods to bone marrow and heart transplant data.  相似文献   

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